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Nacido en Providence, Rhode Island, su nombre completo era Gilbert Walker Pratt. Pratt inició su carrera cinematográfica como actor de carácter, pasando pronto a la dirección, trabajando para Kalem Company y para Hal Roach. En los años 1920 sumó a su actividad la de guionista, escribiendo gags para Al Christie en Vitagraph y para Mack Sennett. Con la llegada del cine sonoro, Pratt pasó a redactar guiones de cintas dramáticas, con algunas incursiones en el género de la comedia.
Gilbert Pratt falleció en 1954 en Los Ángeles, California, a los 62 años de edad. wiki
Director (94 credits)
1938 Los alegres vividores (director of retakes, uncredited)
1937 Boys Will Be Girls
1934 Elmer and Elsie
1933 L'amour guide
1932 Sealskins (Short)
1931 Hasty Marriage (Short)
1930 Camera Shy (Short)
1929 His Baby Daze (Short)
1929 Going Ga-Ga (Short) (uncredited)
1927 Campus Romeos (Short)
1927 How High Is Up? (Short)
1927 What Price Dough (Short)
1927 Heavy Hikers (Short)
1927 You're Next (Short) (as Gil Prat)
1927 Smith's Surprise (Short)
1927 Old Tin Sides (Short)
1927 The Unsocial Three (Short)
1927 Three Glad Men (Short)
1926 Smith's Uncle (Short)
1926 A Harem Knight (Short)
1926 Smith's Visitor (Short)
1926 The Heavy Parade (Short)
1926 Fight Night (Short)
1926 Hayfoot, Strawfoot? (Short)
1925 Whispering Lions (Short)
1925 Are Parents Pickles? (Short)
1925 Keep Smiling (as Gilbert W. Pratt)
1925 Don't Tell Dad (Short)
1925 Love Goofy (Short)
1925 Sea Legs (Short)
1924 Court Plaster (Short)
1924 Grandpa's Girl (Short)
1924 Cornfed (Short)
1924 Lonesome (Short)
1924 Laughing Gas (Short)
1924 Paris Lights (Short)
1924 Some Nurse (Short)
1923 One Dark Night (Short)
1923 Mark It Paid (Short)
1923 Three Cheers (Short)
1923 Simple Sadie (Short)
1923 The Sleepwalker (Short)
1923 Rolling Home (Short)
1923 The Optimist (Short)
1922 Mud and Sand (Short)
1922 A Bully Pair (Short)
1922 The Egg (Short)
1922 All Balled Up (Short)
1922 A Studio Rube (Short)
1922 Gee Whiskers (Short)
1922 His Inheritance Taxi (Short)
1922 Straight from the Farm (Short)
1921 Fool Days (Short)
1921 Fresh Air (Short)
1921 Squirrel Food (Short)
1921 Fast and Furious (Short)
1921 Peaceful Alley (Short)
1921 Bride and Gloom (Short)
1921 High & Dry (Short)
1921 In Again, Out Again (Short)
1920 A Close Shave (Short)
1920 Dynamite (Short)
1920 Knights and Knighties (Short)
1920 Throbs and Thrills (Short)
1919 Rubes and Robbers (Short)
1919 Caves and Coquettes (Short)
1919 Vamps and Variety (Short)
1919 Zip and Zest (Short)
1919 Flips and Flops (Short)
1919 Harems and Hookum (Short)
1919 Girlies and Grubbers (Short)
1919 Damsels and Dandies (Short)
1919 Love and Lather (Short)
1919 Going! Going! Gone! (Short)
1919 Wanted - $5,000 (Short)
1918 Bums and Boarders (Short)
1918 Farms and Fumbles (Short)
1918 Hear 'Em Rave (Short)
1918 Bees in His Bonnet (Short)
1918 Two Scrambled (Short)
1918 That's Him (Short)
1918 Are Crooks Dishonest? (Short)
1918 Sic 'Em, Towser (Short)
1918 The City Slicker (Short)
1918 The Non-Stop Kid (Short)
1918 It's a Wild Life (Short)
1918 A One Night Stand (Short)
1918 Beat It (Short)
1918 Hit Him Again (Short)
1918 The Lamb (Short)
1918 The Tip (Short)
1917 The Big Idea (Short)
1917 Move On (Short)
1917 Pinched (Short)
Enlaces completados:
OK Are Crooks Dishonest (Gil Pratt, 1918)
OK Mud and Sand (Gilbert Pratt,1922)
OK The Egg (Gilbert Pratt, 1922)
OK The Non-Stop Kid (Gilbert Pratt, 1918)
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