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It is a unique object. This stone statue is skillfully carved to show the face, body and the clothes of 13th Century Mongolian nobles. The statue is most artistic and complete, one among approximately 70 stone statues that have been found throughout Mongolia from the period of the Mongol Empire. It shows clearly the skills of the creator. The man is holding a cup in his left hand. The hair style is typical for a 13th Mongolian noble man, the same as in the portraits of Chinggis Khaan. Under the garment a second outer garment is worn. There are two different pouches on both hips. The man wears boots and sits on a base. There is flower on the back side of the stool and the legs of the stool are crossed. This statue is made of marble, which is brought from a far distance. Such expensive beautiful stone was used for high ranking aristocratic well known people.
History of the Object
This stone monument was found at Shonkh Tavan Tolgoi in Dornod Aimag, Eastern Mongolia, and depicts a seated man on a chair. Stone statues were erected as part of a cult dedicated to the memory of the great Khans. Scholars have researched the carvings on this statue and by comparing them with other archaeological finds and written records concluded that this stone statue depicted 13th Century Mongolian Khans and nobles. Mongolian people commonly refer to these sculptures as ‘Lord’s Portraits’. Stone statues from the period of the Mongol Empire form a complete portrayal of the 13th Century Mongolian aristocratic people, which differs from other stone pierced work, created by Central Asian nomads which can be widely found in the Eurasian Steppe.
Map Of Museums

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white marble

Creator name
Creator date
Where it was made
“Shonkh Tavan tolgoi” in Dornod aimag, Eastern Mongolia
Time period
AD 13th century ~ AD 14th century
Creation date
13th Century - 14th Century
Memorial statue of a nobleman used in part of the worshipping area.
Added to the collection in 2002


National Museum Of Mongolia, Mongolia
National Museum of Mongolia
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