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Su verdadero nombre era David Henry Swim, y nació en San Francisco, California. Kirkland inició su carrera cinematográfica como actor, actuando en On the Desert's Edge, un western escrito y producido en 1911 por Broncho Billy Anderson para Essanay Studios en Chicago.
En 1913, Kirkland pasó a la dirección, realizando a lo largo de su carrera cuarenta y cinco películas. También fue guionista, firmando una docena de guiones. Además, su nombre aparece como productor de un único film.
David Kirkland falleció en 1964 en Los Ángeles, California. wiki
Director (45 credits)
1937 El impostor
1934 Pecados de amor
1932 Alma de México
1931 Flying Lariats
1931 Riders of the Cactus
1928 The Candy Kid
1927 The Gingham Girl
1927 Yours to Command
1927 Uneasy Payments
1926 A Regular Scout
1926 The Two-Gun Man
1926 Hands Across the Border
1926 The Tough Guy
1925 The Smash-Up (Short)
1925 All Around Frying Pan
1925 Who Cares
1924 The Tomboy
1924 For Another Woman
1923 The Barefoot Boy
1921 The Rowdy
1920 The Perfect Woman
1920 The Love Expert
1920 In Search of a Sinner
1920 Nothing But the Truth
1919 A Virtuous Vamp
1919 A Temperamental Wife
1918 Her Husband's Wife (Short)
1918 A Self-Made Lady (Short)
1917 A Milk-Fed Vamp (Short)
1916 Shooting His 'Art Out (Short)
1916 The Woman Who Followed Me (Short)
1916 The Crippled Hand
1916 The Winning of Miss Construe (Short)
1915 The Curse of a Name (Short)
1915 The Butler's Busted Romance (Short)
1915 Viewing Sherman Institute for Indians at Riverside (Documentary short)
1915 Ambrose's Little Hatchet (Short)
1915 Willful Ambrose (Short)
1915 Ye Olden Grafter (Short)
1914 In and Out (Short)
1914 At Three O'Clock (Short)
1914 Dan Cupid: Assayer (Short) (unconfirmed)
1913 A Snakeville Courtship (Short)
1913 That Pair from Thespia (Short)
1913 Children of the Forest (Short)
Enlaces completados:
OK The Love Expert (David Kirkland, 1920)
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