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Ukryj opis
Dobrze zorganizowana mniejszość może narzucić swą wolę biernej większości.
Ideologia - geopolityczna odmiana mafii.
Obywatel nieświadomy to obywatel łatwiejszy do kontrolowania i w razie potrzeby spacyfikowania.
Kiedyś oszuści byli niezorganizowanymi amatorami, a obecnie mają swoją międzynarodówkę zwaną globalizmem, lub Bubble Capitalism (Kapitalizm bańki spekulacyjnej).
Governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.

BBC financial expert Alessio Rastani
BBC News channel 26.09.2011
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order." Znajdujemy się na pograniczu globalnej przemiany. Wszystko czego potrzebujemy, to odpowiedni kryzys, a narody zaakceptują Nowy Światowy Porządek--David Rockefeller
speaking at a UN Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994

"Będziemy mieli rząd światowy czy wam się to podoba czy nie; za waszą zgodą, lub poprzez zabór."
James Warburg, Rada Spraw Zagranicznych (CFR - Council on Foreign relations)
Wolności nie da się skolektywizować ani sprywatyzować.

Prawo które służy do zniewalania społeczeństwa, a nie do jego obrony, jest prawem okupanta.

O ile poprzednia ideologia była nastawiona na kształtowanie alkoholików, to obecna stara się wychowywać gadżetoholików.

Pierwowzorem Nowego Człowieka do stworzenia którego dąży każda ideologia (komunizm 1920 [rozbicie na Krymie oddziałów Piotra Wrangla, ostatniej białej armii], nazizm 1933 [dojście Hitlera do władzy w demokratycznych wyborach], globalizm 1971 [zniesienie parytetu złota dla dolara]), jest Janczar.

Dlaczego kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi? - dlatego że, wcześniej kłamstwo z długimi nogami nie mieściło się do Wołgi, a teraz nie mieści się do Lexusa :)

Wyszedł jak Zabłocki na McDonaldzie :)
Obecna ideologia ukrywa politykę i indoktrynację, w prymitywnej zmasowanej "rozrywce", oraz w marketingu - a także nie prowadzi okupacji terytoriów podbitych krajów tak jak poprzednio robił to komunizm, tylko kontroluje rządy, media i finanse

Każda mafia ma trójwarstwową strukturę przypominającą piramidę: na samym dole liczni żołnierze do brudnej roboty, wyżej nieliczni bossowie od rozkazywania, a na samym szczycie kilku mocodawców pozostających w całkowity cieniu - przede wszystkim ich zadaniem jest tworzenie taktyki i strategii a także zapewnianie polityczno-prawnej ochrony, do tego pranie brudnych pieniędzy oraz dofinansowanie jeżeli akurat zachodzi taka potrzeba.

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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
"Life After Postmodernism is an important collection of texts which deserves careful study by those who wish to understand how questions about value are discussed in postmodern discourse."
-Canadian Philosophical Review

Life After Postmodernism is a pioneering text on the question of value in the postmodern scene. After a long hiatus in which discussions in poststructuralist theory, this collection of essays suggests that we are on the threshold of a new value debate in contemporary politics, aesthetics, and society.

1. Value Without Truth Value, Barbara H. Smith
2. Art and the Sociological Ego, Charles Levin
3. Vampire Value, Infinitive Art, and Literary Theory, John Fekete
4. Heidegger, Adorno, and Truth at the End of Art, Jay M. Bernstein
5. From Nietzsche Toward a General Economy, Arkady Plotnitsky
6. Universal or Historical Hermeneutics? Gyorgy Márkus
7. Graffiti as Crime and Art, Susan Stewart
8. Bacon, Colville, Baudrillard and the Aesthetics of Deprivation, Arthur Kroker.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Examines the increasingly prevalent assumption that postmodernism is over and that literature and film are once again engaging sincerely with issues of ethics and politics.
The Passing of Postmodernism addresses the increasingly prevalent assumption that a period marked by poststructuralism and metafiction has passed and that literature and film are once again engaging sincerely with issues of ethics and politics. In discussions of various twentieth- and twenty-first-century writers, directors, and theorists—from Michel Foucault and Slavoj Žižek to Thomas Pynchon and David Lynch—Josh Toth demonstrates that a certain utopian spirit persisted within, and actually defined, the postmodern project. Just as modernism was animated by an idealistic belief that it could finally realize the utopia beckoning on the horizon, postmodernism was compelled by an equally utopian belief that it could finally reject the possibility of all such illusory ideals. Toth argues that this specter of an impossible future is and must remain both possible and impossible, a ghostly promise of what is always still to come.
Josh Toth teaches literature and critical theory at Grant MacEwan University and is coeditor (with Neil Brooks) of The Mourning After: Attending the Wake of Postmodernism.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
In this new and expanded edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of women. The result as his detailed examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty.
This book is a skilful combination of lucid explanation and cogently argued critique of the fundamental directions in which our world is moving financially and economically.
In this new enlarged edition –which includes ten new chapters and a new introduction-- the author reviews the causes and consequences of famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, the dramatic meltdown of financial markets, the demise of State social programs and the devastation resulting from corporate downsizing and trade liberalisation.
Published in 11 languages. More than 100,000 copies sold Worldwide.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
What does it mean to be 'On the Square'?

700,00 Freemasons, all male, probably make the largest secret society in Britain today. What exactly are they? Why are they so incredibly secretive? Is Freemasonry a positive, charitable organization which incorporates a certain amount of harmless mumbo-jumbo, or does it in fact represent something more sinister?

Stephen Knight's impartial - but highly controversial - investigation addresses these vital questions and asks:





Freemasons are all bound to silence, but now some of them have felt impelled to break ranks and reveal part of the truth...


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
In this volume, eighteen of the world's leading scholars present original essays on various aspects of atheism: its history, both ancient and modern, defense and implications. The topic is examined in terms of its implications for a wide range of disciplines including philosophy, religion, feminism, postmodernism, sociology and psychology. In its defense, both classical and contemporary theistic arguments are criticized, and, the argument from evil, and impossibility arguments, along with a non religious basis for morality are defended. These essays give a broad understanding of atheism and a lucid introduction to this controversial topic.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
John Wanamaker famously observed that "half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half." Indeed, though advertising is pervasive in our society, how it works (if and when it works) is not a question most of us can answer. In this Very Short Introduction, Winston Fletcher, a seasoned advertising veteran with extensive inside knowledge, offers an illuminating look at this billion-dollar business, dispelling some of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding the industry. Fletcher offers a short history of advertising and explains how the industry works and how each of the parties--the advertisers, the media, and the agencies--contribute to the process. He also looks at the financial side of advertising and asks how today's Wanamakers know if they have been successful, or whether their money has in fact been wasted. The book concludes with a discussion of controversial and unacceptable areas of advertising, such as advertising aimed at children and the promotion of products such as cigarettes and alcohol.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
For the first time, a genuine manual of the dreaded "left-hand path." Braving the new Witchcraft Panic that has swept the world, S. Jason Black and Christopher S. Hyatt have written a book that places the Western magical tradition--and the Western psyche--in perspective.
Sweeping aside both the historical fabrications of "neo-paganism" and the rampant mental illness of the religious right, Black and Hyatt explore history, psychology and anthropology to reveal the true "secret doctrine" of Western culture. This work confronts the reader with his own fears and inhibitions -- and carries him beyond.
Comprehensively illustrated, this volume contains a detailed history of European "Black Magic" and includes new editions of 17th and 18th century Grimoires with detailed instructions for their use.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Keenly aware of the daunting task of condensing thousands of years of history into a "very short introduction," Dan, the Gershom Scholem Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, sharply defines his mission: from the historical perspective of religious ideas, "...there is no 'true' meaning that is above all others," so he seeks to "present some of the most prominent characteristics of the different phenomena...described as 'kabbalistic' in various periods, countries and cultural contexts." Beginning in the second century CE and continuing through the present day, Dan methodically details the changing definition and practice of Kabbalah, incorporating a wide array of tangential texts and illustrations. He addresses not only ancient Jewish mysticism, but the fifteenth century hybrid Christian Kabbalah, the myriad Hasidic interpretations and contemporary New Age applications. A six-point summary of the most likely ways in which readers today may encounter the Kabbalah and an extensive list of suggested further reading round out the book's conclusion. This survey of Kabbalah offers deep history in succinct fashion, resulting in a fascinating and highly readable effort.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Cloning researchers claim to have cloned an embryo that is mostly human, but also part animal. Biotech companies brag about manufacturing human embryos as "products" for use in medical treatments. Echoing long discredited master-race thinking, James Watson, who won a Nobel Prize for co-discovering the DNA double helix, claims that genetically enhanced people will someday "dominate the world."
Events are moving so fast--and biotechnology seems so complicated--that many of us worry that we can't have an informed opinion about these issues that are remaking the human future before our very eyes. But now Wesley J. Smith provides us with a guide to the brave new world that is no longer a figment of our imagination but right around the corner of our lives.
Smith starts with the basic questions. What are stem cells? What is the difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells and which is most promising for medical therapy? What does embryonic stem cell research involve and why is it so controversial? What is its relationship to human cloning?
But in addition to explaining the science of stem cells, this highly readable and carefully researched book reports on the gargantuan "Big Biotech" industry and its supporters in the universities and in the science and bioethics establishments. Smith shows how this lobby works and how the lure of huge riches, mixed with the ideology of "scientism," threatens to impose a "new eugenics" on society that would dismantle ethical norms and call into question the uniqueness and importance of all human life.
"A Consumer's Guide to Brave New World" presents a clear-eyed vision of two potential futures. In one we will use biotechnology as a powerful tool to treat disease and improve the quality of our lives. But in another, darker scenario, we will be steered onto the anti-human path Aldous Huxley and other prophetic writers first warned against fifty years ago when science fiction had not yet become science fact.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
This fifth edition of the Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology (EOP) continues the tradition established by its predecessors in providing the most comprehensive coverage of the fields of occultism and parapsychology. The first edition, published in 1978, brought together the texts of two of the standard reference works in the field, Lewis Spence’s Encyclopedia of Occultism (1920) and Nandor Fodor’s Encyclopedia of Psychic Science (1934). Later, editor
Leslie Shepard took on the task of updating their observations and supplementing the volume with new entries.
The production of this massively ambitious work was sparked by a heightened interest in psychic phenomena, the occult, witchcraft, and related topics in the 1970s. This interest, which led directly to the New Age movement of the 1980s, provided a continued wealth of material for parapsychologists to examine. It also led to a reaction by a group of debunkers to form the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Claims of the Paranormal. This group believed that they were spokesmen for the scientific establishment.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Atheists are frequently demonized as arrogant intellectuals, antagonistic to religion, devoid of moral sentiments, advocates of an "anything goes" lifestyle. Now, in this revealing volume, nineteen leading philosophers open a window on the inner life of atheism, shattering these common stereotypes as they reveal how they came to turn away from religious belief.
These highly engaging personal essays capture the marvelous diversity to be found among atheists, providing a portrait that will surprise most readers. Many of the authors, for example, express great affection for particular religious traditions, even as they explain why they cannot, in good conscience, embrace them. None of the contributors dismiss religious belief as stupid or primitive, and several even express regret that they cannot, or can no longer, believe. Perhaps more important, in these reflective pieces, they offer fresh insight into some of the oldest and most difficult problems facing the human mind and spirit. For instance, if God is dead, is everything permitted? Philosophers Without Gods demonstrates convincingly, with arguments that date back to Plato, that morality is independent of the existence of God. Indeed, every writer in this volume adamantly affirms the objectivity of right and wrong. Moreover, they contend that secular life can provide rewards as great and as rich as religious life. A naturalistic understanding of the human condition presents a set of challenges--to pursue our goals without illusions, to act morally without hope of reward--challenges that can impart a lasting value to finite and fragile human lives.
Collectively, these essays highlight the richness of atheistic belief--not only as a valid alternative to religion, but as a profoundly fulfilling and moral way of life.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Scientology is arguably the most persistently controversial of all contemporary New Religious Movements. The Church of Scientology has been involved in battles over tax issues, a ten-year conflict with the Food and Drug Administration, extended turmoil with a number of European governments, and has even been subjected to FBI raids in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.
Negative publicity, however, has not prevented the Church from experiencing remarkably steady growth. Official national census figures indicate that the number of Scientologists grew significantly in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia throughout the 1990s, and studies show that the Church gained 10,000 members in the United States during that decade. This has led Scientology to begin referring to itself as "The World's Fastest Growing Religion." But despite its highly public profile, recently enhanced by celebrity spokespersons like Tom Cruise and Isaac Hayes, little has been published about the Church, its history, theology, and mission.
The present volume brings together an international group of top scholars on New Religious Movements to offer an extensive and even-handed overview and analysis of all of these aspects of Scientology, including the controversies to which it continues to give rise. The book's six parts take a detailed look at the Church through its similarities to and differences from other religions, conflicts with various groups, overseas missions, and its theology, history, and sociology.
James R. Lewis has assembled an unusually comprehensive anthology, incorporating a wide range of different approaches. This volume is a welcome and long-overdue resource for scholars, students, and others interested in this controversial and little-understood religious movement.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
The Golden Dawn is probably the most influential occult order of modern times. Its membership included the notorious - such as Aleister Crowley - and the celebrated - such as WB Yeats. It was crucial to the development of noted writers on the occult, such as John Brodie-Innes, Arthur Machen, A E Waite, Dion Fortune, Evelyn Underhill, and others - who were all members. In 1937, most (but not all) of its rituals were published by Israel Regardie.

"The Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn" will mostly appeal to those who have read Regardie's book ("The Golden Dawn", 6th ed., Llewellyns). Voluminous though the material published by Regardie was, there was however more to the Golden Dawn than he was able to get his hands on. In this sense, "Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn" is a sort-of sequel to Regardie's book.

Pat Zalewski was initiated into the Golden Dawn system by members of the last surviving GD temple, in New Zealand. As a high Adept of the order, he has had the opportunity to see many documents that of which Regardie never got hold (Regardie's 1937 exposé had caused him to be expelled).

Zalewski's book is therefore interesting to read for two main reasons: firstly, he presents the history of one branch of the Order from a unique point of view - that of an insider. He is able to write as a man privy to the goings-on of a secret society, and who has met practising magicians (including Regardie himself - a meeting which Zalewski describes in "Israel Regardie - An Appreciation" in this book). Moreover, Zalewski is himself a practising magician, and therefore brings sympathy to the subject which an earnest but non-magical observer would not possess.

Secondly, he reveals a number of hitherto-secret documents, including three initiation rituals: the "Adeptus Major" ritual; the "Adeptus Exemptus" ritual; and the "Etheric Link" ritual. These will probably make no sense whatsoever to a reader who is unfamiliar with the Golden Dawn, and very little sense to anyone who has not read Regardie's book. However, to someone who has read - and enjoyed - Regardie's "The Golden Dawn", the material presented by Zalewski's book is absolutely compelling.

"Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden Dawn" may thus be summarised as a book which will inevitably only appeal to a small number of people, because of its subject matter: however, within the context of its particular niche, it is a very good piece of work.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
This electronic edition is based on a facsimile of an unspecified printing, issued by Kessinger Publishing in Kila, Montana.

Introduction: The Key-Stone of the Royal Arch
First Degree, or Entered Apprentice
Second Degree, or Fellow Craft
Third Degree, or Master Mason
The Tau and the Cross
Ceremony of Installation for the Chair, or Past Master
A Description of Royal Arch Masonry
Masonic Orders of Chivalry: the Knights Templar
A Table of some of the Names of the Sacred Scriptures
Mark Man
Mark Master
The Architect’s Degree in Masonry
Grand Architect
Scotch Master or Superintendent
Secret Master
Perfect Master
Intimate Secretary, or English Master
Intendant of the Buildings, or Master in Israel
Past Master (brief description)
Excellent Masons (brief description)
Super-Excellent Masons (brief description)
Nine Elected Knights
Elect of Nine (brief description)
Second Elect of Nine, or Peregnon
Third Elect, or Elect of Fifteen
Priestly Order of Israel, or Provost and Judge
Provost and Judge, or Irish Master
Noahite, or Prussian Knight
Red Cross Sword of Babylon
Knight of the Sword of the East
Red Cross of Rome and Constantine
Knights of the White Eagle or Pelican
Rosicrucian or ne plus ultra Degree


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Petits chèques entre amis, dîners mondains, légions d'honneur et comptes en Suisse... L'affaire Bettencourt a jeté une lumière crue sur les connivences souterraines qui unissent pouvoir politique et puissances de l'argent. Dans ce livre-enquête, les sociologues Michel Pinçon et Monique Pinçon-Charlot, spécialistes de la bourgeoisie française, donnent à voir, au-delà des scandales, la logique d'un système. Pour faire vivre un monde où l'entre-soi permet l'affirmation des réseaux, ils rapportent des histoires révélatrices, glanées dans les coulisses du règne de Nicolas Ier. En brossant la chronique des premières mesures prises, ils dévoilent les ressorts d'une politique systématique en faveur des nantis: bouclier fiscal, abattements et exonérations en tout genre, dépénalisation du droit des affaires ne sont que les éléments visibles d'une guerre des classes au service de l'aristocratie de l'argent. Aux discours du Sarkozy qui prétendait vouloir refonder le capitalisme s'oppose la réalité des actes: paradis fiscaux, fonds spéculatifs, bonus des traders, stock-options et cadeaux aux banques se portent bien et ont permis au capital financier de retrouver de sa superbe. Derrière la façade d'un pouvoir démocratique se dessine ainsi le tableau inquiétant d'un tout autre régime: une oligarchie, un gouvernement des riches pour les riches.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
From the French and Indian War in 1754, with Benjamin Franklin's Join or Die cartoon, to the present war in Iraq, propaganda has played a significant role in American history. The Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda provides more than 350 entries, focusing primarily on propaganda created by the U.S. government throughout its existence. Two specialists, one a long-time research librarian at the U.S. Information Agency (the USIA) and the State Department's Bureau of Diplomacy, and the other a former USIA Soviet Disinformation Officer, Martin J. Manning and Herbert Romerstein bring a profound knowledge of official U.S. propaganda to this reference work. The dictionary is further enriched by a substantial bibliography, including films and videos, and an outstanding annotated list of more than 105 special collections worldwide that contain material important to the study of U.S. propaganda.

Students, researchers, librarians, faculty, and interested general readers will find the Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda an authoritative ready-reference work for quick information on a wide range of events, publications, media, people, government agencies, government plans, organizations, and symbols that provided mechanisms to promote America's interests, both abroad and domestically, in peace and in war. Almost all entries conclude with suggestions for further research, and the topically arranged bibliography provides a further comprehensive listing of important resources, including films and videos.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Comprising the whole range of the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of the Masonic Institution.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
This is the first book which establishes a direct link between the rituals of Freemasonry and the practice of both chemical and spiritual alchemy. Albert Pike understood that the symbolic degrees of Freemasonry contained alchemical secrets, but he never put the whole pattern together and showed how. This book shows these connections for the first time. This book is a must for any Freemason who wants to understand the secret meanings behind the Symbolic "Blue Lodge" ritual. Tim Hogan is a PM, 32*KCCH, KT, FRC, PSM-AMD, and Knight RC of the Order of Scotland. He lectures extensively both inside and outside of the United States on Freemasonry.


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