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She Knows Too Much-1989-Eng-Meredith Baxter(1).3gp

preencesss12345 / Meredith Baxter / She Knows Too Much-1989-Eng-Meredith Baxter(1).3gp
Download: She Knows Too Much-1989-Eng-Meredith Baxter(1).3gp

295,8 MB

Czas trwania: 93 min

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obrazekWłamywaczka Samantha White zostaje warunkowo zwolniona z więzienia, by pomóc detektywowi Harry'emu Schofieldowi w złapaniu seryjnego zabójcy, który pozostaje nieuchwytny dla policji. Wspólna praca nad sprawą ich zbliża, szybko się więc zaprzyjaźniają. Wkrótce sympatia przeradza się w głębsze uczucie...
Samantha White ma za sobą dzieciństwo w sierocińcu. Jako nastolatka związała się przywódcą młodzieżowego gangu, obracała się w podejrzanym środowisku. Była sądzona za rozboje, włamania i kradzieże. Szansa na lepsze życie pojawia się, gdy zostaje warunkowo zwolniona z więzienia, by pomóc policji w przedłużającym się śledztwie w sprawie nieuchwytnego seryjnego zabójcy. Stróże prawa sądzą, ze jej znajomość przestępczego świata pomoże im w sfinalizowaniu śledztwa. Jej kuratorem i partnerem zostaje detektyw Scoffield.
TV Movie - 96 min - Crime | Drama - 29 January 1989 (USA)
A plot involving piccolos, poison, and mind control…
Director: Paul Lynch
Writer: Michael Norell
Stars: Meredith Baxter, Robert Urich, John Bennett Perry


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The Kissing Place-1990-Eng-Meredith Baxter, David Ogden Stiers, Victoria Snow.avi play
TV Movie - 90 min - Drama | Thriller - 11 April 19 ...
obrazekTV Movie - 90 min - Drama | Thriller - 11 April 1990 (USA) Every night the boy dreams he is someone else. Someone in danger. A crazy woman is after him. A woman who cannot have a son of her own. A story about a kidnapped boy, who finds out that the people he thought were his parents are his kidnappers. The film is about his escape and search for his home. Director: Tony Wharmby Writers: Richard Altabef, Michael Wing Stars: Meredith Baxter, David Ogden Stiers, Victoria Snow
The Kissing Place-1990-Eng-Meredith Baxter, David Ogden Stiers, Victoria Snow.mkv play
TV Movie - 90 min - Drama | Thriller - 11 April 19 ...
obrazekTV Movie - 90 min - Drama | Thriller - 11 April 1990 (USA) Every night the boy dreams he is someone else. Someone in danger. A crazy woman is after him. A woman who cannot have a son of her own. A story about a kidnapped boy, who finds out that the people he thought were his parents are his kidnappers. The film is about his escape and search for his home. Director: Tony Wharmby Writers: Richard Altabef, Michael Wing Stars: Meredith Baxter, David Ogden Stiers, Victoria Snow
The Invasion of Carol Enders-1973-Eng-Charles Aidman, Meredith Baxter, Christopher Connelly.avi play
TV Movie - 66 min - Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller - 5 ...
obrazekobrazekTV Movie - 66 min - Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller - 5 November 1991 (Germany) After her murder, Diana Bernard's spirit becomes trapped in Carol Enders, so she can expose her murderer. Directors: Burt Brinckerhoff, Dan Curtis Writers: Gene R. Kearney (teleplay), Merwin Gerard (story), 1 more credit » Stars: Charles Aidman, Meredith Baxter, Christopher Connelly
The Cat Creature-1973-Eng-Meredith Baxter, David Hedison, Gale Sondergaardfree.avi play
TV Movie - 72 min - Horror - 11 December 1973 (USA ...
obrazekTV Movie - 72 min - Horror - 11 December 1973 (USA) When a rich man dies, some items from a collection of his are stolen- an ancient Egyptian gold amulet and the mummy that was wearing it. The police consult scholars from the locall University to help with the investigation, which is taking a more serious turn as people connected with the case are killed by wounds that seem to be from a housecat. Director: Curtis Harrington Writers: Robert Bloch (teleplay), Douglas S. Cramer (story), 2 more credits » Stars: Meredith Baxter, David Hedison, Gale Sondergaard
obrazekTV Movie - 72 min - Horror - 11 December 1973 (USA) When a rich man dies, some items from a collection of his are stolen- an ancient Egyptian gold amulet and the mummy that was wearing it. The police consult scholars from the locall University to help with the investigation, which is taking a more serious turn as people connected with the case are killed by wounds that seem to be from a housecat. Director: Curtis Harrington Writers: Robert Bloch (teleplay), Douglas S. Cramer (story), 2 more credits » Stars: Meredith Baxter, David Hedison, Gale Sondergaard
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA) A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic. Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman Writers: Denise DeGarmo (teleplay), Susan Seeger (teleplay) Stars: Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson
Kates Secret-1986-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnsonfee1.avi play
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA ...
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA) A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic. Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman Writers: Denise DeGarmo (teleplay), Susan Seeger (teleplay) Stars: Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson
Kates Secret-1986-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson1.mkv play
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA ...
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA) A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic. Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman Writers: Denise DeGarmo (teleplay), Susan Seeger (teleplay) Stars: Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson
Kates Secret-1986-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson1.avi play
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA ...
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA) A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic. Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman Writers: Denise DeGarmo (teleplay), Susan Seeger (teleplay) Stars: Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson
Beulah Land-1980-Eng-Lesley Ann Warren,Meredith Baxter, Michael Sarrazin, Eddie AlbertDisc 2.mkv play
TV Mini-Series - 120 min - Drama Miniseries detaili ...
obrazekTV Mini-Series - 120 min - Drama Miniseries detailing the lives of two Civil War families. Stars: Lesley Ann Warren, Michael Sarrazin, Eddie Albert
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności