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Ukryj opis Rozwiń
= Moje KLIPY
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=! ► MUZYKA - MP3 ═══════════════
=! ► TUTORIALE - PORADY ═══════════════
=► ● AVI - PNG- ŚWIĄTECZNE ═══════════════
=► ● AVI - PODKLADY ═══════════════
=►► GRAFIKA i VIDEO ═══════════════
=►► PLUGINY- FILTRY ═══════════════
=►► ZRZUTY EKRANU ═══════════════
=►► FLASH - SWF ═══════════════
do Panit Shop Pro
do Photoshopa
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Kraje świata
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Automatyczne uruchamianie skryptów i operacji
W programie Photoshop niektóre zdarzenia, takie jak otwieranie, zapisywanie i otwieranie plików, mogą być kojarzone z operacjami i skryptami JavaScript. Wiele z nich ma status domyślnych, to znaczy ich wystąpienie powoduje domyślne wykonanie Skryptu lub operacje programu Photoshop.

Wybierz polecenie Plik > Skrypty > Menedżer zdarzeń skryptów.
Zaznacz opcję Uaktywnij zdarzenia w celu uruchomienia skryptów/operacji.
W menu Zdarzenie programu Photoshop wybierz zdarzenie, które będzie powodowało wykonanie skryptu lub operacji.
Zaznacz opcję Skrypt lub opcję Operacja, a następnie wybierz konkretny skrypt lub konkretną operację.
Program Photoshop daje do wyboru kilka przykładowych skryptów. Aby wybrać inny skrypt, kliknij Przeglądaj i odszukaj skrypt. Aby wybrać operację, najpierw zaznacz zestaw operacji (w pierwszym menu podręcznym), a dopiero z niego wybrać tę konkretną (w drugim menu). Aby zadanie było wyświetlane w menu, wcześniej należy wczytać je (lub jego zestaw) na panel Operacje.

Kliknij przycisk Dodaj. W oknie dialogowym pojawi się informacja o skojarzeniu ze zdarzeniem wybranej operacji lub skryptu.
Aby wyłączyć i usunąć pojedyncze zdarzenie, zaznacz je na liście i kliknij przycisk Usuń. Aby wyłączyć wszystkie zdarzenia, ale pozostawić je na liście, należy usunąć zaznaczenie opcji Uaktywnij zdarzenia w celu uruchomienia skryptów/zadań.

Adres do dowolnej strony - skrypt tworzenia własnej strony

  • 3 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:45
The purpose of this script is to remove any color from an image, much like the Eliminate White and Eliminate Black filters do. This script has more flexibility than those filters, because it allows you to remove ANY color from an image.
  • 38 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:44
The purpose of this script is to create a frame for an image. It does this using the Toadies Blast em! and Blast n Blur (or Blur em!) filters.

Two versions of the script are provided in the ZIP file - the one with the file name ending in FUn runs on systems which have Filters Unlimited (FUn) installed. The other version runs on systems without FUn.

Open an image to be framed, and set the Foreground Material to a gradient that complements your image. If you do not have a gradient that complements your image, use the Dropper tool to select two contrasting colors from your image and use the Foreground-background gradient distributed with PSP.
  • 50 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:44
  • 257 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:43
The purpose of this script is to create a frame for an image. The frame has a frame overlay created from a frame-shaped PSP Preset Shape
  • 25 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:41
The purpose of this script is to create a frame for an image. The frame has an optional frame overlay created from a frame-shaped PSP Preset Shape.
  • 23 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:40
The purpose of this script is to create a frame for an image. It does this using effects from PSP itself, and no outside filters. Open an image to be framed, resizing to about 350 pixels on the longest side. Set the Foreground Material to Pattern, and use the image you are framing as your pattern, with Angle=45 and Scale somewhere around 50, depending on the size of the individual components in the image. Set the Background material to a medium color from the image - this color will be used in the narrow frame borders.
  • 17 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:40
  • 6 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:38
The purpose of this script is to assist scrappers in saving scrapbook pages in three ways - as a layered PSP image for later work, as a smaller, JPEG image for posting on the web, and as an image suitable for printing. This script is particularly intended for "scrappers" but can be used by anyone wishing to save images in these ways.

Place the ss-SavingImages script in your Scripts-Trusted folder. The script must run from the Scripts-Trusted folder because it saves and closes files.

Quick Guide and related files:
Make a folder in your Quick Guides folder (if you don't already have one) called Scripts.
Within the Scripts folder, make a folder called ss-SavingImages.
Place everything from the ZIP file (except the ss-SavingImages script) in the Scripts\ss-SavingImages folder.
If you are working in PSP 8 or 9, you can open the SavingImages Quick Guide in the Learning Center. If you are working in PSP X or higher, you can view the Quick Guide by browsing to the ss-SavingImages folder you created above and double-clicking on the index.htm file.
  • 31 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:28
The purpose of this script is to create a frame for an image. The frame has decorative corners created with custom brushes in opposite corners.

dot Installation Instructions:

Place the D_gold fold bmp file into your Patterns folder.

UNzip the Corner brushes into your Brushes folder.

Download the script - this script runs from any Restricted folder, including its own Quick Guide folder.
  • 83 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:27
The purpose of this script is to create a cross using the Sinedots II filter.

Set the Foreground Material to Color, and select black, or another very dark color. A configuration, or settings, file is provided in the ZIP (ss-s2cross.cfg). Place this file in the same folder where your Sinedots II filter is located.
  • 71 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:27
  • 6 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:26
The purpose of this script is to export a previously-saved image as a tube in PSP 8. Before using this script, you must have a single layer, 24-bit image with transparency open in your workspace. The script will crop any unnecessary space from around the tube and invoke the Export Picture Tube dialog, with the original image name entered into the Tube name field of the dialog. The script will also warn you and terminate if the image has not been previously saved, or is not "tube ready".

This script is very handy if you often receive PSP files that you want to save as tubes. Quite often, these images have a lot of extra space around them, which I like to trim off before saving. In addition, many tube lists require the user to retain the original name of the tube. I get tired of typing all that in, so I whipped up this little script to automate the procedure.
  • 65 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:25
The purpose of this script is to create a frame using PSP's Chisel effect.

Open an image to be framed, and set the foreground material to a color, pattern, or gradient for the chisel borders.

The script generates 2 dialog boxes. The first asks for the color to be used for the chisel effect. The second dialog asks whether or not you want the chisel to be transparent. Whether or not a transparent chisel effect is selected, the chisel color will be used for the inside edge of the chisel effect. The difference lies in the way the color is dispersed across the chisel area. With a transparent chisel, the color fades to transparency towards the outside edges, whereas with a solid color chisel, the color darkens toward black.
  • 63 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:25
  • 9 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:23
The purpose of this script is to convert PSP 7 Wave effect settings to comparable settings for PSP 8+
  • 21 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:23
  • 17 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:22
The purpose of this script is to create a simple tag from a Picture Tube.
  • 21 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:22
  • 29 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:21
The purpose of this script is to create a window pane tag using a Preset Shape. It was recorded in PSP 8, but works equally well in PSP 9.
  • 38 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:21
  • 29 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:20
The purpose of this script is to create simple frames for images using a repeating dingbat font character. As there are literally hundreds of dingbat fonts, with many characters in each, this script provides an almost limitless supply of simple frames. It works equally well in both PSP 8 and PSP 9.
  • 65 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:20
  • 12 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:19
The purpose of this script is to create files from layers of psp images. This script processes entire folders of files at one time, and runs from the Script toolbar from within PSP.
  • 213 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:18
  • 159 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:18
  • 178 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:18
The purpose of this script is to create a blinkie tag using the template included with the script.
  • 204 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:17
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262 plików
31,62 MB

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności