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He moved on to become an acknowledged pioneer in computer graphics, winning virtually every major design award in this category. Most notably he was awarded two Emmys having received five nominations. In 1987 he won the first Emmy in the history of Cable TV for his ESPN College Basketball show title design. His client roster included NBC, CBS, ABC, ESPN, Viacom, PBS and many of the major advertising agencies representing Fortune 500 clients; plus major movie theater chains.
Feigenbaum directed and co-wrote the classic animated feature film, Hugo the Hippo (See Hugo Page). The film has received international acclaim since its release by Fox in 1976 to excellent reviews.
Feigenbaum has been painting full time since 2003, and several years ago he began creating 3-D paintings which actually work with the aid of red and blue glasses. He has also been receiving fantasy portrait commissions from clients who can see their wildest imaginings set down on canvas. billfeigenbaumpaintings
Director (1 credits)
1975 Hugó, a víziló IMDB
Enlaces completados:
OK Hugó, a víziló (Bill Feigenbaum, 1975)
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