2750 -
931 -
1734 -
79382 plików
271,69 GB
1-ADS | Advanced Fruit Machine - Alien Storm | Alien Syndrome - Apidya |
Apidya - Asterix Operation | Astra Pack - BadLands | Badlands Pete - Battle Chess |
Battle Isle - Better dead than Alien | Beverly Hills Cop - Black Viper | Blade Warrior - Bratacas |
Bravo Romeo Delta - Bundesliga Manager Professional | Bundesliga Manager Professional - Captain Fizz | Captain Fizz - Champions of Krynn |
Champions of Krynn - Classic Invaders | Clever and Smart - Cool World | Corporation - Cyber Empires |
Cyber Kick - D-Day | Death Knights of Krynn - Desert Strike | Detroit - Dogs of War |
Domination - Dune 2 | Dune 2 - Elixir of Life | Elvira - Evil's Doom |
Exile - F-29 Retaliator | F-A 18 Interceptor - Fighter Duel Pro 2 | Fightin Spirit - Flood |
Fly Harder - Future Wars | Future Wars - Giganoid | Gladiators - Golden Path |
Golden Path - Halls of Montezuma | Hammer Boy - Hillsfar | Hillsfar - Hunt for Red October II |
Hunter Killer - International Golf | International Ice Hockey - James Pond 3 | Jeanne D'Arc - Karate King |
Kelly X - Kings Quest 6 | Klax - Leavin' Teramis | Legend (Mindscape) - Les Voyageurs Du Temps |
Lethal Weapon - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challange | Lotus III - Master Mix | Matrix Marauders - Microcosm (CD32) |
MicroProse Soccer - Mortal Kombat | Mortville Manor - New York Warriors | Nick Faldos Championship Golf - Odyssey |
Ogre - Overdrive | Overdrive - Phantasie III | Phantom Fighter - Pizza Connection |
Plan 9 From Outer Space - Populous 2 | Populous 2 - Pro Powerboat | Pro Tennis Simulator - Raffles |
Railroad Tycoon - Rick Dangerous | Rick Dangerous - Rolling Ronny | Romantic Encounters at the Dome - Sensible World of Soccer |
Sensible World of Soccer '96-'97 - Sim Earth | Simon the Sorcerer - Soccer Kid | Soccer Star World Cup Edition - Speedbal |
Speedball 2 - Star Wars | Star-Blaze - Strip Poker II | Strip Poker II+ - Super Space Invaders |
Super Stardust - Team Yankee | Team Yankee (CDTV) - The Adventures of Willy Beamish | The Amazing Spiderman - The Kristal |
The Kristal - The Seven Gates of Jambala | The Seven Gates of Jambala - Titanic Blinky | Titus the Fox - Treasure Island Dizzy |
Treasures of the Savage Frontier - U.S.S. John Young | UFO Enemy Unknown - Videokid | Vikings - Wayne Gretzky Hockey II |
Ween - Wing Commander | Wings - Worms (CD32) | Wrath of the Demon - Zool 2 |
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