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Ukryj opis
Dobrze zorganizowana mniejszość może narzucić swą wolę biernej większości.
Ideologia - geopolityczna odmiana mafii.
Obywatel nieświadomy to obywatel łatwiejszy do kontrolowania i w razie potrzeby spacyfikowania.
Kiedyś oszuści byli niezorganizowanymi amatorami, a obecnie mają swoją międzynarodówkę zwaną globalizmem, lub Bubble Capitalism (Kapitalizm bańki spekulacyjnej).
Governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.

BBC financial expert Alessio Rastani
BBC News channel 26.09.2011
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order." Znajdujemy się na pograniczu globalnej przemiany. Wszystko czego potrzebujemy, to odpowiedni kryzys, a narody zaakceptują Nowy Światowy Porządek--David Rockefeller
speaking at a UN Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994

"Będziemy mieli rząd światowy czy wam się to podoba czy nie; za waszą zgodą, lub poprzez zabór."
James Warburg, Rada Spraw Zagranicznych (CFR - Council on Foreign relations)
Wolności nie da się skolektywizować ani sprywatyzować.

Prawo które służy do zniewalania społeczeństwa, a nie do jego obrony, jest prawem okupanta.

O ile poprzednia ideologia była nastawiona na kształtowanie alkoholików, to obecna stara się wychowywać gadżetoholików.

Pierwowzorem Nowego Człowieka do stworzenia którego dąży każda ideologia (komunizm 1920 [rozbicie na Krymie oddziałów Piotra Wrangla, ostatniej białej armii], nazizm 1933 [dojście Hitlera do władzy w demokratycznych wyborach], globalizm 1971 [zniesienie parytetu złota dla dolara]), jest Janczar.

Dlaczego kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi? - dlatego że, wcześniej kłamstwo z długimi nogami nie mieściło się do Wołgi, a teraz nie mieści się do Lexusa :)

Wyszedł jak Zabłocki na McDonaldzie :)
Obecna ideologia ukrywa politykę i indoktrynację, w prymitywnej zmasowanej "rozrywce", oraz w marketingu - a także nie prowadzi okupacji terytoriów podbitych krajów tak jak poprzednio robił to komunizm, tylko kontroluje rządy, media i finanse

Każda mafia ma trójwarstwową strukturę przypominającą piramidę: na samym dole liczni żołnierze do brudnej roboty, wyżej nieliczni bossowie od rozkazywania, a na samym szczycie kilku mocodawców pozostających w całkowity cieniu - przede wszystkim ich zadaniem jest tworzenie taktyki i strategii a także zapewnianie polityczno-prawnej ochrony, do tego pranie brudnych pieniędzy oraz dofinansowanie jeżeli akurat zachodzi taka potrzeba.

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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
DCLXVI Edition - Liber HVHI - Magick of the Adversary published Hardback edition - June 6th, 2006 Striking collectors hardback with glossy dustwrapper. Contains additional material including RITUAL DCLXVI - The Rite of Chioa, an invocation of the Beast.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Robert Anton Wilson is the grand pooh-bah of late-20th-century conspiracy theory, but regular Wilson fans may find Everything Is Under Control inchoate in comparison to such masterworks as the Illuminatus! trilogy. The format may be encyclopedic, but the information isn't; to note one glaring omission, the only entries on Ronald Reagan refer readers to three other entries in which Reagan is briefly mentioned--none of which has anything to do with Iran-Contra. (Actually, there is a listing for Iran-Contra, but again, it merely points to some of the pieces of the puzzle.)

The book's primary value, then, apart from the snippets of conspiracy "proof" it does provide, is in Wilson's playful yet insightful articulation of the psychology and linguistics of conspiratorial thinking. "Because we can say 'the Jews' or 'the New World Order' or 'the Patriarchy,'" he writes, "we can believe, or almost believe, that these grammatical abstractions have the same kind of reality as basketballs, barking dogs, and baked beans." There are also some fun private jokes, including a lot of data on the Discordians. It's not the best Wilson book--that, perhaps, is Masks of the Illuminati--but it's an adequate introduction to his imaginative philosophy. --Ron Hogan


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
What he has to say is pretty spooky. Even spookier is that it coincides with what I have heard, seen and read in many other places. My biggest criticism is that sometimes it seems that Springmeier tends to think that if they're people Christian they are probably bad guys. However he is really not that narrow. He freely admits that the Christian church has been manipulated by the Illuminati. He is really a historian and tells stories that will blow your mind.

You don't have to pay a fortune to get this information. I purchased a CD on eBay that contained this as well as several other of Springmeier's books. You can watch a video of Springmeier speaking for over one hour on this same CD or DVD. (Sorry, I get confused on which is which since my DVD drive plays both!) Anyhow, just search "Fritz Springmeier" on eBay. Springmeier hurries to tell in one of the books on this CD/DVD that some of his books can be DANGEROUS for you if you may be a mind controlled slave yourself. He has worked with dozens of now-ex mind controlled slaves -- some on very high levels -- and seems to know what he is talking about. The problem is, if you think you may be mind controlled yourself, reading some things in some of his books could "trigger" one of the parts of your programming of which you are unaware.

Unfortunately, I hear that Fritz Springmeier is now in prison on trumped up charges.

His message also includes a very strong Christian viewpoint. If that really bothers you maybe you will not be able to appreciate his book, but I don't see why that should have to bother you, since the words of Jesus in the Bible are loving and forgiving. One can be a non-Christian and still have a very strong connection with the Inner Light and the Divinity which connects us all. I do not recommend reading this if you are not strong with your bond with a Higher Power. It could be too distressing.

By the way, on the CD/DVD I got, it was the same as getting 3 or more full length books of Springmeier's for only a few dollars and very worth it. You can always print it out on 3-hole-punched paper and put in a 3-ring binder if you don't like having to read off of a computer screen.

May be extremely helpful reading for true lovers of the Truth. If you are not sure if you can handle the bad news, don't read it. Feeling fearful would only play into the hands of those who would enslave you.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
There is a group of men, who, for over 200 years, have been controlling the destiny of the United States. In 1910, they secretly met on a small island off the coast of Georgia. Their plan: to formulate a program to destroy the financial structure of America. To do that, they pushed Woodrow Wilson into the presidency; and in 1913, Wilson signed into law, the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax. In 1921, these international bankers established the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The U.S. Government took advantage of the CFR’s experience in finance and foreign affairs, and one of their study groups, the Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policy, became part of the State Department in 1941. The secret goal of this study group was to condition the Congress, and the people of this country to accept the establishment of the United Nations (UN). The UN, initiated in 1945, does not seek to promote world peace and cooperation– it was the first step towards a one-world government, which is now referred to as the New World Order. The CFR is a subsidiary of the Round Table Organization, a group of British elitists controlled by the most powerful family in the world– the Rothschilds, who, through an organization known as the Illuminati, have been controlling world events since 1776, and are now poised for the establishment of a one-world government- with them in control. The Illuminati controls world leaders and the money that runs their countries. They can elect a President, and they can kill a President. They can shut-off the oil, and plunge the world into war. Even though they operate under the strictest secrecy, their goals have been known for over 2,000 years. After reading this book, you will know why things are the way they are; and when you hear that ‘They’ are responsible for something, you will finally know who ‘They’ are. Learn about the origin and history of the New World Order, and how they are driving an unsuspecting world towards the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. Now out of print, since it was initially published in 2004 and posted on the Internet, Final Warning has become the most widely circulated book about the New World Order ever written, and stands alone as the ultimate reference work on the subject.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
In a time of crisis, we need a guide to help us calm and stabilize our lives. This is why Kabbalah is being revealed to millions today. Kabbalah is a tool for bettering life, and A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah teaches how we can use this tool. In a graceful, easygoing style, you'll learn the basics of Kabbalah, and receive much needed suggestions for employing this age-old science to your daily life.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Plenty of books have been written individually about select secret societies: now here's a handy A-Z reference which covers them all under one cover, providing over five hundred pages reviewing 300 individuals, organizations, and events which have puzzled modern times. From contemporary issues such as satellite snooping to historical background on societies such as the Freemasons, entries provide plenty of coverage and describe major events and secret societies with relevance to today's world. CONSPIRACIES AND SECRET SOCIETIES: THE COMPLETE DOSSIER is a must for any collection strong in investigative inquiry. Diane C. Donovan, California Bookwatch


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Historical exploration of masonic rituals of initiation.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Jennifer Wunder makes a strong case for the importance of hermeticism and the secret societies to an understanding of John Keats's poetry and his speculations about religious and philosophical questions. Although secret societies exercised enormous cultural influence during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, they have received little attention from Romantic scholars. And yet, information about the societies permeated all aspects of Romantic culture. Groups such as the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons fascinated the reading public, and the market was flooded with articles, pamphlets, and books that discussed the societies's goals and hermetic philosophies, debated their influence, and drew on their mythologies for literary inspiration.Wunder recovers the common knowledge about the societies and offers readers a first look at the role they played in the writings of Romantic authors in general and Keats in particular. She argues that Keats was aware of the information available about the secret societies and employed hermetic terminology and imagery associated with these groups throughout his career. As she traces the influence of these secret societies on Keats's poetry and letters, she not only offers readers a new perspective on Keats's writings but also on scholarship treating his religious and philosophical beliefs.While scholars have tended either to consider Keats's aesthetic and religious speculations on their own terms or to adopt a more historical approach that rejects an emphasis on the spiritual for a materialist interpretation, Wunder offers us a middle way. Restoring Keats to a milieu characterized by simultaneously worldly and mythological propensities, she helps to explain if not fully reconcile the insights of both camps.


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
The medieval historian who revealed The Real History Behind the Da Vinci Code uncloaks the Templars.

In the year 1119, these noblemen found their calling as protectors of the faithful on a dangerous pilgrimage to newly conquered Jerusalem. Now, historian Sharan Newman elucidates the mysteries and misconceptions of the Templars, from their true first founding and role in the Crusades to more modern intrigues, including:

- Were they devout knights or secret heretics ?
- Did they leave behind a fantastic treasure-hidden to this day ?
- How did they come to be associated with the Holy Grail ?
- Did they come to America before the time of Columbus ?
- Does the order still exist ?


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
Conspiracies"The grand climax of the murder plot against Eustace Mullins will come next month, when he is sentenced to a long term for his crime of failure to appear in Court. He will then become one of those mysterious 'suicides' which routinely occur in remote Southern Jails where a person is imprisoned on a minor traffic charge. The deed is carried out by The resident hit man, who is always present in the infamous Southern dungeons as a feature of the ongoing Occupation since 1865. The State of Virginia is now permanently branded as the FCI State F for freemasonry, I for Israel, C for Communism."


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  • 10 wrz 12 14:12
The Mysteries of Freemasonry by Captain William Morgan (1774-). Contains information on all the Degrees Conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Encampment of Knights Templars - Knights of the Red Cross, of the Christian Mark and of the Holy Sepulchre. Also, the Eleven Ineffable Degrees Conferred in the Lodge of Perfection and the still higher degrees of Prince of Jerusalem, Knights of the East and West etc.


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