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Pindar - Ody zwycięskie (olimpijskie, pytyjskie, nemejskie, istmijskie)(tł. i kom. Mieczysław Brożek)(Wydawnict wo Literackie 1987)
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  • 213 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Traces the development of the Greek hierarchical view of life that continues to permeate Western society.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The ancient Greeks commonly resorted to magic spells to attract and keep lovers--as numerous allusions in Greek literature and recently discovered "voodoo dolls," magical papyri, gemstones, and curse tablets attest. Surveying and analyzing these various texts and artifacts, Christopher Faraone reveals that gender is the crucial factor in understanding love spells. There are, he argues, two distinct types of love magic: the curselike charms used primarily by men to torture unwilling women with fiery and maddening passion until they surrender sexually; and the binding spells and debilitating potions generally used by women to sedate angry or philandering husbands and make them more affectionate.

Faraone's lucid analysis of these spells also yields a number of insights about the construction of gender in antiquity, for example, the "femininity" of socially inferior males and the "maleness" of autonomous prostitutes. Most significantly, his findings challenge the widespread modern view that all Greek men considered women to be naturally lascivious. Faraone reveals the existence of an alternate male understanding of the female as "naturally" moderate and chaste, who uses love magic to pacify and control the "naturally" angry and passionate male. This fascinating study of magical practices and their implications for perceptions of male and female sexuality offers an unusual look at ancient Greek religion and society.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Alexander of Macedonia was undoubtedly one of the greatest generals of all time. This book, by John Warry, an expert on the warfare of the Classical world, examines the principle battles of Alexander's campaigns in detail. The battles of the Granicus, Issus, Gaugamela, Hydaspes and the difficult siege of Tyre are all discussed at length. These careful studies shed light on Macedonian tactics: in particular the combination of armoured infantry phalanx with fast-moving cavalry. The men and equipment of both Alexander and his Persian enemies are also examined, providing a comprehensive insight into Alexander's life and military actions. Men-at-Arms 148 and Campaign 7 are also available in a single volume special edition as ‘Alexander the Great’.

Persia, Greece and Macedon
Armies and Commanders
The Battle of the Granicus
After the Granicus
The Battle of Issus
After Issus
The Siege of Tyre
The Battle of Gaugamela
The Bactrian Years
The Battle of the Hydaspes
Back to Babylon
After Alexander
The Battlefields Today
A Guide to Further Reading
Wargaming Alexander's Battles


  • 220 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
While there is no shortage of books on the history of Greek civilization and its contributions to Western art, politics, literature, and science, one can hardly object to another so well turned out as this. Each chapter deals with a specific aspect of the history and culture of Greece from Mycenaean through Classical times. Powell uses specific topics to elucidate the larger subject. For example, instead of an entire chapter on Greek architecture, he writes about the construction of the Parthenon. No book of this length can be more than a survey. However, this one can stand alone or as an introduction to guide readers to other works on the politics, religion, art, and economics that made up ancient Greece. In place of a traditional bibliography citing other secondary sources, Powell recommends Homer, Hesoid, Herodotus, Sophocles, and Plato. He has provided a stunning introduction to these timeless works.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This book contains concise biographies of over 800 individuals known from the literary and epigraphic sources for the age of Alexander.

* Covers significant figures, ranging from leading commanders in Alexander's army to the nobles and regional leaders of the Persian empire whom he encountered on his epic campaign
* The only complete collection of its kind in English
* Gives complete and balanced biographies, extending beyond the death of Alexander in 323 BC where relevant
* Contains a full index and a concordance giving the variant names found in the ancient sources


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Robin Osborne was educated at Colchester Royal Grammar School and at King's College Cambridge. At Colchester he came under the influence of A.F.J. Brown, who taught Greek and Latin but had a lifelong enthusiasm for local history, writing extensively about Essex in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and of Terence Doherty, who was employed as head of biology but whose real enthusiasm was for the history of art (and who combined his interests in an edition of The Anatomical Works of George Stubbs). At King's the dominant influences were Geoffrey Lloyd and John Henderson, but it was Peter Garnsey who inculcated rigorous historical method and Hugh Plommer who showed how much potential there was in classical archaeology.

Robin Osborne's PhD (1982) was written under the supervision of Anthony Snodgrass on the relationship of town and country in classical Athens. It was published as Demos: the Discovery of Classical Attika in 1985. Four years of research fellowship at King's enabled both the writing of a more general book on town and countryside in classical Greece (Classical Landscape with Figures: the Ancient Greek City and its Countryside, 1987) and forays into other areas of history (including Athenian law and religious history), archaeology, and art history (in particular a paper on the Parthenon frieze in Journal of Hellenic Studies 1987).

In 1986 Robin Osborne was appointed to a five-year fixed-term position at Magdalen College Oxford, as a colleague of Oliver Taplin, teaching Greek history and archaeology for Magdalen and Christ Church (where he came under the spell of David Lewis). An invitation from George Forrest to talk about archaic Attica to the Ancient History seminar led to the commission from Fergus Millar to take on the challenge of writing the volume covering archaic Greece for the Routledge Ancient History series.

By the time Greece in the Making, 1200–479 BC was published in 1996, Robin Osborne had a permanent CUF University Lecturership at Corpus Christi College Oxford, and a titular chair in ancient history. He was closely involved both with the invention of the undergraduate degree in archaeology and anthropology and with the M.St. degree in Women's Studies. His Archaic and Classical Greek Art was published in 1998, but the 1990s were particularly marked by a series of co-edited volumes, undertaken partly with former Cambridge colleagues (Simon Goldhill, Susan Alcock) and partly with colleagues in Oxford (Simon Hornblower).


  • 421 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Pokonawszy Persów pod Salaminą (480) i Placejami (479), Ateny stały się najsilniejszym miastem-państwem [polis) greckiego świata. Dysponując największą flotą były najważniejszym członkiem Związku Morskiego — sojuszu greckich miast-państw zdecydowanych kontynuować walkę z perskim najeźdźcą. Członkowie Związku Morskiego byli zobowiązani wystawić pewną liczbę okrętów wraz z załogami, a jeśli tak było im wygodniej, płacili zamiast tego składkę do wspólnego skarbca przechowywanego w świątyni Apolla na wyspie Delos.


  • 16 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This is the first commentary in any language on Aeschines' Against Timarchos, the prosecution speech in the politically crucial trial of 346/5BC. The case was that Timarchos was forbidden to hold public office and disenfranchised because he had engaged in improper homosexual relationships in the past and had wasted his inheritance on debauchery. The speech is our most important source for Athenian legal sanctions and moral attitudes concerning same-sex relations, and has been the focus of intense recent debates on the nature of Greek sexualities and on the relationship between sex, politics, and cultural life. It illuminates Athenian politics at the time when Athens faced the challenge to her independence from Philip of Macedon. It is a rhetorical masterpiece of misrepresentation, which persuaded the jury to convict Timarchos despite the fact that Aeschines had virtually no evidence of his misdeeds.

This book provides a new translation, a full introduction, and a commentary, all accessible to those without knowledge of Greek. The introduction explores the main issues of the case, including Aeschines' career, Athenian laws and attitudes relating to homosexual relations, and the reasons for Aeschines' success: it is suggested that the verdict reflects the same moral and cultural unease in Athens which was shortly to produce the attempts at political, social, and cultural renewal associated with the age of Lycurgus. The fully documented commentary pays attention to the rhetorical strategy of the speech, explores important aspects of the language used, especially in relation to the moral denunciation of Timarchos' sexual and other malpractices, and explains all references to historical events and people.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The 'Orphic' gold tablets, tiny scraps of gold foil found in graves throughout the ancient Greek world, are some of the most fascinating and baffling pieces of evidence for ancient Greek religion. This collection brings together a number of previously published and unpublished studies from scholars around the world, making accessible to a wider audience some of the new methodologies being applied to the study of these tablets. The volume also contains an updated edition of the tablet texts, reflecting the most recent discoveries and accompanied by English translations and critical apparatus. This survey of trends in the scholarship, with an up-to-date bibliography, not only provides an introduction to the serious study of the tablets, but also illuminates their place within scholarship on ancient Greek religion.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This title helps you to be an eyewitness to Ancient Greece. You can watch the past come to life: from how Greek athletes did the long-jump to why Socrates drank hemlock - explore the history, daily life, beliefs, and achievements of this amazing civilisation, whose influence can still be seen today. You can get the picture using the clip-art CD with over 100 amazing images to download. Then use the giant pull-out wallchart to decorate your room. Great for projects or just for fun, this fact-packed guide and CD shows and tells you everything you need to know about this ancient civilization.


  • 70 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This innovative study posits that myths in general, and Greek theogonic myth in particular, have a latent meaning that is responsible both for the emotional energy inherent in myths, and for the special attraction they have even to those who no longer believe in their literal meaning. Caldwell describes, in clear and comprehensible language, aspects of psychoanalytic theory relevant to the understanding of Greek myth, implementing a psychoanalytic methodology to interpret the Greek myth of origin and succession, particularly as stated in Hesiod's Theogony. In reassessing this work, which tells the story of the world's beginning from unbounded Chaos to the defeat of the Titans, Caldwell addresses several unexplained problems-- why does the world begin with the spontaneous emergence of four uncaused entities, and why in this particular order? Why does Ouranos prevent his children from being born by confining them in their mother's body? Why is Ouranos castrated by his son, and why is Aphrodite born from the severed genitals? Why is it always the youngest son who overthrows his father, the sky-god, and what is the logic of the steps taken by Zeus to prevent the same thing happening to him? Presenting a new definition and analyses of the psychological functions in myth, this new study should appeal to a wide range of classicists, teachers and students of mythology, psychoanalysts, and those interested in the application of psychoanalytic methods to literature.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Alexander the Great as a leadership model for the modern world? Dr. Lance Kurke brings to life the heroic exploits of this most extraordinary leader and derives from them clear and concise lessons for those who aspire to be today’s effective leaders.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Trzydniowa bitwa o wąski przesmyk Termopile ma do dziś status legendy, heroicznej walki, w której Leonidas, król Sparty (i, jak sam uważał, potomek mężnego Heraklesa, pogromcy lwów), oraz 300 wybranych zginęło mężnie, usiłując powstrzymać Persów. Z tej porażki wyrosło panujące wśród późniejszych generacji Greków przekonanie, że Spartan ie przestrzegali swoich żelaznych praw i nigdy się nie cofali, choć była to opinia powstała w znacznej mierze dzięki tej bitwie. Nie dziwi zatem zbytnio, że ze wszystkich bitew tego, co Grecy nazywali wydarzeniami medyjskimi, my zaś wojnami perskimi, źródłem największej dumy są Termopile — jedna z owych, by użyć słów Michela de Montaigne, klęsk, których tryumf wspanialszy jest nad zwycięstwo (O kanibalach, 1580). Śmierć na polu bitwy postrzega się jako najwyższą spartańską cnotę, a obraz dzielnych Spartan walczących z perskimi wojskami w skalistym przesmyku nadal budzi emocje współczesnych czytelników.


  • 119 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Martin West is widely recognized as one of the most significant classicists of all time. Over nearly half a century his publications have transformed our understanding of Greek poetry. This volume celebrates his achievement with twenty-five papers on different areas of the subject which he has illuminated, written by distinguished scholars from four continents. It also includes West's Balzan Prize acceptance speech, 'Forward into the Past', in which he explains his approach to literary scholarship, and a complete bibliography of his academic publications.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The Greek poet Pindar (c. 518-428 BC) composed victory odes for winners in the ancient Games, including the Olympics. He celebrated the victories of athletes competing in foot races, horse races, boxing, wrestling, all-in fighting and the pentathlon, and his Odes are fascinating not only for their poetic qualities, but for what they tell us about the Games. Pindar praises the victor by comparing him to mythical heroes and the gods, but also reminds the athlete of his human limitations. The Odes contain versions of some of the best known Greek myths, such as Jason and the Argonauts, and Perseus and Medusa, and are a valuable source for insights on Greek religion and ethics. Pindar's startling use of language, including striking metaphors, bold syntax, and enigmatic expressions, makes reading his poetry a uniquely rewarding experience.
Anthony Verity's lucid translations stay as close as they can to the original Greek, without sacrificing readability. The text is complemented by a succinct introduction by Stephen Instone outlining the essential nature of Pindar's Odes as well as explaining the nature of the Games, the events, and the participants. Explanatory notes help the reader to navigate Pindar's sometimes compressed and allusive expressive technique.


  • 70 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Hesperides Press are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This is a study of the writings of Pausanias, a native of Asia Minor who chronicled his extensive travels in Greece in the second century AD. The greater part comprises the first detailed examination of Pausanias' view of Roman involvement in Greece and his attitude to the Roman emperors, especially Augustus, Nero and Hadrian. Pausanias' approach to the art and artists of the pre-Roman past of Greece is also considered. The book begins with a discussion of the historical, political and cultural background to Pausanias' work.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Heroes and heroines in antiquity inhabited a space somewhere between gods and humans. In this detailed, yet brilliantly wide-ranging analysis, Christopher Jones starts from literary heroes such as Achilles and moves to the historical record of those exceptional men and women who were worshiped after death. He asks why and how mortals were heroized, and what exactly becoming a hero entailed in terms of religious action and belief. He proves that the growing popularity of heroizing the dead—fallen warriors, family members, magnanimous citizens—represents not a decline from earlier practice but an adaptation to new contexts and modes of thought. The most famous example of this process is Hadrian’s beloved, Antinoos, who can now be located within an ancient tradition of heroizing extraordinary youths who died prematurely. This book, wholly new and beautifully written, rescues the hero from literary metaphor and vividly restores heroism to the reality of ancient life.


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