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Kate's Secret-1986-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson(1).avi

preencesss12345 / Meredith Baxter / Kate's Secret-1986-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson(1).avi
Download: Kate's Secret-1986-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson(1).avi

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Czas trwania: 89 min

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obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 17 November 1986 (USA)
A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic.
Director: Arthur Allan Seidelman
Writers: Denise DeGarmo (teleplay), Susan Seeger (teleplay)
Stars: Meredith Baxter, Ben Masters, Georgann Johnson


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A Long Way Home-2003-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Robert Urich, Diane Ladd Aftermath.mp4
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TV Movie - 91 min - Drama - 10 January 2003 (Germa ...
obrazekTV Movie - 91 min - Drama - 10 January 2003 (Germany) An abusive father returns home to beg forgiveness from his estranged wife and daughter, both of whom must struggle to summon the courage needed to grant him reprieve for his past indiscretions. His violent tendencies ripped his family apart, but now Jack (Robert Urich) has learned to control his rage. Today the one thing Jack wants most is to reunite his family. But forgiving Jack won't be easy, because his wife Carol (Meredith Baxter) and their daughter Samantha still bear the psychological scars of their turbulent past. Only by remembering what drew her to Jack in the first place will Carol find the courage to give him a chance to redeem himself, and discover the unconditional love that's has the power to transform lives. Director: Lorraine Senna Writers: Jean Abounader (story), Donna Kanter (story), 3 more credits » Stars: Meredith Baxter, Robert Urich, Diane Ladd
A Long Way Home-2003-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Robert Urich, Diane Ladd Aftermath2.mp4
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TV Movie - 91 min - Drama - 10 January 2003 (Germa ...
obrazekTV Movie - 91 min - Drama - 10 January 2003 (Germany) An abusive father returns home to beg forgiveness from his estranged wife and daughter, both of whom must struggle to summon the courage needed to grant him reprieve for his past indiscretions. His violent tendencies ripped his family apart, but now Jack (Robert Urich) has learned to control his rage. Today the one thing Jack wants most is to reunite his family. But forgiving Jack won't be easy, because his wife Carol (Meredith Baxter) and their daughter Samantha still bear the psychological scars of their turbulent past. Only by remembering what drew her to Jack in the first place will Carol find the courage to give him a chance to redeem himself, and discover the unconditional love that's has the power to transform lives. Director: Lorraine Senna Writers: Jean Abounader (story), Donna Kanter (story), 3 more credits » Stars: Meredith Baxter, Robert Urich, Diane Ladd
The Long Journey Home-1987-Eng-Meredith Baxter.mp4
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TV Movie - 91 min - Drama - 10 January 2003 (Germa ...
obrazekTV Movie - 91 min - Drama - 10 January 2003 (Germany) An abusive father returns home to beg forgiveness from his estranged wife and daughter, both of whom must struggle to summon the courage needed to grant him reprieve for his past indiscretions. His violent tendencies ripped his family apart, but now Jack (Robert Urich) has learned to control his rage. Today the one thing Jack wants most is to reunite his family. But forgiving Jack won't be easy, because his wife Carol (Meredith Baxter) and their daughter Samantha still bear the psychological scars of their turbulent past. Only by remembering what drew her to Jack in the first place will Carol find the courage to give him a chance to redeem himself, and discover the unconditional love that's has the power to transform lives. Director: Lorraine Senna Writers: Jean Abounader (story), Donna Kanter (story), 3 more credits » Stars: Meredith Baxter, Robert Urich, Diane Ladd
Reading, Writing and Romance-2013-Eng-Lindsay Wagner1.flv play
TV Movie - Family - 10 August 2013 (USA) When a str ...
obrazekTV Movie - Family - 10 August 2013 (USA) When a struggling actor reluctantly takes a teaching position, he experiences a bit of a learning curve when trying to win over his new students and female department head. Director: Ernie Barbarash Writer: Todd Mattox Stars: Meredith Baxter, Noah Kaye Bentley, Tiffany Boone
Reading, Writing and Romance-2013-Eng-Lindsay Wagner1.flv play
TV Movie - Family - 10 August 2013 (USA) When a str ...
obrazekTV Movie - Family - 10 August 2013 (USA) When a struggling actor reluctantly takes a teaching position, he experiences a bit of a learning curve when trying to win over his new students and female department head. Director: Ernie Barbarash Writer: Todd Mattox Stars: Meredith Baxter, Noah Kaye Bentley, Tiffany Boone
Reading, Writing and Romance-2013-Eng-Stefanie Powers,Meredith Baxter10801.mp4
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TV Movie - Family - 10 August 2013 (USA) When a str ...
obrazekTV Movie - Family - 10 August 2013 (USA) When a struggling actor reluctantly takes a teaching position, he experiences a bit of a learning curve when trying to win over his new students and female department head. Director: Ernie Barbarash Writer: Todd Mattox Stars: Meredith Baxter, Noah Kaye Bentley, Tiffany Boone
Darkness Before Dawn-1993-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Stephen Lang, Gwynyth Walsh.mp4
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TV Movie - 93 min - Drama - 15 February 1993 (USA) ...
obrazekTV Movie - 93 min - Drama - 15 February 1993 (USA) A family struggles with a daughter's addiction. Director: John Patterson Writer: Karen Hall Stars: Meredith Baxter, Stephen Lang, Gwynyth Walsh
The Stranger Who Looks Like Me-1974-Eng-Meredith Baxter, Beau Bridges, Walter Brooke.mp4
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TV Movie - 74 min - Drama | Romance - 6 March 197 ...
obrazekobrazekTV Movie - 74 min - Drama | Romance - 6 March 1974 (USA) A young girl who is looking for the birth parents who gave her up hooks up with a young man who has also been adopted and is looking for his real parents. Director: Larry Peerce Writer: Gerald Di Pego Stars: Meredith Baxter, Beau Bridges, Walter Brooke 22-letnia Joanne studiuje prawo. Od pewnego czasu dręczą ją koszmary. Joanne została adoptowana jako niemowlę. Choć przybrani rodzice zapewnili jej normalne życie, staranne wykształcenie, dziewczyna chciałaby poznać biologicznych rodziców. Wyjeżdża więc do Los Angeles, gdzie się urodziła.
After Jimmy-1996-Eng-Meredith Baxter1.mp4
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Film oparty na prawdziwej historii nastoletniego chłopak ...
obrazekFilm oparty na prawdziwej historii nastoletniego chłopaka, który popełnia samobójstwo. Jego rodzina musi na nowo ułożyć sobie życie. Bez niego. Historia Maggie (Meredith Baxter) i Warda (Bruce Davison) Stappów, którzy muszą pogodzić się z tragiczną śmiercią syna. Jimmy (Peter Facinelli ) uczeń szkoły średniej i jedyne dziecko Stappów, był spokojnym, kochanym nastolatkiem, odnoszącym już pierwsze, budzące dumę rodziców sukcesy. Jego śmierć wywołuje u Maggie i Sama nie tylko rozpacz, ale i poczucie winy. Bez przerwy zastanawiają się, czy nie mogli zapobiec tragedii. Oswojenie się z myślą o stracie syna i powrót do w miarę normalnego życia będzie dla nich długim i niełatwym procesem. TV Movie - Drama - 24 September 1996 (USA) Drama about a teenage boy's suicide. To his parents, Jimmy seems like a carefree, happy teen, so when he commits suicide, they are really thrown for a loop. This is the complex, heart-wrenching tale of one family's attempt to grieve for their son and move forward. But at a time when they need to gain strength from one another, Jimmy's mom's deep denial about his death becomes a challenge to the stability and strength of the entire family. Director: Glenn Jordan Writers: Judith Fein (story), Judith Fein (teleplay), 1 more credit » Stars: Meredith Baxter, Bruce Davison, Peter Facinelli
A Mothers Justice,aka Crash Course-1991-Eng-Meredith Baxtera,Carrie Hamilon.mp4
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TV Movie - 88 min - Drama - 12 February 2001 (USA) ...
obrazekTV Movie - 88 min - Drama - 12 February 2001 (USA) Based on a true story of one mother's quest for justice when her son is critically injured by a young, drunk driver, and how she and her family emerge from the ordeal even stronger than before. Director: Thomas Rickman Writer: Thomas Rickman Stars: Meredith Baxter, Alan Rosenberg, Robin Brûlé Andrew Stone miał przed sobą obiecującą przyszłość. Był świetnym uczniem, kochał sport, rodzice wiele sobie po nim obiecywali. Niestety, w wyniku wypadku chłopiec doznał poważnych obrażeń głowy, został sparaliżowany. Kierowca, który doprowadził do tragedii, nie pierwszy raz prowadził samochód po pijanemu. Matka chłopca, Terry, najpierw walczyła o utrzymanie syna przy życiu, później wspólnie z nim podjęła długotrwałą rehabilitację, na koniec postanowiła upomnieć się o sprawiedliwość.
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