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Kobieta Ani

widziany: 10.07.2024 02:42

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Ukryj opis Rozwiń
= Moje KLIPY
= MOJE PRACE ═══════════════
= PRO SHOW PRODUCER - robimy klipy ═══════════════
=! ► MUZYKA - MP3 ═══════════════
=! ► TUTORIALE - PORADY ═══════════════
=► ● AVI - PNG- ŚWIĄTECZNE ═══════════════
=► ● AVI - PODKLADY ═══════════════
=►► GRAFIKA i VIDEO ═══════════════
=►► PLUGINY- FILTRY ═══════════════
=►► ZRZUTY EKRANU ═══════════════
=►► FLASH - SWF ═══════════════
do Panit Shop Pro
do Photoshopa
Biblioteka skryptów
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3D - Modelingi
Akcje do PS
●●●● ABC KOMPUTERA ═══════════════
●●●● E-BOOKI
●●●● TEATR - OPERA ═══════════════
Kraje świata
✿ ZAKĄTKI - ŚWIATA - TURYSTYKA ═══════════════
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💦 Xena
💦 X A T
Automatyczne uruchamianie skryptów i operacji
W programie Photoshop niektóre zdarzenia, takie jak otwieranie, zapisywanie i otwieranie plików, mogą być kojarzone z operacjami i skryptami JavaScript. Wiele z nich ma status domyślnych, to znaczy ich wystąpienie powoduje domyślne wykonanie Skryptu lub operacje programu Photoshop.

Wybierz polecenie Plik > Skrypty > Menedżer zdarzeń skryptów.
Zaznacz opcję Uaktywnij zdarzenia w celu uruchomienia skryptów/operacji.
W menu Zdarzenie programu Photoshop wybierz zdarzenie, które będzie powodowało wykonanie skryptu lub operacji.
Zaznacz opcję Skrypt lub opcję Operacja, a następnie wybierz konkretny skrypt lub konkretną operację.
Program Photoshop daje do wyboru kilka przykładowych skryptów. Aby wybrać inny skrypt, kliknij Przeglądaj i odszukaj skrypt. Aby wybrać operację, najpierw zaznacz zestaw operacji (w pierwszym menu podręcznym), a dopiero z niego wybrać tę konkretną (w drugim menu). Aby zadanie było wyświetlane w menu, wcześniej należy wczytać je (lub jego zestaw) na panel Operacje.

Kliknij przycisk Dodaj. W oknie dialogowym pojawi się informacja o skojarzeniu ze zdarzeniem wybranej operacji lub skryptu.
Aby wyłączyć i usunąć pojedyncze zdarzenie, zaznacz je na liście i kliknij przycisk Usuń. Aby wyłączyć wszystkie zdarzenia, ale pozostawić je na liście, należy usunąć zaznaczenie opcji Uaktywnij zdarzenia w celu uruchomienia skryptów/zadań.

Adres do dowolnej strony - skrypt tworzenia własnej strony

  • 24 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:43
Code "snippets" for extracting system date and time information.
The purpose of this script is to provide code "snippets" to show you how to extract date and time information from the system in a script. For example, you might want to retrieve the system's time stamp as documentation on a tag along with your watermark. There are several ways to do this - for this instructional script, I've chosen what I think is the most complete method, which involves calling the Python "time" module and using the built-in "strftime" function to extract and format the data.
  • 3 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:42
Utility script to delete empty layers from an image.
  • 20 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:42
  • 72 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:41
Make a simple striped image from a pattern.
  • 16 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:41
Create a color chip strip using the Foreground Material from the materials palette.
  • 294 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:40
  • 303 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:40
A tag created by fading in and out 2 separate images, with or without text!
  • 5 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:38
Add virtually invisible positioning pixels to layers so they can be copied and pasted to other images without losing the position of layer elements!
00 - original version
01 - added code to handle shape layers containing special characters not allowed in file names
02 - added code to handle shapes with complex layer structure
03 - revised code added in version 02 to better process shapes with complex layer structure
04 - another revision to better process shapes with complex layer structure
05 - revised code to process .jsl files as well as .PspShape files
  • 27 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:37
Create transparent PNG files from PSP Preset Shapes - now works for both *.PspShape and *.jsl files!

00 - original version
01 - added code to handle shape layers containing special characters not allowed in file names
02 - added code to handle shapes with complex layer structure
03 - revised code added in version 02 to better process shapes with complex layer structure
04 - another revision to better process shapes with complex layer structure
05 - revised code to process .jsl files as well as .PspShape files
  • 25 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:36
  • 75 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:36
Lets the user create font previews for a folder of fonts!
The purpose of this script is to create font previews for a folder of fonts.

Place the ss-FontPreviews script in your Scripts-Trusted folder. The script must run from the Scripts-Trusted folder because it saves and closes files.

Quick Guide and related files:
Make a folder in your Quick Guides folder (if you don't already have one) called Scripts.
Within the Scripts folder, make a folder called ss-FontPreviews.
Place everything from the ZIP file (except the ss-FontPreviews script) in the Scripts\ss-FontPreviews folder.
If you are working in PSP 8 or 9, you can open the FontPreviews Quick Guide (ReadMe) file in the Learning Center. If you are working in PSP X, you can view the ReadMe file by browsing to the ss-FontPreviews folder you created above and double-clicking on the index.htm file.
  • 24 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:35
A utility script designed to allow users to execute the Resize dialog in PSP X2 repeatedly, retaining the last used parameters!
  • 24 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:33
A utility script designed to process a folder of files, reducing their size by increasing the JPEG compression value until the files are below a user-designated size!
The purpose of this script is to process a folder of files, reducing their size by increasing the JPEG compression value until the files are below a user-designated size.
  • 42 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:33
00 - original version
01 - PointSize adjusted for text in PSP X
02 - changed PointSize to 13 for PSP X
03 - allowed for partial caption banner
04 - allowed for no caption banner at all
05 - updated to work in PSP versions XI and higher
06 - removed TextTarget parameter from TextEX command
07 - added font size tester section; made text proportional to image size
08 - changed the way text is allocated so hanging glyphs not lost
  • 15 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:32
  • 47 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:32
A utility script that lets the user add a simple caption to an image without changing the image size - made several updates to text - should work better in ALL versions now!! This is a simple utility script whose purpose is to add a caption consisting of the image's name to the bottom of an image without altering the image's size.

00 - original version
01 - PointSize adjusted for text in PSP X
02 - changed PointSize to 13 for PSP X
03 - allowed for partial caption banner
04 - allowed for no caption banner at all
05 - updated to work in PSP versions XI and higher
06 - removed TextTarget parameter from TextEX command
07 - added font size tester section; made text proportional to image size
08 - changed the way text is allocated so hanging glyphs not lost
  • 37 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:31
  • 237 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:30
This is a utility script designed to run in batch mode whose purpose is to add a caption to the bottom of an image without altering the image's size!!
The purpose of this script is to assist the user in creating multiple tags from a single template and a list of names.

Place the ss-MultipleTagsMaster script in your Scripts-Trusted folder. The script must run from the Scripts-Trusted folder because it opens, saves, and closes files.

Quick Guide and sample files:
Make a folder in your Quick Guides folder (if you don't already have one) called Scripts.
Within the Scripts folder, make a folder called ss-MultipleTags.
Place everything from the ZIP file (except the MultipleTagsMaster script) in the Scripts\ss-MultipleTags folder.
If you are working in PSP 8 or 9, you can open the MultipleTags ReadMe file in the Learning Center.
If you are working in PSP X or higher, you can view the ReadMe file by browsing to the ss-MultipleTags folder you created above and double-clicking on the index.htm file.

The three sample files included with this package are provided merely for illustrative purposes. You will probably want to keep them in the ss-MultipleTags Quick guide folder so that everything is together.

dot Change History:

00 - original version
01 - added check to be sure MultipleTagsMaster script is in Trusted folder; added code to make sure VectorMove step runs only when there is an actual move (MoveX and MoveY not both = 0); made changes to horizontal text section so that text is rendered correctly for each version of PSP; added Kerning to list of options extracted from Tool Options palette; echoed script-terminating error messages to SOP; updated Quick Guide
02 - added Anti-alias and four 'Font style' options (Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethru) to list of options extracted from Tool Options palette; updated Quick Guide
03 - added to the printed information generated concerning the Batch Process in part 2 of the script, explaining how to save tags in GIF format using the associated ss-ExportAsGIF script; updated Quick Guide
04 - added Prefix option to User Defined Variables
05 - added capability to save tags in PNG format; updated Quick Guide
  • 38 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:29
Removes excess space from PNG images, allowing for much smaller files - works on single images, and on multiple images in batch mode!
The purpose of the ss-PNGfromPSPBrush script is to create transparent PNG images from PSPBrush files.
place the ss-PNGfromPSPBrush script in a Scripts-Trusted folder. The script must run from a Scripts-Trusted folder because it opens, closes, and saves files.
  • 146 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:27
This script imitates tea bag folding by creating shapes like the kite fold and the waterbomb fold from square images of any size created by the user before running the script. Copies of that shape are then assembled into one of several medallions. Users can choose from seven medallion variations as well as whether or not to apply beveling to the medallion pieces.
This script imitates tea bag folding by creating shapes like the kite fold and the waterbomb fold from square images and assembling them into one of several medallions.
  • 24 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:26
  • 101 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:26
The purpose of this script is to create a sheet of formatted alphanumeric characters, or individual alphanumeric characters, from any font. This script is particularly intended for "scrappers" but can be used by anyone wishing to create a collection of formatted font characters for other graphic work.

Place the ss-MakingAlphas script in your Scripts-Trusted folder. The script must run from the Scripts-Trusted folder because it saves and closes files.

Quick Guide and related files:
Make a folder in your Quick Guides folder (if you don't already have one) called Scripts.
Within the Scripts folder, make a folder called ss-MakingAlphas.
Place everything from the ZIP file (except the ss-MakingAlphas script) in the Scripts\ss-MakingAlphas folder.
If you are working in PSP 8 or 9, you can open the MakingAlphas Quick Guide (ReadMe) file in the Learning Center. If you are working in PSP X, you can view the ReadMe file by browsing to the ss-MakingAlphas folder you created above and double-clicking on the index.htm file.
  • 33 KB
  • 8 mar 15 18:24
The purpose of this script is to create a tag using the Mosaic Antique and Circle effects of PSP.
  • 35 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:47
The purpose of this script is to create a very simple frame for any single-layered image, using drop shadows and highlights. The script also includes an option for adding PSP brushstrokes to the frame, if desired, using colors from the image.
  • 83 KB
  • 8 mar 15 17:47
  • Pobierz folder
  • Aby móc przechomikować folder musisz być zalogowanyZachomikuj folder
  • dokumenty
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  • pliki wideo
  • pliki muzyczne

262 plików
31,62 MB

Zaprzyjaźnione i polecane chomiki (46)Zaprzyjaźnione i polecane chomiki (46)
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności