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  • 480 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Bitwy na równinie Kawanakajima zostały stoczone w okresie Sengoku pomiędzy Takedą Shingenem z prowincji Kai a Uesugi Kenshinem z prowincji Echigo na równinie Kawanakajima, na północy prowincji Shinano, niedaleko dzisiejszego miasta Nagano.

Pięć głównych bitew stoczonych zostało w latach 1553, 1555, 1557, 1561 i 1564. Najbardziej znana i najbardziej krwawa z nich miała miejsce 10 września 1561 roku.

Walki zaczęły się po zajęciu przez Shingena prowincji Shinano oraz wygnaniu Murakami Yoshiharu i Ogasawa Nagatoki, którzy zwrócili się do Kenshina o pomoc.


  • 60 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Extensively researched and faithfully rendered, Legends of the Samurai provides all the mechanics for adventuring in the world of medieval Japan. This extensive tome presents with over twenty new oriental classes, an alternative magic system, a historically based martial arts system, and a flavorful system for fate and destiny. Legends of the Samurai offers a detailed campaign guide, color maps, and historical information on medieval Japan. Now is the time to make your own legend.


  • 145 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Kim - i czym - byli samuraje? Obecnie słowo to jest mocno nadużywane, nie wszyscy bowiem wojownicy dawnej Japonii byli samurajami, a także nie wszyscy samuraje byli wojownikami. Tworzyli oni najwyższą klasę w społeczeństwie określanym przez czteroznakowe złożenie shi-nó-kó-shó, co oznaczało hierarchię: wojownicy, chłopi, rzemieślnicy i kupcy.


  • 22 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
For nearly three decades Japanese Culture has garnered high praise as an accurate and well-written introduction to Japanese history and culture. This widely used undergraduate text is now available in a new edition. Thoroughly updated, the fourth edition includes expanded sections on numerous topics, among which are samurai values, Zen Buddhism, the tea ceremony, Confucianism in the Tokugawa period, the story of the forty-seven ronin, Mito scholarship in the early nineteenth century, and mass culture and comics in contemporary times.


  • 22,4 MB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01


  • 167 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Charming coloring book chronicles six centuries of Japanese fashion history in 45 finely detailed black-and-white illustrations. Elaborate warriors, exquisite court ladies, commoners in plain kimonos, entertainers, holy men, and more, all displayed in meticulously rendered costumes. A delight for colorists of all ages and anyone interested in Japanese culture and fashion. 45 b/w illus.


  • 5,9 MB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01


  • 193 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Druga połowa XVI wieku to jeden z najkrwawszych okresów w dziejach Japonii. Książka opisuje jedną z bitew, przypominając olbrzymią partię szachów.


  • 3,7 MB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01


  • 127 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
The year 1543 marked the beginning of a new global consciousness in Japan with the arrival of Portuguese merchants at Tanegashima Island. This history of Japan's first encounter with the West, augmented with maps and a beautiful blend of Portuguese and Japanese illustrations, details the consequences of the foreigners' introduction of the musket to Japan, which was to revolutionize both Japanese warfare and the nation's unification process, followed soon after by an influx of missionaries-thus ushering in the Christian century. Based on contemporary Japanese reports here translated and presented together with European reports, the text demonstrates the celebrated ability of the Japanese to absorb imported concepts and rapidly adapt them for use in a Japanese context. Special attention is given to the role of Tanegashima Island and to Mendes Pinto, who wrote a famous picaresque account of Japan. Also included are a glossary and index listing pertinent words and names with Chinese and Japanese script.

About the Author
Olaf G. Lidin, Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies at the University of Copenhagen, is the author of The Life of Ogyu Sorai, a Tokugawa Confucian Philosopher, Ogya Sorai's Journey to Kai in 1706, and Ogyu Sorai's Discourse on Government.


  • 191 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Japan's monastic warriors have fared poorly in comparison to the samurai, both in terms of historical reputation and representations in popular culture. Often maligned and criticized for their involvement in politics and other secular matters, they have been seen as figures separate from the larger military class. However, as Mikael Adolphson reveals in his comprehensive and authoritative examination of the social origins of the monastic forces, political conditions, and warfare practices of the Heian (794-1185) and Kamakura (1185-1333) eras, these "monk-warriors"(sōhei) were in reality inseparable from the warrior class. Their negative image, Adolphson argues, is a construct that grew out of artistic sources critical of the established temples from the fourteenth century on. As the warrior class came to dominate national politics, the sōhei image gained momentum and was eventually paired with the concept of "monk-warriors," a term imported from Korea. Only one sōhei, the legendary Benkei of the late twelfth century, escaped the criticisms leveled at the monk-warriors by later observers--not because he was justified in fighting as a monk, but rather because he served the celebrated warrior Minamoto Yoshitsune, thus reinforcing the primacy of the samurai image.
In deconstructing the sōhei image and looking for clues as to the characteristics, role, and meaning of the monastic forces, The Teeth and Claws of Buddha highlights the importance of historical circumstances; it also points to the fallacies of allowing later, especially modern, notions of religion to exert undue influence on interpretations of the past. It further suggests that, rather than constituting a separate category of violence, religious violence needs to be understood in its political, social, military, and ideological contexts. Monastic warriors acted no differently from their secular counterparts and do not appear to have been motivated by a religious rhetoric much different from other ideologies condoning violence. The absence of such a discourse is as unexpected as it is important--particularly in light of current assumptions about holy wars and crusaders--indicating that other factors played an important role for those who fought in the name of the Buddha. By tracing the use and emergence of the constructed sōhei images that displaced the historical Benkei and monastic fighters, this work also offers an explanation of how and why the invented tradition of "monk-warriors" became such a prominent feature in the modern reconstruction of medieval Japan.
The Teeth and Claws of Buddha puts East Asian religious violence in its proper milieu. Its intelligent and cogent analysis will be of great interest to scholars and students of early Japanese history and religion as well as specialists in premodern Buddhism and religion in China and Korea.


  • 216 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Perhaps the greatest warriors in history, the Samurai were a product of a social system totally geared to war. The Samurai became expert in fighting both on horseback and on the ground. Their way of life was dictated by the code of Bushido or 'way of the warrior' and clad in their magnificent, multi-coloured armour they were perfectly suited to the violent clan and dynastic warfare that dominated medieval Japan as the most powerful families vied for supremacy. In this title Anthony J Bryant presents a fascinating overview of these truly élite warriors.

Introduction · Chronology · Origins and Rise of the Warrior Class · The Genpei War (1180-85) · The Kamakura Bakufu and Regency · War of the Northern and Southern Courts · The Muromachi Period · Warfare in Muromachi and Momoyama Japan · Sengoku Japan · Hashiba Hideyoshi · The Return of the Shogun · Arms and Armour: Heian and Kamakura Japan · Arms and Armour: Muromachi and Momoyama Japan · The Plates


  • 230 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
The Japanese invasion and occupation of Korea, which lasted from 1592 to 1598, was the only occasion in Japanese history when samurai aggression was turned against a foreign country. During the occupation of Korea the Japanese built 25 wajo or castles. Unlike the castles built in Japan, these fortifications were never developed or modernized after the Japanese departure. The details of late 16th-century castle construction are therefore better preserved than at many other sites. Written by Stephen Turnbull, an expert in the subject, this book examines the castles built by the Japanese in Korea, as well as the use made of existing Korean fortifications, particularly city walls. This resulted in curious hybrid fortifications that dominated the landscape until the Japanese were pushed out of the peninsula by a furious onslaught from huge Chinese armies.

Introduction: the very short history of the wajo · Design and · Structural and architectural features of the wajo · The wajo as a defensive system · The wajo from end to end · The living site · Operational history · Aftermath · The wajo today · Bibliography · Index


  • 230 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Dr Stephen Turnbull is internationally recognised for his research into and writing on Japanese military history. Here he applies his scholarship to an account of the evolution of Japanese defensive architecture and engineering, from early earthworks through to wooden and earth castles and, finally, the emergence of the stone towers that are so characteristic of the samurai. He also plots the adaptation of Japanese castles to accommodate the introduction of firearms. With unpublished photographs from the author's private collection and full-colour artwork, including detailed cutaways, this is an essential guide to the fascinating development of Japanese castles.

Introduction • Chronology • Design and development • The living sites • The sites at war • Japanese castles today • Further reading • Index


  • 275 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
From when the Empress Jingo-kogo led an invasion of Korea while pregnant with the future Emperor Ojin, tales of female Japanese warriors have emerged from Japan’s rich history. Using material that has never been translated into English before, this book presents the story of Japan’s female warriors for the first time, revealing the role of the women of the samurai class in all their many manifestations, investigating their weapons, equipment, roles, training and belief systems. Crucially, as well as describing the women who were warriors in their own right, like Hauri Tsuruhime and the women of Aizu, this book also looks at occasions when women became the power behind the throne, ruling and warring through the men around them.

* Introduction
* Chronology Appearance and dress
* The roles of the samurai woman in peacetime
* The samurai woman in times of war
* The samurai woman on the battlefield
* Collecting
* Museums
* Re-enactment
* Bibliography
* Glossary
* Index


  • 158 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Imperial Politics and Symbolics in Ancient Japan is an ambitious and ground-breaking study that offers a new understanding of a formative stage in the development of the Japanese state. The late seventh and eighth centuries were a time of momentous change in Japan, much of it brought about by the short-lived Tenmu dynasty. Two new capital cities, a bureaucratic state led by an imperial ruler, and Chinese-style law codes were just a few of the innovations instituted by the new regime. Herman Ooms presents both a wide-ranging and fine-grained examination of the power struggles, symbolic manipulations, new mythological constructs, and historical revisions that both defined and propelled these changes.


  • 202 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
The world of the samurai - the legendary elite warrior cult of old Japan - has for too long been associated solely with military history and has remained a mystery to the general reader. In this exciting new book, Stephen Turnbull, the world's leading authority on the samurai, goes beyond the battlefield to paint a picture of the samurai as they really were. Familiar topics such as the cult of suicide, ritualised revenge and the lore of the samurai sword are seen in the context of an all-encompassing warrior culture that was expressed through art and poetry as much as through violence. Using themed chapters, the book studies the samurai through their historical development and their relationship to the world around them - relationships that are shown to persist in Japan even today.


  • 172 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
Hidden Essence of the Martial Arts and the Spirit of the Samurai

Japanese history is replete with great sword masters. Legendary figures such as Koizumi Isenokami, Tsukahara Bokuden, Yagyu Munenori, Miyamoto Musashi, and Ito Ittosai have been revered as deities for countless years, forged into the history of Japan's martial arts. But there were also many lesser known samurai who carried the spirit of Bushido, Tirelessly devoting themselves to Japan's martial traditions and mastering their many fighting forms. Japan's rich legacy of swordsmanship has been passed on through these generations of samurai, who developed many techniques using the long sword, short sword, and Ninja sword, among others.

In this book, Masaaki Hatsumi, the most renonwned Budo and Ninja grandmaster in the world, explores the venerable history of Japanese sword fighting, sharing with the reader his reflections on the hidden essence of this revered martial art. He covers a variety of classical techniques including Ninja kenpo, Yagyu Shinkage-ryu, as well as two-sword techniques. Drawing on his deep knowledge, the author demonstrates advenced, practical applications of the art, using the stick, spear, naginata, and kusarigama. More mysterious, secret techniques are also discussed, including those involving armor, and the variety of renowned mutodori (no-sword) forms-the ultimate martial skill of the samurai. Works of calligraphy by famous samurai masters, such as Asari Matashichiro and Yamaoka Tesshu, accompany the descriptions, as well as important historical scrolls and an array of lavish illustrations that help demonstrate the grace and beauty of Japanese sword fighting.

After his highly acclaimed works The Way of the Ninja and Advanced Stick Fighting, Masaaki Hatsumi continues to pursue his life's ambition of fostering and spreading Budo throughout the world, with this definitive book on the art of Japanese sword fighting. Within his technical descriptions and musings on the history of Bushido, Hatsumi's philosophy of promoting a world of peace and tolerance is ever present, as is his firm belief in the universality of Budo, espoused in his own words: ". . . if the seed of Japan's Budo is planted anywhere in the world, it will continue to grow and flourish."


  • 132 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
The dazzling spectacle presented by the armies of medieval Japan owed much to the highly developed family and personal heraldry of samurai society. From simple personal banners, this evolved over centuries of warfare into a complex system of flags worn or carried into battle, together with the striking 'great standards' of leading warlords. While not regulated in the Western sense, Japanese heraldry developed as a series of widely followed practices, while remaining flexible enough to embrace constant innovation. Scores of examples, in monochrome and full colour, illustrate this fascinating explanation of the subject by a respected expert on all aspects of samurai culture.

* Appearance of mon as early as Nara period · 12th C Taira & Minamoto wars, hata-jirushi · 13th
* 14th Cs: the Mongol invasions period, 15th
* 16th Cs: heraldry carried on shields, nobori banners, sashimono flags attached to armour, maku screens · Army organisation produces system of coloured unit flags
* symbols · Buddhist & Christian symbolism · Uma-jirushi commanders' flags · Tsukai-ban messenger corps: the horo displayed cloak · 17th C: the fully developed system of the early Edo period.


  • 358 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
In 1467 the Onin War ushered in a period of unrivalled conflict and rivalry in Japan that came to be called the Age of Warring States or Sengoku Jidai. In this book Stephen Turnbull offers a masterly exposition of the Sengoku Jidai, detailing the factors that led to Japan's disintegration into warring states after more than a century of peace; the years of fighting that followed; and the period of gradual fusion when the daimyo (great names) strove to reunite Japan under a new Shogun. Peace returned to Japan with the end of the Osaka War in 1615, but only at the end of the most violent, turbulent and cruel period in Japanese history.

Introduction · Chronology · Background to war: Loyalty to the shogun collapses · Warring sides: Rival samurai armies· Outbreak: The age of fission · The fighting: Samurai at war · Portrait of a soldier: Kato Kiyomasa · The world around war: The end of the farmer-warrior· Portrait of a civilian: Sen Rikyu · How the war ended: The triumph of the Tokugawa · Conclusion and consequences: Japan closes its doors


  • 198 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
The landscape of 16th- and 17th-century Japan was dominated by the graceful and imposing castles constructed by the powerful ‘daimyo’ of the period. In this the most turbulent era in Japanese history, these militarily sophisticated structures provided strongholds for the consolidation and control of territory, and inevitably they became the focus for many of the great sieges of Japanese history: Nagashino (1575), Kitanosho (1583), Odawara (1590), Fushimi (1600), Osaka (1615) and Hara (1638), the last of the battles that brought an end to a period of intense civil war. This title traces their development from the earliest timber stockades to the immense structures that dominated the great centres of Osaka and Edo.

Introduction · Chronology · Design and Development · Tour of the Sites · The Principles of Defense · The Living Sites · Operational History · Aftermath · The Sites Today · Bibliography and Further Reading · Glossary · Index


  • 217 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
From the 10th century onwards the great Japanese monastic foundations of Nara and Mount Hiei maintained large armies of warlike monks. The tempestuous political rivalries that developed between the different orders of monks and religiously inspired laymen ensured that their temples and monasteries had to be securely sited and robustly defended. This books recreates these enormous fortified monasteries and temples, tracing their development from the 10th century through to the Sengoku Jidai period and the rise of the power of the shogunate under Tokugawa Ieyasu.

From worshippers to warriors – the development of the fortified temple · Chronology · Design features of the fortified temple 1: the sacred space · Design features of the fortified temple 2: the temple · Representative fortified temples of Japan · The living site · Operational History · Aftermath · The fortified temple sites today · Glossary · Bibliography and further reading · Index


  • 211 KB
  • 16 gru 11 3:01
The ashigaru were the foot soldiers of old Japan. Although recruited first to swell an army's numbers and paid only by loot, the samurai began to realise their worth, particularly with arquebuses and spears, until well-trained ashigaru made up a vital part of any samurai army. This book tells the story of the ashigaru for the first time, their origins, recruitment training and use in war. Stephen Turnbull draws on previously untranslated Japanese sources and unpublished illustrations that show the range of ashigaru activity, from sailors to catapult artillery men as well as the disciplined ranks of warriors that they had become.

THE ASHIGARU: A HISTORICAL SURVEY The rise of ashigaru · Ashigaru earn armour · Nobunaga shows the way forward · Toyotomi Hideyoshi ASHIGARU RECRUITMENT The call to arms · Permanent units · Rapid response units ORGANISATION AND COMMAND Weapon specialisation · Spearmen · Serving a samurai · Signals and flag bearers CAMPAIGN LIFE OF THE ASHIGARU Horses · Looting · Civilian casualties · Field remedies THE ASHIGARU’S EXPERIENCE OF BATTLE Arquebus troops · Hand to hand fighting · Archery squads · Spearmen · Spear carriers and standard bearers


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