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Sketch 46.dmg

n_kristoff / MAC / Sketch 46 / Sketch 46.dmg
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Sketch 46 – Design app for UX/UI for iOS and Web.

Sketch is an innovative and fresh look at vector drawing for the Mac. Its intentionally minimalist design is based upon a drawing space of unlimited size and layers, free of palettes, panels, menus, windows, and controls. Though simple to use, it offers powerful vector drawing and text tools like perfect Boolean operations, symbols, and powerful rulers, guides, and grids.

Version 46:

Private Sharing

You can now invite people to view documents shared via Sketch Cloud.
Text Alignment

Text layers can now be aligned vertically within their adjustable bounding box.
Searchable Help

Topics Relevant articles from our online support documentation are now shown in Help menu search results.

Fix Width and Fix Height resizing options can now be toggled by clicking on their labels
Installing plugin updates is now much faster
Sketch now informs you if the plugin you’re attempting to install is incompatible
When measuring the distance between text layers, holding the Control key now measures the distance from the baseline and cap height, rather than the bounding box of the layer
Improved appearance of Text Styles with large paragraph spacing in the Insert › Styled Text menu
“Resize to Fit” has returned to be shown in the main Artboard Inspector
Added option to export the current selection via the Share menu
Added keyboard shortcuts for Sync Shared Style (Control-S) and Reset Shared Style (Option-Control-S) menu options
Improved behavior when opening older files with missing fonts
Pixel Fitting preferences have been simplified and reduced to just a single option
Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where some plugin scripts would not work as expected with the macOS High Sierra beta
Fixed a bug where inserting a duplicated layer into a group wouldn’t update the group bounds
Fixed a bug that would break symlinks (aliases) in some plugin framework bundles
Fixed a bug where the Canvas wouldn’t refresh as expected when inserting layers after having used the Pencil tool
Fixed a bug where updating plugins nested in folders within the Plugins Folder would move them from their original location
Fixed a bug where a layer with two Image Fills within a Symbol would override the wrong image
Fixed a bug where the Insert Symbol preview in the menu and on the mouse cursor wouldn’t match the dimensions of the symbol
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when exiting the text editor by selecting a different layer in the Layer List
Fixed a bug where tapping Run on the Custom Script dialog via the Touch Bar would close the dialog instead of running the script
Fixed a bug where rounded corners could go the wrong way in extreme situations
Fixed a bug where the “Set to Original Dimensions” option wouldn’t be disabled when the selected image was already at its original size
Fixed a bug where the name and weight of missing fonts in Shared Text Style menus would not be shown
Fixed a bug with resizing controls, where top-aligned layers could be moved unexpectedly when resizing their parent Artboard
Fixed a bug where fills applied within the bitmap editor would ignore the opacity of the selected color
Fixed a bug where “Resize to Fit” wouldn’t always accurately fit Artboards around Center borders
Fixed a bug where you would be informed of incompatible plugins being disabled, even if they were already disabled
Fixed a bug where shapes trailing text layers in Symbols wouldn’t properly move to make room for text overrides
Fixed a bug where document Quick Look previews weren’t always generated as expected
Fixed a bug where aligning layers within a group wouldn’t re-adjust the size of the group
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when hovering over certain layers in the Layer List

OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności