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Otomatic 1.0.7.rar

n_kristoff / MAC / Otomatic 1.0.7 / Otomatic 1.0.7.rar
Download: Otomatic 1.0.7.rar

7,55 MB

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Version: 1.0.7 (148)
Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: KG

OS version: OS X 10.10 or later

Block connections to:

Courtesy of C.O.R.E.

Includes Paddle Generic Keyfile Maker v2.2 by C.O.R.E.

1. Copy App to /Applications ( DO NOT LAUNCH YET! )
2. Launch Keyfilemaker, enter your desired email (or use the default)
3. Click "Open" and select /Applications/AppName.app, then click "Save"
4. Enjoy!

Please note:
KG should be used BEFORE opening app for the first time for the best results.
If having issues, remove app with AppCleaner and run in terminal:
killall -HUP cfprefsd then try again!

What's New in Version 1.0.7 (148) - November 15, 2015
Version 1.0.7 (Nov 14th)

Added a new option under the General preferences to open torrent files after downloading.
The "Mark as unmatched" right-click option has been renamed to "Re-download best match". A new option called "Download a different release" has been added, which will try to match a different download (useful in cases where the original was underseeded, mismarked, etc).
Fixed an issue that could cause Otomatic Helper to appear unresponsive.
Fixed a bug that could cause older seasons to be ignored, even if included via rules.
Toggling Otomatic's status (off/on) will trigger an immediate refresh.
Significant improvements to Otomatic's managed sources.
Improved handling of multiple episode-based rules.

Version 1.0.6 (Oct 29th)

Many, many, many changes and improvements to the matching engine that improve the quantity and quality of matches from all sources. This includes TV subscriptions with extra sources but no rules defined.
On El Capitan, the subscription list will display number badges for each subscription, indicating the downloads since the last time Otomatic was opened.
Improved the way Otomatic's background helper is handled, to help with some edge cases where it would not activate.

Version 1.0.5 (Oct 10th)

The downloading engine has been vastly improved and should hanlde many non-standard cases much better.
Exposed different download statuses in the UI (subscription history). Downloads with a 'failed' status will no longer cause an episode to display as matched.
Added support for :COOKIE: parameters in feed URLs to get around a bug in El Capitan's new cookie sharing regime. A more elegant solution will be added later, but in the meantime some authenticated sources will need this info appended in the URL.
Fixed some cases where Otomatic would be inactive after updating.
Date-based show subscriptions are handled a bit differently, and should perform significantly better now.
Improved the way the 'matches' operator works.

Version 1.0.4 (Sep 27th)

Changed the default starting episode for new TV subscriptions, when not using Trakt.tv data: will start at the beginning of the current, last or next season, dpending on some sensible logic.
Fixed an issue with phantom downloads.
When a user-added show is later added to the curated showlist, update the sources and its status to reflect the new data.

Full Release Notes: http://otomatic.codingcurious.com/update/release_notes.html

More Info: http://codingcurious.com/otomatic/

Beyond automatic.

Otomatic is the easiest way to get the content you care about. Whether it's from the gorgeous new listing, or from private sources, hunting around on the Internet will be a thing of the past.

Otomatic is the successor of Automatic 2, and encompasses the long experience of Automatic into a totally new, redesigned package. From the icon to the UI and even the abandonment of System Preferences, everything in Otomatic is new. Among the highlights of Otomatic are a richer experience with TV shows, active searching amongst multiple sources in addition to RSS, and greater flexibility.

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności