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Women in Cellblock 9 1977.mkv play
Agroup of women led by Karine Levere is caught by the ...
imagebam.com Agroup of women led by Karine Levere is caught by the warden of a women's prison,located somewhere in the South American jungle.None of them will reveal the secrets of their organization or the names of their collaborators in the cities,so they are handed over to Dr.Costa who,after four years inactivity in Europe,is delighted to be able to practice his torture techniques once more.Laverne fails to resist the inhuman treatments and reveals all.The only hope of saving the organization is for the girls to warn the city cell before it's too late.They trick the prison guard into having sex with them,knock him out and break out of prison.The warden and Dr.Costa must prevent them from revealing the practices inside the prison,so the hunt begins."Women In Cellblock 9" is an enjoyable exploitation film made by Jesus Franco.The script is terrible,but it serves as a pretext for showing lots of full-frontal nudity,sexuality and some rather nasty torture sequences.The film was produced by Erwin C.Dietrich,but it's not as memorable as "Barbed Wire Dolls".Franco regular Howard Vernon is perfect as a sadistic Dr.Costa and Susan Hemingway is a stunning beauty.So if you are ready for some fun sleazy thrills give this film a look.
Les gloutonnes 1973.avi play
According to legend, a group of women escaped from Atlan ...
imagebam.comAccording to legend, a group of women escaped from Atlantis just before the destruction of the continent. They took refuge on a mysterious island, and founded a kingdom. Men who dared approach the island, were devoured by these sexually voracious Atlanteans, and thus they were called "gobblers" On a rocky stretch of coastline, with a few actors and some of his mates, Franco attempts to do the impossible and turn out a sexy but funny peplum. With a few swathes of rich material, one Elizabethan costume, some platform sandals, a great location and some chums who can deliver their lines without sniggering, Franco manages to concoct a film that has its own goofy reality. That’s an achievement in itself.
Historia sexual de O 1984.avi play
Never mind the title, this does not have much affinity w ...
imagebam.comNever mind the title, this does not have much affinity with the famous French S&M movie, Histoire D'O. Instead, it is one of Franco's several movies inspired from and loosely based on Sade's Philosophy in the Boudoir. This is quite unlike some of Franco's better known kitsch sleaze flicks. It is a deliberately slow-paced, minimalist piece of erotica. Yes, there are quite a lot of (soft-core) sex, three-some, lesbian, etc., scenes esp. in the first 2/3rds of the movie, and yet despite the presence of these skin scenes, the movie is a very uncommercial and personal effort. The victim's eventual descent into being a prey of the predatory aristocrats from cherishing a chance at free sex experience is very well executed and the final sado-orgy is terrifyingly nightmarish.
Sodomites 1998.avi play
Ten krótkometrażowy film Gaspara Noé jest jednym z wielu ...
Ten krótkometrażowy film Gaspara Noé jest jednym z wielu z całej serii francuskich erotyków. Jego bohaterami są niezaspokojeni mieszkańcy Sodomy, którzy pragną ciągłych doznań i wrażeń. filmweb
A Concepo 2005.avi play
Alex, Lino and Liz, three sons of diplomats, live togeth ...
Alex, Lino and Liz, three sons of diplomats, live together in Brasilia enjoying the freedom inside an empty apartment with no parents, seemingly unaware of the world outside. Their lives change irrevocably when they meet 'X', a person with no name or past, who suggests taking the idea of living every day as it was the last one. For that to happen they form a new movement - THE CONCEPTION, having a revolutionary creed: Death to the ego, be a new character every day, lose your memories, abolish money, have excesses all the time. The world becomes a great theatre, the conceptualist is someone that makes up characters which last only 24 hours.
The Nickel Children 2005.avi play
Brak polskich napisów i lektora
Brak polskich napisów i lektora
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności