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  • 85 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
For over 2,500 years, the forbidding territory of Afghanistan has served as a vital crossroads--not only for armies but also for clashes between civilizations. As the United States engages in armed conflict with the current Afghan regime, an understanding of the military history of that blood-soaked land has become essential to every American.Afghanistan's military history provides lessons for us today. The earliest written records inform us of fierce mountain tribes on the "eastern" edge of the cradle of civilization. Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan on his way from Persia to India. Later, because of its strategic location--the Silk Road passed through its mountainous northern region--Afghanistan was invaded in succession by Arabs, Mongols, and Tartars. In the nineteenth century, Great Britain tried--and failed--to add Afghanistan to its Indian empire, while Russia tried to expand into the same embattled land. Afghanistan once again fought--and defeated --Russia in the 1980's when it tried to prop up a secular government in the face of rising Islamic resistance.Now America must face a new enemy on this land--a land that for centuries has become a graveyard of empires past.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
By the time Hitler declared war on the Soviet Union in 1941, he knew that his military machine was running out of fuel. In response, he launched Operation Blau, a campaign designed to protect Nazi oilfields in Rumania while securing new ones in the Caucasus. All that stood in the way was Stalingrad.
Most accounts of the Battle of Stalingrad have focused on the dismal fate of the German Army. Joel Hayward now chronicles Luftwaffe operations during that campaign, focusing on Hitler's use of the air force as a tactical rather than strategic weapon in close support of ground forces. He vividly details the Luftwaffe's key role as "flying artillery," showing that the army relied on Luftwaffe support to a far greater degree than has been previously revealed and that its successes in the East occurred largely because of the effectiveness of that support.

Hayward analyzes this major German offensive from the standpoint of cooperation between ground and air forces to attain mutually agreed upon objectives. He draws on diaries of both key commanders and regular airmen to recreate crucial battles and convey the drama of Hitler's frustrations and reckless leadership. Ultimately, Hayward shows, the poorly conceived strategies of Hitler, Goering, and others in Berlin doomed the efforts of air commander Wolfram von Richthofen, a courageous and resolute leader attempting to come to grips with an increasingly impossible situation.

Stopped at Stalingrad is a dynamic case study in combined arms warfare that fills in many of the gaps left by other studies of the eastern war. By reconsidering the campaign in the light of a wider body of documentary sources and analyzing many previously ignored events, Hayward provides military historians and general readers a much deeper and more complete understanding of the Battle of Stalingrad and its impact on World War II.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
An insider's account of the workings of the Federal Reserve, thoroughly updated to encompass the Fed's action (and inaction) during the recent financial meltdown.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
From 2002 to 2008, the Bush administration argued that Iran was developing nuclear weapons, despite years of inconclusive International Atomic Energy Agency inspection reports. In the absence of substantive evidence, much of the debate was conducted via public forums with a heavy persuasive element to the discourse. This book offers an in-depth consideration of the rhetoric surrounding Irans controversial nuclear programme. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, examining speeches, interviews, news reports, online message boards and newspaper layouts during the Bush Presidency (2000-2008). Engaging with visual grammar and narrative, the book looks at layouts from the Associated Press, The New York Times and The Washington Post, amongst others.The book points out, using rhetorical theory and discourse analysis, the conditions that lent credibility to the Bush administrations position by examining the arguments Bush and his political surrogates put forward, and the discourse strategies that influenced which ideas gained salience and which were downplayed. Political communication and Foucaults theory of governmentality are brought in to articulate the implications regarding the influence, importance and expansion of executive power.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Business journalist McGee paints Wall Street as a utility with capital flowing through the system like an electric power grid, noting why it almost failed. She describes the pressure on the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 to bail out Wall Street firms, why Wall Street was called an “abstraction,” and how Wall Street morphed from an intermediary (raising capital) into a casino. Goldman Sachs was the master of its universe, generating average return on equity of 25.4 percent in the decade before the financial crisis, compared with 15 percent annually for four other firms during the same period. Other firms' CEOs chased Goldman Sachs, considering it their model for boosting their own personal wealth and keeping shareholders happy. The author reports, “When left to their own devices, financial services firms . . . will focus almost monomaniacally on what is in their own best interest, seeking out ways to take earn sichigher returns and recruit top talent by paying the most lavish bonuses and offering the most enticing perks. . . . They cannot help themselves.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Face à la crise globale du capitalisme, on voit désormais le FMI, des gouvernements ou des économistes célèbres brûler ce qu'ils ont adoré - le marché - et réhabiliter l'Etat qu'ils honnissaient. Nous vivons en fait l'amorce d'une "démondialisation". L'histoire, la politique et les nations reprennent leurs droits avec le retour des Etats, que l'on disait naguère impuissants, et le recul des marchés, que l'on prétendait omniscients. Ce mouvement réveille de vieilles peurs. Et si cette démondialisation annonçait le retour au temps des guerres ? Ces peurs ne sont que l'autre face d'un mensonge qui fut propagé par ignorance et par intérêt. Non, la mondialisation ne fut pas, ne fut jamais "heureuse". Le mythe du "doux commerce" venant se substituer aux conflits guerriers a été trop propagé pour ne pas laisser quelques traces... Mais, à la vérité, ce n'est qu'un mythe. Les puissances dominantes ont en permanence usé de leur force pour s'ouvrir des marchés et modifier comme il leur convenait les termes de l'échange. Dans ce fétichisme de la mondialisation, il y eut beaucoup de calculs et de mensonges. Il faut donc établir le vrai bilan de cette mondialisation - de ses apports et de ses méfaits - pour penser rigoureusement la phase suivante qui s'ouvre. Ce livre propose précisément les voies d'une démondialisation pensée et ordonnée par une nouvelle organisation du commerce et des relations financières internationales.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


  • 267 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
In Ireland, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852. It is also known, mostly outside Ireland, as the Irish Potato Famine. In the Irish language it is called an Gorta Mór (IPA: [ənˠ ˈɡɔɾˠtˠə ˈmˠoːɾˠ], meaning "the Great Hunger") or an Drochshaol ([ənˠ ˈdˠɾɔxˌhiːlˠ], meaning "the bad times").

During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%. The proximate cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight. Although blight ravaged potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840s, the impact and human cost in Ireland – where one-third of the population was entirely dependent on the potato for food – was exacerbated by a host of political, social and economic factors which remain the subject of historical debate.

The famine was a watershed in the history of Ireland. Its effects permanently changed the island's demographic, political and cultural landscape. For both the native Irish and those in the resulting diaspora, the famine entered folk memory and became a rallying point for various nationalist movements as Ireland was then part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Modern historians regard it as a dividing line in the Irish historical narrative, referring to the preceding period of Irish history as "pre-Famine".

About the Series
How did anyone manage to escape from the Nazi death camps or the killing fields of Cambodia? Great Escapes presents gripping accounts of narrow escapes to illuminate historical events from a distinct, personal perspective.

Here are the brave individuals caught in history’s worst atrocities—and their amazing will to survive. David Bol, one of Sudan’s many "lost boys," tells of his four-month trek across Ethiopia to a refugee camp during a horrific civil war. William Wells Brown depended on the station masters of the Underground Railroad to help him escape to the North and to freedom from slavery. Jewish prisoners Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wexler smuggled out proof of Nazi extermination practices, outrunning German bullets to "tell everyone about Auschwitz." Primary sources add drama to each compelling narrative, while the text addresses the broader significance of the event, the social issues at stake, and how society continues to be affected.


  • 42 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
The first prototype for the Tiger tank was set to be ready for Hitlers birthday on April 20, 1942. The Henschel Company, competing with Porsche, produced the superior model, and by August of that year the formidable Tiger--or Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. H.--was in full production. This book takes us behind the scenes with the Tiger tank, reviewing the full history, the design and mechanics, and the mixed record of this machine, which was designed to outgun its Russian counterparts. Military writer Michael Green offers a close-up account--accompanied by photographs, diagrams, and maps--of how the Tiger tank operated, how it was armed, and where it succeeded brilliantly, as well as where it failed miserably. His book fills a fascinating niche in the history of military technology, and of the impact of technology on history itself.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Jerzy Dąbrowski był synem rosyjskiego generała, lecz w domu otrzymał polskie patriotyczne wychowanie i kiedy w Rosji wybuchła rewolucja, natychmiast wziął udział w organizowaniu polskich oddziałów broniących Wilna. Stworzył osobliwe zgrupowanie partyzanckie, zachodzące za skórę bolszewikom, przeorganizowane z czasem w 13 Pułk Ułanów. Potem w podobny sposób walczył w wojnie bolszewickiej, a kiedy wybuchła ta kolejna wojna, z Niemcami, najpierw walczył na dwa fronty z obydwoma najeźdźcami, a potem utworzył silne zgrupowanie antysowieckiej partyzantki. Jako pierwszy, używając pseudonimu Łupaszka, na terenach włączonych do ZSRR podniósł sztandar walki i nie spoczął do tragicznej śmierci w 1941 roku.

Jako komentatorzy występują historycy: dr Sławomir Poleszak (IPN O/Lublin), dr hab. Rafał Wnuk (KUL, Muzeum II Wojny Światowej).
Scenariusz filmu: Tadeusz Doroszuk i Adam Sikorski. Reżyseria: Adam Sikorski. Rok produkcji: 2009. Czas:27. 48 min.


  • 170 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
During Stalin’s lifetime the crimes of his regime were literally unspeakable. More than fifty years after his death, Russia is still coming to terms with Stalinism and the people’s own role in the abuses of the era. During the decades of official silence that preceded the advent of glasnost, Russian writers raised troubling questions about guilt, responsibility, and the possibility of absolution. Through the subtle vehicle of satire, they explored the roots and legacy of Stalinism in forms ranging from humorous mockery to vitriolic diatribe.
Examining works from the 1917 Revolution to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Karen L. Ryan reveals how satirical treatments of Stalin often emphasize his otherness, distancing him from Russian culture. Some satirists portray Stalin as a madman. Others show him as feminized, animal-like, monstrous, or diabolical. Stalin has also appeared as the unquiet dead, a spirit that keeps returning to haunt the collective memory of the nation. While many writers seem anxious to exorcise Stalin from the body politic, for others he illuminates the self in disturbing ways. To what degree Stalin was and is “in us” is a central question of all these works. Although less visible than public trials, policy shifts, or statements of apology, Russian satire has subtly yet insistently participated in the protracted process of de-Stalinization.


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
When the Bolsheviks seized power in the Soviet Union during 1917, they were suffering from a substantial political legitimacy deficit. Uneasy political foundations meant that cinema became a key part of the strategy to protect the existence of the USSR. Based on extensive archival research, this welcome book examines the interaction between politics and the Soviet cinema industry during the period between Stalin's rise to power and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. It reveals that film had a central function during those years as an important means of convincing the masses that the regime was legitimate and a bearer of historical truth.

Miller analyzes key films, from the classic musical Circus to the political epic The Great Citizen, and examines the Bolseviks', ultimately failed, attempts to develop a "cinema for the millions." As Denise Youngblood writes, "this work is indispensable reading not only for specialists in Soviet film and culture, but also for anyone interested in the dynamics of cultural production in an authoritarian society."

"Superbly researched and well-written, this fascinating book is the first full-length political history of Soviet cinema during a tumultuous period, the 'long thirties,' 1929-1941." -- Denise Youngblood


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
In this issue:

Shots of a Jagdpanther from s.H.Pz.Jg.Abt.655, showing their unusual camouflage loops.
A set of photos from a veteran showing StuGs with unique 'Schürzen' mounts.
One of a kind photo showing a Panther Ausf.D chassis with test weights and final pattern 'heavy' drive sprocket.
Antiques in combat: old Pz.Kpfw.III and IVs in 1945. Camouflage patterns courtesy of Picasso!.
A s.Zgkw 12t (Sd.Kfz.8) as a demolition vehicle.
Captured US M8 armoured car fitted with a MG 151/15 shown in high resolution and utmost clarity.
Hand over of the Panther Ausf.D to the citizens of Breda by the Polish 1st Armoured Division.
A complete walkaround of a pair of Panzer IV/70(V)s inside and out.
Unique conversion of a m.SPW. (Sd.Kfz.251) Ausf.C.

Vehicles in this issue:

Jagdtiger, Tiger II, 'Octopus' Tiger II, Panther Ausf.D, Panther Ausf.D test vehicle, Panther Ausf.G, Bergpanther Ausf.A, Jagdpanther, Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.C, Sturmgeschütz IV, Panzer IV/70(V), Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.F, Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.G, Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.J, Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.G, Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.b, Wespe, PzJgr 38 für 7.62cm Pak 36, 7.5cm Pak 40 auf Lr.S4.7cm Pak(t) auf Pz.Kpfw.35R(f), Pz.Kpfw.35R(f), 15cm Panzerwerfer 42, Ford V3000 Maultier, s.Zgkw 18t (Sd.Kfz.9), s.Zgkw 12t (Sd.Kfz.8), m.Zgkw 8t (Sd.Kfz.7) 'Pritschbau', m.S.P.W. (Drilling) (Sd.Kfz.251/21), m.S.P.W. (Sd.Kfz.251) Ausf.D, m.S.P.W. (Sd.Kfz.251) Ausf.C, le.S.P.W. (2cm) (Sd.Kfz.250) Ausf.A, le.S.P.W. (Sd.Kfz.250) Ausf.B, s.Pz.Sp.Wg. (Fu) (Sd.Kfz.232), Pz.Sp.Wg. M8(a), Opel 3,6-6700A with 2cm Flakvierling


  • 427 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Jednosilnikowy myśliwiec okresu II wojny światowej zaprojektowany na zlecenie RAF-u, produkowany w zakładach North American Aviation (NAA) w Stanach Zjednoczonych (zakłady w Kalifornii i Teksasie) oraz w znacznie mniejszej liczbie przez Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation w Australii. Używany był przez USA i ich sojuszników zarówno podczas II wojny światowej jak i wojny koreańskiej (jako samolot szturmowy). Udana konstrukcja z 1940 roku sprawiła, że ostatni projekt samolotu bojowego opartego na P-51 zamknięto dopiero w 1986 roku kończąc tym samym 46 lat rozwoju jednej konstrukcji. Obecnie wiele z tych maszyn znajduje się w rękach prywatnych. Latają one podczas pokazów i zawodów sportowych. Ogółem wyprodukowano 15 000 - 16 000 Mustangów.


  • 93 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
In chronicling Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories—from road blocks to curfews, economic chaos to health care crises—UCLA professor Makdisi sketches a powerful, relentlessly heartbreaking account of a reality few Westerners know. According to Makdisi, the global media rarely covers the routine destruction of the occupation; rather than assessing the hermetic sealing of the Gaza Strip or the slicing up of West Bank communities for the sake of Israeli settlements, the media focuses on violence—eclipsing the deadly effects of the Israeli apparatus of bureaucracy and control. Makdisi unequivocally condemns attacks on civilians, Israeli or Palestinian, and acknowledges the many Israelis working toward conflict resolution (indeed, much of his data comes from Israeli human rights organizations), but his scholarship occasionally fails when surveying Israeli society: Jews who fled Arab lands don't generally consider themselves Arab Jews, for instance, and Zionism is a 19th-century nationalist movement, not a reaction to the Holocaust. Yet this doesn't detract from the urgency of Makdisi's work. The combined weight of personal stories of abject suffering, harsh statistics (in the past seven years, Israeli military operations have killed 854 Palestinian children) and facts on the ground make Makdisi's case that the occupation is destroying the Palestinian people, and possibly any chance for peaceful coexistence.


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Filmy XXX - Tylko dla dorosłych, poniżej 18 lat WSTĘP WZBRONIONY Różne produkcje: Brazzers, Bangbros, Blacked, BrattySis, FamilyStrokes, Dorcel, HardX, JulesJordan,MYLF, Naughty America, Nubile Films, Private, Reality Kings, TeamSkeet, Tiny4K, Tushy, Vixen oraz wiele wiele więcej, wejdź a się przekonasz

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