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Ewa Wipszycka, Benedetto Bravo, Marek Węcowski, Aleksander Wolicki - Historia starożytnych Greków (tom II - okres klasyczny)(wyd. II - Wydawnictwo UW, 2009)
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od Klemensa Wernera
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Pierwszy Amerykanin. Zagadka studiów prekolumbijskich - C.W. Ceram - wyd. I - 1977
Pindar - Ody zwycięskie (olimpijskie, pytyjskie, nemejskie, istmijskie)(tł. i kom. Mieczysław Brożek)(Wydawnict wo Literackie 1987)
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SPA2 (hasło SPA2)
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Sztuka XVII wieku ziem wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej
Teofilakt Simokatta - Historia powszechna (Anna Kotłowska, Łukasz Różycki)
Testimonia najdawniejszych dziejów Słowian. 1989-2009
The Medieval Islamic Civilization - Collection 6 (Art, Architecture 2)
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Wyprawy Wikingów ,Farley Mowat
Z zagadnień skandynawskiej sztuki korabniczej wczesnego średniowiecza-M.P rosnak
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  • 162 KB
  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The earliest and greatest works of Greek literature – the Iliad and the Odyssey – have been attributed since antiquity to the poet Homer. This concise book is an ideal introduction to the poet and his two great epics. Assuming no prior knowledge of Greek, the author supplies all the background information necessary to understand the poems.

The book presents an overview of the "Homeric question," considering the authorship, composition, and transmission of the poems. It provides the historical background to the epics, literary readings of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and an analysis of the poet’s plotting, narrative technique, and characterization. The author uses comparisons between the two poems to illustrate Homeric poetics.

A final section reviews the important secondary literature on Homer and offers a guide to further reading. Throughout, the author makes use of his own original research, especially on the relations between Greek alphabetic writing and the origins of Greek literature.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The origins and development of Greek historiography cannot be properly understood unless early historical writings are situated in the framework of late archaic and early classical Greek culture and society. Contextualization opens up new perspectives on the subject in The Historian's Craft in the Age of Herodotus. Essays by an international range of experts explore all aspects of the topic and, at the same time, make a thought-provoking contribution to the ongoing debates concerning literacy and oral culture.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
In The Law Courts of Classical Athens, Adriaan Lanni draws on contemporary legal thinking to present a new model of the legal system of classical Athens. She analyzes the Athenians' preference in most cases for ad hoc, discretionary decision-making, as opposed to what moderns would call the rule of law. Lanni argues that the Athenians consciously employed different approaches to legal decision-making in different types of courts. The varied approaches to legal process stems from a deep tension in Athenian practice and thinking, between the demand for flexibility of legal interpretation consistent with the exercise of democratic power by ordinary Athenian jurors; and the demand for consistency and predictability in legal interpretation expected by litigants and necessary to permit citizens to conform their conduct to the law. Lanni presents classical Athens as a case study of a successful legal system that, by modern standards, had an extraordinarily individualized and discretionary approach to justice.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Numerous ancient texts describe human sacrifices or other forms of ritual killing, and archaeologists have frequently proposed human sacrifice as an explanation for their discoveries. The first book-length study of this controversial subject since 1915 and the first ever to appear in English, Human Sacrifice examines the written and archaeological evidence for the ritual killing of human beings in ancient Greece, presenting as well the skeptical view of such sensationalistic interpretations of the evidence.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
In his extraordinary story of the defence of Greece against the Persian invasions of 490-480 BC Herodotus sought to communicate not only what happened, but also the background of thoughts and perceptions that shaped those events and became critical to their interpretation afterwards. Much as the contemporary sophists strove to discover truth about the invisible, Herodotus was acutely concerned to uncover hidden human motivations, whose depiction was vital to his project of recounting and explaining the past. Emily Baragwanath explores the sophisticated narrative techniques with which Herodotus represented this most elusive variety of historical knowledge. Thus he was able to tell a lucid story of the past while nonetheless exposing the methodological and epistemological challenges it presented. Baragwanath illustrates and analyses a range of these techniques over the course of a wide selection of Herodotus' most intriguing narratives - from those on Athenian democracy and tyranny to Leonidas and Thermopylae - and thus supplies a method for reading the Histories more generally.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Explicitly echoing Afghanistan's tragic recent history, Holt explores the difficulties Alexander the Great encountered when he marched into the country, whose ancient name was Bactria. Like subsequent British, Russian, and, now, American and allied armies, the Macedonian wunderking discovered in 329 B.C.E. that invading was easier than conquering. Not persuaded by Alexander's apologists both ancient and modern, Holt narrates the campaign as an unredeeming exercise in pillage and massacre, with the twist that the Bactrians gave as good as they got: Alexander's armies received more damage invading Bactria than in overthrowing the Persian Empire. Alexander attempted to gain the upper hand through policies alternating scorched-earth campaigns with diplomacy, but the Bactrians would renege, revolt, or retreat to the mountains with frustrating regularity. Sound uncannily familiar? Holt's striking parallels between the warlords Alexander pursued and their modern Afghan avatars result in that rarity of history books: one immediately practical to current-day events. Surely, the journalists, humanitarian workers, and officials rotating into Afghanistan today would profit from Holt's insights.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
From antiquity until the nineteenth century, there have been two types of state: macro-states, each dotted with a number of cities, and regions broken up into city-states, each consisting of an urban center and its hinterland. A region settled with interacting city-states constituted a city-state culture and Polis opens with a description of the concepts of city, state, city-state, and city-state culture, and a survey of the 37 city-state cultures so far identified.

Mogens Herman Hansen provides a thoroughly accessible introduction to the polis (plural: poleis), or ancient Greek city-state, which represents by far the largest of all city-state cultures. He addresses such topics as the emergence of the polis, its size and population, and its political organization, ranging from famous poleis such as Athens and Sparta through more than 1,000 known examples.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
As a sustained analysis of the connections between narrative structure and meaning in the History of the Peloponnesian War, Carolyn Dewald's study revolves around a curious aspect of Thucydides' work: the first ten years of the war's history are formed on principles quite different from those shaping the years that follow. Although aspects of this change in style have been recognized in previous scholarship, Dewald has rigorously analyzed how its various elements are structured, used, and related to each other. Her study argues that these changes in style and organization reflect how Thucydides' own understanding of the war changed over time. Throughout, however, the History's narrative structure bears witness to Thucydides' dialogic efforts to depict the complexities of rational choice and behavior on the part of the war's combatants, as well as his own authorial interest in accuracy of representation. In her introduction and conclusion, Dewald explores some ways in which details of style and narrative structure are central to the larger theoretical issue of history's ability to meaningfully represent the past. She also surveys changes in historiography in the past quarter-century and considers how Thucydidean scholarship has reflected and responded to larger cultural trends.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Understanding the history of Athens in the all important years of the second half of the fifth century BC is largely dependent on the legacy of the historian Thucydides. Historical studies tend to assess Thucydides' account as infallible. George Cawkwell challenges that received wisdom, advancing original and controversial views of Thucydides' account of the Peloponnesian War; his misrepresentation of Alcibiades and Demosthenes; his relationship with Pericles; and his views on the Athenian Empire. Cawkwell's comprehensive and accessible analysis of Thucydides and his historical writings is persuasive, and is an immensely valuable addition to the scholarship and criticism of a rich and popular period of Greek history.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Into the aging body of reference literature on ancient Greek biography comes this up-to-date, inexpensive, authoritative, and comprehensive addition from Routledge's "Who's Who" series. Hazel, a classicist and coauthor of Who's Who in Classical Mythology, profiles (in alphabetical order) Greeks of historical, philosophical, and literary significance. Chosen for their impact (good or bad) on Greek society from 750 to 100 B.C.E., these figures range from the well known--like Alexander the Great, Socrates, and Plato--to the lesser known--like Bacchylides the lyric poet, Chares the general, and Ephalites the traitor. Hazel's portraits offer vivid biographical information and detailed discussion of the individual's achievements. Varying in length from a paragraph to a few pages, the entries are clear, interesting, and accessible to the general reader. In addition to a glossary, three appendixes feature a chronological table of Greek and Hellenistic times, a list of rulers, and three maps. Recommended for history collections.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
This outstanding introductory survey collects, presents and examines, for the very first time, the portraits and representations of Alexander the Great on the ancient coins of the Greek and Roman period.

From 320 BC to AD 400, Karsten Dahmen examines not only Alexander’s own coinage and the posthumous coinages of his successors, but also the re-use of his image by rulers from the Greek world and the Roman empire, to late antiquity.

Also including numismatic material that exceeds all previous published works, and well-illustrated, this historical survey brings Alexander and his legacy to life.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Warfare in Ancient Greece assembles a wide range of source material and introduces the latest scholarship on the Greek experience of war. The author has carefully selected key texts, many of them not previously available in English, and provided them wiht comprehensive commentaries.

For the Greek polis, warfare was a more usual state of affairs than peace. The documents assembled here recreate the social and historical framework in which ancient Greek warfare took place--over a period of more than a thousand years from the Homeric Age to Alexander the Great. Special attention is paid to attitudes and feelings of the Greek towards defeated peoples and captured cities.

Complete with notes, index, and bibliography, Warfare in Ancient Greece will provide students of Ancient and military history with an unprecedented survey of relevant materials.
See all Editorial Reviews


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
HJ Rose's Handbook of Greek Mythology was first published in 1928, with its sixth edition appearing in 1958. The only accessible narrative account of Greek Mythology, it has long been a standard text for students. While the stories it contains can be traced back to the second millennium BC, they retain their vitality today, and the gods and heroes - Zeus and Athena, Heracles and Oedipus, Orpheus and Eurydice, remain familiar names. This new edition is a completely rewritten and revised version of Rose's original text. Adding a huge amount of new material, Robin Hard incorporates the results of the latest research into his authoritative accounts of all the gods and heroes.
Beginning from the emergence of the world from Chaos and Night, Hard describes the legends of the Children of Kronos, and the mythological beings that populated Greek consciousness - Harpies, Gorgons, Geryon and Echidna. From the war with the Titans, the narrative proceeds to the rule of the Olympian Gods, from their war withthe Giants to their interventions in the legends of the heroes. The legends, activities and associations of each god and goddess are recounted in turn; younger gods and foreign deities are also covered. The challenge of recounting the history of the age of the heroes, from Heracles, Theseus, Cadmus and Oedipus to the Trojan War and its aftermath, in a coherent chronology, is met by basing the account on the systematizing work of Apollodorus in the second century AD. Special chapters are devoted to Jason and the Argonauts, the career of Heracles and the Trojan War. The complex and sometimes contradictory mass of legends functioned for the Greeks as the history of their origins, while for us the stories are full of local colour and archetypal meaning.
The narrative framework of the book remains that of Rose, with helpful signposting so that the book can be used as work of reference. Besides the narrative chapters, it includes full documentation of the ancient sources, maps, and genealogical tables. Illustrated throughout with numerous photographs and line drawings, it will be the definitive account of ancient Greek mythology for generations to come.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The Greeks invented history as a literary genre in the fifth century B.C. The first historians owed much to Homer and adopted his vivid and direct style in narrating historical events. Yet, despite the influence of Homer the birth of history was basically a reaction against mythical accounts of the past. Homer wrote about war and travel in foreign lands, in the distant and mythical past. In contrast, the Greek historians of the fifth century wrote about contemporary or very recent events, where eye witnesses could be interviewed and facts checked. The Greek Historians follows the development of history from Herodotus, via Thucydides, Xenophon and Polybius, until the Hellenistic age. It introduces the individual writers and their topics, yet it also outlines their attitudes to historiography and their criticisms of each other. Such themes as the uses and value of truth and causation are traced, as well as the growing constraints on free speech under Hellenistic monarchs and the Romans. Written in an accessibleand captivating manner, with suggestions for further reading, this book serves as a lucid introduction to Greek historians and writing of history.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The once magnificent, now ruined, cities that cluster along the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey are reminders of a civilization that produced the first Hellenic enlightenment, giving birth to Homer, Herodotus, and the first philosophers of nature. John Freely brings this magnificent civilization to life as he recounts the epic tragedy of the Greeks in Anatolia, starting with the Trojan War and culminating with the period after the Turkish War of Independence. For history buffs, travelers, and anyone interested in Greek culture, Freely’s firsthand experience of this culture and region coupled with his passion for storytelling are a winning combination.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
Framing this history of the classical world as he imagines the second-century Emperor Hadrian (who traveled the classical world and had a "classicizing mind") would have done, this scintillating survey seeks to understand Greek and Roman civilizations on their own terms. Oxford historian Fox (Alexander the Great) structures his study around the ancient concepts of freedom, justice and luxury, as they evolved from Homeric literature onward. The story arranges itself around two poles: democratic Athens, of which, for all its flaws, Fox is an unabashed partisan, and Rome, whose fatally unequal republic declined into the grotesque tyranny of the early empire. This intellectual framework provides an interpretive skeleton for a loosely structured, well-paced narrative history. (One disappointment, a major one for an "epic history," is Fox's sketchy, montage-like treatment of military campaigns.) Into the story the author weaves insightful passages on art, religion, technology, marriage and the prominent role of homosexuality in classical culture, along with set-piece profiles of statesmen and thinkers from Pericles to Plato to Pliny. Fox is a fluent, perceptive color commentator on the pageant of ancient history, while giving readers some idea of where the parade was headed.


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  • 16 sie 18 15:18
The most comprehensive and up-to-date work available on ancient Macedonian history and material culture, A Companion to Ancient Macedonia is an invaluable reference for students and scholars alike.
Features new, specially commissioned essays by leading and up-and-coming scholars in the field
Examines the political, military, social, economic, and cultural history of ancient Macedonia from the Archaic period to the end of Roman period and beyond
Discusses the importance of art, archaeology and architecture
All ancient sources are translated in English
Each chapter includes bibliographical essays for further reading


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