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1002Pandra The Animation Shiroki Yokubou Kuro no Kibou
1AOpisy, porady, schematy AUDI VOLKSWAGEN SEAT SKODA
aa111Stainless Night
aa111The Guts! [PL]
BDSM spec
Był sobie człowiek 1978
Był sobie kosmos 1982
Fishing & Gun Magazines - May 26 2016 (True PDF)
Gisella Moretti
!▣ Filmy Fantastyczne chomikuj
● legendy arturiańskie
Jess Franco
[Maximum Perversum]
1973 - She Devils of the SS ( Erwin C. Dietrich)
1973 - She Devils of the SS ( Erwin C. Dietrich)(1)
1976 - Deported Women of the SS (Rino Di Silvestro)
1976 - Liebes Lager (Lorenzo Gicca Palli)
1976 - Salon Kitty (Tinto Brass)
1976 - SS Experiment Love Camp (Sergio Garrone)
Jess Franco
1970 - Eugenie De Sade
1971 - Vampyros Lesbos
1973 - A Virgin Among the Living Dead
1973 - The Demons
1974 - Exorcism
1974 - Lorna the Exorcist
1974b - Lorna The Exorcist
1975 - Down Town
1976 - Doriana Grey
1976 - Jack the Ripper
1977 - Blue Rita
1977 - Sexy Sisters
1977 - VooDoo Passion
1978 - Wicked Women
1979 - Elles font tout
1980 - Devil Hunter
1980 - Erotismo
1980 - Sinfonia Erotica
1981 - Bloody Moon
1981 - The Inconfessab le Orgies of Emmanuelle
1985 - Mansion of the Living Dead
1986 - Golden Temple Amazons
1987 - Faceless
1996 - Killer Barbys
2010 - Paula-Paula
Kamikaze Love
Shitai o Arau The Animation
Koutetsu no Majo Annerose
kurs rysunku MANGA
Private Military Contractor International - 2014
1212hentai carton anime foto film xxx 3D
RYSUNEK od A do Z kursy, ksiazki
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Polski VAG 4.9 [PL]
Wonder Woman (New 52)
🈯 Era nieumarłych [2018]
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Jesus miał 6 lat gdy pod opieką starszego brata Enrique rozpoczął tworzyć pierwsze kompozycje. Po zakończeniu Wojny Domowej w Hiszpanii kontynuował naukę w Real Conservatorio de Madrid, kończąc naukę gry na pianinie, a równolegle uczył się prawa i pisał popularne opowiadania - pisał je pod pseudonimem David Khume. W tym też czasie zdecydował się wstąpić do Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográicas (IIEC), gdzie przez dwa lata zajmował się reżyserią i grał jako aktor. Później wyjechał do Paryża, gdzie na Sorbonie studiował techniki reżyserskie. Pracował tam jako kompozytor i asystent wielu znamienitych reżyserów. Początkowo reżyserował filmy krótkometrażowe o tematyce kulturalnej.
Jest jednym z największych reżyserów kina grozy i ma w swym dorobku zarówno filmy artystyczne, filmy klasy B, ale i kino typowo erotyczne. Jego dzieła zawsze były produkcjami niskobudżetowymi, ale były dopracowane i kręcone z pełnym zaangażowaniem. Jest bardzo twórczym autorem. Bywało że kręcił równocześnie kilka filmów, z udziałem podobnych zespołów aktorskich.
Nakręcił ponad 180 filmów i praktycznie w każdym z nich grywał małe role - adwokata, portiera, muzyka - za każdym razem postacie dziwne i komiczne zarazem.
Jego twórczość wywarła wpływ praktycznie w całej filmowej Europie, a także w USA - kontaktował się min. z Rogerem Cormanem. Jest jednym z najbardziej niepokornych reżyserów hiszpańskich i dzięki swej pracowitości udało mu się osiągnąć niezależność , jakiej zawsze pragnął. Nadal pracuje, tworząc na przekór trendom, choć z powodu podeszłego wieku coraz mniej.
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  • 697,1 MB
  • 21 sie 16 16:02

z chomika larva123

  • 2,11 GB
  • 21 sie 16 15:59

z chomika larva123

  • 2,11 GB
  • 21 sie 16 15:42

z chomika larva123

  • 545,1 MB
  • 21 sie 16 15:06

z chomika Kingpin25

  • 702,1 MB
  • 21 sie 16 15:06

z chomika Kingpin25

  • 631,3 MB
  • 21 sie 16 15:06

z chomika Kingpin25

  • 724,8 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57

z chomika Gonzob

  • 535,0 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57

z chomika Gonzob

  • 695,0 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,0 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comNever mind the title, this does not have much affinity with the famous French S&M movie, Histoire D'O. Instead, it is one of Franco's several movies inspired from and loosely based on Sade's Philosophy in the Boudoir. This is quite unlike some of Franco's better known kitsch sleaze flicks. It is a deliberately slow-paced, minimalist piece of erotica. Yes, there are quite a lot of (soft-core) sex, three-some, lesbian, etc., scenes esp. in the first 2/3rds of the movie, and yet despite the presence of these skin scenes, the movie is a very uncommercial and personal effort. The victim's eventual descent into being a prey of the predatory aristocrats from cherishing a chance at free sex experience is very well executed and the final sado-orgy is terrifyingly nightmarish.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,15 GB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comAccording to legend, a group of women escaped from Atlantis just before the destruction of the continent. They took refuge on a mysterious island, and founded a kingdom. Men who dared approach the island, were devoured by these sexually voracious Atlanteans, and thus they were called "gobblers"

On a rocky stretch of coastline, with a few actors and some of his mates, Franco attempts to do the impossible and turn out a sexy but funny peplum. With a few swathes of rich material, one Elizabethan costume, some platform sandals, a great location and some chums who can deliver their lines without sniggering, Franco manages to concoct a film that has its own goofy reality. That’s an achievement in itself.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 551,5 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comLina Romay in a wheelchair: that’s as kinky as it gets in this eighties Franco suspense thriller. So can anything make up for the lack of the director’s customary nudity and sadism? Surprisingly enough, yes. The beautiful photography done on an absolute shoestring budget, relying on found locations and imaginative compositions, makes this film a simple pleasure to watch. Slow-paced, dreamy and atmospheric, a little like the German Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe der Sonne, the plot hardly seems to matter.

Melissa is paralysed and living a lonely life in Alicante cared for by two rather dissipated older sisters. She is haunted by memories of the death of her father, who she found bleeding on the cliffs back when she was a little girl. Her flashbacks, nightmares and growing paranoia seem to be urging her towards vengeance – but against whom?

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,22 GB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.com Agroup of women led by Karine Levere is caught by the warden of a women's prison,located somewhere in the South American jungle.None of them will reveal the secrets of their organization or the names of their collaborators in the cities,so they are handed over to Dr.Costa who,after four years inactivity in Europe,is delighted to be able to practice his torture techniques once more.Laverne fails to resist the inhuman treatments and reveals all.The only hope of saving the organization is for the girls to warn the city cell before it's too late.They trick the prison guard into having sex with them,knock him out and break out of prison.The warden and Dr.Costa must prevent them from revealing the practices inside the prison,so the hunt begins."Women In Cellblock 9" is an enjoyable exploitation film made by Jesus Franco.The script is terrible,but it serves as a pretext for showing lots of full-frontal nudity,sexuality and some rather nasty torture sequences.The film was produced by Erwin C.Dietrich,but it's not as memorable as "Barbed Wire Dolls".Franco regular Howard Vernon is perfect as a sadistic Dr.Costa and Susan Hemingway is a stunning beauty.So if you are ready for some fun sleazy thrills give this film a look.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,44 GB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comFrom Sumatra to Macau the evil of the sinister genius Dr. Wong - Dr. James Wong - laid waste to the Occidental police forces of Hong Kong and mainland China. Wong and his cruel daughter, Tsai Ming, rose to malevolent rule by kidnapping and ransoming the daughters of society's rich and famous. Their reign of terror was eventually ended by the magical powers of Cagliostro the Ancient Wizard.

Now Dr. Wong is back with vengeance. With Cagliostro now long dead, Wong, Tsai Ming and her assistant assassin Loba have discovered the technologies of virtual reality. His twisted evil mind will use this newfound wonder of the modern age to wreck havoc on the daughters of Hong Kong.

First up is the kidnapping of the Spanish/English daughter of a rich businessman. The father is desperate for help.

Enter super detective Nelly Smith and her earnest if inept assistant Doc Petry. Clueless in Hong Kong, who can they turn to for help in defeating Wong?

Perhaps the power of the ancient is not really dead.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 607,5 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comThere are four "official" Jess Franco Dr. Orloff films: GRITOS EN LA NOCHE (1961), EL SECRETO DEL DR. ORLOFF (1974), THE EYES OF ORLOFF (1972) and, my personal favorite, EL SINIESTRO DR. ORLOF (1982). I like it so much because even though it has similar characters and plot to the original GRITOS (which was, after all heavily influenced by Georges Franju's LES YEUX SANS VISAGE-1959) it has a visual style and mood all its own. Very oppressive ambiance highlighted by the Pablo Villa/Jess Franco score which the director himself performs on a synthesizer. Long deep, Goth organ chords which are synthed into shrieks not unlike thos of the hookers kidnapped and experimented on by the SON of Dr. Orloff, effectively played by Antonio Mayans.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,5 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comThe Mendoza ranch is raided by the forces of Col.
Saltierra (Georges Rollin) who massacre the family of Col. Mendoza. But
his young son escapes under the protection of a servant (Roberto
Camardiel). Saltierra is on the side of the victors in the war, but
decades later an avenger known as "the Jaguar" fights the government
with a resistance group which hides in the mountains.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 648,8 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comPrivate Eye Al Crosby (Robert Foster) is hired to do some tracking down and he gets the help of two hookers (one played by Lina Romay). At first Crosby thinks this is your typical murder hunt but it turns out a woman has hired him to find her missing penis. You see, she was once a man and after her operation, she returned home with her penis in a jar and someone stole it. Yep, this is a Franco movie. That big revelation doesn't come to the end, which is a shame because it would have been a lot more fun if the PI was going after that instead of the murder plot we have to sit through. The story makes no sense whatsoever so the film becomes very boring. There's a great music score by Pablo Villa and Franco and of course there are countless sex scenes with all sorts of beautiful women getting naked. There's an erotic threesome at the start of the film as well. Franco is known for leaving mistakes in his films if they come off as something that might happen and one of these is the highlight in this film. During the threesome, Romay is trying to get Foster's pants off but both of them are struggling to do so and they finally break out
of character and just start laughing.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,0 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
imagebam.comMan (Mayans) invites a Woman (Romay) to his house to live with him, just before the arrival of his wife (Vela) who is coming back from the insane asylum.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,8 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57

z chomika Gonzob

  • 745,9 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
A quiet, conventional psychological horror film which Franco produced for his own struggling Manacoa Films company. After a rocky start with the aborted zombie film EL MISTERIO DEL CASTILLO ROJO (also 1972) Franco obviously tried to play it safe with this adaptation of an Agatha Christie-style novel about a kidnapping followed by a series of murders on the island retreat of a movie star.

Franco may be referencing the gothic horror classic THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE with such details as the cold, disembodied eye which watches Valerie throughout and the general ambience of a vulnerable woman stalked by a killer in a dark house. The tropical locale and the Bahia music which open and close the film might qualify the film as Med-Gothic, a modality Franco would further explore in THE EYES OF DR ORLOFF, also featuring Prous.

— Robert Monell

z chomika Gonzob

  • 781,4 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
This breezy spy comedy from cult director Jesus Franco is among his most enjoyable films. Ray Danton stars as secret agent Lucky, hired by a powerful corporation to locate a counterfeiting operation. Crafty mad scientist Gold Glasses (Marcelo Arroita Jauregui) and a series of femme fatales -- one of whom turns out to be a former S.S. officer in drag -- stand in Lucky's way as he and sidekick Michael (Dante Posani) travel to Rome, Albania, and the Caribbean to solve the case. The 1960s pop-art style (including comic-book art and word balloons) and slapstick humor leads to an appropriately silly conclusion which left the doorway open for an unmade sequel.

— modcinema.com

z chomika Gonzob

  • 738,0 MB
  • 15 gru 15 9:57
A lascivious princess is sent to prison for kidnapping and torturing nubile, young women. But that's only the beginning of her troubles. A man helps her to escape, only to turn on her after the escape, claiming she kidnapped his daughter.

z chomika Gonzob

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