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  • 21 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Chris Hedges - Imperium iluzji: Koniec Kultury Wysokiej i zwycięstwo widowiska (2010)

In this New York Times bestseller, Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist Chris Hedges has written a shattering meditation on American obsession with celebrity and the epidemic of illiteracy that threatens our cultural integrity. Reporting on such phenomena as professional wrestling, the pornographic film industry, and unchecked casino capitalism, Hedges exposes the mechanisms used to divert us from confronting the economic, political, and moral collapse around us. Empire of Illusion shows us how illiteracy and the embrace of fantasy have impoverished our working class, allowed for the continuance of destructive public policy, and ushered in cultural bankruptcy.


Ważna książka pokazująca jak działa utopijna ideologia spekulacyjna, która jest oparta na parytecie ropy, i na wpajaniu bezmyślnej inercji.


Christopher Lynn Hedges (born September 18, 1956) is an American journalist, author, and war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies. His most recent book is The World As It Is (2011).

Hedges is also known as the best-selling author of War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (2002), which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction. A quotation from the book was used as the opening title quotation in the critically acclaimed and Academy Award-winning 2009 film, The Hurt Locker. The quotation reads: "The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug."

Chris Hedges is currently a senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City. He spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than fifty countries, and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News, and The New York Times,where he was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years (1990–2005).

In 2002, Hedges was part of the team of reporters at The New York Times awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the paper's coverage of global terrorism. He also received in 2002 the Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. He has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Princeton University and The University of Toronto. He writes a weekly column on Mondays for Truthdig and authored what the New York Times described as "a call to arms" for the first issue of The Occupied Wall Street Journal, the newspaper giving voice to The Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park, New York City.

Chris Hedges is married to the Canadian actress Eunice Wong. They have two children together and Hedges has two children from a previous marriage.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

A fresh, commanding, and thought-provoking narrative history of the competing Russian and American empires.

The American road to empire started when the first English settlers landed in Virginia. Simultaneously, the first Russians crossed the Urals and the two empires that would dominate the twentieth century were born. Empires Apart covers the history of the Americans and Russians from the Vikings to the present day. It shows the two empires developed in parallel as they expanded to the Pacific and launched wars against the nations around them. They both developed an imperial 'ideology' that was central to the way they perceived themselves.

Soon after, the ideology of the Russian Empire also changed with the advent of Communism. The key argument of this book is that these changes did not alter the core imperial values of either nation; both Russians and Americans continued to believe in their manifest destiny. Corporatist and Communist imperialism changed only the mechanics of empire. Both nations have shown that they are still willing to use military force and clandestine intrigue to enforce imperial control. Uniquely, Landers shows how the broad sweep of American history follows a consistent path from the first settlers to the present day and, by comparing this with Russia's imperial path, demonstrates the true nature of American global ambitions.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Intellectual property law in the United States is on the verge of breakdown and needs to be reformed--but, according to law professor Jason Mazzone, the author of Copyfraud and Other Abuses of Intellectual Property Law, not for the reasons given by most critics. Most Americans are familiar with the problems of illicit downloading and stolen software. But in this compulsively readable book, Mazzone argues that these familiar problems mask a greater threat to creativity and commerce--the ever-growing overreaching by publishers, producers, artists and corporations that claim stronger ownership rights than the law gives them.

As Mazzone argues, something is wrong in a society where:

· Comics can be sued for making fun of Barbie
· The Hells Angels stop production of Hollywood movies by charging misappropriation of images
· Major League Baseball announces it can stop any human being from even describing a baseball game
· Starbucks convinces customers that they don't have the right to take photos in coffee shops
· Electronic book and music distributors are stripping away the entire idea of ownership
· Universities spend millions of dollars each year requesting permission to reproduce public domain works by long dead authors.

Mazzone shows how growing abuse of intellectual property law has been abetted by confusion, unclear legal standards, outmoded law and economic bullying--and he illustrates the pervasive cost of these abuses. Finally, he introduces specific measures by which we can cure these problems.

Erudite, surprising and accessible, Copyfraud and Other Abuses of Intellectual Property Law is a breakthrough title that will change forever how we look at creativity, law and commerce.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Investigating the global financial meltdown as the first systemic crisis of the neoliberal stage of capitalism, this analysis argues that—far from having ended—the crisis has ushered in a period of worldwide economic and political turbulence. In developing an account of the crisis as rooted in fundamental features of capitalism, this study challenges the view that capitalism's source lies in financial deregulation, and highlights the emergence of new patterns of world inequality and new centers of accumulation, particularly in East Asia, and the profound economic instabilities these have produced. This original account of the “financialization” of the world economy during this period explores the intricate connections between international financial markets and new forms of debt and dispossession. Analyzing the massive intervention of the world’s central banks to stave off another Great Depression, this study shows that while averting a complete meltdown, this intervention also laid the basis for recurring crises for poor and working class people: job loss, increased poverty and inequality, and cuts in social programs. Taking a global view of these processes, exposing the damage inflicted on countries in the Global South, as well as the intensification of racism and attacks on migrant workers, this book also traces new patterns of social and political resistance—from housing activism and education struggles, to mass strikes and protests in Martinique, Guadeloupe, France, and Puerto Rico—as indicators of the potential for building anticapitalist opposition to the damage that neoliberal capitalism is inflicting on the lives of millions.

By wprowadzić do nazwy pliku brakującą kropkę przed rozszerzeniem: pdf, należy w menadżerze plików: Total Commander, pod prawym klawiszem myszki, w menu: Zmień nazwę, wstawić niezbędną kropkę.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

The coral atoll of Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory) today is a pivotal US naval and air base for all Middle East operations (Afghanistan, Iraq, and potentially, Iran). This book, largely based on hitherto unpublished source material, describes the build-up of the base – starting with a secret US-UK bilateral deal in 1966; the deportation of the native island population in the 1970s; the clouded new role of Diego Garcia as a destination for Guantánamo-style ‘renditions’; and the impacts of military construction on the environment of the island – which because of its average elevation of 4 ft above sea-level is at direct risk from climate change


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

An in-depth look at the failure of Wall Street's "proven" financial models
Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into intricate and aesthetically attractive shapes. As such, it is the perfect metaphor for the Wall Street financial engineering model, which ultimately proved to be the underlying cause of the 2008 financial crisis.
In Financial Origami, Brendan Moynihan describes how the Wall Street business model evolved from a method to transfer risk into a method for manufacturing risk. Along the way, this timely book skillfully dissects financial engineering and addresses how it's often a mechanism to evade regulatory constraints, provide institutional investors with customized products, and, of course, generate revenue for financial engineers.
Reveals how Wall Street's financial engineering business model morphed into something destructive
Highlights how the origami model worked well in the comparatively stable years of the early 2000s, when there was less risk to transfer
Discusses how Wall Street began manufacturing risk by creating products that multiplied risk exposures and encouraged subprime lending
With the collapse of Lehman Brother the Wall Street business model effectively broke. But there are many lessons to be learned from what has transpired, and Financial Origami will show you what they are.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Supermarket produce sections bulging with a year-round supply of perfectly round, bright red-orange tomatoes have become all but a national birthright. But in Tomatoland, which is based on his James Beard Award-winning article, "The Price of Tomatoes," investigative food journalist Barry Estabrook reveals the huge human and environmental cost of the $5 billion fresh tomato industry. Fields are sprayed with more than one hundred different herbicides and pesticides. Tomatoes are picked hard and green and artificially gassed until their skins acquire a marketable hue. Modern plant breeding has tripled yields, but has also produced fruits with dramatically reduced amounts of calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, and tomatoes that have fourteen times more sodium than the tomatoes our parents enjoyed. The relentless drive for low costs has fostered a thriving modern-day slave trade in the United States. How have we come to this point?

Estabrook traces the supermarket tomato from its birthplace in the deserts of Peru to the impoverished town of Immokalee, Florida, a.k.a. the tomato capital of the United States. He visits the laboratories of seedsmen trying to develop varieties that can withstand the rigors of agribusiness and still taste like a garden tomato, and then moves on to commercial growers who operate on tens of thousands of acres, and eventually to a hillside field in Pennsylvania, where he meets an obsessed farmer who produces delectable tomatoes for the nation's top restaurants.

Throughout Tomatoland, Estabrook presents a who's who cast of characters in the tomato industry: the avuncular octogenarian whose conglomerate grows one out of every eight tomatoes eaten in the United States; the ex-Marine who heads the group that dictates the size, color, and shape of every tomato shipped out of Florida; the U.S. attorney who has doggedly prosecuted human traffickers for the past decade; and the Guatemalan peasant who came north to earn money for his parents' medical bills and found himself enslaved for two years.

Tomatoland reads like a suspenseful whodunit as well as an expose of today's agribusiness systems and the price we pay as a society when we take taste and thought out of our food purchases.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Twice in the last century the usually stalwart economy of United States has crumbled—first in 1929, when the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression hit, and again with the financial market meltdown of 2008-2009 that is still crippling much of America. While it is still too soon to state unequivocally how this latest economic disaster came about, it is possible to theorize that much of what has happened could have been foreseen and even avoided—just as it could have been in 1929.

This book accurately describes the economic situations in the United States before the 1929 and 2008-2009 stock market crashes, and carefully examines the causes of both financial crises. This comprehensive assessment of both time periods allows readers to better grasp the present market situation, understand the connection between the explosion of the sub-prime mortgage market and the current state of the economy, and more wisely forecast the future.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

This essay is a companion to my own Globalistan, published in early 2007, which I defined as a warped geopolitical travel book. I argued then that in a context of re-medievalization - the world fragmented into "stans" - we are now living an intestinal war, an undeclared global civil war. Borrowing from Zygmunt Bauman's concept of liquid modernity, I called it Liquid War - and not only because of the global scramble for "black gold" oil and "blue gold" gas.
Globalistan was essentially a long reportage crisscrossing the world. This text reflects the fact that I spent most of 2008 in the U.S. following the presidential campaign. As far as New Rome is concerned I'm usually outside looking in - the point of view of my dying profession, the foreign correspondent. In this text I'm most of the time inside looking out. Globalistan can be read as an on the ground - and underground - report on the Bush administration wasteland. This text could be something of a last chapter - out of the belly of the beast.
2009 is the Mother of all celebratory years. The 20 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The 30 years of the Iranian Islamic revolution. The 50 years of the Cuban revolution. The 60 years of NATO. The 70 years of World War II. The 80 years of the Great Depression. The 90 years of the Versailles Treaty. It's as if the world was turning on its gyre as in a psychedelic kaleidoscope reviving modern history in high-speed. And which figure comes out of the kaleidoscope, grinning his cool, calm and collected best to deal with a 1929-style crisis, the new Cold War or perhaps to conduct Versailles-style diplomacy? Barack Hussein Obama.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Miał siedem lat, kiedy zbłąkana niemiecka kula zabiła mu matkę. Kilka lat później ojciec umieścił go w piwnicy wraz z kobietami i dziećmi i poszedł walczyć w Powstaniu Warszawskim. Już nie wrócił. Wkrótce Rafał zetknął się z Armią Czerwoną i poraziła go niszczycielska, bezmyślna, barbarzyńska siła zwycięzców. Odtąd - jak mówi - zżerała go nienawiść do "czerwonego". Konspirował więc przeciwko nowej władzy. Kiedy dowiedział się, że są na jego tropie, postanowił "zgubić się" na Ziemiach Zachodnich. Znalazł się w tłumie kłębiącym się na dworcu. Chciał dostać się do pociągu do Wrocławia.Próbował przejść między wagonami. I wtedy dostrzegł pociąg do Berlina. W ciągu kilkudziesięciu sekund musiał podjąć decyzję. Ta minuta wyznaczyła mu los. Wczołgał się na półeczkę pod berlińskim pociągiem. Tak wyjechał z Polski. Został wartownikiem przy Armii Amerykańskiej przekonany, że to da mu możliwość walki w kolejnej wojnie światowej, która wybuchnie lada chwila. Nie wybuchła. A jego zżerała nienawiść. Ta nienawiść zawiodła go potem, jako najemnika, do Konga i Jemenu, gdzie walczył z wzniecanymi przez ZSRR rewolucjami. Rafał Gan-Ganowicz, z rodu polskich Tatarów, "pies wojny", najemnik, korespondent Radia Wolna Europa, opowiada w filmie o swych losach paląc papierosa za papierosem. Idzie po dawnych śladach - do Polski, Berlina, Brukseli, Paryża. Wspomina Afrykę: lęk, emocje, zabijanie, smak walki, przyjaźni i męskiego sprawdzenia się. Próbuje wyjaśnić swe racje, znaleźć przyczyny zwichrowania życia.Tej opowieści, zdjęciom współczesnym i archiwalnym, towarzyszy też lektura fragmentów jego książki zatytułowanej "Kondotierzy".

Pochodził z rodziny o korzeniach tatarskich, posługującej się herbem Rawicz. Ojciec przez pewien czas był żołnierzem Legii Cudzoziemskiej, następnie wyjechał w celach zarobkowych do Argentyny. Podczas kampanii wrześniowej zginęła jego matka a w Powstaniu Warszawskim zginął ojciec. Osierocony Gan‐Ganowicz zetknął się z Armią Czerwoną – „czego sowieciarz nie może zabrać to zniszczy” i w rezultacie „antykomunizmu nie wyniósł z domu, lecz nauczyli go komuniści”. W powojennej Polsce jako kilkunastolatek stworzył konspiracyjną organizację kolportującą antykomunistyczne ulotki i malującą napisy na murach.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Wywiad przeprowadzony przez Dr. Stanleya Monteitha z Anthonym C. Suttonem (1925-2002). Film pomaga zrozumieć mechanizmy dzięki, którym Rosja, Niemcy, Chiny zbudowały swoje totalitarne systemy.



Anthony C. Sutton był Brytyjskim ekonomistą, historykiem i pisarzem. Od 1968 do 1973 roku był pracownikiem naukowym w instytucie Hoowera / Uniwersytet Stanforda. Tam opublikował książkę “Zachodnia technologia a rozwój ekonomiczny Rosji”, w której opisał rozwój i budowę potęgi industrialno-militarnej komunistycznej Rosji, przez amerykańskie firmy. Po wydaniu serii książek został zmuszony do opuszczenia uniwersytetu.
Napisał 25 książek o tematyce historycznej, między innymi:
“Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”
“Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler“
”Wall Street and FDR”
“Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930 (1968), 1930-1945 (1971), 1945-1965 (1973) “
”The Best Enemy Money Can Buy”
“National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union”


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Pełnometrażowy film dokumentalny pt. "Powstanie Warszawskie 1944" w reż. Krzysztofa Langa ukazuje przebieg tej jednej z najkrwawszych i najtragiczniejszych bitew II wojny światowej. W filmie wykorzystano oryginalne materiały archiwalne polskich i niemieckich operatorów wojennych, a także relacje uczestników tych wydarzeń. Materiały te opisują w kronikarskiej formie przebieg powstania wraz z tłem politycznym, ukazując jednocześnie życie codzienne walczącej
Stolicy. Film powstał jako owoc działania Fundacji Filmowej Armii Krajowej.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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l7nx2k3 napisano 8.07.2014 12:33

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magdalenka95 napisano 7.09.2014 20:12

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eliza1234567 napisano 11.10.2015 19:30

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VmaxEr napisano 13.05.2016 19:23

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gonod33584 napisano 17.11.2022 07:08

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Super chomik

NaughtyDevil2k24 napisano 4.03.2024 16:03

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Filmy XXX - Tylko dla dorosłych, poniżej 18 lat WSTĘP WZBRONIONY Różne produkcje: Brazzers, Bangbros, Blacked, BrattySis, FamilyStrokes, Dorcel, HardX, JulesJordan,MYLF, Naughty America, Nubile Films, Private, Reality Kings, TeamSkeet, Tiny4K, Tushy, Vixen oraz wiele wiele więcej, wejdź a się przekonasz

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