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Raspberry_Pi / Space Engineers / Space.Engineers.v01.090.014.zip
Download: Space.Engineers.v01.090.014.zip

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Space Engineers to drugi z kolei projekt autorstwa założonego w 2010 roku studia Keen Software House, twórców zręcznościowej strzelanki Miner Wars 2081. Kolejny tytuł czeskiego zespołu deweloperskiego jest rasowym sandboksem osadzonym w kosmosie.

Akcja Space Engineers rozgrywa się w przyszłości, ale autorzy gry opierali się na współczesnych osiągnięciach NASA i nie stworzyli niczego, co by nie mogło powstać w najbliższych 60 latach. W grze wcielamy się w inżyniera i zajmujemy się rozbudową stacji kosmicznych, konstruowaniem budowli oraz statków, a także wykorzystujemy zdobyte zasoby i jednostki. Jako że Space Engineers jest reprezentantem gatunku sandbox, gracz otrzymał odpowiednio dużą swobodę w działaniu.

Tytuł został opracowany na autorskim silniku nazwanym VRAGE 2.0. Choć oprawa wizualna prezentuje się naprawdę przyzwoicie, to jednak największym osiągnięciem Czechów jest realistyczny, zaawansowany silnik odpowiadający za fizykę, dzięki któremu można demontować, modyfikować, uszkadzać, a nawet niszczyć poszczególne obiekty.
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Features - space suit color selection (in medical room) - large ship drills - added spectator mode - added borderless window option - more options for running dedicated server (configurable data path in command line) - improved small cockpit mount points - added the option to take anything from conveyor system by double-clicking Fixes - reverted to previous multiplayer code (improvements will come) - fixed landing gear white color - fixed cargo ships not de-spawning - fixed issue with players’ name displayed as "Unknown" - fixed issue when tools constantly deplete suit’s energy after the task is finished - fixed merge block shifting when two ships were connected - fixed Cockpit3 does not need any displays to be functional - fixed issue with screenshots taken during auto-save - fixed issue with broken workshop thumbnails - fixed warning when switching from creative 1x to survival 1x - fixed ship drill being too fragile - fixed changing toolbar while constructing - few animation fixes (character without gravity or jetpack, character sitting in a cockpit) - fixed issue with ejector being functional when it was placed on large doors - fixed grammatical translation errors (multiple errors on words, sentences & quotes in US English Version) Spectator mode: Can be enabled in world settings F6 - return to regular mode F7 - tracking camera, controlling object F8 - free camera, controlling camera (this is true spectator) F9 - free camera, controlling object Dedicated server: SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe -noconsole -path "D:\Whatever\Something" -noconsole: will run without black console window -path: will load config and store all files in path specified ("D:\Whatever\Something" in example) taskkill /IM SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe this will stop dedicated server correctly, saving the world etc to stop it immediately add argument "/f", that will kill server without asking to stop and without saving the world EDIT 06/13/14: Update 01.034.009 - added error message when starting dedicated server and listen port is already used - fixed crash in inventory - fixed crashes caused by conveyor - fixed irreparable blocks - fixed broken sounds - fixed crash during shader recompilation (custom skybox crashed the game) - fixed crash during startup when invalid prefab found - fixed collision model on large drill head - fixed 2x3 glass mirroring
Features - dedicated servers - ship info in terminal screen (e.g. Triangles – number of render triangles on your ship/station, so you can estimate how will you ship impact the performance/FPS. Higher the number of triangles, more GPU power is required.) Fixes - optimized conveyor tube glass rendering - reduced lag caused by new players joining the game in multiplayer - reduced lag caused by spawning cargo ship in multiplayer Dedicated Server Guide: http://www.spaceengineersgame.com/dedicated-servers.html Marek's blog-post about Dedicated Servers and Multiplayer: http://blog.marekrosa.org/2014/05/space-engineers-dedicated-servers-and_29.html EDIT 05/30/2014: Update 01.032.018 - fixed missing info screen in terminal - changed join screen to be more intuitive - games in join screen are now loaded on background - fixed issues with rotors - fixed crash when loading workshop worlds - fixed timeout when opening workshop - fixed small reactor terminal not available - fixed weapon targeting dots - fixed dedicated server cannot run on port >32767 How to join - open Steam Server browser - click filters and choose "Space Engineers" - double click one of server in list How to install & run - extract SteamApps/Common/SpaceEngineers/Tools/DedicatedServer.zip anywhere you want - run DedicatedServer64/SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe, screen will appear - if you want to run as console (black screen with letters), double click "Local / Console" - if you want to run as service, click "Add new instance", fill the info and confirm, then double click the item you've just added - configuration screen will open, you can setup many things here, after doing so, press "Save and start" - if you're not running as console, now you can go back and configure another instance (be sure to choose different Server Port) or close the screen - to make the game visible in Steam Server Browser or in-game browser, you have to forward/open UDP port, this port is referred as "Server Port" Saves, config, logfile - when running as console, data is stored in C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Default - when running as service, data is stored in C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\{InstanceName}
Summary Welder and grinder are now available on both small and large ships (stations too). A larger type of conveyor is now available for small ships; this allows them to transfer all kinds of components and items. Features - large ship welder - small ship welder and grinder - new larger conveyors for small ships (able to transport every item) - large cargo container on small ship has now large doors - connector and ejector won't throw items when the area in front of them is blocked by too many objects (fixes performance issues with many small objects on pile) - new models for thrusters and wheels - connector inventory can be accessed by door Fixes - fixed memory leaks caused by audio - fixed issue when opening workshop from the main menu - fixed assault rifle sound during ALT+TAB - fixed issues with character remaining visible in cockpit after leaving - fixed missile exploding without a cause - fixed multiplayer client dying when drilling The following items will fit inside the small tubes, others will need large tubes. The rule is simple (although it might change in the future) - items that have any of their dimensions larger than 25cm will need large tubes. Small items: Ores and ingots, Construction component, Motor, Computer, Reactor component, Thruster component, Explosives, Rifle ammo, Gatling gun ammo EDIT: 05/23/14 Update 01.031.012 - fixed issue when placing rotor in survival mode - fixed issue when building a block used more resources than it should - fixed landing gear not detached when the surface under it is destroyed - fixed crashes caused by loading corrupted saves - fixed crash during drag-and-drop in production screen
Summary The sensor block has been added; you can configure what happens when something enters or leaves from the sensor’s field - the configuration is similar to the button panel. It's also possible to set a filter, so it will trigger events only for small ships, large ships, floating objects or characters. In the future we will add an option to allow filtering based on friend/foe status. Also, flashing options have been added for lights; you can create navigation lights and runways - multiple lights can be synced. Warhead has now timer and also can be detonated remotely through the terminal. Features - sensor block - flashing lights - warhead terminal controls Fixes - added multiplayer lag/slowdown compensation (helps with rubber banding) - added possibility for name change during dedicated server setup - fixed issue when character moved objects locally by pushing (server ignored it) - fixed connector still yellow when turned OFF - fixed turret rectangle visibility - fixed unlocked connectors allowing item transfer - fixed rocket launcher not remembering option to use conveyor system - fixed crash when locking connectors - fixed completed solar panels do not have sun reflection - fixed gravity generator model bug - fixed landing gear attached to pistons could not be unlocked *Known Issues* - changing the field of the sensor or loading the game will activate the sensor. This will be changed in the future updates. - you can't assign the same sensor action for both entering and exiting the sensor's field EDIT 09/05/2014: Update 01.046.014 - fixed spotlight cone visible during flashing - fixed flashing control tooltip text - fixed faction screen crash - added different icons for action toggle/on/off - fixed character crash - fixed sensor toolbar sync - fixed sensor station detection - fixed terminal crash
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