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  • 47 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The eight lectures that comprise this edition were first delivered by John Davidson Beazley in 1949. They were published in 1951 and soon became a of classical study of ancient Greek vases. This revised edition includes many additional illustrations.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This book is possibly the most comprehensive biography of Alexander on the market. It presents his story strictly on the basis of ancient sources, making use as much as possible of contemporary Greek inscriptions, coins, and of non-western evidence (Babylonian tablets, Egyptian papyri, Bactrian parchments). The latter in particular change our understanding of how the Achaemenid state was run and how the Macedonian conquests were perceived from the Oriental perspective. The book's protagonist was the first in Western Civilization to be hailed Great. The specific aura and charisma of this young ruler, the scale of his conquests and the exotic landscapes and people encountered during a tireless trek of over 35,000 km spanning three continents is what the broader public have always found particularly appealing. The author travelled extensively in footsteps of Alexander and made use of other geographical accounts to elucidate the spatial perspective of his conquests. Space and politics define the dynamics of his story. The author presents Alexander as a component of the historical processes in his epoch and considers his influence on the developments in Greece, Macedonia, the Persian Empire and neighboring countries. The book tries to steer clear of both idealizing Alexander the Great typical of some earlier modern biographies and of deconstructing his person which mares the minimalist approach of today's scholarship.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Paul is traditionally seen as one of the founders of Christian sexual asceticism. As early as the second century C.E. church leaders looked to him as a model for their lives of abstinence. But is this a correct reading of Paul? What exactly did Paul teach on the subjects of marriage and celibacy? Will Deming here answers these questions - often in provocative new ways. By placing Paul's statements on marriage and celibacy against the backdrop of ancient Hellenistic society, Deming constructs a coherent picture of Paul's views. He shows that the conceptual world in which Paul lived and wrote had substantially vanished by 100 C.E., and terms like "sin," "body," "sex," and "holiness" began to acquire moral implications quite unlike those Paul knew. Paul conceived of marriage as a social obligation that had the potential of distracting Christians from Christ. For him, celibacy was the single life, free from such distraction, not a life of saintly denial. Sex, in turn, was not sinful but natural, and sex within marriage was both proper and necessary.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Alexander the Great's empire stretched across three continents and his achievements changed the nature of the ancient world. But for all his military prowess and success as a conqueror, John Grainger argues that he was one of history's great failures. Alexander's arrogance was largely responsible for his own premature death; and he was personally culpable for the failure of his imperial enterprise. Alexander was king of a society where the monarch was absolutely central to the well-being of society as a whole. When the king failed, the Macedonian kingdom imploded, an occurrence that happened every generation for two centuries before him, and yet again when he died. for the good of his people, Alexander needed an adult successor, and he both refused to provide one and executed any man who could be seen as one. The resulting consequence was fifty years of warfare after his death and the destruction of his empire. The work of Philip II, Alexander's father, to extend and develop the kingdom of the Macedonians was the foundation for Alexander's career of conquest. Philip's murder in 336 B.C. brought Alexander to the kingship in the first undisputed royal succession on record. Alexander's campaigns achieved unparalleled success and the young king of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, Pharaoh of Egypt, became the Great King of Persia at the age of twenty five. In this authoritative book John Grainger explores the foundations of Alexander's empire and why it did not survive after Alexander's untimely death in 323 B.C.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This book elucidates Professor Margalit Finkelberg’s use of a multidisciplinary approach to late Greek prehistory (about 1400 BCE to about 800 BCE) at the end of the Bronze Age.

She brings to bear archaeology, linguistics –dialects and place names- and mythological traditions of the “Heroic Age” immediately preceding the invasion of pastoral barbarian Doric and Boetian Greek speakers into the Peloponnesus in about 1200 BCE and specifically she considers the Heroic Age genealogical stemma written down in the historical period to see whether they were simply constructs to show membership in the society of Hellenes by descent from a common ancestor (King Hellen, son of post-Diluvian survivor Deukalion) or whether they continued to reflect earlier conditions. Finally, – from an anthropological perspective she considers early historical Hellenic marriage customs producing the same results suggested in Greek Heroic myths and Hittite history. The book represents a combination of her own efforts in linguistic and myth and folklore analysis with recent archaeological and anthropological research.

In her introduction she reviews the history of archaeology in the Aegean and Anatolia and current thought on the pre-history of the Greeks. Minoan civilization arose sometime before 2000 BC spreading to cover the Island of Crete and several nearby islands such as the Cyclades. Minoan civilization wasn’t Greek; it was Near-Eastern and was supported by trade with the Eastern Mediterranean and points further west. Minoans wrote in a script called linear A. Greek speaking peoples entered Attica and the Peloponnesus in the middle of the 2nd millennium BCE and were able to exercise hegemony over the Aegean including Crete by about 1450 BC. The main city of this culture was Mycenae, with another major center at Pylos and they wrote Greek in a script called Linear B. Mycenaean culture flourished to about 1100 BCE when the aforesaid invaders from the northern and western parts of Greece overran the Peloponnesian heartland. Then, there were dark ages (traditionally following the Trojan War) during which new cities and Greek colonies were established widely around the Mediterranean and Euxine. The Greeks of the historical period recognized that the Mycenaeans were of heterogeneous ethnicity.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Archaic Naukratis was a busy trading place in the Western Delta of the Nile, renowned for its sanctuaries and courtesans, granting the Greeks access to Egyptian grain and luxury items. Now, more than one hundred years after the discovery and excavation of Naukratis, the author offers the first full-length analysis of the archaeology and archaic history of this important site.
Although Naukratis always features in modern accounts of ancient Greek colonization, it was not a place where the Greeks could freely establish their own political and social organization--it was under the strict control of the Egyptian pharaoh and his officials. To understand the special status of Naukratis, the author takes the port of trade model, surveying the political, social, and economic background of both Late Period Egypt and archaic Greece.
A major section of the book comprises an archaeological re-evaluation of the topography of archaic Naukratis and its material finds. The sanctuaries, archaic pottery styles, terracottas, faiences, statuettes, and other small finds are examined in the light of recent scholarship, and an in-depth study of the literary evidence is brought to bear on the archaeological material.
This book comprises a significant contribution to our understanding of Graeco-Egyptian relations during the seventh and sixth centuries BC and also demonstrates that Polanyian economic theory can play an invaluable rôle in the ongoing debate about the concepts best employed to analyse the ancient Greek economy.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The extraordinary adaptability and durability of Greek culture in times of momentous change is revealed in this book, as G. W. Bowersock seeks to interpret Hellenism in a predominantly Christian world. In this effort he sheds new light on a late paganism that has often been seen as moribund and shows it to have been unexpectedly vigorous.
Hellenism, comprising the language, thought, mythology, and images of the Greeks, contributed fundamentally to the evolution of early Christianity. It had spread across the lands of the Eastern Mediterranean for many centuries before Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of the Byzantine government. But Hellenism served no less to disseminate and strengthen paganism--a role that has hitherto been little appreciated or studied. The local traditions of Asia Minor, Egypt, and the Near East survived in most cases by sharing common forms of expression with the Christians. Hellenism clearly allowed late pagans of widely differing traditions to communicate with each other. At the same time it gave to both Christianity and Islam a pagan context that enjoyed much greater public recognition then than now. And so the author shows that Hellenism illuminates the wholeness of the late antique world in the East, the interaction of its paganism and its Christianity. Dionysus and Christ flourished together.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
In Alexander the Great in his World, Carol G. Thomas places this powerful figure within the context of his time, place, culture, and pedigree in order to discover what influences and elements from the world around him aided in the rise of his incredible life and career.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
For more than a millennium, the ancient Olympics captured the imaginations of the Greeks, until a Christianized Rome terminated the competitions in the fourth century AD. But the Olympic ideal did not die and this book is a succinct history of the ancient Olympics and their modern resurgence.Classics professor David Young, who has researched the subject for over 25 years, reveals how the ancient Olympics evolved from modest beginnings into a grand festival, attracting hundreds of highly trained athletes, tens of thousands of spectators, and the finest artists and poets.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
These two volumes of Greek and Roman mythology cover essentially the same material, though each contains some information the other does not. Dixon-Kennedys Encyclopedia is relatively easy to read. Entries, in ready-reference format, are short and to the point. Cross references are given, though they are not extensive. Readers will use this as a quick reference source only, leading them to more in-depth searching as their interest dictates. Dixon-Kennedy (European Myth & Legend, Blandford, 1997) does not offer citations for each entry because he has restricted his research citations to four volumes: Robert Gravess two-volume The Greek Myths, Homers Iliad and Odyssey, and Virgils Aeneid. All other information, he states in his preface, comes from original personal research. Nonetheless, he includes an extensive bibliography of works that contain essential information to some degree or another. The Cassell Dictionary generally has more extensive entries. Citations are given with each entry, and cross references are included within the text in small capital letters. More resources have been cited in the text, but the bibliography is not quite as extensive as that in the Encyclopedia. This volume includes pictures and photographs, which the other does not, as well as references within entries to the mythological influence on art, literature, and culture. British scholar March also quotes often from classical poets and playwrights where appropriate. In general, the Cassell Dictionary is more scholarly in both content and appearance, while the Encyclopedia is more accessible to younger students. Either is an acceptable addition, depending on the needs of the collection.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
In this definitive assessment of the various representations and approaches to Athena, Susan Deacy does what no other has done before and brings all the aspects of this legendary figure into one, outstanding study. A survey of one of the most enduringly popular of ancient deities, the book introduces Athena�s myth, cult and reception, while directing the reader to detailed discussion as and when it is appropriate. Students will find it a great help in their studies, and for the general reader with an interest in the ancient world and for those from related disciplines such as literature, art history and religion, it provides a mine of information and insight into this fascinating classical figure.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Exploiting the abundant primary sources available, this book examines the diverse ways in which war shaped the Hellenistic world.

* An overview of war and society in the Hellenistic world.
* Highlights the interdependence of warfare and social phenomena.
* Covers a wide range of topics, including social conditions as causes of war, the role of professional warriors, the discourse of war in Hellenistic cities, the budget of war, the collective memory of war, and the aesthetics of war.
* Draws on the abundance of primary sources available.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The streams of Greek history in the fourth century are highly controversial. Sandwiched between the Classical fifth century and the Hellenistic period, the era has invited various readings, most prominently the verdict of decrepitude and decline. Recent discoveries, however, indicate that the period was not simply illustrative of the political, social, and economic weaknesses of the Greek city-state. This book examines the fourth century from an area with its own regional dynamics: central Greece, a region often considered as a backwater for macro-politics. The authors disclose a vivid tension between regional politics in Boeotia and its adjacent territories and Greek affairs. They provide a meticulous and, at times, microscopic investigation into the region's military and political history, together with detailed analyses of the topography of the places 'where history was made.' The result is a dazzling account of Greece's power transition crisis on the eve of the Macedonian conquest.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This volume contains eighteen essays by established and younger historians that examine non-democratic alternative political systems and ideologies--oligarchies, monarchies, mixed constitutions--along with diverse forms of communal and regional associations such as ethnoi, amphiktyonies, and confederacies. The papers, which span the length and breadth of the Hellenic world highlight the immense political flexibility and diversity of ancient Greek civilization.

About the Author
Roger Brock is Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds Stephen Hodkinson is Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Manchester


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Greece, from legendary times to its fall in 146 B.C. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination. Ideal introduction to ancient Greece for ages 9 and up.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
A vivid picture of life in ancient Greece through the stories of four very different men. The reader hears how Leonidas, raised under the strict system of Sparta, becomes king and leads his countrymen at the battle of Thermopylae, and how Themistocles, in prompting the Athenians to build boats and escape to Salamis, guides the Greeks to victory against the Persians. When Athens lay in ruins, the sculptor Phidias is instrumental in its rebuilding. It becomes such a vibrant city that the philosopher Socrates, when arrested on a trumped-up charge, prefers to die, rather than to live anywhere other than Athens. Numerous black and white illustrations enliven the text. Suitable for ages 8 and up.


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