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  • 377 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
With nearly 300 illustrations and full-color maps, this latest work from Oxford historian Fernandez-Armesto, editor of The Times Guide to the Peoples of Europe (Times Bks., 1994), is a fascinating companion volume to The Times Atlas of European History (HarperCollins, 1994). The author traces the cultural, social, and political evolution of Europe from its origins (c.10,000 B.C.) to the present day. The presentation is not a succession of facts and dates but a sweeping overview of European currents, interweaving art, ideology, and socioeconomic conditions. The narrative is very readable but would have been enhanced by chronologies similar to those used at the bottom of pages in The Harper Atlas of World History (HarperCollins, 1992. rev. ed.). While the absence of such chronologies may limit the usefulness of this publication as a reference tool, it is highly recommended for the history collections of most public and academic libraries.


  • 142 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
"The War of the Spanish Succession, the First Austro-Ottoman War, and the Great Northern War are some of the successive wars that Nolan (Boston Univ.) addresses in this impressive encyclopedia. Although most of this international history of warfare is devoted to Europe (most especially the wars pursued by France's Louis XIV), it offers useful coverage of warfare in the Americas, China, Japan, and elsewhere… Highly recommended. Lower-level undergraduates and above; general readrs."


  • 149 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Many negative stereotypes of Muslims can be traced to the clashes between the Ottoman Empire and Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. Paula Sutter Fichtner explores here the particular dynamics between the Ottoman and Austrian Habsburg empires and chronicles the evolution of a political relationship that shifted from hatred to understanding.

In the fourteenth century, Ottoman armies swept westward across the Danube Valley before confronting the Habsburgs, who ruled central and eastern Europe, and in Terror and Toleration, Fichtner charts the religious and political conflicts that fueled 300 years of war. She reveals how ruling powers in Vienna and the church spread propaganda about Muslims that still lingers today. But the Habsburgs dramatically reversed their attitudes toward Muslims in the seventeenth century, and through this story, Fichtner explains how one can recognize an enemy while adjusting one’s views about them.


  • 149 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Historia Anglików to spojrzenie wstecz na dwa tysiące lat angielskiej historii, które umożliwiło Paulowi Johnsonowi przeprowadzenie nowej, radykalnej interpretacji dziejów Wyspiarzy. Emocjonalne podejście do opisywanych wydarzeń, potoczysty styl, celne, choć często kontrowersyjne sądy - wszystkie zalety pisarstwa Johnsona - sprawiły, że książka ta wzbudziła ogromne zainteresowanie czytelników, a przy tym wywołała wiele polemik.


  • 45 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
During the Middle Ages, castles and other fortified buildings were a common feature of the European landscape. As central powers rose and fell, the insecurity of the time inspired a revival of fortification techniques first introduced in the Roman Empire. Despite limitations in construction techniques and manpower, medieval fortifications were continuously adapted to meet new political circumstances and weapons technology. Here is an illustrated guide to the architecture of medieval fortifications, from the first castles to the fortified cities of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In hundreds of detailed and thoroughly researched pen-and-ink drawings, artist Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage introduces the reader to a heterogeneous group of buildings whose unique characteristics show the development and diversity of European medieval military architecture. Each drawing is accompanied by detailed text describing types of buildings (e.g., moat-and-bailey castles), built-in defenses (arrow splits, pepper-pot towers), and particular castles and cities (the Mont-Saint-Michel, the city of Jerusalem). Elements of medieval warfare and weaponry are also covered in drawings and text


  • 328 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
This is an illustrated history of Britain from prehistoric times to the present day. The book analyzes the major political and military events in British history, and where appropriate, looks at these within a wider, international context. It also describes everyday life for men and women from different levels of society in different ages: the kind of work they did, family life, etc. Emphasis is also placed on cultural, intellectual, scientific and economic developments. Major developments within Scotland, Ireland and Wales and the relations between these countries and England are also discussed.


  • 339 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
In this accessible biographical guide, relive Europe's most exciting of periods - the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the time of da Vinci and Erasmus, and the time of Elizabeth I and Oliver Cromwell. This approximately 1,000-entry, alphabetically arranged work takes in the whole of Europe during the Renaissance and Reformation, covering politics, culture, religion, and science. Intended as a "quick reference source for scholars, students, and members of the wider reading public," the book's clean double-column format and accessible prose suit a broad audience. Though explanations of artistic and literary endeavors are outnumbered by those concerning history and politics, the approach is nonetheless effectively cross-disciplinary.


  • 183 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
For almost two hundred years, Britain dominated the world, its naval supremacy enabling it to acquire a vast empire, including India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and much of Africa. Although, it could not prevent its American colonies from becoming independent, its industrial and commercial power helped it to keep its scattered possessions under control, while a small army was sufficient to put down native rebellions in the absence of the involvement of other European states. A dwindling economy, and the cost of two world wars, saw this once-mighty empire crumble, giving in the process independence to nearly all of its dominions in the years after 1945. "Empire" is a succinct and highly readable account of this extraordinary rise and fall.


  • 250 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
This major new survey of the Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922, strikes a balance among social, economic, and political history. The book examines the major trends during the latter years of the empire; it pays attention to gender issues and to hotly-debated topics such as the treatment of minorities. Donald Quataert, a distinguished Ottoman scholar, has written a lively, authoritative and accessible introduction, supported by maps, illustrations and a chronology, which will be of enormous value to students and nonspecialists alike.


  • 212 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Great Britain has long been one of the most influential countries. Its early role as the world's leading naval power and its position at the center of the Industrial Revolution enabled it to expand and maintain its influence over an area that touched all continents and covered more than one-fifth of the globe. Yet Britain's history has also been shaped by centuries of internal political strife and international conflict.

A Brief History of Great Britain narrates the story of Brittania from the earliest times to the 21st century, covering England, Wales, and Scotland; associated archipelagos such as the Channel Islands and the Orkneys; and Ireland as they have influenced British history. The crux of this volume is the development of the British kingdom, including its rise and decline on the world stage. The book offers a clear chronological political narrative while treating major social, economic, and religious issues.


  • 362 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Poznaj najsłynniejszego despotę wszech czasów, którego jedni nazywali antychrystem, a inni wybawicielem. Wyrusz z Napoleonem Bonaparte w wojenną wyprawę przez Europę i świat XVIII i XIX wieku. Odkryj militarny kunszt prowadzonych przez niego wojen i genialną strategię budzącą podziw także współcześnie. Śledź przebieg analizowanych do dzisiaj słynnych bitew pod Austerlitz, Trafalgarem i Waterloo. Spotkaj się z człowiekiem, który zapoczątkował ideę wojny totalnej o konsekwencjach sięgających daleko w przyszłość, również naszą.

FILM 1: Zagubiona flota Napoleona (45 min.)
W 1798 r. u wybrzeży Egiptu zatonął imponujący okręt flagowy L’Orient. Dwieście lat później ekspedycja archeologów odnajduje miejsce, w którym pogrzebana została duma francuskiej marynarki, a także życie setek żeglarzy.

FILM 2: Napoleon Bonaparte: Potęga Francji (44 min.)
Film ukazuje złożone losy Napoleona Bonaparte, jednego z największych dowódców i strategów wszech czasów. Jego nigdy niezaspokojony głód posiadania doprowadził do najczęściej opisywanego upadku w historii ludzkości.


  • 85 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Encyclopedia offers a broad overview of scientific, social and cultural history of Europe, as well as political, military and economic events and biographies of individuals that have had significant influence on the period since the French Revolution and before the First World War.

Volume 1. Abdul-Hamid II to Colonialism
Volume 2. Colonies to Huysmans
Volume 3. Ibsen to Owen
Volume 4. Pacifism to Syphilis
Volume 5. Talleyrand to Zollverein; Index


  • 5,8 MB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50


  • 314 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Britain is a small country but it has a long history. Two thousand years ago it was part of the Roman Empire. In the 1930s the British Empire was the biggest empire in world history.
In the past, kings and queens fought to rule Britain. Discover how wars, revolutions and religion have changed its history. Read about the different countries of the United Kingdom - and the great men and women who have shaped the British nation.


  • 12 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Studies of the English gentleman have tended to focus mainly on the nineteenth century, encouraging the implicit assumption that this influential literary trope has less resonance for twentieth-century literature and culture. Christine Berberich challenges this notion by showing that the English gentleman has proven to be a remarkably adaptable and relevant ideal that continues to influence not only literature but other forms of representation, including the media and advertising industries.Focusing on Siegfried Sassoon, Anthony Powell, Evelyn Waugh and Kazuo Ishiguro, whose presentations of the gentlemanly ideal are analysed in their specific cultural, historical, and sociological contexts, Berberich pays particular attention to the role of nostalgia and its relationship to 'Englishness'. Though 'Englishness' and by extension the English gentleman continue to be linked to depictions of England as the green and pleasant land of imagined bygone days, Berberich counterbalances this perception by showing that the figure of the English gentleman is the medium through which these authors and many of their contemporaries critique the shifting mores of contemporary society. Twentieth-century depictions of the gentleman thus have much to tell us about rapidly changing conceptions of national, class, and gender identity


  • 346 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Dziewiątego listopada 1805 roku lord major Londynu ogłosił Williama Pitta, premiera Wielkiej Brytanii i zaprzysięgłego wroga napoleońskiej Francji, „zbawicielem Europy". Niedawne wieści o zniszczeniu przez admirała Horatia Nelsona floty francusko-hiszpańskiej pod Trafalgarem stały się powodem do wielkiej radości. Odpowiadając na to, Pitt realistycznie zauważył: „Europa nic ma być zbawiona przez jednego człowieka. Anglia ocaliła samą siebie dzięki swoim wysiłkom i - jak ufam - ocali Europę danym przez siebie przykładem". Dwanaście tygodni później Pitt już nie żył, a armie Austrii i Rosji - dwóch wielkich mocarstw europejskich - były pokonane. Nad całym kontynentem dominował jeden tylko człowiek, a był nim Napoleon Bonapartecesarz Francuzów i król Italii.


  • 155 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
Charting the evolution of the seaports of Atlantic Spain and Portugal over four centuries, this book examines the often dynamic interaction between the large privileged ports of Lisbon, Seville and Cadiz (the Metropoles) and the smaller ports of, among others, Porto, Galicia and Santander (the Second Tier). With the long-term privileging and monopolies of the larger ports in decline, a new era of tremendous economic and entrepreneurial dynamism ensued for the coastal provinces of both countries.


  • 29 KB
  • 22 paź 19 22:50
A simple pictorial and narrative guide to the weapons and equipment used by the Victorian soldier, this edition describes muskets, rifles, pistols and revolvers, bayonets, swords and lances, machine guns, artillery, mountain guns and rockets, and the military equipment used in battle.


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