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Ukryj opis
Dobrze zorganizowana mniejszość może narzucić swą wolę biernej większości.
Ideologia - geopolityczna odmiana mafii.
Obywatel nieświadomy to obywatel łatwiejszy do kontrolowania i w razie potrzeby spacyfikowania.
Kiedyś oszuści byli niezorganizowanymi amatorami, a obecnie mają swoją międzynarodówkę zwaną globalizmem, lub Bubble Capitalism (Kapitalizm bańki spekulacyjnej).
Governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.

BBC financial expert Alessio Rastani
BBC News channel 26.09.2011
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order." Znajdujemy się na pograniczu globalnej przemiany. Wszystko czego potrzebujemy, to odpowiedni kryzys, a narody zaakceptują Nowy Światowy Porządek--David Rockefeller
speaking at a UN Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994

"Będziemy mieli rząd światowy czy wam się to podoba czy nie; za waszą zgodą, lub poprzez zabór."
James Warburg, Rada Spraw Zagranicznych (CFR - Council on Foreign relations)
Wolności nie da się skolektywizować ani sprywatyzować.

Prawo które służy do zniewalania społeczeństwa, a nie do jego obrony, jest prawem okupanta.

O ile poprzednia ideologia była nastawiona na kształtowanie alkoholików, to obecna stara się wychowywać gadżetoholików.

Pierwowzorem Nowego Człowieka do stworzenia którego dąży każda ideologia (komunizm 1920 [rozbicie na Krymie oddziałów Piotra Wrangla, ostatniej białej armii], nazizm 1933 [dojście Hitlera do władzy w demokratycznych wyborach], globalizm 1971 [zniesienie parytetu złota dla dolara]), jest Janczar.

Dlaczego kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi? - dlatego że, wcześniej kłamstwo z długimi nogami nie mieściło się do Wołgi, a teraz nie mieści się do Lexusa :)

Wyszedł jak Zabłocki na McDonaldzie :)
Obecna ideologia ukrywa politykę i indoktrynację, w prymitywnej zmasowanej "rozrywce", oraz w marketingu - a także nie prowadzi okupacji terytoriów podbitych krajów tak jak poprzednio robił to komunizm, tylko kontroluje rządy, media i finanse

Każda mafia ma trójwarstwową strukturę przypominającą piramidę: na samym dole liczni żołnierze do brudnej roboty, wyżej nieliczni bossowie od rozkazywania, a na samym szczycie kilku mocodawców pozostających w całkowity cieniu - przede wszystkim ich zadaniem jest tworzenie taktyki i strategii a także zapewnianie polityczno-prawnej ochrony, do tego pranie brudnych pieniędzy oraz dofinansowanie jeżeli akurat zachodzi taka potrzeba.

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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Plus une annonce, plus une affiche, plus un spot. Lasse de se voir maltraiter par le gouvernement et pressurer financièrement par ses clients, du jour au lendemain la pub s'est mise sur " off ". Le monde politique, le monde des affaires, l'opinion publique sont pris de court, et le paysage économique est totalement bouleversé. Plaidoyer grinçant pour une profession mal considérée, ce scénario de fiction tire le signal d'alarme et donne à réfléchir sur l'urgence d'un changement des mentalités et, pourquoi pas, d'une véritable négociation.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
There are many good and worthwhile books on the Tree of life and the Kabbala; thus I feel little need to go into the fine details and complexities that are part and parcel of this tradition. During the course of these lessons, I will give some fundamentals, from a more or less, LHP perspective that can be used in a practical way, both in the Ritual chamber and everyday life outside of it.

I will start with the basics of The Tree of Life, which will be the maximum and the minimum information required, making enough sense of the system to put it to use, more or less immediately... In the weeks to come I will give practices of an esoteric nature from a Satanic perspective. This will also aid the student in using the system without the necessity of using such things as Hebrew God names, and angelic names, if they do not want to. I will give a brief over view of the Sephira, as we go along, as its pertinent to the ideas I will be looking at a little later regarding the RHP the LHP and the Middle Way of balance. Interesting to note: The Hebrew God names are not referring to the God of the Israelites anyhow, however many Satanists have been rather put off by all things relating to Kabbala (and Ceremonial Magick in general) because of this perceived reliance upon a God that they are in fundamental opposition too... The fact is the Hebrew God names are no more religious than Einstein's theory of relativity. They are supposed to be descriptive of cosmic and creative forces that are beyond human ability to understand in their fullness, not a reference to a tribal desert god, Jewish or otherwise. When you look at the Glyph of the Tree of Life without any preconceived notions about its origins, one will easily be able to grasp the notion that the creative principle can just as well be called Satan as it can be EHIEH (I am that I am). Although we must of course place each name in its appropriate place, it will be seen that there is far more to this than meets the AIN. If we look at the pure doctrine of Kabbalistic thought, we find it is admitted that the forces that came before a "first principle" are something that is beyond our understanding to either label or conceive. But I am getting ahead of myself, I will start at the very beginning, I am assuming that by now, those that are following this have a pretty good grasp of basic Kabbalism and hermetic thought.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Art for art's sake addresses the relationship between art and life, between the aesthetic and the social, and promotes the former term over the latter one in each instance. Although it has long been argued that aestheticism aims to de-humanize art, this volume seeks to consider the counterclaim that such de-humanization can also lead to re-humanization, to a deepened relationship between the aesthetic sphere and the world at large and between the artistic receptor and his or her human existence.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Examines how the recent boom in the museum and heritage industry has led to its increasing commercialisation, which, Walsh argues, frequently serves only to distance us from our own heritage.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Internet filtering, censorship of Web content, and online surveillance are increasing in scale, scope, and sophistication around the world, in democratic countries as well as in authoritarian states. The first generation of Internet controls consisted largely of building firewalls at key Internet gateways; China's famous "Great Firewall of China" is one of the first national Internet filtering systems. Today the new tools for Internet controls that are emerging go beyond mere denial of information. These new techniques, which aim to normalize (or even legalize) Internet control, include targeted viruses and the strategically timed deployment of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, surveillance at key points of the Internet's infrastructure, take-down notices, stringent terms of usage policies, and national information shaping strategies. Access Controlled reports on this new normative terrain.

The book, a project from the OpenNet Initiative (ONI), a collaboration of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies, Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and the SecDev Group, offers six substantial chapters that analyze Internet control in both Western and Eastern Europe and a section of shorter regional reports and country profiles drawn from material gathered by the ONI around the world through a combination of technical interrogation and field research methods.

Chapter authors: Ronald Deibert, Colin Maclay, John Palfrey, Hal Roberts, Rafal Rohozinski, Nart Villeneuve, Ethan Zuckerman

Information Revolution and Global Politics series

About the Author
Ronald Deibert is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Citizen Lab at the Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.

John Palfrey is Henry N. Ess II Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School and the coauthor of Born DIgital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives.

Rafal Rohozinski is the former Director of the Advanced Network Research Group at Cambridge University (Cambridge Security Programme). He is a principal with The SecDev Group, a global strategy and research analytics firm.

Jonathan Zittrain is Professor at Harvard Law School and the author of The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Freedom of Expression® covers the ways in which intellectual property laws have been used to privatize all forms of expression—from guitar riffs and Donald Trump’s “you’re fired” gesture to human genes and public space—and in the process stifle creative expression. Kembrew McLeod challenges the blind embrace of privatization as it clashes against our right to free speech and shared resources. Kembrew McLeod is professor of communication studies at the University of Iowa, author of Owning Culture: Authorship, Ownership, and Intellectual Property Law, and coproducer of the documentary Copyright Criminals: This Is a Sampling Sport. Lawrence Lessig is professor of law at Stanford Law School. This book’s documentary companion will be available through Media Education Foundation.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
This book by Dr. John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the Red Shield dynasty, acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant and pawnbroker, working out of a small house on Judenstrasse, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, where he lived with his wife and family.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Looks at amulets, tarot cards, monoliths, hill carvings, mazes, clocks, frescoes, and gargoyles, and discusses the portrayal of demons and magic in paintings, engravings, sculpture, and stained glass.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
This highly topical and controversial work provides an alternative view of 20th century history. It describes the activities of a small group of men whose wealth and influence have been grossly underestimated. It gives the background to the war on terror, and points out the dangers in the increasing trend towards world government.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
With a wider scope than the usual rehashes of Illuminati and Freemasonic conspiracy theories, Reynolds presents a detailed and interesting comparision of secret societies on three continents. He also explores the fascination the subject exerts on popular culture. While those looking for sensational revelations may be disappointed, the book is a useful introduction to the subject.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Is polling a process that brings "science" into the study of society? Or are polls crude instruments that tell us little about the way people actually think? The role of public opinion polls in government and mass media has gained increasing importance with each new election or poll taken. Here Lewis presents a new look at an old tradition, the first study of opinion polls using an interdisciplinary approach combining cultural studies, sociology, political science, and mass communication. Rather than dismissing polls, he considers them to be a significant form of representation in contemporary culture; he explores how the media report on polls and, in turn, how publicized results influence the way people respond to polls. Lewis argues that the media tend to exclude the more progressive side of popular opinion from public debate. While the media's influence is limited, it works strategically to maintain the power of pro-corporate political elites.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
More than any other city London has a secret history concealed from view. Unearthing the secret city and its forgotten inhabitants, this rediscovery encompasses a historical panorama from the Elizabethan age to the present day, introducing the magic of Dr. Dee and Simon Forman, the rise of the Kabbalah, and the occult designs of Wren and Hawksmoor. Elsewhere figures such as Spring-Heeled Jack and the Highgate Vampyre, and occult organizations from the Invisible College to the Golden Dawn are explained and explored. Also included are instructions for a series of four walks covering features of occult significance for the Elizabethan, 18th-century, Fin de Siécle, and contemporary periods; as well as an A-to-Z geographic dictionary of London's most resonant occult locations.

About the Author
Merlin Coverley is the author of London Writing and Psychogeography.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Now in it fifth printing in three years and fully revised, Machiavelli in Brussels is filled with new facts and figures, real-life lobbying cases, and a detailed look at the European Union’s newest member countries. Recalling the work of Niccolò Machiavelli, leading researcher Rinus van Schendelen distills the practices of successful lobbyists down to three basic principles: ambition, study, and prudence. Paying close attention to the special issues implicit in EU lobbying, Machiavelli in Brussels illuminates the practice, its opportunities and pitfalls, and even its contributions to democracy.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
In 1966, Anton LaVey introduced to the world the Church of Satan, an atheistic religion devoted to the philosophy of individualism and pitilessness often associated with Satan. Modern Satanism offers a comprehensive survey and analysis of the church that LaVey built. Satanism has been an open religion for forty years now and operates successfully in its self-created countercultural niche. Given the provocative nature of its name, contemporary Satanism is only superficially understood as an alternative religion/ideology, and all-too-frequently seen as a medieval superstition and associated with rumors of obscure rituals, perverse hedonism, cult-like behavior, and tales of ritual abuse and murder. These may be misconceptions, but the truth behind the unenviable reputation is no less dramatic. Satanism generally eschews supernatural beliefs and embodies a staunchly individualistic, pitiless, anti-egalitarian creed. If there is anything fundamentally diabolical about modern Satanism, it stems more from the echoes of Nazism in its theories than from its horror-comic trappings.

Modern Satanism covers the history, ideology, personalities, and practices of the decentralized international movement that contemporary Satanism has become. The work addresses the various beliefs and practices espoused by those who follow it: the ideal of Satan as a rebellious emblem; Satanism's occult, literary, and philosophical influences; the history of the Church of Satan and other Satanic organizations; the ideology of Satanism; Satanism's frequent flirtations and strong parallels with neo-Nazism and other forms of extremism; Satanism in the media and popular culture; and the reasons for Satanism's continuing attractiveness to new converts. Though the tone of the work attempts to remain neutral when discussing historical matters, it is by necessity critical of the subculture's extremist rhetoric and recurring associations with the far right and racialist extremism.

The Impact of the Enlightenment 16
Nazi Occultism and Neo-paganism 110
Mein Kampf as a Political Textbook 148
Satanism and Nazism: The Common Ground 154


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
For the past few decades Hal Foster's critical gaze has encompassed the increasingly complex machinery of the culture industry. His observations push the boundaries of cultural criticism to establish a vantage point from which the seemingly disparate agendas of artists, patrons, and critics have a telling coherence. The Anti-Aesthetic is a touchstone volume for postmodern debate and theory. Though the cultural stakes and terms have changed over the last decade, this collection still illuminates--perhaps now even more lucidly--a vital current in contemporary criticism. Contributors: Jean Baudrillard, Douglas Crimp, Kenneth Frampton, Jrgen Habermas, Fredric Jameson, Rosalind Krauss, Craig Owens, Edward Said, and Gregory Ulmer.


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