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Nacido en Londres, era hijo de Sir Wilfred Eady. Sus películas incluyen documentales, dramas (a menudo series B) y películas para niños.
Recibió una nominación al BAFTA por su cortometraje Play Safe (1978), y se le otorgó una nominación al Oscar por el corto que codirigió con Geoffrey Boothby, Puente del tiempo (1950). wiki
Director (55 credits)
1981 A Town Called Charlie (Documentary short)
1981 Mind Your Own Business (Short)
1980 Danger on Dartmoor
1978 Play Safe (Short)
1976 Crime Casebook (Short)
1976 Once Upon a Classic (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Night Ferry (1976)
1974-1975 CBS Children's Film Festival (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- Where's Johnny? (1975)
- Anoop and the Elephant (1974)
1975 The Hostages
1974 Where's Johnny?
1973 Anything Can Happen (Documentary short)
1973 David Dimbleby Looks at the BP Tanker Company (Documentary)
1972 Anoop and the Elephant
1972 Hide and Seek
1971 Betcher! (Short)
1970 Scramble
1968 Look at Life: Throwaway Society (Documentary short)
1968 Men for Tomorrow (Documentary short)
1966 Operation Third Form
1964 El Santo (TV Series) (1 episode)
- The Hi-Jackers (1964)
1964 Edgar Wallace (TV Series) (1 episode)
- The Verdict (1964)
1962 The Pursuers (TV Series) (1 episode)
- The Truck (1962)
1960 Faces in the Dark
1959 In the Wake of a Stranger
1959 The Crowning Touch
1959 The Man Who Liked Funerals
1957 Zoo Baby
1957 The Heart Within
1956 ITV Television Playhouse (TV Series) (1 episode)
- The Speed Kid (1956)
1955-1956 The Ambermere Treasure (TV Series) (6 episodes)
1955 File on Voronov (TV Movie)
1955 Tres casos de asesinato (segment "You Killed Elizabeth")
1950 Bridge of Time (Short)
Enlaces completados:
OK Three Cases of Murder (VV. DD., 1955)
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4 plików
1,47 GB