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▨ Excel 2010 podstawowy i średni
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►►►G.I. The Illustrated History of the American Soldier
►Baśnie Andersena [MP3]
►Wiersze i bajki czyta P.Fronczewski
006 Glen Miller Tuxedo Junction
01 - USA
04 - Audycje radiowe
04 - Audycje radiowe(1)
1 - Porady dla nowych Chomików
1.Polska Piastów
100 битв, которые изменили мир(Rus)
201 - 300
Afirmacje na każdy dzień
Ale Historia
Ale Historia(1)
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Anthony de Mello - Zbiór Książek
audio książki
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I zdrada (1991)
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Mówią Wieki 2015
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Napoleon Hill - Mysl i bogac sie
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NLP Magazine
Normy ISO
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Uzbrojenie i umundurowanie Włochy
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Word 2010 podstawowy i zaawansowany
World War II
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wyd. SOLDAT(1)
Zarządzanie jakością
Серия «Армии мира»
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Engineering an Empire - The Persians (2006)

Królom z dynastii Achemenidów po raz pierwszy w dziejach udało się zjednoczyć wszystkie plemiona irańskie i utworzyć z nich silne państwo. W VI w. p.n.e. panująca w Persji dynastia medyjska została obalona przez Cyrusa II Starszego (559-530 p.n.e.), genialnego władcę, który zdołał podporządkować sobie cały azjatycki Wschód. Stworzone przez niego gigantyczne imperium było pierwszym w dziejach świata państwem, które skupiało tak wiele odrębnych kulturowo narodów. Na stolicę swego państwa Cyrus II wybrał Pasargady, gdzie wzniósł wspaniałe pałace. Kolejny władca, Dariusz I Wielki (522-486 p.n.e.), ustanowił wschodnią granicę swojego imperium aż na Indusie. Król wybudował Persepolis - rozległą stolicę swojego państwa, która zachwycała swym przepychem cały starożytny świat. W ten sposób powstało największe państwo w dziejach starożytnego Wschodu, które przetrwało prawie 200 lat, aż do podboju Aleksandra Wielkiego.


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IRAN (Is Not The Problem) is a feature length documentary film responding to the failure of the American mass media to provide the public with relevant and accurate information about the standoff between the US and Iran, as happened before with the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.

We have heard that Iran is a nuclear menace in defiance of the international community, bent on "wiping Israel off the map", supporting terrorism, and unwilling to negotiate. This documentary disputes these claims as they are presented to us and puts them in the context of present and historical US imperialism and hypocrisy with respect to Iran. It looks at the struggle for democracy inside Iran, the consequences of the current escalation and the potential US and/or Israeli attack, and suggests some alternatives to consider.

This 79 minute documentary features Antonia Juhasz, Larry Everest, and other activists and Iranian-Americans. The goal of this movie is to promote dialog and change the debate on Iran, so please consider organizing a screening, big or small, in your area.

Produced by Aaron Newman, an independent film-maker and part of the Scary Cow film co-op in San Francisco. He is an anti-imperialism/pro-democracy activist, founder of the SF Chomsky Book Club, and a member of Hands Off Iran. There are differences of opinion between many of the voices in this film, but all agree that a war would be unjustified. Below are brief video introductions for each of the people who participated.


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Centered on the concept of "Maximization", Matthew B. Robinson and Dr. Daniel S. Murphy offer a new theory of elite deviance and corporate crime called contextual anomie/strain theory. Exploring how simultaneous use of legitimate (i.e., legal) and illegitimate (i.e., deviant or illegal) means of opportunity in pursuit of one's goals, Greed is Good explains various forms of elite deviance and corporate crime. Contextual anomie/strain theory posits that although everyone in American society experiences stress and frustration association with American Dream, there are certain contexts in American society that produce even greater stress, frustration, and pressures toward crime. One such context is the corporate workplace. This book affirms how deviance and criminality have become normal in big business due to pressure to produce massive profits at the expense of all other considerations.


"In the midst of the present huge financial crisis, this book could hardly be more timely. The authors offer a novel theoretical framework for enriching our understanding of crimes of the rich and powerful. Matthew Robinson's previous books have been noteworthy additions to the criminological literature. In collaboration with Daniel Murphy, he has once again made a thought-provoking contribution to the field, from which the current generation of students has much to learn."—David O. Friedrichs, professor & Distinguished University Fellow, University of Scranton and author of Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society/, 3E, 2007

"This book is a well-written introduction to crime in America. Undergraduates would generally have no problems reading this work as the material is organized well and presented very clearly. The theory is both simple and clearly presented as minor extension of Anomie theory. The major strength of this book is that it is well-written and presents both the concept of coperate crime and the authors' theory in a clear and concise manner."—Randolph Grinc, associate professor of sociology and criminal justice, Caldwell College


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

On March 5, 2008, at 10:15 A.M., a hedge fund manager in Florida wrote a post on his investing advice Web site that included a startling statement about Bear Stearns & Co., the nation’s fifth-largest investment bank: “In my book, they are insolvent.”
This seemed a bold and risky statement. Bear Stearns was about to announce profits of $115 million for the first quarter of 2008, had $17.3 billion in cash on hand, and, as the company incessantly boasted, had been a colossally profitable enterprise in the eighty-five years since its founding.
Ten days later, Bear Stearns no longer existed, and the calamitous financial meltdown of 2008 had begun.
How this happened – and why – is the subject of William D. Cohan’s superb and shocking narrative that chronicles the fall of Bear Stearns and the end of the Second Gilded Age on Wall Street. Bear Stearns serves as the Rosetta Stone to explain how a combination of risky bets, corporate political infighting, lax government regulations and truly bad decision-making wrought havoc on the world financial system.
Cohan’s minute-by-minute account of those ten days in March makes for breathless reading, as the bankers at Bear Stearns struggled to contain the cascading series of events that would doom the firm, and as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, New York Federal Reserve Bank President Tim Geithner, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke began to realize the dire consequences for the world economy should the company go bankrupt.
But HOUSE OF CARDS does more than recount the incredible panic of the first stages of the financial meltdown. William D. Cohan beautifully demonstrates why the seemingly invincible Wall Street money machine came crashing down. He chronicles the swashbuckling corporate culture of Bear Stearns, the strangely crucial role competitive bridge played in the company’s fortunes, the brutal internecine battles for power, and the deadly combination of greed and inattention that helps to explain why the company’s leaders ignored the danger lurking in Bear’s huge positions in mortgage-backed securities.
The author deftly portrays larger-than-life personalities like Ace Greenberg, Bear Stearns’ miserly, take-no-prisoners chairman whose memos about re-using paper clips were legendary throughout Wall Street; his profane, colorful rival and eventual heir Jimmy Cayne, whose world-champion-level bridge skills were a lever in his corporate rise and became a symbol of the reasons for the firm’s demise; and Jamie Dimon, the blunt-talking CEO of JPMorgan Chase, who won the astonishing endgame of the saga (the Bear Stearns headquarters alone were worth more than JP Morgan paid for the whole company).
Cohan’s explanation of seemingly arcane subjects like credit default swaps and fixed- income securities is masterful and crystal clear, but it is the high-end dish and powerful narrative drive that makes HOUSE OF CARDS an irresistible read on a par with classics such as LIAR’S POKER and BARBARIANS AT THE GATE.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


"David Sarna is a visionary technologist. He is also a sophisticated investor and financier. He has written a readable, comprehensive, fascinating, and well-researched book that explores troublesome aspects of the financial system in a way only an experienced insider could."
—Jay N. Goldberg, Senior Managing Director, Hudson Ventures

"A comprehensive review of what has happened to us in our financial markets over and over and over and over again. It's an important history, written with wit and delivered with wisdom. Undoubtedly, History of Greed will become required reading for anyone serious about understanding the capital markets."
—Frederick L. Gorsetman, Founder and Managing Member, Oxbridge Financial Group, LLC

400 years of financial fraud in the making

From the earliest financial scams of the seventeenth century, through the headline-grabbing Wall Street scandals of our times, History of Greed provides a comprehensive history of financial fraud. In it, David E. Y. Sarna exposes the true and often riveting stories of how both naïve and sophisticated investors alike were fooled by unscrupulous entrepreneurs, lawyers, hedge fund managers, CPAs, Texas billionaires, political fundraisers, music managers, financial advisers, and even former Mossad agents. From the people behind the financial fraud and how they did it to why people continually fall prey to scam artists, Sarna outlines what actions you can take today to protect yourself from becoming the victim of tomorrow's "too good to be true" investment opportunity. History of Greed details how markets are manipulated, books are cooked, Ponzi schemes are hatched, and how the government only closes the barn door once the cows have all escaped.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

The compelling and authoritative story of the financial destruction of Iceland—a saga that mirrors, in microcosm, the forces that caused the global economic crisis.

The economic crisis that emerged in America in 2008 unleashed a veritable epidemic of ill health around the world. However it was Iceland, whose population of three hundred thousand had the world’s highest GDP per capita and counted itself the happiest of countries, that caught the worst cold. It has nearly killed them.

No story from the economic crisis of 2008 is more evocative than I celand’s. The names may be unfamiliar—Johanesson, Bjoergolfsson, Oddsson—but their exuberance, greed, and miscalculation have many counterparts on our shores. And however traumatic the collapse of individual companies may be in the United States, in Iceland’s case an entire country melted down. All the wealth accumulated in the previous decade—during which a new breed of Icelanders had dared to believe they could compete economically on an international level, during which Reykjavik became the Capital of Cool—disappeared practically overnight. Iceland’s story shows how closely the world economy is interconnected: The default on subprime mortgages in the U .S. led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which led directly to the run on Iceland’s banks, which forced local authorities in Britain to switch off the heating in their classrooms.

With panache and color, Roger Boyes tells the inside story of the bankrupting of I celand: how it happened, the human dramas—from politicians to financiers to fishermen—that continue to swirl around it, and the lessons we can not ignore. Published on the first anniversary of its collapse, Meltdown Iceland is a cautionary tale for our times, an authoritative and compelling account of the financial destruction of a tiny country whose saga should resonate for us all.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

This is the first book to analyse the food industry from a Marxist perspective.Respected economist Robert Albritton argues that the capitalist system, far from delivering on the promise of cheap, nutritious food for all, has created a world where 25% of the world population are over-fed and 25% are hungry. This malnourishment of 50% of the world's population is explained systematically, a refreshing change from accounts that focus on cultural factors and individual greed. Albritton details the economic relations and connections that have put us in a situation of simultaneous oversupply and undersupply of food.This explosive book pres yet more evidence that the human cost of capitalism is much bigger than those in power will admit.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

This is the book for anyone who wants to know what really lies behind the scandals and disasters of global business that have marred the first few years of the twenty-first century. This book is not about stock market "bubbles". Nor is it about accounting scandals and craven auditors. Rather, it examines why companies fail. The authors postulate that the reasons companies fail are few, and all too common. Detailed studies of eight of the most famous recent failures identify six main causes: poor strategic decisions; over-expansion and ill-judged acquisitions; dominant CEOs; greed, hubris and a desire for power; failure of internal controls, and ineffective boards. The authors also set out what the prudent investor, board member or manager should be alert to but often is not.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

In this powerful and far-reaching indictment of George W. Bush's White House, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the country's most prominent environmental attorney, charges that this administration has taken corporate cronyism to such unprecedented heights that it now threatens our health, our national security, and democracy as we know it. In a headlong pursuit of private profit and personal power, Kennedy writes, George Bush and his administration have eviscerated the laws that have protected our nation's air, water, public lands, and wildlife for the past thirty years, enriching the president's political contributors while lowering the quality of life for the rest of us.

Kennedy lifts the veil on how the administration has orchestrated these rollbacks almost entirely outside of public scrutiny -- and in tandem with the very industries that our laws are meant to regulate, the country's most notorious polluters. He writes of how it has deceived the public by manipulating and suppressing scientific data, intimidated enforcement officials and other civil servants, and masked its agenda with Orwellian doublespeak. He reports on how the White House doles out lavish subsidies and tax breaks to the energy barons while excusing industry from providing adequate security at the more than 15,000 chemical and nuclear facilities that are prime targets for terrorist attacks. Kennedy reveals an administration whose policies have "squandered our Treasury, entangled us in foreign wars, diminished our international prestige, made us a target for terrorist attacks, and increased our reliance on petty Middle Eastern dictators who despise democracy and are hated by their own people."

Crimes Against Nature is ultimately about the corrosive effect of corporate corruption on our core American values -- free-market capitalism and democracy. It is about an administration, the author argues, that has sacrificed respect for the law, public health, scientific integrity, and long-term economic vitality on the altar of corporate greed. It is a book for both Democrats and Republicans, people like the traditionally conservative farmers and fishermen Kennedy represents in lawsuits against polluters. "Without exception," he writes, "these people see the current administration as the greatest threat not just to their livelihoods but to their values, their sense of community, and their idea of what it means to be American."


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Power brokers and fast money inside the music business. Copiously researched and documented, Hit Men is the highly controversial portrait of the pop music industry in all its wild, ruthless glory: the insatiable greed and ambition; the enormous egos; the fierce struggles for profits and power; the vendettas, rivalries, shakedowns and payoffs. Chronicling the evolution of America’s largest music labels from the Tin Pan Alley days to the present day, Frederic Dannen examines the depth the often venal, sometimes illegal dealings among the assorted hustlers and kingpins who rule over this multi billion dollar business.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

The Second Edition of Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Revolutionizing the Means of Consumption is a unique analysis of the world of consumption, examining how we are different consumers now than we were in the past, both in the U.S. and around the world. In the process of understanding this social development, a wide range of theoretical perspectives including Marxian, Weberian, critical theory, and postmodern theory are applied. The book also looks at concepts such as hyperconsumption, implosion, time and space, and simulation .

Enchanting a Disenchanted World connects the everyday world in a sociological and theoretical way, making it an ideal text for a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses including introductory sociology, sociology of consumption , social change, popular culture, sociology of leisure, social theory, and economic sociology. The book will also be of value to anyone interested in exploring a sociological analysis of the world’s changing and expanding patterns and places of consumption.

"I like the fact that the book is relatively even-handed - appreciating spectacle even while forcing students to question critically the effects of consumption in their lives and those of their fellow citizens."


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

In Big Brother, Mark Dice details actual high-tech spy gadgets, mind-reading machines, government projects, and emerging artificial intelligence systems that seem as if they came right out of George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell’s famous book was first published in 1949, and tells the story of a nightmarish future where citizens have lost all privacy and are continuously monitored by the omniscient Big Brother surveillance system which keeps them obedient to a totalitarian government. The novel is eerily prophetic as many of the fictional systems of surveillance described have now become a reality. Mark Dice shows you the scary documentation that Big Brother is watching you, and is more powerful than you could imagine.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

What is Bilderberg?
And Why Does It Matter?
If you've never heard the word "Bilderberg," don't feel as though you are uninformed. Some of the best-read, most-widely-traveled folks on the planet have no knowledge of this organization— formally known by its leadership
and members as "The Bilderberg Meetings." For more than 50 years, acting as a global ruling elite, Bilderberg's very
name and activities remain largely hidden in the shadows, despite its immense clout in directing world affairs.
Although, in 1992, Larry Pope, the executive editor of the Asheville, North Carolina Citizen Times newspaper told one of his readers in a letter that "to my knowledge, such an organization does not exist and a media
conspiracy to keep its existence a secret would be ludicrous," the evidence shows otherwise. Now with the release of Bilderberg Diary by veteran journalist James P. Tucker Jr., those who've never known of Bilderberg will get a first-hand account of its history (and its misdeeds) from the one journalist who has doggedly tailed the Bilderbergers all over the United States and Europe for the last quarter century.

Although the mass media in the United States—both print and broadcast—has determinedly suppressed news and information about—and the very existence of—Bilderberg, Tucker has established himself as the world's foremost authority on Bilderberg, reporting on their intrigues in the pages of D.C.-based American Free Press. In Bilderberg Diary Jim Tucker lays out—for the first time—his entire remarkable history of covering Bilderberg, his infiltration of Bilderberg meetings, the procurement of their private documents, and the shining of the spotlight of public scrutiny on Bilderberg's shadowy affairs. Tucker's colorful prose will introduce you to the little-known arena of the Bilderberg elite, a memorable and panoramic journey that lays bare the realities behind modern-day international power politics in a way never seen before.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

In responding to the financial crash of 2008, both the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration have relied on prescriptions developed by John Maynard Keynes, the most important economist since Marx. But should we be relying on Keynes? What did Keynes actually say? Did he make his case? Hunter Lewis concludes that he did not. If Keynes was wrong then so are the economic policies of virtually all world governments today.

This important book fills a gap in the literature. It is an Austrian critique of Keynes that is concise and accessible to the general reader.
Keynes is a famously difficult writer to understand. While his ideas have achieved tremendous influence, most people have been exposed to them only by reading macroeconomics textbooks. Lewis writes, "Because few people have read Keynes, it is easy to be confused about what he said"


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

This text explores the nature of Polish Catholicism in the first half of the twentieth century and the changes it underwent under the policies of Soviet Communism. Of particular note are the laws and policies that were employed by the state in order to destroy religion in general, and Catholicism in particular. The text also explores the way that the strong tradition of Polish culture prepared the populace to be uniquely resistant to attempts to destroy its Christian religious life. It is ultimately, a story of the triumph of the people over the state.


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l7nx2k3 napisano 8.07.2014 12:33

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magdalenka95 napisano 7.09.2014 20:12

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eliza1234567 napisano 11.10.2015 19:30

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VmaxEr napisano 13.05.2016 19:23

zgłoś do usunięcia

gonod33584 napisano 17.11.2022 07:08

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Super chomik

NaughtyDevil2k24 napisano 4.03.2024 16:03

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