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widziany: 26.06.2019 13:29

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  • 395 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
An in-depth look at the lance-armed light cavalry of Napoleon's army. Weapons, tactics, and uniforms.


  • 437 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
Na początku roku 1644 wiele wskazywało na to, że król Karol I upora się wreszcie ze zbuntowanym parlamentem. Pod koniec roku 1643 udało mu się zyskać przewagę na wszystkich terenach, na których toczyła się wojna. W południowych hrabstwach armia parlamentu pod wodzą sir Williama Wallera została niemal całkowicie rozbita w bitwie pod Roundway Down, stoczonej 13 lipca 1643 roku. Na zachodzie trzynaście dni później książę Rupert przyjął kapitulację Bristolu —ważnego portu i drugiego co do wielkości miasta w królestwie.


  • 199 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
The Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography is the first comprehensive encyclopedia of world photography up to the beginning of the twentieth century. It sets out to be the standard, definitive reference work on the subject for years to come.
Its coverage is global – an important ‘first’ in that authorities from all over the world have contributed their expertise and scholarship towards making this a truly comprehensive publication. The Encyclopedia presents new and ground-breaking research alongside accounts of the major established figures in the nineteenth century arena. Coverage includes all the key people, processes, equipment, movements, styles, debates and groupings which helped photography develop from being ‘a solution in search of a problem’ when first invented, to the essential communication tool, creative medium, and recorder of everyday life which it had become by the dawn of the twentieth century. The sheer breadth of coverage in the 1200 essays makes the Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography an essential reference source for academics, students, researchers and libraries worldwide.


  • 376 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
Zwycięstwa Armii Włoch w kampanii z lat 1796-1797 zapewniły Francji, na mocy postanowień traktatu z Campio Fonnio (17 października 1797 roku), Belgią, północne Włochy a także wolną rękę wobec zachodniego brzegu Renu. Dowódca tej armii gen. Napoleon Bonaparte, 28-letni Korsykanin, stał się bożyszczem Paryża. Nie dość, że wykazał się talentami militarnymi, to okazał się również mężem stanu negocjując pokój z Austrią, bardzo korzystny dla Francji. Niestety, Dyrektoriat, ówczesna władza wykonawcza w rewolucyjnej Francji, nic podzielał uczuć obywateli. Dla pięciu członków tego organu ambicje Bonapartego stanowiły poważne zagrożenie.


  • 510 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
With intriguing domes of pinkish granite surrounded by a sea of Hill Country limestone, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area attracts over 300,000 visitors every year who come to the park to hike, rock climb, spelunk, camp, picnic, and observe birds and wildflowers. Geologists from around the world come to Enchanted Rock to examine landforms that were shaped by forces on ancient continents of Earth more than one billion years ago! All of these visitors, however, are only the latest comers in a line of human history that stretches back 13,000 years to early Native Americans and includes Spanish explorers, Mexican and German settlers, and thirteen private and public owners up to the current owner, the state of Texas.

Surprisingly, given the area's wealth of unusual geology, native plants and animals, and human history, no comprehensive guide to Enchanted Rock has been published before now. In Enchanted Rock, you'll find everything you need to fully appreciate this unique place. Lance Allred draws on the work of specialists in many fields to offer a popular account of the park's history, geology, weather, flora, and fauna. Whether you want to know more about how Enchanted Rock was formed, identify a wildflower or butterfly, or learn more about plant communities along the hiking trails, you'll find accurate information here, presented in an inviting style. Over a thousand color photographs illustrate the enjoyable text.


  • 197 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
The Rev. Frederick Brown of the Methodist Episcopal Mission in Tianjin volunteered as a chaplain since, as he said, British soldiers fought better if they felt they had the chance of a Christian burial nearby. Brown listed General Barrow's marching orders for the British force which included Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Royal Engineers, Bengal Lancers, with Sikhs and Rajputs bringing up the rear. Brown described how 'The British race had relieved the legations, notwithstanding that they had given an undertaking "not to lead the column"; but they had carried off the honours' and must have been heartily disliked by their comrades-in-arms as a result.


  • 378 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
The work of historians in pring new editions of primary documents, and other aids to research, has tended to go largely unsung, yet is crucial to scholarship, as pring the very foundations on which further enquiry can be based. The essays in this volume, conversely, celebrate the achievements in this field by a whole generation of medievalists, of whom the honoree, David Smith, is one of the most distinguished. They demonstrate the importance of such editions to a proper understanding and elucidation of a number of problems in medieval ecclesiastical history, ranging from thirteenth-century forgery to diocesan administration, from the church courts to the cloisters, and from the English parish clergy to the papacy. Contributors: CHRISTOPHER BROOKE, C.C. WEBB, JULIA BARROW, NICHOLAS BENNETT, JANET BURTON, CHARLES FONGE, CHRISTOPHER HARPER-BILL, R.H. HELMHOLZ, PHILIPPA HOSKIN, BRIAN KEMP, F. DONALD LOGAN, ALISON MCHARDY


  • 30 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
The sense of place and the sense of lineage pervade this book, combining with the author's wide-ranging command of the period in its broader dimensions to give the reader a picture of medieval Scotland which surely surpasses anything hitherto available both in the clarity of its outline and the sharpness of the illustrative detail.... a combination of the general with the particular which is the lifeblood of historical writing.


  • 240 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
On the 15th of August of this tragic year of 1914, his Majesty the Kaiser telegraphed to the General in command of the troops that had been fighting at Miilhausen : " I thank God Almighty who was with us. I thank you and your gallant soldiers for this our first victory."


  • 377 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
Rislakki is a real chronicler of history and also a live witness of events. This book is an excellent opportunity for a Western readership to get to know Latvia's history and present. ... Europa mus nesupratis [Europe will not understand us] - this is the main chorus of a popular song on Latvian Radio in 2004, which is the opening sentence of the book. Let us hope that this study will decrease this lack of understanding of Latvia among Europeans.


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  • 16 gru 11 2:49
Graphic novels represent a signifi cant segment of the literary market for adolescents and young adults. These stories may resemble comic books, but on closer inspection, they often address controversial issues using complex story lines. Some graphic novels that are well known to Western audiences are Watchmen, which examines how superheroes live in a society that has turned against them; Maus, which uses anthropomorphic characters to tell the story of a Holocaust survivor; From Hell, which presents one explanation for the actions of the historical serial killer Jack the Ripper; and Road to Perdition, which was made into a popular motion picture.


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  • 16 gru 11 2:49


  • 325 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
17 września 1894 roku admirał Ting Ju-Chang był od rana w świetnym humorze. Jego flota stała na kotwicy kilka mil od wybrzeża Korei, pięknie się prezentując w promieniach słońca, które wzeszło na bezchmurnym niebie i odbijało się od spokojnej tafli Morza Żółtego. Dobre samopoczucie admirała wynikało nie tylko z pięknej pogody, lecz także z poczucia przewagi nad potencjalnym przeciwnikiem - eskadrą japońską, której można się było spodziewać w każdej chwili, ale w składzie której nie było równorzędnych przeciwników dla dwóch chińskich pancerników: „Ting-yuen" i „Chcn-yuen" - uchodzących za najsilniejsze okręty na całym Dalekim Wschodzie. Wszystkie jednostki dowodzone przez admirała utrzymywały odpowiednie ciśnienie pary w kotłach, by po pojawieniu się wroga ruszyć na niego zaraz po podniesieniu kotwic.


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  • 16 gru 11 2:49
The title, taken from Gibbon’s immortal work on imperial Rome, was chosen since British imperialists consciously compared their empire to the Roman imperium. Despite the title, this is no dreary tale of imperial decay and collapse. Instead, Brendon, a fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge, has written a colorful and often brilliant examination of the imperial experience from the American Revolution to the return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty. He combines the genres of narrative history, travelogue, and biographical sketch to capture the richness, majesty, squalor, and injustice that created and maintained a vast edifice that has left an indelible imprint on the contemporary world. The narrative ranges across imperial settings in a successful effort to illustrate how both ordinary and extraordinary people lived, thrived, and often suffered under the British flag. Of course, decline and ultimate fall is part of the story. As a liberal empire based (in spirit if not always in practice) on the ideals of political liberty and even equality, it was an empire that contained the seeds of its own destruction, as citizens from America to India took those ideals to heart. The breadth, diversity, greatness, and failures of the British Empire have rarely been portrayed as well.


  • 299 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
In this book, Rajnarayan Chandavarkar presents the first major study of the relationship between labor and capital in India's economic development in the early twentieth century. He explores the emergence of capitalism in the region, the development of the cotton textile industry, its particular problems in the 1920s and 1930s and the mill owners' and the states' responses to them. The author also investigates how a labor force was formed in Bombay, its rural roots, urban networks, industrial organization and the way in which it shaped capitalist strategies.


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  • 16 gru 11 2:49
From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film is a book by film critic and writer Siegfried Kracauer, published in 1947. The book is considered one of the first major studies of German film between World War I and World War II.
First published in 1947, it was a survey covering four major periods: The Archaic Period (1895–1918), The Postwar Period (1918–1924), The Stabilized Period (1924–1929) and The Pre-Hitler Period (1930–1933). The book also includes Propaganda and the Nazi War Film, a critical and psychological analysis of Nazi propaganda film. That particular section was a reprint of a pamphlet of the same name released by the Museum of Modern Art in 1942. As Kracauer was a film critic at the time many of the films he discusses were first released, he melds his theory of trends in the film market with political tendencies within the German social politics. Funded by Museum of Modern Art as well as a Rockefeller Foundation grant, From Caligari to Hitler is considered by many to be one of the most important works on the subject of German cinema, standing with Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality (1960) as classic scholarship.


  • 312 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
Weaving together threads from Jewish history and Islamic urban studies, The Mellah of Marrakesh situates the history of what was once the largest Jewish quarter in the Arab world in its proper historical and geographical contexts. Although framed by coverage of both earlier and later periods, the book focuses on the late 19th century, a time when both the vibrancy of the mellah and the tenacity of longstanding patterns of inter-communal relations that took place within its walls were being severely tested. How local Jews and Muslims, as well as resident Europeans lived the big political, economic, and social changes of the pre- and early colonial periods is reconstructed in Emily Gottreich's vivid narrative.


  • 165 KB
  • 16 gru 11 2:49
Sakaue Toshié was born on August 14, 1925, into a family of tenant farmers and day laborers in the hamlet of Kosugi. The world she entered was one of hard labor, poverty, dirt, disease, and frequent early death. By the 1970s, that rural world had changed almost beyond recognition. Toshié is the story of that extraordinary transformation as witnessed and experienced by Toshié herself. A sweeping social history of the Japanese countryside in its twentieth-century transition from "peasant" to "consumer" society, the book is also a richly textured account of the life of one village woman and her community caught up in the inexorable march of historical events.
Through the lens of Toshié's life, Simon Partner shows us the realities of rural Japanese life during the 1930s depression; daily existence under the wartime regime of "spiritual mobilization"; the land reform and its consequences during occupation; and the rapid emergence of a consumer culture against the background of agricultural mechanization during the 1950s and 1960s. In some ways representative and in other ways unique, Toshié's narrative raises questions about conventional frameworks of twentieth-century Japanese history, and about the place of individual agency and choice in an era often seen as dominated by the impersonal forces of modernity: technology, state power, and capitalism.


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