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Captain Fizz - Manual-ENG | Captive - Manual-FR | Carl Lewis Challenge - Manual-ENG |
Carl Lewis Challenge - Manual-FR | Carnage - Manual-DE | Carnage - Manual-DE-ENG |
Carnage - Manual-PL | Carrier Command - Manual-ENG | Carrier Command Operations Guide - Manual-ENG |
Carthage - Manual-DE-ENG-FR-IT | Cartoon Collection - Manual-ENG | Case of the Cautious Condor (CDTV) - Manual-ENG |
Castle Master - Manual-DE-ENG-FR-IT | Castle Master Manual-DE-ENG-FR-IT | Castle of Dr. Brain - Manual-ENG |
Castles 2 - Siege and Conquest (CD32) - Manual-ENG | CaveMania - Manual-ENG | Cedric and the lost Sceptre - Manual-DE |
Cedric and the lost Sceptre - Manual-ENG | Celica GT Rally - Manual-DE-ENG-FR-IT | Celtic Legends - Manual-DE-FR |
Centurion - Defender of Rome - Manual-DE | Centurion - Defender of Rome - Manual-FR | Challanger - Manual-DE |
Challanger - Manual-ENG | Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess - Manual-ENG | Chambers of Shaolin - Manual-DE |
Chambers of Shaolin - Manual-ENG-FR | Chambers of Shaolin (CD32) - Manual-DE-ENG-FR-IT | Champions of Krynn - Clue Book-ENG |
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