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144446 plików
28323,76 GB

! rar
!100 Hits - Musicals 2009
!101 Songs From The Musicals 2008
!Całe płyty
!Lista Przebojów Programu III
!Składanki Disco Polo 2011
!Space & Electronic Collection
!VA - L.O.V.E. (LOVE) volume 9 [Chillout Music Collection] (2012) MP3
!Various Artists
[2011]The Best of Roxette
► █ █ █ MUZA
► █ █ █ MUZA(1)
➤DANCE Hits (2023)
➤Dyskoteka 80,90s
➤Romantic 🐺
★☛ Hit's of the 80´s
★☛ Italo Disco
★☛ Składa1 2017 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
★☛ Składanki - Sampler ★
★☛ Składanki - Sampler 2017 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
♠ Chillout, Instumentalna, New Age
♪♫♪ MP3 2020 ♪♫♪
♪♫♪ MP3 2021 ♪♫♪
♪♫♪ MP3 2022 ♪♫♪
♪♫♪ MP3 2023 ♪♫♪
❗ 🎧 - 𝐒𝐊Ł𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐈 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖
100 % Muzyka
100 Best Sacred Works
100 Hits
100 Hits 2
100 Instrumental - Hits (5 CD) 2008
100 Love Songs Classic Hits (2023)
100 Mega Summer Hits 2012 - cd1
100 Mega Summer Hits 2012 - cd2
100 Mega Summer Hits 2012 - cd3
100 Mega Summer Hits 2012 - cd4
100 Mega Summer Hits 2012 - cd5
100 Mega Summer Hits 2012 (2012)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 1 (2000)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 2 (2000)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 3 (2001)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 4 (2001)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 5 (2001)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 6 (2001)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 7 (2002)
100% Enigmatic Hits, Vol. 8 (2002)
1000 Original Hits 1970 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1971 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1972 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1973 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1974 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1975 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1976 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1977 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1978 (2001)
1000 Original Hits 1979 (2001)
1000% Best Hits
120 Original Hits - Rock (6CD)
1Lista 1988
2022 Disco polo
VA - Imprezka Disco Polo vol.2 (2CD) 2022
VA - Imprezka z Disco Polo (2021)
VA - Imprezka z Disco Polo (2021)(1)
25 Lat Listy Przebojów Trójki
500 Oldies Superhits [mp3]
80s - Top 1000 Pop Hits of the 80s
Absolute Music 1-53
Accordion - Ensemble Of Akkordeonistov
Ace Of Base - Playlist (The Very Best Of) 2011
Ace Of Base - The Golden Ratio 2010
Ace Of Base-Very Best(OK)
Adriano Celentano - The Best 2010
Afric Simone-Best Of(OK)
A-ha CD - 1
A-ha CD - 2
Akordeon - Walce Wiedeńskie Na Akordeon(OK)
Al Bano - The Best of Al Bano 2011
Al Bano & Romina Power - CD2(OK)
Al Bano & Romina Power -CD1(OK)
Al Bano & Romina Power-Amore Mio-Die Grossen Erfolge(OK)
Al Bano & Romina Power-Collection( OK)
Al Bano & Romina Power-Felicitá(OK )
Albano & Romina Power
Albums-Bad Boys Blue
Albums-Blue System
Albums-Mark Ashley
Albums-Original Edition-Boney M
Albumy 2018
Aleksander Fredro - Seks po staropolsku
Alexia-The Party(OK)
All Time Best
Alphaville-First Harvest 1984-1992(OK)
Amanda Lear - Super 20
Andrea Berg - Du Bist Frei 1993
Andrea Berg - Splitternackt 2006
Andrea Berg - Best of 2001
Andrea Berg - Dezember Nacht 2007
Andrea Berg - Die Neue Best Of 2007
Andrea Berg - Du 2004
Andrea Berg - Gefuehle 1995
Andrea Berg - Machtlos 2003
Andrea Berg - Nah am Feuer 2002
Andrea Berg - Schwerelos - Tour Editon 2011
Andrea Berg - Schwerelos 2010
Andrea Berg - Träume lügen nicht 1997
Andrea Berg - Weil ich verliebt bin 1999
Andrea Berg - Wo liegt das Paradies 2001
Andrew Sixty-Oh! Carol(OK)
Aneka - Greatest Hits (Remastered)
Aneka-Greatest Hits(OK)
Annie Lennox-The Annie Lennox Collection(OK)
Antique - CD1(OK)
Antique - CD2(OK)
Aphaville - Catching Rays on Giant 2010
Aqua-Greatest Hits(OK)
Arabbesque - Cabalero - 1981
Arabesque - Arabesque IV 1980
Arabesque-I Friday Night 1978
Arabesque-II City Cats 1979
Arabesque-III Marigot Bay 1980
Arcydzieła Muzyki Klasycznej - Najwięksi kompozytorzy (16 CD)
Army Of Lovers-Disco Extravaganza(OK)
Audrey Landers - Little River 1983
Audrey Landers - Dolce Vita 2007
Audrey Landers - Holiday dreams (1984)
Audrey Landers - Secrets 1988
Audrey Landers 1991 Santa Maria Goodbye
B B B - greatst -CD-1
B B Blue - CD-1
B B Blue - CD-2
B B Blue - CD-3
B B Blue - greatest - CD-2
Baby's Gang-Challenger(O K)
Baccara - Light My Fire 1978
Baccara - Bad Boys 1981
Baccara - Colours - 1979
BACCARA - Spanish Version
Baccara-Golden Hits(OK)
Bad Boys Blue - Around The World 2003
Bad Boys Blue - Back 1998
Bad Boys Blue - Bad Boys Best 2001
Bad Boys Blue - Bad Boys Essential-[3CD] 2010
Bad Boys Blue - Bang! Bang! Bang!1996
Bad Boys Blue - CD-1
Bad Boys Blue - CD-2
Bad Boys Blue - Completely Remixed 1994
Bad Boys Blue - Continued 1999
Bad Boys Blue - Follow The Light 1999
Bad Boys Blue - Game Of Love 1990
Bad Boys Blue - Greatest Hits-2CD-2005
Bad Boys Blue - Heart & Soul 2008
Bad Boys Blue - Heartbeat 1986
Bad Boys Blue - Hot Girls Bad Boys 1985
Bad Boys Blue - House Of Silence 1991
Bad Boys Blue - Kiss 1993
Bad Boys Blue - Love Is No Crime 1987
Bad Boys Blue - My Blue World 1988
Bad Boys Blue - The Fifth 1989
Bad Boys Blue - To Blue Horizons 1994
Bad Boys Blue - Tonite 2000
Bad Boys Blue - Totally 1992
Bad Boys Blue - Unforgettable (compilation) 2009
Bad Boys Blue-Greatest Hits(OK)
Baccara-Golden Hits(OK)
Bad Boys Blue-Greatest Hits.(OK)
Bad Boys Blue-Super 20(OK)
Baltimora-Living In The Background(OK)
Baltimora-Living In The Background(World Re-Mix)(OK)
Bar Vista
Barbra Streisand-A Collection Greatest Hits...And More(OK)
Barbra Streisand-Duets(O K)
Beautiful Rock Ballads (2017)
Beautiful Songs For You
Bee Gees-Number Ones(OK)
Belinda Carlisle-A Place On Earth-The Greatest Hits(OK)
Berlin-Master Series(OK)
Best New Age Top 500
Best Of Chillout (2013)
biesiada rosyjska
biesiadne tanga i walce CD1
biesiadne tanga i walce CD2
biesiadne tanga i walce CD3
Blondie-Greatest Hits(OK)
Blue Lagoon-Clublagoon (OK)
Blue Romantic
Blue Romantic - biesiadne
Blue System - X - Ten 1994
Blue System - 21st Century 1994
Blue System - Backstreet Dreams 1993
Blue System - Body Heat 1988
Blue System - Body To Body 1996
Blue System - Deja Vu 1991
Blue System - Dyskografia
Blue System - Forever Blue 1995
Blue System - Hello America 1992
Blue System - Here I Am 1997
Blue System - Obsession 1990
Blue System - Seeds Of Heaven 1991
Blue System - Twilight 1989
Blue System - Walking On A Rainbow 1987
Blue System-Greatest Hits(Steel Box Collection)(OK)
Bobby Vinton-Velvet Dreams(OK)
Bombalurina featuring Timmy Mallett-Huggin' An' A Kissin'(OK)
Boney M - CD1(OK)
Boney M - CD3(OK)
Boney M - Land Of Eternal Flame 2010
Boney M.-The 20 Greatest Christmas Songs(OK)
Bonnie Tyler - Angel Heart 1992
Bonnie Tyler - Silhouette in Red 1993
Bonnie Tyler 2 CD Dietera Bohlena
Bonnie Tyler-The Very Best Of
Bonnie Tyller-Gratest hits(OK)
Bruce Springsteen - CD1(OK)
Bruce Springsteen - CD2(OK)
Bruce Springsteen - CD3(OK)
Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music-Street Life 20 Great Hits(OK)
Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music-Street Life 20 Great Hits(OK)(1)
Buddha Luxury Bar - The Best Ibiza Chillout of (2021)
C.C.Catch-Best of 98(OK)
C.C.Catch-Catch The Hits(OK)
Cafe Collection
Captain Jack - Meine Besten 2010
CAR MUSIC 2021 🚘 Mega Hits, Top Hits, Travel Song
Cascada - Just The Hits 2010
Cat Stevens-The Very Best Of Cat Stevens(OK)
Chakra Meditation Music
Cher-The Very Best Of Cher(OK)
Chris De Burgh
Chris Norman - Best Of (Starling)
Chris Norman - Hits From The Heart 1988
Chris Norman - Some Hearts are Diamods 1986
Chris Norman - Time Traveller 2011
Chris Norman 2 CD Dietera Bohlena
Chris Norman-Best Of(OK)
Chris Norman-The Very Best(OK)
Chris Rea
Christmas Time
Christoff - Het beste van collectie
Classix Nouveaux - The Very Best Of
Claudia Jung - Geliebt Gelacht Geweint (Best Of) (Deluxe Edition)2010
Clout - Best
Club 80 Italia
Coctaile muzyczne-fajne
COLLECTIVE '' Album '' 1999 ( Jak Modern Talking )
Colonia - X 2010
Comancero-Comance ro(Remix'98)(OK)
Cora-Zeit Für Gefühle(OK)
Curacao-The Best Of Curacao(OK)
Cyber Space-The Megamix(OK)
Cyndi Lauper-Time After Time The Best Of Cyndi Lauper(OK)
Danny 2007 Heart Beats
Danny 2008 Set Your Body Free
Darren Styles - Feel The Pressure-(2Cd)201 0
Darren Styles CD-1
Darren Styles CD-2
David Hasselhoff - A Real Good Feeling (Party-Version)20 11
David Hasselhoff-Lookin g For... The Best(OK)
Deep Forest ( 1992 )
Deep Forest ( 1995 ) Boheme
Deep Forest 1992
Demis R - CD1(OK)
Demis R - CD2(OK)
Demis Roussos
Demis Roussos - CD1(OK)
Demis Roussos - CD2(OK)
Demis Roussos - Time
Demis Roussos-Forever And Ever-The Definitive Collection(OK)
Demis Roussos-The Collection(OK)
Den Harrow - Lies (1988)
DEN HARROW 1987 - Day by Day
Die Flippers - CD1(OK)
Die Flippers - CD2(OK)
Die Flippers-Aloha He, Stern Der Südsee(OK)
Die Flippers-Lotosblu me(OK)
Die Flippers-Megamix( Studio 33)(OK)
Die_Hit_Giganten_ Best_of_Summer_Ch ill-2017-3Cd
Dieter Bohlen-Greatest Hits(OK)
Dionne Warwick-Gwiazdy XX Wieku-Największe Przeboje(OK)
Disco Amorki (vol.1 - 17)
Disco Polo hits
Disco polo i inne
Disco Polo Live
Disco Polo Złote przeboje
Disco Service - Lucifer lánya 2007
Discobonus - Best & New (2010)
Discobonus - For Only One Night ( Singels ) 2010 Neu ( Jak Modern Talking )
Discobonus - Русский Альбом ( Jak Modern Talking )
Discobonus 2 - What You Think About That Love ( Jak Modern Talking )
DJ Bobo-Greatest Hits(OK)
DJ Bobo-The Very Best Of(OK)
DJ Otzi - Du und Ich 2010
DJ Ötzi - Hotel Engel 2008
DJ Ötzi - Sternstunden 2007
Double You-Dancing With An Angel(OK)
Double You-The Blue Album(OK)
Dschinghis Khan - Album ( English Version )
Dschinghis Khan - In The Mix (2003)
Dschinghis Khan - In The Mix (2007)
Dschinghis Khan-(Huh Hah Dschinghis Khan)Ihre Grossten Erfolge(OK)
Dschinghis Khan-The Jubilee Album(Hits And Rarities)(OK)
Dupla Kávé-Egyszer Fenn, Egyszer Lenn(OK)
Dupla Kávé-Ha Nem Tudom, Nem Fáj(OK)
Dupla Kávé-Se Veled, Se Nélküled(OK)
Dupla Kávé-Soha Nem Elég(OK)
Duran Duran - Big Thing-Special Edition 2CD-2010
Duran Duran - CD-1
Duran Duran - CD-2
Dyskografia Andrei Berg
Dyskografia Bad Boys Blue
Dyskografia Blue System
Dźwięki natury - Afrykańska dżungla
Dźwięki Natury - Morze
VA - Cafe Tel Aviv Middle East Chillout
VA - Samurai Collection
Eartha Kitt - Where Is My Man (The Best Of Eartha Kitt) Hot Productions USA
Eddy Huntigton - The Singles Remixed 1988
Eddy Huntington - USSR - 1985
Edward Simoni - Panpipe romanze (1992)
Edward Simoni - Zauber der Pamflote CD 1
Edward Simoni - Zauber der Pamflote CD 2
Eighth Wonder - Mixes
Elen Cora - Single ( Jak Patty Ryan )
Elen Cora - Singles (2010)
Eleni - Za wszystkie noce - Złota kolekcja 1999
Elton John
Elton John - CD1(OK)
Elton John - CD2(OK)
Elvis Presley - CD1(OK)
Elvis Presley - CD2(OK)
Elvis Presley-Love, Elvis(OK)
Enigma for sex
Ennio Morricone - The very best of
Ennio Morricone-Film Music By Ennio Morricone(OK)
Ennio Morricone-The Very Best Of(OK)
enya - (1988) Watermark
enya - (1991) Shepherd Moons
enya - (1995) The Memory Of Trees
enya - (2000) A Day Without Rain
enya - (2005) Amarantine
enya - (2008) And Winter Came
enya -(1997) Paint The Sky With Stars - The Best Of Enya
Erasure-Abba-Esqu e(OK)
Erasure-Erasure(O K)
Erasure-Hits! The Very Best Of(OK)
Erasure-Other People's Songs(OK)
Erasure-Other People's Songs(OK)(1)
eric clapton - Unplugged
E-Rotic-The Very Best Of(OK)
Eruption-Gold 20 Super Hits(OK)
E-Type - CD1(OK)
E-Type - CD2(OK)
Euro Disco
Eurythmics-Greate st Hits(OK)
Falco-The Hit-Singles(OK)
Fancy - The Hits Remixed
Fancy-Best Of(OK)
Fancy-Greatest Hits(OK)
Fantastique-The Best Of(OK)
Fernando Express-Dolce Vita(OK)
Fiction Factory-Throw The Warped Wheel Out(OK)
Finzy Kontini - O La La Singels Collection
Fletnia Pana
Francesco Napoli-Balla ... Balla(OK)
Francis Goya
Frank Farian -The Best Of 25 Years
Frankie Goes To Hollywood-Bang!.. .The Greatest Hits Of Frankie Goes To Hollywood(OK)
Freddie Mercury-The Very Best Of Freddie Mercury Solo(OK)
French Affair-Desire(OK)
From Russia With Italo Disco Vol.I - 8 (2012-2014
Fun Factory-All Their Best(13 track)(OK)
Fun Factory-All Their Best(17 track)(OK)
G.G.ANDERSON - 17 Hits English Version
Gary Moore - CD1(OK)
Gary Moore - CD2(OK)
Gary Moore - CD3(OK)
Gazebo-The Best Of Italia(OK)
Gazebo-The Greatest Hits(OK)
Genesis - CD1(OK)
Genesis - CD2(OK)
Genesis - CD3(OK)
George Baker Selection-Paloma Blanca(OK)
George Michael-Greatest Ballads(OK)
George Michael-Older(OK)
George Michael-Songs From The Last Century(OK)
GH 60 s VOL 1
GH 60s VOL 2
GH 60s VOL 3
GH 60s VOL 4
GH 60s VOL 5
GH 60s VOL 6
GH 60s VOL 8
Gina T - The Window Of My Heart - 1992
Gina T. - Money For My Honey (CD Single 2009)
Gina T. - The Hit Collection CD 1
Gina T. Album
Gina T.-Best Of New Baccara Feat. Gina & Matee(OK)
Gina T.-In My Fantasy-The Best Of(OK)
Gina T.-Love Will Survive(OK)
Gina T.-The Best Of Gina T.(I Love To Love You)(OK)
Gina T-The Window Of My Heart(OK)
Gina T-You Really Got Me 1991
Gina T-You Really Got Me 1991(1)
Gina T-You Really Got Me(OK)
Gold Ballads (2011)
GOLDEN HITS - Best Of Disco
Golden Pan Flute
Goombay Dance Band - Born To Win 1982
Goombay Dance Band Holiday In Paradise 1981
Goombay Dance Band - Land Of Gold1980
Goombay Dance Band - Sun Of Jamaica
Goombay Dance Band Featuring Oliver Bendt(OK)
Goombay Dance Band-Born To Win(OK)
Goombay Dance Band-Disco Non Stop(KWRec. Edition)(OK)
Goombay Dance Band-Golden Dreams Of Eldorado-Die Ultimate Hit Box 3CD(OK)
Goombay Dance Band-Montego Bay(OK)
Goombay Dance Band-Montego Bay(OK) 1
Goombay Dance Band-Sun Of Jamaica(OK)
Great Hits From 1970-1979 Collection 2 of 4
Greatest Ever!
Greatest Ever!(1)
Greatest Hits 80'
Greatest Hits 80' cz. 2
Gurcan Erdem - Greatest Hits (CD-01) Jak Blue System
Gurcan Erdem - Greatest Hits (CD-02) Jak Blue System
Gwiazdy Polskiej Muzyki l(2007)
Haddaway-All The Best Greatest Hits(OK)
Helene Fischer - CD1(OK)
Helene Fischer - CD2(OK)
hits hungary
hits holland i inne 70-80
hits holland i inne 70-80(1)
Hity 2023
hity byłej JUGOSŁAWI
I Love Italia(OK)
INESE - Es Tevi 2003 - Jak Modern Talking
Inner Circle-Greatest Hits(OK)
Inner Circle-The Best of-Sweat A La La La La Long(OK)
Italian Golden Disco Hits'80 Vol 1
Italian Golden Disco Hits'80 Vol 2
Italian Lovers-Megamix Vol.01(OK)
italo disco - megamix
italo disco - megamix(1)
ITEX - Kto Sie Lubi Ten Sie Czubi (Brother Louie)
James Last Tango 1981
Jean - Francois Maurice - Disconection
Jean Michel Jarre - The Best of Jean Michel Jarre
Jean Michel Jarre & Vangelis
Jennifer Rush-Superhits(OK )
Język niemiecki
Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers-Play s Non-Stop ABBA Party(OK)
Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers-Pop Back To The 70's(OK)
Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers-That Sounds Good To Me(OK)
Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers-That 's What I Like-It's Party Time(OK)
Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers-The Best Of(OK)
JOE DOLAN All The Best
John Lennon - CD1(OK)
John Lennon - CD2(OK)
JOY - The Best Of
Joy-Best Of Joy(OK)
Joy-Hello(Special Version)(OK)
Joy-Hello(Special Version)(OK)(1)
Joy-The Best Of Joy(OK)
Joy-Touch By Touch 2011(OK)
Joy-Touch By Touch'98(OK)
Joy-Touch By Touch-The Very Best Of Joy(OK)
K.B.Caps - Call Me Up 1988
KajaGooGoo-The Very Best(OK)
Kaoma-Worldbeat(O K)
Karunesh - Dyskografia
Ken Laszlo(OK)
Ken Laszlo-Best Of Ken Laszlo(OK)
Ken Laszlo-Dr. Ken & Mr. Laszlo(OK)
Kim Wilde-The Very Best Of Kim Wilde(OK)
Kitaro-Golden Fund(OK)
Kolekcja 100 Hitów - Tradycyjne Polskie Wesele
Kolekcja radia Złote Przeboje
Koto-The Best(OK)
Kylie Minogue - CD1(OK)
Kylie Minogue - CD2(OK)
Kylie-Greatest Hits(OK)
La Bouche & Melanie Thornton-The Best Of(OK)
La Bouche-Greatest Hits(OK)
Lady Pank - Maraton 2011
Laid Back-Happy Dreamer(OK)
Laid Back-Laidest Greatest(OK)
Lata 70-te-Odpływają Kawiarenki-The Best(OK)
Lata 80-te-Runął Już Ostatni Mur-The Best(OK)
Lata Sześćdziesiąte-Kw iaty We Włosach-Złota Kolekcja(OK)
Laura Branigan-Self Control(OK)
Leila K.-Carousel(OK)
Lian Ross-Fantasty'98( OK)
Lifetime of Romance
Limahl-Best Of Limahl(OK)
Lionel Richie-Back To Front(OK)
Lionel Richie-Renaissanc e(OK)
Little Richard-The Very Best Of Little Richard(OK)
Lobo-The Best Of Lobo(OK)
London Boys - The New London Boys-Hallelujah Hits(OK)
London Boys-Love 4 Unity(OK)
London Boys-Sweet Soul Music(OK)
London Boys-The Twelve Commandments Of Dance(OK)
London Philharmonic Orchestra CD1
London Philharmonic Orchestra CD2
London Philharmonic Orchestra CD3
London Philharmonic Orchestra CD4
Londonbeat-Best! The Singles(OK)
Londonbeat-Najwię ksze Przeboje-Gwiazdy XX Wieku(OK)
Loona-Greatest Hits(OK)
Lou Bega-A Little Bit Of Mambo(OK)
Lou Sern-Swiss Boy(OK)
Love - Power of Love
LOVE - Tylko we dwoje
Love songs
Łzy - Bez słów 2011
M People-The Collection(OK)
Madonna-Ray Of Light(OK)
Madonna-The Immaculate Collection(OK)
Maduar-I Feel Good(OK)
Mandy & Randy-Love For Eternity(OK)
Mandy & Randy-Together Forever(OK)
Marek Sierocki przedstawia - I Love Polska
Marek Sierocki Przedstawia... [2011-2014]
Marillion-A Singles Collection(OK)
Mauro-Buona Sera-Ciao Ciao(OK)
MC Erik & Barbara-GOLD Zlate Hity(OK)
MC Erik & Barbara-U Can't Stop '96 Version(OK)
Men At Work-Definitive Collection(OK)
Men At Work-Simply The Best(OK)
Michael Jackson - CD1(OK)
Michael Jackson - CD2(OK)
Middle Of The Road
Middle Of The Road-The Best Of Middle Of The Road(OK)
Mieczyslaw Fogg - Jesienne róże - Złota kolekcja 2001
Mike Mareen-The Best Of Mike Mareen(OK)
Miko Mission-The Greatest Remixes Hits(OK)
Milk And Coffee-Questo Sentimento(OK)
Milli Vanilli-Greatest Hits(OK)
Mixes '80
Modern Talking - Dyskografia
Moments of Love
Mr. President-A Kind Of... Best(OK)
Music 50 Tracks for
Music For Relaxation 2 (2010)
Music For Relaxation 2 (2010)(1)
muza skladanki
muza skladanki(1)
Muza80 Prezentuje Italo Disco 80s 1-62
Muza-Romantic Collection - Best Erotic Songs 2 (2011)
Muzyka - Music
Muzyka - płyty
Muzyka 2
Muzyka 3
Muzyka francuska
Muzyka Fresh Hits [2011-2019]
muzyka pl
Muzyka Polska Dyskografie itd
muzyka pop
Muzyka rar
muzyka spakowana Polska
Muzyka włoska
MWTeam - Heartbeat Emotions Kolekcja
N.Y.C.C.-Greatest Hits(OK)
Na przekór nowym czasom Piaseczny@Krajews ki
Najnowsza muzyka 2017
Najnowsze Polskie Hity 2006(OK)
Najpiękniejsze arie operetkowe (1993) - CD1 - Usta milczą,dusza śpiewa
Najpiękniejsze arie operetkowe (1993) - CD2 - Ach kobietk
Najpiękniejsze arie operetkowe (1993) - CD3 - Tak całkiem bez dziewczątek na nic świat
Najpiękniejsze melodie świata
Największe przeboje karnawałowe, sylwestrowe hity, nowości dance 2021-2023
Nauka języków (Emil Krebs, Callan)
J. Hiszpański
J. Niemiecki
J. Włoski
Neil Sedaka-Greatest Hits(OK)
New Age
New Kids On The Block-Greatest Hits(OK)
New Kids On The Block-Greatest Hits.(OK)
No Mercy-More(OK)
No Mercy-My Promise(OK)
Numero Uno-Uno(OK)
Odkurzone nuty
Oliver Frank-XXL Die Remixe(OK)
Omd-The Best Of OMD(OK)
Omd-The OMD Singles(OK)
Omega-10,000 Lépés(OK)
Omega-10,000 Lépés(OK)(1)
Omega-1967-1971 Az Omega Összes Kislemeze(OK)
oney M - CD2(OK)
Opus-Live Is Life(OK)
Others Collections
Ottawan-The Very Best Of(OK)
O-Zone-Love Me Love Me(OK)
Panpipes - Themes for Dreams
Pauflute Relax
Paufluten Traume vol. 1
Paufluten Traume vol. 2
Paulla - CD1
Paulla - CD2
Paulla - Nigdy Nie Mow Zawsze [Reedycja 2CD] 2009
PGM - Cygańska Biesiada
phil collins - (1981) Face Value
phil collins - (1985) No Jacket Required
phil collins - (1989) ... But Seriously
phil collins - (1998) ...Hits
Planet Hits vol. 1 - 48
Polska W Piosence-Festiwal owe Szlagiery(OK)
CD1-Mamy Po Dwadzieścia Lat(OK)
CD2-Tylko Mnie Poproś Do Tańca(OK)
CD3-Gdzie Się Podziały Tamte Prywatki(OK)
Polska W Piosence-Romantyc zne Ballady(OK)
CD1-Przytul Mnie(OK)
CD2-Zawsze Tam Gdzie Ty(OK)
CD3-To Co Dał Nam Świat(OK)
Polskie Ballady Rockowe [1999-2000]
Polskie Przeboje '80 Część 1(OK)
Polskie Przeboje '80 Część 2(OK)
Polskie Przeboje '80 Część 3(OK)
Polskie Przeboje '80 Część 4(OK)
Pop-Rock Ballad Love Stories (2017)
Private Collection DVD oraz cale płyty
Private Collection DVD oraz cale płyty(1)
Prywatka 40-Latka Vol.1(OK)
Przeboje Polskich Dinozaurów
Przebudzenie Pieśni Duszy
Pussycat-Best Of Pussycat(OK)
Putumayo Presents
Queen - Greatest Hits I,II & III (The Platinum Collection) (2011)
Queen-Greatest Hits I(OK)
Queen-Greatest Hits II(OK)
Queen-Greatest Hits III(OK)
Radio Złote Przeboje [2010]
Radiorama-Best Of Radiorama(OK)
Radiorama-Desires And Vampires(OK)
Rednex-The Best Of The West(OK)
REM-In Time The Best Of R.E.M. 1998-2003(OK)
REM-The Greatest Hits Collection(OK)
REM-The Very Best Of REM(OK)
Retro Music Cocktail [10CD] (2018)
Richard Clayderman and The Ray Hamilton Orchestra - Romantic Piano (2014).Flac
Richard Clayderman and The Ray Hamilton Orchestra - Romantic Piano (2014).Flac(1)
Right Said Fred-Największe Przeboje-Gwiazdy XX Wieku(OK)
Ringo Starr-Photograph- The Very Best Of Ringo(OK)
RMF FM Najlepsza Muzyka Po Polsku Vol.2 4CD
RMF FM Najlepsza Muzyka Po Polsku Vol.3 4CD
RMF Najlepsza Muzyka Po Polsku Vol.1 (4CD)
Rock - GOLD Hits
Rocky M.-Disco Lady(OK)
Rocky Sharpe & The Replays-The Best Of-Looking For An Echo(OK)
Rod Steward - CD1(OK)
Rod Steward - CD2(OK)
Rod Stewart-The Best Of(OK)
Romances - CD1
Romances - CD2
Romantic Collection [42CD]
Romantic melodies
Romantyczne Melodie-Taniec Wśród Gwiazd(OK)
Roxette-Baladas En Espanol(OK)
Roxette-Don't Bore Us-Get To The Chorus!Roxette's Greatest Hits(OK)
Roxette-Simply The Best(OK)
Roxette-The Ballad Hits(OK)
Roxette-The Pop Hits(OK)
Roxy Music-The Best Of Roxy Music(OK)
Roy Orbison - CD1(OK)
Roy Orbison - CD2(OK)
Roy Orbison CD1
Roy Orbison CD2
Roy Orbison CD3
Roy Orbison-The Best Of(OK)
Rubettes-The Greatest Hits Of Rubettes(OK)
Sacred Ceremony (2018)
Samantha Fox-Greatest Hits(OK)
Sandra - The Platinum Collection CD1(1985-1992)(OK )
Sandra - The Platinum Collection CD2(1992-2009)(OK )
Sandra-18 Greatest Hits(OK)
Saragossa Band - CD1(OK)
Saragossa Band - CD2(OK)
Saragossa Band-I'ts Party Time(OK)
Sarah Brightman - Golden Collection 2 CD 2000
Sash - CD1(OK)
Sash - CD2(OK)
Sash!-Best of Sash!-Encore Une Fois(OK)
Savage - CD1(OK)
Savage - CD2(OK)
Savage-Don't Cry-Greatest Hits(OK)
Savage-Greatest Hits And More(OK)
Savage-I Love Savage Vol.3(OK)
Savage-Strangelov e(OK)
Savage-Ten Years Ago(OK)
Scotch-Best Of(OK)
Secret Garden
Secret Service-The Very Best Of(OK)
Secret Service-Top Secret-Greatest Hits(OK)
Sex Music
Shaggy-Mr. Lover Lover(The Best Of Shaggy...Part1)(O K)
Shakin' Stevens-Greatest Hits(OK)
Shakin' Stevens-Now Listen(OK)
Shakin' Stevens-Simply The Best(OK)
Shakin' Stevens-The Collection(OK)
Shania Twain-Greatest Hits(OK)
Silent Circle - 25 Years
Silent Circle-25 Years-The Anniversary Album(OK)
Silent Circle-Best Of Silent Circle Volume II(OK)
Silent Circle-No.1(OK)
Simon & Garfunkel-Bookend s(OK)
Simon & Garfunkel-Bridge Over Troubled Water(OK)
Simon & Garfunkel-Parsley , Sage, Rosemary And Thyme(OK)
Simon & Garfunkel-Sounds Of Silence(OK)
Simon & Garfunkel-The Best Of(OK)
Simon & Garfunkel-Wednesd ay Morning, 3A.M.(OK)
Simply Red - CD1(OK)
Simply Red - CD2(OK)
Simply Red-It's Only Love(OK)
Simply Red-Stars(OK)
Simply The Best Of The 60's(OK)
Simply The Best Of The 70's(OK)
Simply The Best Of The 80's(OK)
Simply The Best Of The 90's(OK)
Sister Sledge-The Very Best Of Sister Sledge 1973-93(OK)
Składanki 2021
Składanki 2022
Składanki 2023
Składanki 2023(1)
Składanki Polska
Składankowe Radio
Składankowe Radio(1)
Smokey-Pass It Around(OK)
Smokey-Smokey Vol.2(OK)
Smokie - CD1(OK)
Smokie - CD2(OK)
Smokie - Gold - Greatest Hits (Deluxe Edition) (2015)
Smokie - The Best Of Smokie
Smokie-The Best Of Smokie(OK)
Smokie-Wild Horses(OK)
Snap!-The Best Of Snap! Attack(OK)
Solid Base-Greatest Hits(OK)
Sonic Dream Collective-Gravit y(OK)
Sonic Dream-Dustproof(O K)
Sonique-Born To Be Free(OK)
Sound of Pan Pipes vol. 1
Sound of Pan Pipes vol. 2
Sound of Pan Pipes vol. 3
Spandau Ballet-Gold-The Best Of Spandau Ballet(OK)
Sparks-In Outer Space(OK)
Sqeezer-Streetlif e(OK)
Status Quo - CD1(OK)
Status Quo - CD2(OK)
Steve Miller Band-Greatest Hits(OK)
Stevie Wonder-Song Review-A Greatest Hits Collection(OK)
Sumptuastic - The Best Of 2010
Super Hity
Suzanne Vega-The Best Of Suzanne Vega-Tried And True(OK)
Systems In Blue-1001 Nights(OK)
Systems In Blue-Dr. No(OK)
Systems In Blue-Heaven & Hell-The Mixes (OK)
Systems In Blue-Magic Mystery(OK)
Systems In Blue-Out Of The Blue(OK)
Systems In Blue-Point Of No Return Remixes-2005'1(OK )
Tai Chi
Taneczne Party vol.1 (2CD) 2022
Teresa Werner
The Best ...Ever [1999-2010]
The Best Love Songs Ever
The Best Love Songs Ever(1)
The Best of Music 80-90
The Best Polish Love Songs Ever(OK)
The Best Polish Songs Ever Vol.2(OK)
The Best... Ever!
The Best... Ever!(1)
The Greatest Songs Ever
The Very Best Of MTV Unplugged Vol I II III
The.World.of.Roma ntic.Collection
Thomas Anders - Greatest Hits 2CD (2010) najwyższa jakość
Thomas Anders - Greatest Hits 2cd 2010
Thomas Anders - Greatest Hits 2cd 2010(1)
To Było Grane-Platynowa Kolekcja(OK)
Tony Christie - Calypso and Rum 1994
Tony Christie - The Best
Top 100 - Instrumental HIts
Top 1000 Pop Hits Of The 80s
Top 1000 Songs Of The Last 30 Years
TOP 1000 Songs of The Last 30 Years (rar)
Top 20 Hit List Italia - [Aprile 2012][Mp3-320 Kbps]
Top 500 Greatest Rock Classics
Top Hits of (2022)
Top Of The Pops 1964 - 2006
Top Songs of 2021
Trans - X
VA - Back To 80's Party Disco Kolekcja
VA - Disco Polo Hity (2015)
VA - Disco Polo Hity 2014
VA - Dsco Party Hits 80 & 90 5 (CD) (2022) Ne Version
VA - KuschelRock Kolekcja
VA - Niezapomniane Przeboje vol.1 (2021)
VA - Niezapomniane Przeboje vol.2 (2021)
VA - Niezapomniane Przeboje vol.3 (2021)
VA - Now That's What I Call Music! 107 [2CD] (2020) [MP3@320kbps]
VA - The Best Of Duets vol.1. (2000)
VA - The Best Of Duets vol.2.(2000)
VA - The Best Of Duets vol.3.(2000)
VA - The Best Of Duets vol.4.(2000)
VA - Wesele w Rytmach Disco Polo (2021)
VA-Acoustics.Loun ge
VA-Best.Music.For .Sex
VA-Best.Of.Reggae .Lounge
VA-Instrumental.L ounge
VA-Light.Erotic.S ongs
VA-Lounge.For.Lov ers
VA-New.Age.Style. Erotic.Lounge
VA-Private.Erotic .Music
Various Artists
Various Artists - Car Music 2022 (2022)
VA-The.Very.Best. Of.Sexy.Guitar.Lo unge.Summer.Chill out
VA-The.Very.Best. Of.Sexy.Guitar.Lo unge.Summer.Chill out(1)
VA-Сhiiig-Сhi.Sex ual.Energy
Weronika-Dariusz- N
Weronika-Dariusz- N(1)
Wesołe Posiady 2(OK)
Wesołe Posiady(OK)
westlife - Unbreakable - The Greatest Hits
Włoskie przeboje
Zamki świata
Zamki i pałace-Polskie
Zdjęcia - Indianie
Zen & Relaxation Music, Vol. 2
Złote myśli
zlote myśli 1
Złote Wspomnienia - Najpiękniejsze Romantyczne Melodie Świata
Одинокий пастух
🎧 MUZYKA 2019
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  • 5.0
  • 387,5 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Billboard 40 Music (2013)
Club, Pop, Dance | Rhino Music
256 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2013 | 03:03:14 | 395 Mb


01. Dirty South & Those Usual Suspects - Walking Alone (Original Mix) 05:49
02. The Lumineers - Ho Hey 02:43
03. Justin Bieber Feat. Nicki Minaj - Beauty And A Beat 03:48
04. Sultan & Ned Shepard Ft. Quila - Walls (Original Mix) 07:14
05. Psy - Gangnam Style 03:42
06. Skirllex - Ruffneck Bass (Original Mix) 04:43
07. Kesha - Die Young 03:33
08. Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound (Original Mix) 06:51
09. Knife Party - Internet Friends (Vip Mix) 03:47
10. Maroon 5 - One More Night 03:39
11. Phillip Phillips - Home 03:29
12. Sander Van Doorn & Julian Jordan - Kangaroo (Original Mix) 06:02
13. Cedriv Gervais - Molly (Original Mix) 06:49
14. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat. Wanz - Thrift Shop 03:57
15. Flo Rida - I Cry 03:44
16. Hardwell - Spaceman (Original Mix) 06:16
17. Deniz Koyu - Bong (Original Mix) 06:02
18. Will.I.Am Feat. Britney Spears - Scream & Shout 04:44
19. Fun. - Some Nights 02:15
20. Martin Solveig - Night Out (Original Mix) 04:43
21. Alicia Keys Feat. Nicki Minaj - Girl On Fire 04:31
22. Michael Calfan - Ressurection (Axwel Re-Cut) 05:22
23. Swanky Tunes & Hard Rock Sofa - Here We Go (Original Mix) 06:00
24. One Direction - Little Things 03:36
25. Skrillex Ft. Sirah - Bangarang (Original Mix) 03:35
26. Nicky Romero - Toulouse (Original Mix) 06:05
27. The Lumineers - Ho Hey 02:41
28. Hard Rock Sofa - Quasar (Original Mix) 06:26
29. Ke$Ha - Die Young 03:33
30. Pink - Try 04:07
31. Zedd Ft. Matthew Koma - Spectrum (Original Mix) 04:03
32. Afrojack Ft. Shermanology - Can't Stop Me Now (R3hab & Dyro Remix) 05:25
33. Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You 04:01
34. Alesso & Sebastian Ingrosso Ft. Matthew Koma - Calling (Lose My Mind)(Original Mix) 05:01
35. Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire 03:44
36. One Direction - Kiss You 03:01
37. Dj Fresh - Gold Dust 03:09
38. Adele - Skyfall 04:46
39. Alex Day - Stupid Stupid 02:33
40. Disclosure - Latch (Feat. Sam Smith) 04:03
41. Calvin Harris - Sweet Nothing Ft. Florence Welch 03:25


  • 5.0
  • 184,8 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Artist: Dieter Bohlen
Title Of Album: Best Of
Year Of Release: 2012
Label: Sony Music
Genre: Pop
Format: Mp3 / 44.1kHz / Stereo
Quality: 320 kbps
Total Time: 77:41 min
Total Size: 181 MB


01. Hallo Taxi Nummer 10
02. Cola Und Rock'n'Roll
03. Heisse Nacht In Der City
04. Ginny
05. Don't Throw My Love Away
06. I'm In Love With You
07. Love Takes Time
08. Marie-Elaine
09. Jung Und Frei
10. Heut' Halt Mich Nichts Zu Haus
11. Hale, Hey Louise
12. Worte Aus Glas
13. (You're A Devil With) Angel Blue Eyes
14. Telephone Girl
15. Lucky Guy (Radio Version)
16. The Night Is Yours, The Night Is Mine
17. Lucky Guy (Special-DJ-Mix)
18. The Night Is Yours, The Night Is Mine (Long Version)
19. Lucky Guy (Instrumental)
20. The Night Is Yours, The Night Is Mine (Instrumental)


  • 5.0
  • 661,8 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17

German TOP 100 Single Charts 14 01 (2013)
Club, Pop, Dance | German Sound
256 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2013 | 06:22:16 | 664 Mb


01. Psy - Gangnam Style 03:42
02. Rihanna - Diamonds 03:40
03. Will.I.Am Feat. Britney Spears - Scream & Shout 04:44
04. The Script Feat. Will.I.Am - Hall Of Fame 03:21
05. Pink - Try 04:07
06. Birdy - People Help The People 04:16
07. Seeed - Augenbling 03:37
08. Emeli Sande - Read All About It 04:44
09. Cro - Einmal Um Die Welt 02:21
10. Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire 03:45
11. Klangkarussell - Sonnentanz 06:02
12. Adele - Skyfall 04:46
13. Marteria, Yasha & Miss Platnum - Lila Wolken 03:50
14. Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child 03:34
15. David Guetta Feat. Sia - She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) 05:01
16. Icona Pop - I Love It 02:35
17. Olly Murs Feat. Flo Rida - Troublemaker 03:06
18. Gossip - Move In The Right Direction 03:31
19. Robbie Williams - Candy 03:21
20. Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven 03:53
21. Sido - Bilder Im Kopf 03:58
22. Die Toten Hosen - Altes Fieber 03:33
23. Kesha - Die Young 03:33
24. Laing - Morgens Immer Muede 03:23
25. Mrs. Greenbird - Shooting Stars & Fairy Tales 03:33
26. Lena - Stardust 03:31
27. Lenka - Everything At Once 02:38
28. Flo Rida - I Cry 03:44
29. Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - One Day / Reckoning Song 03:33
30. Rea Garvey - Wild Love 03:44
31. Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 03:13
32. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers 04:41
33. Calvin Harris Feat. Florence Welch - Sweet Nothing 03:36
34. Die Toten Hosen - Tag Wie Diesen 04:28
35. Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe 03:14
36. Linkin Park - Castle Of Glass 03:25
37. Schmidt - Heart Shaped Gun 03:48
38. Loreen - Euphoria 03:02
39. Nick Howard - Unbreakable 03:35
40. Nelly Furtado - Waiting For The Night 04:29
41. Otto Knows - Million Voices 03:08
42. Macklemore Feat. Wanz - Thrift Shop 03:55
43. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness 04:25
44. Fun. - Some Nights 02:15
45. Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers 03:37
46. Labrinth Feat. Emeli Sande - Beneath Your Beautiful 03:58
47. Cro - Easy 02:52
48. Andreas Gabalier - I Sing A Liad Fuer Di 03:06
49. Maroon 5 - One More Night 03:39
50. Max Herre Feat. Cro - Fuehlt Sich Wie Fliegen An 03:34
51. Silbermond - Ja 05:10
52. Lukas Graham - Drunk In The Morning 03:30
53. Cro - Du 02:54
54. Prinz Pi - Unser Platz 04:58
55. Imagine Dragons - It's Time 04:32
56. Nicki Minaj - Va Va Voom 03:02
57. Tacabro - Tacata 03:31
58. Marteria, Yasha & Miss Platnum - Feuer 03:44
59. Michel Telo - Ai Se Eu Te Pego 03:04
60. Chris Brown - Don't Judge Me 04:00
61. -...100 w komentarzu


  • 5.0
  • 487,8 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17

House Special 2.18 (2013)
Club, House, Progressive | Zhyk Group
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2013 | 03:35:48 | 498 Mb


01. Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Remix) 06:39
02. Christian Burns, Paul Oakenfold & Jes - As We Collide (Andy Caldwell Mix) 05:37
03. Falko Niestolik & Madfish - Rubin (Alternative Mix) 06:44
04. Dinka - Polarity (Feri & Multi Remix) 05:53
05. Dj Shevtsov - Summer Featuring Artemil & Dj Zvukoff (Original Mix) 06:03
06. Dj Shishkin, Julia Lasker, Dj - Look Into My Eyes (Dub Mix) 05:03
07. Hanna Hais - Ka Donke (Royal Brandy Remix) 07:00
08. Gb & Max Marani - Digitale (Extended) 03:35
09. Cesar De Melero - The List (Remixes) (Original Mix) 06:53
10. Bodyspasm Ft Paris Grey - Something Special (Club Edit) 04:02
11. Kazo - Dirty Harry (Stefan Lazarevic Remix) 07:06
12. Andrea Gaya & Anthony Provenzale - Cannes (Rio Dela Duna & Dany Cohiba Remix) 06:07
13. Dohr & Mangold - Avalon (Radio Edit) 03:24
14. Mauro B & Gerard C - Do You Like It Hard Or Soft (Original Mix) 06:37
15. Blighty - Turbulence (Krzysztof Palicki Remix) 07:30
16. Chris Drifter, Steve Valentine, Brigi - Different Ways (K-Pax Remix) 09:32
17. Matvey Emerson - Stronger (Eitan Carmi Remix) 06:05
18. Al Walser - I Can't Live Without You (Malibu Mix) 03:15
19. Aln Project - Beatline (Theelement Remix) 05:21
20. Hokima - Uxorious (Original Mix) 06:50
21. Eric Tyrell - Freak Feat. Natasha Burnett (Dub Mix) 05:50
22. J Nitti, Carerra - Watch The Sunrise (Sneaker Fox Remix) 05:23
23. Firas Tarhini - Horizon (Original Mix) 07:30
24. Harry Brown - Beyond Silence (Original Mix) 06:30
25. Dis Play - Stardust (Original Mix) 06:35
26. Jodie Verses Everyone - Full Clip (Greg Stainer Remix) 05:23
27. Guesswhat - 3Rd Level (Original Mix) 05:15
28. Dropwizz - Bassgasm (Original Mix) 05:45
29. Andrea Paci With Barbara Tucker - Free To Be Loved (Flatdisk Free To Be In Paradise Remix) 05:46
30. Chemical Language - What Is Reality (Original Mix) 06:12
31. Itay Kalderon & Ido B Zooki Feat. Maya Simantov - Love Train (Extended Mix) 05:20
32. Marsbeing And Masstek With Tonche - The Way To Mars (J Soul Remix) 06:32
33. Davis Redfield - A World Apart (Extended Mix) 04:11
34. Incognet - Voyage (Radio Mix) 03:13
35. Carl Nunes, Tyler Sherritt, Al - Survive (Jake Shanahan Remix) 06:30
36. Alex C., Frankbass - Empty Spaces (Dannyels & Frankbass Remix) 05:52
37. Willy Saul - Turn Me On (Adrien Toma Remix) Feat. K.B Theory 04:27


  • 5.0
  • 65,9 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction 2013 Remixes (2013)
Tech House, Electro House | D:Vision - DV821.13
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2013 | 00:30:29 | 70 Mb


01. Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction (Rl Grime Remix) 04:19
02. Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Remix) 06:39
03. Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction (Dada Life Remix) 05:54
04. Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction (Atfc Dub) 06:25
05. Benny Benassi Pres. The Biz - Satisfaction (Atfc Alternative Main) 07:10


  • 5.0
  • 192,4 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Title: Paul’s Boutique Sampler Session Three (2012)
Artist: Paul’s Boutique
Music Genre: Deep House, Tech House
Quality | Format: 320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed
Number of tracks: 12 tracks
Date of issue: 24-12-2012
Time: 01:21:28 min
File Size: 192,39 Mb
01. Alex Gori, Imerio Vitti – I’m Gonna Get Myself featuring 6:29
02. Antonio Pocai – Hot & Load 7:02
03. B&S Project – Slow Brent 6:41
04. Bisori, Stefano D’ Andrea – Emotions 6:43
05. Fabio Neural – Warrior 6:26
06. Frankie Watch – Arret Original Mix 7:28
07. Luca Marano, Allen – Don’t Stop 6:34
08. MAD! – In a Strange Way 6:06
09. Matheo Velez – The Lengths 6:58
10. Melgado – Keep on Going 6:49
11. Monodeluxe – Let Love Grow featuring Lil Soul (Pino Arduini & Monodeluxe Deep Remix) 6:14
12. Simone Scaramuzzi, Alessandro – Mr Black 7:58


  • 5.0
  • 207,4 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Title: Nova Fractal - Fractal Landscape (2012)
Artist: Ovnimoon Records Germany
Music Genre: Psy/Goa Trance
Quality | Format: 320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed
Number of tracks: 10 tracks
Date of issue: 25-12-2012
Time: 01:19:36 min
File Size: 207,35 Mb
01. Through Our Senses (7:24)
02. Autopsy (7:23)
03. Perplexed (8:01)
04. Reality Of Life (8:23)
05. Sky Technology - Back To Future (Nova Fractal Remix) (8:46)
06. Perception (7:12)
07. Connect (7:55)
08. Common Cold (8:39)
09. Blindsight (7:55)
10. PharaOm - Cellar Door (Nova Fractal Sunrise Remix) (7:50)


  • 5.0
  • 132,4 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Title: Airborn - Demos & Rarities Collection (2012)
Artist: Airborn
Music Genre: Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Quality | Format: 320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed
Number of tracks: 14 tracks
Date of issue: 2012
Time: 00:54:18 min
File Size: 132,39 Mb

01. Magniloquaentiae Opera
02. Against the World (Demo)
03. Born to Fly (Demo)
04. The Hero (Demo)
05. Wings (Demo)
06. Return to the Sky (Demo)
07. New Hope (Demo)
08. Rider in the Blue (Demo)
09. No More Kings (Extended Promo Mix)
10. Projectile (Promo Mix)
11. Crystal Skulls (2006 Director's Cut)
12. New World (Dvd Version)
13. Enemy Unknown (Dvd Version)
14. Agglutination


  • 5.0
  • 120,0 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Title: Viper XXL - Lstn Loud (2012)
Artist: Animasola Germany
Music Genre: Hard Techno
Quality | Format: 320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed
Number of tracks: 09 tracks
Date of issue: 2012
Time: 00:53:11 min
File Size: 119,95 Mb
01. Viper Xxl - Haut & Haare 05:36
02. Viper Xxl - Torn Apart 06:06
03. Viper Xxl - Abfahrt Remix 06:47
04. Viper Xxl - Doing Drugs Selling Drugs (2012) 05:46
05. Viper Xxl - Cracks 05:50
06. Viper Xxl - Innocent Sabali 06:17
07. Viper Xxl - Mow Slotion 06:23
08. Viper Xxl - Spaz 04:54
09. Viper Xxl - Haut & Haare (Sorgenkint Remix) 05:29


  • 5.0
  • 247,0 MB
  • 25 paź 22 20:17

Artist: VA
Album: GORACA IMPREZKA Nr. 34 - 2013 PlanetMusic (2012)
Style: Dance, Disco Polo and more...
Year: 2012
Compilated by Bokser2005
Songs: 30
Release Date: 31-12-2012
Quality: CBRkbps / 44.1kHz / Stereo
Bitrate: 320kbps
Size: 260 MB

Ostatnia Goraca Imprezka 2012 roku wypuszczona
przez Boksera to porcja najfajniejszych kawałków na taneczne imprezy, albo po prostu do posłuchania. Wiem, wiem, po Sylwestrowych szaleństwach może trochę napitalać bania ;) i dźwięki stają się zbyt głośne - teściowa za głośno tupie, pies za głośno szczeka... :D, ale zapewniam że Bokser zrobił dla nas wszystkich kolejną przebojową składankę której warto posłuchać. Jak zwykle każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie, a może nawet wykorzysta do karnawałowej zabawy. W imieniu Boksera zapraszam do zapoznania się z Goraca Imprezka Nr 34.

01.Gina Star feat. Laza Morgan - i.w.i.n. (i want it now)
02.Dani B and Jonathan Carey feat. Ari - fire to the floor (balkan radio)
03.Alex Megane - turn me on (original edit)
04.Bodybangers feat. Linda Teodosiu - out of control (remady remix edit)
05.Guenta K. feat. Big Daddi - oops up (bernasconi and maui radio remix)
06.Dj Sanny J feat. Ice Mc - the club (radio mix)
07.Dafhouse and Miami Inc. - set you free '13 (radio mix)
08.Bitch Boyz - az erzes (original radio edit)
09.Pulsedriver - bring it on down (single mix)
10.La Familia Loca and Gabry Ponte - imaginate (club edit)
11.Dj Kryst-off and Money-g - music is my life (zorneus and breaker vocal club remix edit)
12.Brooklyn Bounce and Giorno - raving (g! mix edit)
13.Modana and Carlprit - hot spot (ti-mo remix edit)
14.Lar5 feat. Jai Matt - all the girls (empyre one radio edit)
15.Will.i.am feat. Britney Spears - scream and shout (dirty version)
16.Dj Samuel Kimko - because the night (porno radio mix)
17.Iwaro - exomoons (space edit)
18.Tosch - hand in hand (nick lee remix edit)
19.Nick Skitz and Basslouder feat. Brooklyn Bounce - again and again (radio edit)
20.Kalwi and Remi feat. Nadia Gattas - africa (radio edit)
21.Flip Da Scrip and Michael Beltran - je t'aime (sir-g and michael beltran's radio edit)
22.Tacabro - asi asi (radio edit)
23.Ami - trumpet lights (original version)
24.Dj Imprezator - imprezator
25.Hi Fi - bujaj sie tak
26.Joker - jestes obok
27.Piekni i Mlodzi - pora ruszac w klub
28.Dj Shaggy feat. Milena - nie opuszcze cie (radio version)
29.After Party - moja wina
30.Chwytak and Dj Wiktor - lyka wody daj (gangnam style polish version)


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Artist: VA
Title: Clubfete 2013 - 42 Club Dance & Party Hits
Released: 2012 / Genre: Dance
Format: MP3 | 256 kbps / Size: 264 MB / unmixed

Clubfete 2013 - 42 Club Dance & Party Hits

CD 1:

01. PSY - Gangnam Style
02. Flo Rida - I Cry
03. Pitbull - Don't Stop The Party [feat. TJR]
04. Icona Pop - I Love It - feat. Charli XCX
05. Loreen - Euphoria - Alex Moreno Remix Radio Edit
06. Gossip - Move In The Right Direction
07. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers - The Magician Remix
08. Asaf Avidan, The Mojos - One Day Reckoning Song - Wankelmut Remix - Radio Edit
09. Alvin Risk, fun. - We Are Young - feat. Janelle Monde (Alvin Risk Remix)
10. Scooter - Army Of Hardcore - Radio Edit
11. Die Atzen - Party - Michael Mind Edit
12. Boney M., Frisco Disco - Ma Baker [feat. Ski] - Bernasconi vs. Frisco Disco Edit
13. G&G - My My My [Comin Apart] 2012 - Radio Edit
14. R.I.O. - Party Shaker - Video Edit
15. Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child
16. Avicii - Last Dance - Avicii Instrumental Radio Edit
17. David Guetta - Sexy Bitch - feat. Akon
18. STROMAE - Alors On Danse
19. Tacabro - Tacata - Radio Edit
20. DJ Antoine, MAD MARK - Broadway - 2k12 Radio Edit
21. Pet Shop Boys - Leaving

CD 2:

22. Seeed - Augenbling
23. Bushido - Kleine Bushidos
24. Culcha Candela - Von allein - WIR & Culcha Candela Single Edit
25. Darius & Finlay - Get Up - Video Mix
26. Cassey Doreen, Loona - Tell It to My Heart - Video Edit
27. Taio Cruz - World In Our Hands
28. Usher - Scream
29. Sean Paul - Touch The Sky - feat. DJ Ammo
30. Guru Josh - Infinity 2012 - DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Radio Edit
31. Faithless - Insomnia
32. Glamrock Brothers, Sunloverz - Push the Feeling On 2k12 - Glamrock Brothers Vocal Edit
33. Mike Candys - 2012 [If The World Would End] [feat. Evelyn & Patrick Miller] - Radio Mix
34. Michael Gray - Can't Wait for the Weekend
35. Milk & Sugar - Let the Sun Shine 2012 - Tocadisco Radio Edit
36. Picco, Sean Finn - Besame Mucho [feat. Carolina Lopez] - Picco Radio Edit
37. Gary Caos, Rico Bernasconi - Party People [Nash Sosed] - Bernasconi Radio Edit
38. Gusttavo Lima - Balada
39. Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up
40. Cascada - The Rhythm of the Night - Video Edit
41. Petty Joy - Allez Allez - Club Mix Edit
42. R.I.O. - Summer Jam - Video Edit


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Artist: VA
Title: K-Boom Hits 362
Released: 2012 / Genre: Dance
Format: MP3 | 192 kbps / Size: 152 MB / unmixed

K-Boom Hits 362 / 2012

01. Alex Megane - Turn Me On (Club Mix)
02. Alex Mutti & Dj Sebastien - Good Feeling (Mash-Up)
03. Amelie vs DJ Favorite - Esta Noche (Eddie Mono & Sweet Beats Mash-Up)
04. Backstreet Boys - Everybody (DJ Oleg Perets Booty Mix)
05. Blutonium Boy feat. Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero (Persian Raver Remix)
06. Cascada - Last Christmas (QProject Dance Remix 2012)
07. DJ Noiz & MC Shayon - Happy New Year (Eddi Royal & DimixeR Remix)
08. DJ THT feat. Auzern - Here We Are (Braxton Remix)
09. Dween feat. Corey Andrew - Party On
10. Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Gimme More (Radio Edit)
11. General Tosh - Nekomimi (Japan Style)
12. Geo Da Silva - Boom Mami Choca (Roger Baby)
13. Guenta K vs. Big Daddi - Oops Up Side Your Head (Rico Bernasconi And Maui Remix)
14. Johan K - Higher Emotions (Original Mix)
15. Kindervater - Heartbeat (Extended Mix)
16. Manian - Welcome To The Uk (Dj Gollum Mashup Mix)
17. Melanie Thornton - Wonderful Dream (Ti-Amo Rework Edit)
18. Nova Scotia feat. Alecia Karr - Don't Break My Heart (Original Mix)
19. Real McCoy - Another Night Another Dream (Sebastien Luminous Another Remix)
20. Sasha Dith & Steve Modana - Radio Loves You (Greysound Remix)
21. Vlegel & Lykke Li - I miss Rivers (Vlegel & CandyGirl MashUp)
22. Waterfall feat. Akon & Play N' Skillz - Angel Eyes (U Got Them)
23. Young London - Broken (Produced by Manian)


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Artist: VA
Title: Mood Musiq 7 (Fitted Cap Low R&B Radio)
Released: 2012 / Genre: RnB
Format: MP3 | 320 kbps / Size: 202 MB / unmixed

Mood Musiq 7 (Fitted Cap Low R&B Radio) 2012

01. Marques Houston - Naked (4:18)
02. D&D Feat. Tank - Cream (Remix) (4:36)
03. Chris Brown Feat. Tank - Take My Time (4:36)
04. Omarion - O (4:25)
05. Verse Simmonds - F*cks With U (3:22)
06. Silkk - Meeting In my Bedroom (5:00)
07. Neyo Feat. French Montana - Let Me Love You (Remix) (3:59)
08. Wiz Khalifa Feat. The Weeknd - Remember You (4:45)
09. Usher - Can U Handle It (5:16)
10. Red Cafe Feat. Jeremih - Married (3:23)
11. Jagged Edge - Promise (3:52)
12. Raheem Devaughn - Turn On The Lights (Remix) (3:09)
13. Charlie Wilson - First Name Last Name (3:30)
14. Tyrese - Signs Of Love Making (3:50)
15. Omarion Feat. Wale - M.I.A (3:39)
16. Maxwell - Pretty Wings (4:10)
17. Brain Mcknight - Sweeter (3:47)
18. Bow Wow - Diced Pineapples (Freestyle) (2:11)
19. LL Cool J Feat. Boyz II Men - Hey Lover (4:37)
20. Miguel - On These Wings (2:59)
21. Dave Hollister - One Woman Man (4:03)
22. Chris Jay - Into You (3:47)


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
01. Rihanna - A Child Is Born 03:54
02. Sheryl Crow - Merry Christmas Baby 03:15
03. Colbie Caillat - Mistletoe 03:53
04. Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You 04:02
05. Christina Aguilera - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 04:05
06. Carrie Underwood - What Child Is This 03:27
07. Faith Hill - Where Are You Christmas? 04:07
08. Martina Mcbride - Silver Bells 02:43
09. Toby Keith - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree 02:23
10. Darius Rucker - Candy Cane Christmas 03:23
11. Brian Mcknight (Feat Vince Gill) - Christmas You And Me 04:08
12. Kelly Rowland - Wondeful Christmastime 03:40
13. Sean Kingston - Drummer Boy 02:28
14. Lady Gaga (Feat Space Cowboy) - Christmas Tree 02:22
15. Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year) 04:16
16. Michael Bublй - Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow 02:04
17. Diana Krall - Christmas Time Is Here 03:34
18. Maroon 5 - Happy Christmas (War Is Ove
19. Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) 03:12
20. Bing Crosby - White Christmas 03:04
21. Elvis Presley - Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) 01:56
22. Johnny Mathis - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas 02:17
23. Andy Williams - It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year 02:33
24. Dean Martin - A Marshmallow World 02:41
25. Burl Ives - A Holly Jolly Christmas 02:15
26. Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock 02:12
27. The Temptations - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 02:58
28. The Beach Boys - Little Saint Nick 02:09
29. Alvin And The Chipmunks - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
30. Bing Crosby & David Bowie - Peace On Earth / Little Drummer Boy 02:39
31. James Taylor - Jingle Bells 03:54
32. Sting - Christmas At Sea 04:38
33. Celtic Woman - O Come All Ye Faithful 03:51
34. Norah Jones - December 03:06
35. Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas? 03:41
36. Mannheim Steamroller - Deck The Halls 03:27
37. Darius Rucker - Winter Wonderland 02:36
38. Brad Paisley - Away In A Manger 04:44
39. Julianne Hough - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 03:49
40. George Strait - Joy To The World 02:28
41. Lady Antebellum - Baby, It's Cold Outside 03:30
42. Brooks & Dunn - I'll Be Home For Christmas 02:37
43. Luke Bryan - Run Run Rudolph 02:52
44. Josh Turner - The First Noel 04:21
45. Kellie Pickler - Santa Baby 03:25
46. Trace Adkins - It's Christmas 03:16
47. Little Big Town - Go Tell It On The Mountain 03:46
48. Lee Ann Womack - The Man With The Bag 02:28
49. Taylor Swift - Christmases When You Were Mine 03:02
50. Kenny Chesney - Silver Bells 04:03
51 -65 w komentarzu !!


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Artist: VA
Title: Sunless & A.e.r.o. - Splash
Released: 2012 / Genre: Progressive House, Disco House
Format: MP3 | 320 kbps / Size: 137 MB

Sunless & A.e.r.o. - Splash / 2012

Sunless Mix
01. Jay Lamar & Jesse Oliver - Diamonda (Original Mix)
02. Labtracks - Robotic Love (Lenno Remix)
03. Anoraak - Try Me (Michael Cassette Remix)
04. Horny United feat. Philippe Heithier - Time (Agebeat Remix)
05. Receptor - West (Original Mix)

A.e.r.o. Mix
06. Andrew Bennett - Shine (Original Mix)
07. Deadmau5 - There Might Be Coffee
08. Eric Prydz - Niton (The Reason) (Pryda 82 Remix)
09. Claes Rosen - Re-Offensive
10. Roddy Reynaert - Warp (Original Mix)
11. Depeche Mode - Precious (Dave Milton Nu2000 Remix)


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
US Pop 40 Best of 2012
Pop, Vocal, R&B, Soul | USA Sound
256 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2012 | 03:44:56 | 417 Mb


US Pop 40 Best of 2012 (40 / 147:28)

01. Ellie Goulding - Lights 03:31
02. Rihanna - We Found Love (Feat. Calvin Harris) 03:35
03. The Wanted - Glad You Came 03:18
04. Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe 03:13
05. Maroon 5 - Payphone (Feat. Wiz Khalifa) 03:51
06. Flo Rida - Good Feeling 04:08
07. Fun. - We Are Young (Feat. Janelle Monáe) 04:10
08. Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (Feat. Kimbra) 04:04
09. Katy Perry - Wide Awake 03:41
10. Adele - Set Fire To The Rain 04:03
11. Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) 03:42
12. Bruno Mars - It Will Rain 04:17
13. Nicki Minaj - Starships 03:30
14. Katy Perry - The One That Got Away 03:47
15. One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful 03:18
16. Rihanna - Where Have You Been 04:02
17. Flo Rida - Wild Ones (Feat. Sia) 03:54
18. Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart A Break 03:24
19. P!Nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss) 04:15
20. Maroon 5 - One More Night 03:39
21. Jessie J - Domino 03:20
22. David Guetta - Turn Me On (Feat. Nicki Minaj) 03:19
23. David Guetta - Titanium (Feat. Sia) 04:05
24. Katy Perry - Part Of Me 03:35
25. Lmfao - Sexy And I Know It 03:19
26. Neon Trees - Everybody Talks 02:57
27. Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time 03:25
28. Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Feat. Big Sean) 03:49
29. Flo Rida - Whistle 03:45
30. Fun. - Some Nights 04:37
31. Gym Class Heroes - Ass Back Home (Feat. Neon Hitch) 03:42
32. Usher - Scream 03:54
33. David Guetta & Usher - Without You (Radio Edit) 03:28
34. Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 03:11
35. Alex Clare - Too Close 04:16
36. Justin Bieber - Boyfriend 02:52
37. Selena Gomez & The Scene - Love You Like A Love Song 03:08
38. Calvin Harris - Let's Go (Feat. Ne-Yo) 03:52
39. Pitbull - International Love (Feat. Chris Brown) 03:47
40. Calvin Harris - Feel So Close (Radio Edit) 03:26

US TOP20 Single Charts 29 12 2012

41. Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven 03:53
42. Rihanna - Diamonds 03:40
43. The Lumineers - Ho Hey 02:43
44. Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble 03:39
45. Justin Bieber Feat. Nicki Minaj - Beauty And A Beat 03:48
46. Kesha - Die Young 03:33
47. Maroon 5 - One More Night 03:39
48. Flo Rida - I Cry 03:44
49. Phillip Phillips - Home 03:29
50. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat. Wanz - Thrift Shop 03:57
51. Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child 03:34
52. Will.I.Am Feat. Britney Spears - Scream & Shout 04:44
53. Pink - Try 04:07
54. Fun. - Some Nights 02:15
55. Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) 04:14
56. Alicia Keys Feat. Nicki Minaj - Girl On Fire 04:31
57. Ed Sheeran - The A Team 04:21
58. Imagine Dragons - It's Time 04:32
59. Psy - Gangnam Style 03:42
60. Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools (Drank) 05:13


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
Artist: VA
Title: Armada Stream 40 - Best Of
Released: 2012 / Genre: Uplifting Trance
Format: MP3 | 320 kbps / Size: 286 MB / unmixed

01. Markus Schulz-Caught 04:00 (Feat Adina Butar-Radio Edit)
02. Antillas-Damaged (Feat Fiora-Radio Mix) 03:18
03. Armin Van Buuren-Suddenly Summer 04:11 (Feat Ana Criado-Heatbeat Radio Edit)
04. Orjan Nilsen-Endymion (Official Radio Edit) 02:34
05. Armin Van Buuren-We Are Here to Make Some Noise 03:06 (Radio Edit)
06. Mischa Daniels-that Girl (Feat U-Jean-Radio Edit)02:50
07. W&w-Shotgun (Radio Edit) 02:29
08. Chicane-Going Deep (Radio Edit) 03:05
09. Milan & Phoenix-Istanbul (Not Constantinople) 02:28 (Radio Edit)
10. Heatbeat-Rocker Monster (Radio Edit) 04:00
11. Omnia & Ira-The Fusion (Official Radio Edit) 02:34
12. Planet Perfecto Knights-Resurection 03:57 (Paul Oakenfold Full on Fluoro Radio Edit)
13. Maison & Dragen-Rio De Janeiro (Radio Edit) 03:05
14. Emma Hewitt-Miss You Paradise 03:29 (Shogun Remix Radio Edit)
15. Dash Berlin-Go it Alone 03:16 (Feat Sarah Howells-Radio Edit)
16. W&w & Jochen Miller-Summer (Radio Mix) 02:38
17. Emma Hewitt-Colours (Armin Van Buuren Radio Edit)02:42
18. Markus Schulz Vs Ferry Corsten-Loops & Tings 03:27 (Radio Edit)
19. Dash Berlin-Silence in Your Heart 02:40 (Feat Chris Madin-Radio Edit)
20. W&w-Invasion-Asot 550 Anthem (Radio Edit) 02:49
21. Wiegel Meirmans Snitker-Nova Zembla 03:06 (Armin Van Buuren Radio Edit)
22. Dash Berlin-World Falls Apart 03:17 (Feat Jonathan Mendelsohn-Radio Mix)
23. Markus Schulz & Dennis Sheperd-Go! (Radio Mix) 03:03
24. W&w-Nowhere to Go (Feat Bree-Radio Mix) 02:57
25. Simone Anes-Love is A Battlefield 03:56 (Feat Abigail Bailey-Original Radio Edit)
26. Christian Burns & Stefan Dabruck-Bullet 03:24 (Single Edit)
27. Armin Van Buuren-I'll Listen 03:36 (Feat Ana Criado-Radio Edit)
28. Orjan Nilsen-Phireworx (Radio Edit) 02:49
29. Chicane & Ferry Corsten-One Thousand Suns 03:48 (Radio Edit)
30. Markus Schulz-Love Rain Down 03:31 (Feat Seri Radio Edit)
31. Tom Fall-Irok (Radio Edit) 03:14
32. Armin Van Buuren & Orjan Nilsen-Belter 04:21 (Original Mix Edit)
33. W&w-Moscow (Radio Edit) 02:36
34. Arty & Nadia Ali & Bt-Must Be The Love 04:40 (Radio Edit)
35. Armin Van Buuren-Suddenly Summer 04:10 (Feat Ana Criado-Original Mix Edit)
36. Three Drives-Letting You Go (Greece 2000) 02:53 (Dabruck & Klein Vocal Radio Edit)
37. Chicane & Vigri-Three (Radio Edit) 03:11
38. Laura Jansen-Use Somebody 03:53 (Armin Van Buuren Rework Edit)
39. Antillas & Blinders-Top of The World 03:11 (Feat Jenson Vaughan-Radio Edit)
40. Siege-Roads (Radio Edit) 03:53


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  • 25 paź 22 20:17
We Play Louder Vol 1 (2012)
House / Progressive House | ARVA
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 30-12-2012 | 01:27:17 | 200 Mb


01. Justin Michael-Eyes Closed (Feat Aj from Saint Motel-Disfunktion Remix) 06:49
02. Emma Hewitt-Rewind (Dabruck & Klein Remix) 06:24
03. Dabruck & Klein-All About You (Feat Anna Mcdonald-Disfunktion Remix) 06:46
04. Sebastien Drums & Whelan Di Scala-Here I Come (Feat Mitch Crown) 05:43
05. Daleri-Touche! (Dank (Usa) Remix) 06:41
06. Stefan Dabruck & Tocadisco-Saturn 05:23
07. Matt Nash & Dave Silcox & Tom Peppe-Hearts 05:28
08. Paul Oakenfold-Surrender (Feat J Hart-Maison & Dragen Remix) 06:14
09. Kryder-Scorpio 05:24
10. Che Jose-The Fear (Feat Elephant Pilot-Chris Kaeser Remix) 06:02
11. Hard Rock Sofa & Swanky Tunes-Here We Go 06:00
12. Jean Elan Vs William Naraine-I Don't Care (Progressive Berlin Remix) 06:19
13. Sean Finn-Stronger (Feat Dacia Bridges-Syke 'n' Sugarstarr Remix) 07:26
14. Barnes & Heatcliff-Tauchstation (Club Mix) 06:38


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wagnerka9595 napisano 8.08.2020 19:01

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expiter1 napisano 3.12.2020 09:54

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Zapraszam serdecznie do mojego chomika po serial THE MANDALORIAN

wagnerka9595 napisano 6.05.2021 17:04

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Tiili napisano 11.11.2021 10:12

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poyav18428 napisano 30.03.2022 19:50

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Super chomik

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Super chomik

jajacek18 napisano 25.02.2023 20:47

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większego badziewia nie widziałem

M.K-16 napisano 23.05.2023 14:07

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Witam , pozdrawiam i zapraszam do siebie. 🔐UnicornVIP🔐

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