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Kobieta wnlrpec

widziany: 26.12.2011 16:21

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864 plików
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  • 2,4 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 0,8 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
My name's Alec Evanson and I run one of the largest crime syndicates in history. I'm responsible for more murders than the Zodiac Killer and Ted Bundy combined. People think I'm heartless but I just do what I have to in order to survive. This is my story.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,7 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
When Edward's partial scholarship gets taken away, he reluctantly takes the advice of his roommate and gets a job at a high-class escort agency. Relax... it's a legit company. He's got nothing to lose. Or does he? All-human, OOC.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,9 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella moves to college where she meets and befriends the Cullens and Hales. Edward Cullen goes through many girls he meets Bella & sees something he likes. Much better Summary Inside. All Human. Adventure, mystery, humor & of course,a little romance! AU

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,0 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella's tryst with power made her infamous. Hounded and ashamed, she's back in Forks to start over again, but where do you find a clean slate when everyone who sees you already knows your biggest secret? AH, adult stuff.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 2,1 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Edward and Bella meet one cloudy May morning at their neighborhood coffee bar. Little do they know that they have actually been conversing for several months under assumed names. Collaboration between CPW and FLB11. M for language and lemony goodness.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,6 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella wasn't interested in finding a father for her baby-to-be. Edward wasn't interested in being a father at all. The accidents that can make a parent don't always happen between the sheets, but will they make the best of it?

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,7 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
On the plane back from Italy, Edward asks if they can try again. One Bella says yes; one Bella says no. Parallel stories in alternating chapters explore how these two reactions can influence the reunion and rebuilding of trust after Edward left. Canon/AU.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,7 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
A BxE debacle of epic proportions. "There's no real diagnosis. He's what we affectionately call a 'sleep humper'." Sometimes love is just plain awkward.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,6 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Can Bella survive her assignment at SXSW when lust and infatuation combust in 19 days? Almost Famous meets Twilight with a dose of KoL and Edward behind the drums. AH Lemons - like you didn't know.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 2,0 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
After finding an abandoned child on the streets of Seattle, Bella Swan raises him for five years as her own. What happens to their life when his biological family is found? AU/AH (Inc. 11 Outtakes)

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,0 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." -Nat King Cole. This story is about that. AH, Canon pairings.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,0 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella Swan has finally found a man she's interested in: Edward Cullen. The problem? He is dating her mother, Renee. AU. AH.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,8 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella wanted Mr. Perfect, but he didn't want her. When Mr. Imperfect comes along, can she look close enough to see just who is more perfect for her? A story about falling in love with the imperfections. AH - Rated M for lemons later.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 0,7 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
To know the ending, you must start at the beginning. I'm Isabella Marie Swan. Eighteen years old. Senior. Short in stature. Skinny fat. Brown hair and eyes. And this is my story. It's not your run of the mill fairy tale

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,6 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Forks High is making the junior and senior classes pair up and be 'parents' and take care of a baby doll. All the Cullens are in school still and taking the class. How will Charlie react when Bella and Edward announce they're pregnant?

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 2,0 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
When Renee is diagnosed with a terminal illness, Isabella makes the ultimate sacrifice. Selling herself to the highest bidder to do with her as they please may just prove to be more than she bargained for. OOC AH/AU

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 2,1 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
What would happen in Midnight Sun if the characters weren’t so…Mormon? How does a vampire break it to his lady love that he wants to eat her? Can vampires get drunk? Let’s find out. Warning: I delight in abusing canon. OOC, AU.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 3,0 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Seven years have passed since Edward and Bella last saw each other. They grew up as children and even became good friends. Once they entered high school, Edward became distant and eventually severed all ties with her. Confused and hurt, Bella moved on with her life in Seattle. Through it all, Bella had her older brother Emmett to get past the estrangement. Now, with Edward's imminent return to Seattle to help out with his sister Alice's wedding, Bella can't help wondering what drove away her brother's best friend all those years ago.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,5 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Edward Cullen is the only son of billionaire Carlisle Cullen. He has always been surrounded by fake, money-hungry people. That is the way of life he has always known. But when Edward's life is threatened, Carlisle has no choice but to send him away to the barely noticeable, out of the way town of Forks, Washington. While there, Edward meets some new friends that, even though he is wary to get to know in the beginning, finds that the change his life in ways that he never imagined possible. But is he safe. Has the threat to his life been quelled or is the danger closer than both Edward and his father realise?

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 0,9 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella and Edward fall in and out of love over the course of 5 years. We begin at the end, we end at the beginning, and somewhere in the middle, we realize just how easy it is to lose each other along the way.
This story is based off of the plot in the musical "The Last Five Years" by Jason Robert Brown. This musical uses song to tell the story of a couple who, despite their best intentions, find themselves on different paths.
The outline of each chapter is based on the songs in the musical, but the back story is all original content. Bella's story is told from the end of their relationship to the beginning, and Edward's story starts and the beginning and ends at the end.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,6 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Beautiful Bella's life is dedicated to caring for others. By chance she meets sexy Edward Cullen, a successful documentary filmmaker. The passion is immediate, but the repercussions are far more permanent.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,7 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Edward Cullen is placed in the witness protection program for turning evidence on a mob boss. When he meets Bella Swan, his life becomes more complicated than he ever thought possible. BxE. AH. Rated M, language, lemons and some violence.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,9 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella takes a chance and goes to school far from where she's used to. But what happens when her extremely good looking TA seems to despise her for no reason? My first fanfic, be gentle please. all human,

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 1,5 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
They meet at a gallery, from two different worlds. Watch as they learn each other's
language and culture... oh, who am I kidding here? They meet. They are opposites. They attract.
Rated M for serious potty mouth and scenes of the citrus variety. AH/AU

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 8,1 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella Swan is drafted in to interview the reclusive enigmatic Edward Cullen, multi-millionaire CEO of his company. It's an encounter that will change her life irrevocably, leading her to dark realms of desire.

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

  • 3,4 MB
  • 26 gru 11 16:23
Bella Swan is a young, successful book editor and not looking for any type of serious relationship. When her friend Emmett McCarty’s cousin returns to Seattle after a long absence and life changing events, will the gorgeous paramedic change her mind?

z chomika Honey_Pomelo

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27 plików
52,28 MB


wozny.tw napisano 22.09.2012 20:15

zgłoś do usunięcia

wozny.tw napisano 1.11.2012 22:45

zgłoś do usunięcia

darmowe_fragmenty napisano 9.12.2012 23:01

zgłoś do usunięcia

EverHope napisano 19.12.2012 07:41

zgłoś do usunięcia
obrazekClarie dowiaduje się, że była tylko ,,chodowana na rzeź. Volturi bierze wampirzyce pod swoje skrzydła i zawozi do Wolterry. Tam po raz pierwszy widzi egzekucje na wampirze. Co zrobi? Czy będzie mieć jeszcze większe kłopoty? Zapraszam do czytania! EverHope

loca20 napisano 28.02.2013 12:57

zgłoś do usunięcia

Chomik przyjazny dzieciom - brak treści porno, XXX itp.!


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edenhazard17 napisano 4.09.2019 12:48

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dined43998 napisano 24.04.2022 08:11

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Super chomik

higawe8050 napisano 3.12.2022 16:30

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Super chomik

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