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Kobieta Ani

widziany: 28.06.2024 21:28

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Ukryj opis Rozwiń
= Moje KLIPY
= MOJE PRACE ═══════════════
= PRO SHOW PRODUCER - robimy klipy ═══════════════
=! ► MUZYKA - MP3 ═══════════════
=! ► TUTORIALE - PORADY ═══════════════
=► ● AVI - PNG- ŚWIĄTECZNE ═══════════════
=► ● AVI - PODKLADY ═══════════════
=►► GRAFIKA i VIDEO ═══════════════
=►► PLUGINY- FILTRY ═══════════════
=►► ZRZUTY EKRANU ═══════════════
=►► FLASH - SWF ═══════════════
do Panit Shop Pro
do Photoshopa
Biblioteka skryptów
Style Textowe
3D - Modelingi
Akcje do PS
●●●● ABC KOMPUTERA ═══════════════
●●●● E-BOOKI
●●●● TEATR - OPERA ═══════════════
Kraje świata
✿ ZAKĄTKI - ŚWIATA - TURYSTYKA ═══════════════
✿ ZDROWIE - URODA - RATOWNICTWO ═══════════════
💦 Iva
💦 Jasia
💦 Xena
💦 X A T
Automatyczne uruchamianie skryptów i operacji
W programie Photoshop niektóre zdarzenia, takie jak otwieranie, zapisywanie i otwieranie plików, mogą być kojarzone z operacjami i skryptami JavaScript. Wiele z nich ma status domyślnych, to znaczy ich wystąpienie powoduje domyślne wykonanie Skryptu lub operacje programu Photoshop.

Wybierz polecenie Plik > Skrypty > Menedżer zdarzeń skryptów.
Zaznacz opcję Uaktywnij zdarzenia w celu uruchomienia skryptów/operacji.
W menu Zdarzenie programu Photoshop wybierz zdarzenie, które będzie powodowało wykonanie skryptu lub operacji.
Zaznacz opcję Skrypt lub opcję Operacja, a następnie wybierz konkretny skrypt lub konkretną operację.
Program Photoshop daje do wyboru kilka przykładowych skryptów. Aby wybrać inny skrypt, kliknij Przeglądaj i odszukaj skrypt. Aby wybrać operację, najpierw zaznacz zestaw operacji (w pierwszym menu podręcznym), a dopiero z niego wybrać tę konkretną (w drugim menu). Aby zadanie było wyświetlane w menu, wcześniej należy wczytać je (lub jego zestaw) na panel Operacje.

Kliknij przycisk Dodaj. W oknie dialogowym pojawi się informacja o skojarzeniu ze zdarzeniem wybranej operacji lub skryptu.
Aby wyłączyć i usunąć pojedyncze zdarzenie, zaznacz je na liście i kliknij przycisk Usuń. Aby wyłączyć wszystkie zdarzenia, ale pozostawić je na liście, należy usunąć zaznaczenie opcji Uaktywnij zdarzenia w celu uruchomienia skryptów/zadań.

Adres do dowolnej strony - skrypt tworzenia własnej strony

  • 19 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:39
A fun tag using the free Mosaic filter from Auto FX!
  • 88 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:38
Script Summary:

The purpose of this script is to create a tag using the free Mosaic filter from Auto FX.

dot Installation Instructions:

Download the script - this script runs from any Restricted folder, including its own Quick Guide folder.

Place the Auto FX Mosaic preset into the Mosaic presets folder within the folder where you installed the AutoFX Mosaic filter. See complete instructions within Quick Guide.

If needed, install Mask 130 file in your mask folder.

dot Change History:

00 - original version
01 - increased image size to 250x250, and added support for purchased Auto FX DreamSuite plugin
02 - updated for PSP 9 (GetToolInfo function for text)
  • 22 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:37
Another tag using Eye Candy's Motion Trail effect, and PSP's wave effect!
  • 32 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:37
The purpose of this script is to create a tag using the Motion Trail effect found in Eye Candy. This script will work with Eye Candy 4000, Eye Candy 3.1, and Eye Candy 3.0.
  • 142 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:35
The purpose of this script is to create an Animated Lights tag from a special template. The user creates the tag, and the script is used to "turn on the lights"! The tag is saved in PSP7 format, opened in Animation Shop, and saved as an animation.
  • 17 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:35
A tag created by fading in and out 2 separate images, with or without text!
  • 14 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:34
Code "snippets" to allow users to choose their own materials
  • 26 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:33
A greyscale or sepia tones image with a colored "popout" area!
  • 34 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:32
The purpose of this script is to help you create a greyscale or sepia tones image with a colored "popout" area. You select the area, and the script completes the image for you.

dot Installation Instructions:

Download the script - this script runs from any Restricted folder, including its own Quick Guide folder.
  • 8 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:31
Generates Custom Brushes from any Dingbat font in seconds!
  • 33 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:31
Script Summary:

The purpose of this script is to create PSP Custom Brushes from a dingbat font.
  • 10 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:30
A second plaid generator for creating contrasting plaids.
  • 46 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:29
  • 8 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:26
Making side masks from edge (frame) masks.
  • 22 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:26
  • 30 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:25
A fun frame using a BarCode pattern!
  • 41 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:25
Script Summary:

The purpose of this script is to create a frame for an image, with optional coordinated corners. It does this using PSP only, with no outside filters.

Open an image to be framed, and set the Foreground Material to a gold or silver pattern of your choice - this pattern will be used for the narrow frame borders.

Set the Background material to Pattern, using the BarCode-pattern included with this script. Set the Angle to 45 and Scale to 100.
  • 12 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:22
  • 49 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:22
Generates brilliant plaids from gradients.
  • 5 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:20
Code "snippets" for an easier way to resize images proportionately.
The purpose of this script is to provide code snippets that allow you to resize images proportionately. This is the second of two such scripts, and is MUCH simpler than the first script provided. This one involves no messy calculations.

If you know either the width or height of the new image, the code itself will calculate the corresponding measurement. You just need to obtain or enter the known value.

These snippets can be inserted into your scripts and are intended for use with the Resize dialog.
  • 11 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:19
Create side border stationery.
  • 33 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:19
The purpose of this script is to create side border stationery. The script uses an open image in your workspace for the stationery, and uses the foreground material for the background. The script will automatically open the Load Mask From Disk dialog, so you can choose a mask for the edge of the side border.

There are 2 variations of the script - the second variation, ss-SideMaskStat2, gives the user the option of using the Texturizer filter. If the user chooses not to use the Texturizer filter, or does not have it, the script uses PSP's Texture effect with the included linen texture. In either case, the texture is appled to both the background and the border.

dot Installation Instructions:

Place the linen.bmp file included in the ZIP in your textures folder before running the second version of this script.

Download the script - this script runs from any Restricted folder, including its own Quick Guide folder.

dot Change History:

SideMaskStat-00 - original version

SideMaskStat2-00 - original version
SideMaskStat2-01 - added the option of using the Texturizer filter
  • 5 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:17
Code "snippets" that allow user to control color in dialogs.
The purpose of this script is to provide code "snippets" that allow you to control the color in dialogs, such as the Add Borders dialog, without requiring dialog steps to run interactively. These snippets can be inserted into your scripts, and can be used for any script steps where there's a color box in the dialog. Other examples of dialogs with color boxes include Buttonize, Drop Shadow, Chisel, Brush Strokes, Colored Edges, Polar Coordinates, Ripple, Spiky Halo, Circle, Skew, and many other effects as well.
  • 5 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:16
Code "snippets" that help user resize images proportionately.
The purpose of this script is to provide code "snippets" that allow you to resize images proportionately. In other words, if you want to resize an image to a specific width within a dialog, the snippets in this script will calculate the corresponding height so the resulting image will have the same aspect ratio as the original image. Similarly, if you want to resize an image to a specific height, this code will calculate the correct width.

These snippets can be inserted into your scripts and are intended for use with the Resize dialog.
  • 13 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:15
  • 23 KB
  • 8 mar 15 19:15
Code "snippets" for extracting tool information from the Tool Options palette.
Script Summary:

The purpose of this script is to provide code snippets that allow you to extract information from the Tool Options palette during script execution. This is particularly useful for using preselected fonts and font sizes, tubes, and preset shapes. These snippets can be inserted into your scripts, and can be used for any script steps where you want a font, tube, or preset shape. The user need only preset the tool options, and when the script runs, it will extract the information from the Tool Options palette.

Note: This script is based upon the GetToolInfo function created by Gary Barton, and is used here with Gary's permission.
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262 plików
31,62 MB

Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin
W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności