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Andrew Sarris - El cine norteamericano
Sobre cine español (Nihilushka)
Rafael Azcona, literatura y cine
Revista de estudios históricos sobre la imagen - Filmoteca de la Generalitat Valenciana
◄► Filmoteca Temas de Cine
◄► N+2 - Cortometrajes de animación
◄► Nihilushka - Cine español
◄► Subidas Nico
◄► Zoowoman
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Buster Keaton (16)
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Carteles de Cine
Ostatnio pobierane pliki Ostatnio pobierane pliki
Dialog 20-40-60 VV. DD., 1968.mkv play
Dialóg 20-40-60 Ficha Técnica: Título original: Dial ...
Decasia Bill Morrison, 2002.avi play
Decasia Ficha Técnica: Título original: Decasia Año ...
Letzte Worte Werner Herzog, 1968.avi play
Letzte Worte / La última palabra (Werner Herzog, 1968) ...
River Queen Vincent Ward, 2005.avi play
River Queen Ficha Técnica: Título original: River Que ...
Annie John Huston, 1982.mkv play
Annie (John Huston, 1982) Ficha Técnica: Título origi ...
Maurice James Ivory, 1987.mp4
oglądaj online
Maurice Ficha Técnica: Título original: Maurice Año ...
Slogan Pierre Grimblat, 1969.avi play
Slogan / L'amour et l'amour Ficha Técnica: Títul ...

Foto Buster Keaton Columbia Shorts
(Jules White & Del Lord, 1939-1941)

Ficha Técnica:
Título original: Buster Keaton Columbia Shorts 1939-1941
Año: 1939, 1940, 1941
País: Estados Unidos
Género: Comedia
Dirección: Jules White & Del Lord
Guión: Clyde Bruckman, Buster Keaton, Felix Adler, Elwood Ullman, Ewart Adamson
Duración: 176 min
Reparto: Buster Keaton, Elsie Ames, Dorothy Appleby, Lorna Gray, Gino Corrado, Monte Collins, Bud Jamison, Vernon Dent, Harley Wood, Lynton Brent, Jack Hill, Stanley Mack, Ned Glass, Matt McHugh, Beatrice Blinn, Robert Sterling
Datos del archivo:
Idioma: Inglés con subs en inglés (srt)
Calidad: DVDRip
Resolución: 640 x 480
Formato: AVI
Tamaño: 2,85 GB
Sinopsis: Diez de los cortos que el maestro Keaton filmara para la Columbia en el período 1939-1941 mas un documental sobre ellos. Este fue el fugaz regreso de Buster a Hollywood luego de la pausa tras su período dorado en el cine mudo. Incluso bajo la dirección de otros, y batallando contra la moda instaurada por competidores como Los Tres Chiflados y los Marx, Keaton se las arregló en estas historias para colar varios de sus fenomenales gags de humor físico y lógica absurda. Una joya cinéfila.

Enlaces completados:

OK Buster Keaton - From Silents to Shorts (Selina Lin , 2006) *DOCUMENTAL SOBRE LOS 10 CORTOS
OK Mooching Through Georgia (Jules White, 1939) 19 min 249 MB
OK Pest from the West (Del Lord, 1939) 20 min 249 MB
OK Nothing But Pleasure (Jules White, 1940) 20 min 250 MB
OK The Taming of the Snood (Jules White, 1940) 20 min 250 MB
OK The Spook Speaks (Jules White, 1940) 18 min 249 MB
OK His Ex Marks the Spot (Jules White, 1940) 18 min 249 MB
OK Pardon My Berth Marks (Jules White, 1940) 20 min 250 MB
OK General Nuisance (Jules White, 1941) 17 min 249 MB
OK She's Oil Mine (Jules White, 1941) 17 min 249 MB
OK So You Won't Squawk (Del Lord, 1941) 20 min 249 MB

  • 249,8 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:30

Foto So You Won't Squawk (Del Lord, 1941) 20 min

Sinopsis: The handyman is finishing getting the Island Inn Café ready for opening night: it's a speakeasy, and the owner, Louie the Wolf, has been warned by the local mob kingpin, Slugger McGraw, not to open. When Slugger's thugs arrive at the Island Inn, they think the handyman is Louie. Louie promotes this case of mistaken identity, and our poor innocent faces a series of dangerous situations. When he finally learns that the thugs (and Louie) are up to no good, he must think fast to save his neck. (IMDB)
  • 249,4 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:30

Foto She's Oil Mine (Jules White, 1941) 17 min

Sinopsis: Elsie, an oil heiress being wooed by a phony foreign nobleman, takes refuge in a plumbing shop where Buster and Monty are working on a boiler. They hide her and, in appreciation, Elsie offers Buster the job of fixing the shower in her home. Clementi, the foreigner, enters the house and gets into a scrap with Buster and challenges him to a duel. As the duelists step off their paces, a hunter fires a shot and Clementi and his entourage take off. Buster is Elsie's hero. Written by Les Adams IMDB
  • 249,7 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:30

Foto The Spook Speaks (Jules White, 1940) 18 min

Sinopsis: When a magician, Mordini (Lynton Brent) becomes fearful of his magic secrets being stolen, he hires Buster (Buster Keaton) and Elsie (Elsie Anes) to protect his props. They discover what they assume to be a murder and go into action as amateur detectives, without realizing they are the victims of one of the magician's tricks. Written by Les Adams IMDB
  • 249,4 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:30

Foto General Nuisance (Jules White, 1941) 17 min

Sinopsis: A millionaire falls for an army nurse, who tells him she likes men in uniform. So he enlists at Camp Cluster. She still has no time for him, so he figures out how to get into the hospital and under her care. His induction physical exam, his injury, his hospital stay, and a sudden emergency take us to the question: will she fall for him? Written by jhailey@hotmail.com IMDB
  • 250,1 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:29

Foto The Taming of the Snood (Jules White, 1940) 20 min

Sinopsis: The police are hunting for a jewel thief. Two detectives follow a suspect who ducks into Keaton's Snappy Hats, where all hats are four-thirds off. The thief, a good-looking gal, has the clerk model several hats before she picks one; she slips a huge diamond ring into the band and asks the clerk to deliver the hat to her house. At her flat he finds an irrepressible maid, Odette; complications arise when Odette bangs her head and the clerk revives her with too much whiskey. The thief, the clerk, the maid, and a parrot are soon in various forms of duress, distress, and undress. Written by jhailey@hotmail.com IMDB
  • 249,5 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:29

Foto Pest from the West (Del Lord, 1939) 20 min

Sinopsis: A rich Yank docks his yacht in Mexico and steps ashore for adventure. Meanwhile, Conchita, the local beauty, accepts an engagement ring from the hot-headed Martino, who promises to kill any man who gains her favors. Conchita already has another boyfriend, Ferdinand the bull fighter. They conspire to find a gull, she'll pretend he is her new boyfriend, Martino will kill him and be arrested, and she'll be free to be with Ferdinand. Their mark is none other than our rich gringo who's already fallen for Conchita. He's an innocent abroad; what chance does he have? Written by jhailey@hotmail.com IMDB
  • 250,0 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:28

FotoNothing But Pleasure (Jules White, 1940) 20 min
Penelope Plunkett wants her husband to keep their old car and use their savings to buy a house, but her husband Clarence has a better idea: sell the car, take a bus trip to Detroit, buy a new car there, and still have money left over for a romantic road trip home. It will be nothing but pleasure, he promises her. Can Clarence deliver on his promise? Written by jhailey@hotmail.com IMDB
  • 249,6 MB
  • 13 wrz 16 11:28

FotoHis Ex Marks the Spot (Jules White, 1940) 18 min
Our hero and his young wife live hand-to-mouth because he has to pay his ex-wife $30 per week in alimony. He gets the bright idea to invite her to come live with them, so he won't have to pay. Elsie arrives, her boyfriend Radcliff in tow, and they proceed to take over the flat. After a horrid dinner, a sleepless night, and an awful morning, our hero's wife is ready to become ex-wife number two. He'd better think of a solution quick. Written by jhailey@hotmail.com IMDB
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21 plików
1,95 GB


Hawkmenblues napisano 5.04.2021 19:19

zgłoś do usunięcia
Hola drVideo, gracias por escribirnos. Que necesitabas? Te cuento que somos 3 personas trabajando en este proyecto cinefilo. Todo lo que quieras saber aca estamos para responderte. Un abrazo!

ferdy_ferdy napisano 24.02.2022 06:17

zgłoś do usunięcia
Hola a todos. Gracias a Hawkmenblues por todo el trabajo. No come registrarme para el archivio de Nihiluska. Puede escribirme en privado por favor? Gracias de antemano!

doporen777 napisano 15.11.2022 22:54

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

M.K-16 napisano 27.03.2023 13:48

zgłoś do usunięcia
Witam , pozdrawiam i zapraszam do siebie. 🔐UnicornVIP

wijedos859 napisano 23.05.2023 01:27

zgłoś do usunięcia

alvarez3992 napisano 20.09.2023 10:07

zgłoś do usunięcia
Como se puede colaborar.

maurolirussi napisano 6.10.2023 20:50

zgłoś do usunięcia
Buenos días.

maurolirussi napisano 6.10.2023 20:53

zgłoś do usunięcia
Habida cuenta de que internet se vuelve más horrible a cada minuto, ¿no sería bueno subir las películas también a otro lugar? Se me ocurre que archive.org puede servir puesto que llevan tiempo en esto y han salido bien parado de varias demandas. Aunque no creo que se puedan subir todas -debería averiguar bien qué restricciones hay en el sitio.

Hawkmenblues napisano 28.10.2023 13:02

zgłoś do usunięcia
Buenos días, hace tiempo que nos mudamos de chomikuj por los borrados masivos. Desde el enlace de Telegram de la descripción de la cuenta puedes acceder a la continuación del proyecto. https://t.me/rescatezoowoman

LeonxD3298 napisano 26.12.2024 18:34

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