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He worked under Auguste and Louis Lumière, before serving as the head of production for the Italian film studio Cines. But he is best remembered for his work at Pathé, where he was hired to produce trick films that might rival those of his contemporary, Georges Méliès, including classic shorts like Burglars at Work (1904). Some films pioneered lasting techniques, such as his Les Invisibles (1906) – the first known invisible man film.
Velle also created some of the first féerie films, such as tit-for-tat (1906). Additionally, Velle collaborated with other directors such as Segundo de Chomon and Ferdinand Zecca to create such silent film classics as the Moon Lover (1905), the Raja's Casket (1906), and the Hen that Laid the Golden Egg (1905), the latter of which was featured in the 1997 Martin Scorsese film, Kundun.
Velle mysteriously retired from film production in 1913, and little is known about the last several decades of his life. Still, Velle remained part of a prominent cinematic family. Most notably, his son Maurice Velle, a Parisian cinematographer, had a family with screenwriter Mary Murillo. wiki
Director (85 credits)
1913 La nuit rouge (Short)
1911 Fafarifla ou le fifre magique (Short)
1911 L'armure de feu (Short)
1911 Le cauchemar de Pierrot (Short)
1910 Le charme des fleurs (Short)
1910 Le fruit défendu (Short)
1910 Isis (Short)
1910 Au temps des pharaons (Short)
1910 Cagliostro, aventurier, chimiste et magicien (Short)
1910 L'oracle des demoiselles (Short)
1910 La rose d'or (Short)
1910 Rêve d'art (Short)
1908 Dopo un veglione (Short)
1908 I conigli del dottore (Short)
1908 La confessione per telefono (Short)
1908 La prima notte (Short)
1908 Le avventure di Pulcinella (Short)
1908 Lo spettro (Short)
1908 Pranzo provvidenziale (Short)
1908 Triplice convegno (Short)
1908 Un diable au pensionnat (Short)
1907 Le secret de l'horloger (Short)
1907 Le petit prestidigitateur (Short)
1907 Patto infernale (Short)
1907 Nel paese dei sogni (Short)
1907 Petit Jules Verne (Short)
1907 Le faune (Short)
1907 Artista e pasticcere (Short)
1907 La gitana (Short)
1907 La pila elettrica (Short)
1907 Il piccolo Fregoli (Short)
1907 La figlia del cenciaiolo (Short)
1907 Primavera senza sole (Short)
1907 Triste giovinezza (Short)
1907 Un moderno Sansone (Short)
1907 Il delitto del magistrato (Short)
1906 Cuore e patria (Short)
1906 El hada de las palomas (Short) (co-director)
1906 Il triplice appuntamento (Documentary short)
1906 Les victimes de la foudre (Short)
1906 Il Bazar di Natale (Short)
1906 Otello (Short)
1906 Onore rusticano (Short)
1906 Il pompiere di servizio (Short)
1906 Le ore di una mondana (Short)
1906 Il ratto di una sposa in bicicletta (Short)
1906 Il dessert di Lulù (Short)
1906 L'organetto misterioso (Short)
1906 Voyage autour d'une étoile (Short)
1906 Bicyclette présentée en liberté (Short)
1906 Nozze tragiche (Short)
1906 L'écrin du rajah (Short)
1906 Les fleurs animées (Short)
1906 Les invisibles (Short)
1906 Le garde fantôme (Short)
1906 La peine du talion (Short)
1906 Les effets de la foudre (Short)
1906 Quaranta gradi all'ombra (Short)
1905 Coiffes et coiffures (Short)
1905 John Higgins, le roi des sauteurs (Short)
1905 La valse au plafond (Short)
1905 Un drame en mer (Short)
1905 La poule aux oeufs d'or (Short)
1905 Sidney, le clown aux échasses (Short)
1905 L'album merveilleux (Short)
1905 La fée aux fleurs (Short)
1905 Rêve à la lune (Short) (co-director)
1905 Les cartes lumineuses (Short)
1905 Ruche merveilleuse (Short)
1905 L'antre infernal (Short)
1904 Dévaliseurs nocturnes (Short)
1904 La danse du Kickapoo (Short)
1904 Le paravent mystérieux (Short)
1904 La danse des apaches (Short)
1904 Un drame dans les airs (Short)
1904 Danses plastiques (Short)
1904 Les dénicheurs d'oiseaux (Short)
1904 La métamorphose du papillon (Short)
1904 Le chapeau magique (Short)
1904 Japonaiseries (Short)
1904 La valise de Barnum (Short)
1904 Métamorphose du roi de pique (Short)
1904 La Danse du diable (Short)
1903 Sorcellerie nocturne (Short)
1902 Mystification amusante (Short)
Enlaces completados:
OK La poule aux oeufs d'or (Gaston Velle, 1905)
OK Saved from the Flames. 54 Rare and Restored Films (VV. DD., 1896-1944) [ver Leopoldo Fregoli]
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