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Alfred 3.2.zip

n_kristoff / MAC / Alfred 3.2 / Alfred 3.2.zip
Download: Alfred 3.2.zip

7,46 MB

3.0 / 5 (1 głos)



pat00100 napisano 13.03.2020 15:10

zgłoś do usunięcia

Potrzeba wersji 2.0 na os x 10.8

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Alfred 3.2 – Quick launcher for apps and more.

Alfred is an award-winning productivity application for OS X. Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords, and file actions at your fingertips.
Loads of app-launching, file-searching goodness – free for you to download and use with no strings attached. Alfred is the ultimate productivity tool for your Mac. Get it and see for yourself.

Get the Powerpack. Discover the Powerpack, a set of incredibly powerful features, built on top of the robust core of Alfred and integrated with OS X.


Version 3.2:

Improvements to workflow canvas creation usability
Drag from a connection to an empty space to create a new workflow object at that location
Click a workflow output to create and connect a new workflow object to the right
Automatically select any newly added workflow objects to allow for immediate moving or removing by keyboard
Hint on canvas for how to add the first workflow object with an empty workflow
Script Filter enhancements
The script output can now tell Alfred to re-run the script after a set period of time
Scripts can now output variables
Variables are passed through to the object output connections when actioning results
Variables are passed back into subsequent runs of the script within the same session
New "Advanced Script Filters" getting started workflow which covers the new concepts
Tidy up default examples when changing script type with no script entered
'quicklookurl' now also accepts file paths and internally converts to file URLs (treated as a file path if it has a / or ~/ prefix)
Fix cleaning stream variables before processing causing variables to be lost on looping workflows
Higher performance processing of JSON/XML to results
Improvements and additions to other Workflow objects
'Hotkey' trigger object can now pass currently focused application through to workflow as a variable allowing for app context filtering
'Copy to Clipboard' output object now accepts {cursor} placeholder to move cursor to selected position (only works when auto-pasting)
Fix issue where corrupted workflow prevented Alfred Preferences Workflows tab from displaying
Improvements for symlinked workflows
Fully resolve path to info.plist before writing to ensure symlinked workflows are written to correct folder
Fully resolve workflow folder before exporting to allow for symlinked workflow folders to be exported
Fix fn+return mod override connection behavior in default results on macOS Sierra
Improvements to built-in Getting Started and Example workflows
Add new "Simple Folder Search" built-in workflow example
Renamed "Script Filter Output" to "Script Filter" for better consistency
Added new "Advanced Hotkeys" getting started guide to cover hotkey active app variables
Updated the "All Workflow Objects" getting started workflow to add new objects

Clipboard and Snippets

Add {cursor} placeholder to move cursor to selected position within pasted snippets (including Alfred Remote)
Show a warning in Alfred's Snippets preferences if an app is preventing text expansion by locking secure input
If using option to slow down key events, slow them a little more than v3.1.1
Prevent clipboard merging from incorrectly merging non-text clipboard entries by their description (e.g. images and file)
More efficient processing of snippets in Alfred Text Service

File System

Make Alfred's Application cache also convert names to latin for e.g. pinyin search
Add "Previews" tab under File Search feature
Move Quick Look option from Advanced to Previews
New option to disable rich previews altogether
New options to not load actions/navigation rich previews for specified types and within specified folders
When the rich preview panel isn't required, the selected file type icon is shown instead
Higher performance caching of scope folders when initialising metadata search
Work around macOS file localiation bug (e.g., folders in the home folder weren't correctly localising in search)
Correctly clean up file summary panel after hiding

1Password Integration

1Password integration updated to be compatible with 1Password 6.5+
Alfred now shows results from multiple vaults, including 1Password Families / Teams
All items are now shown from your 1Password
Logins are opened directly in your default browser
Other items (such as Secure Notes) are opened in 1Password mini

General Improvements

Fix navigating out of empty folder behaviour in Copy To / Move To file actions
Make all help subtext throughout Alfred's preferences darker for better readability
Update references of OS X to macOS throughout Alfred and Alfred Preferences
Prevent Alfred's Preferences Appearance tab from unnecessarily switching to discrete GPU on dual GPU laptops
Fix issue where quickly dragging a file out of Alfred's main results could result in the incorrect file being dragged
Update iTunes option to ignore movies and tv shows from miniplayer, also ignore music videos
Streamlined various aspects of Alfred's core for higher performance
Fix spelling mistake in Advanced > Proxy settings


OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności