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Kobieta Tusia

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Jets to Outtake ,,The Submissive" ukazany z racji akcji na Twilighetrze, która się zowie
,, Smut Mondays"

Notka autorki: To an Isle in the Water is owned by William Butler Yeats.

First off, a big thank you to Ninapolitan for allowing me the opportunity to post on Smut Mondays. Thank you. I feel honored.

Secondly, I want to thank my beta extraordinaire – MsKathy. Thank you, bb, I am privileged to have you as my beta.

It took me a long time to decide what to write for my Smut Monday submission. I really wanted to use something from The Submissive or The Dominant, just because the characters from those stories are so strong for me right now (and, okay, because I couldn’t think up any cool one-shot ideas outside the story). I know a lot of people wanted a scene from the as-yet-unwritten sequel, but I couldn’t find a way to do that and work the outtake into the main story.

So, I thought. A lot. And then I thought some more.

We know the Bella in my stories is a skimmer and if you’ve read The Submissive, you know much was left out between Chapters 36 and 37. The below scene takes place the morning of Chapter 37 – the day Bella returns to Edward’s office.

If you haven’t read The Submissive, I have it on good authority the outtake will still make sense. And no worries – I won’t tie you up the first time . .

I woke to find someone trailing kisses across my collarbone. Soft lips wandered their way up my neck, across my cheekbone, up to my ear.

"Good morning," Edward whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Mmmmmm," I replied and rolled closer to him as his arms embraced me. Waking up to Edward's kisses was my new favorite way to start the day.

"I brought breakfast," he said.

Okay, scratch that. Waking up to Edward's kisses and having him bring me breakfast in bed was my new favorite way to start the day.

"What did you bring?" I asked, thinking about sitting up.

"Me." He kissed one cheek. "Me." He kissed the other. "And a side dish of me." He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

For as long as I lived, I'd never grow tired of Edward kissing me. But today was a big day for us, for our relationship, and I felt a little playful . . .

I rolled away from him. "Well, if that's all you brought -"

His strong arms captured me in an iron grasp and I giggled as he rolled me back to him. "Although," he said, "if you insist on proper nourishment - I did bring an omelet."

I ran both my hands over the expanse of his chest. "No, thanks." I tilted my head to the side. "On second thought, I'll take the Edward."

He sat up. "I better let you eat before it gets cold." He brought a tray from his dresser over to the bed and set it before me.

"For real?" I asked. "You're not going to join me?"

He leaned over and kissed me once more. "I ate already and I really should get ready for work." He smiled. "You need to get ready, too."

I mock pouted as he walked off to the bathroom, watching as he stepped out of his pants on his way.

There were times I forgot how sensitive Edward was. How he took everything so personally. Our relationship had grown by leaps and bounds during the last few weeks, but every once in a while, I caught glimpses of the fragile soul he was.

I took a bite of omelet. He needed to lighten up a bit. Learn to be more playful. As expected, the omelet was pure heaven on a plate - fluffy eggs, tangy sharp cheddar cheese - one decadent bite after another.

The sound of running water soon came from the bathroom. Edward. Naked and in a hot shower.

Now that was pure heaven. No plate needed.

I ate the rest of the omelet, drank the fresh orange juice, and set the tray back on his dresser before walking into his bathroom.

Edward's bathroom was the size of the kitchen in the apartment I shared with Rose, and he could host a small cocktail party in his shower. But even with all that, we'd never showered together.

Dark hardwood covered the floor and huge handmade black cabinets lined the walls. The double vanities were made of white marble. I'd always wondered why a single man would have such an expansive bathroom, especially one who never thought he'd find someone to share his life with. Wouldn't the double vanity only serve as a reminder of his loneliness? But then I remembered that Esme had designed the bathroom and I felt certain that while Edward might never have hoped to find a lasting relationship, his mother would have never given up that hope. I smiled remembering how pleased she'd been to hear Edward and I were back together.

Edward stood in the shower, obscured by steam. I knew from experience that two overhead and six side showerheads pounded his body. Whenever I used Edward's shower, I never wanted to leave. Throw Edward in the mix and I doubted either one of us would make it to work on time.

Oh, well . . .

I slipped the nightgown over my head and dropped it to the floor. Edward had his back to me and couldn't hear anything over the running water.

I quickly brushed my teeth, then opened the shower door and stepped inside, breathing in the misty steam. Edward spun around at the click of the door. I walked to him, wordlessly, and slipped my arms around his neck. Our lips came together in a soft kiss.

"Good morning," I said against his mouth.

"Good morning," he answered. "Was something wrong with breakfast?"

Yes, Edward, I wanted to say. I'm standing naked in your shower because I want to complain about breakfast.

"Actually," I said. "There was something missing."

"Really?" He pulled back in surprise. "In the omelet?"

"Not the omelet per se," I said. "But I didn't get the you." I kissed one cheek. "You." I kissed the other. "Or the side dish of you." I kissed his lips.

"Can't have that now, can we?" he asked.

I grinned. "I should say not."

"Hmmmmmm." He pulled out my bath wash from its place inside the shower and started soaping up his hands. Within minutes I was covered in suds and I started washing my hair.

"I know we've discussed this at length," he said as the warm water washed away the soap and I rinsed my hair. "But I'm going to ask you to humor me one more time." He placed his hands on the tops of my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "We don't have to start anything this weekend."

"I know," I said, soaping my hands up and running them over his arms. I really didn't need to bathe Edward, he'd been nearly finished when I entered the shower, I just wanted to. "But I want to. I. . . " I stopped, not knowing how to phrase what I felt. "I never thought it would be something I needed . . . something I craved so much. I still don't want to be with anyone other than you, but . . . " I forced myself to look into his eyes, to somehow convey to him how much I meant this. "I understand now why you thought it necessary to recommend other Doms for me."

And just like that, the last traces of doubt and guilt about our past fell away.

He pulled me softly to his chest. "Thank you," he whispered into my hair.

We stood like that for several seconds, feeling the past slip away, embracing our future. Slowly, he pulled back and lowered his head to mine. His tongue teased the entrance of my mouth and I sighed as he slipped inside, losing myself to his masterful mouth. Giving myself to him. Allowing all the swirling emotions to take over.

It was almost too much.

"Fuck," I said when the kiss ended.

"You feel it, too?" he asked.

I closed my eyes briefly and nodded. "Every. Single. Time."

The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk. "Come here," he said and pulled me to the edge of the shower. He reached up and turned the overhead showerheads off so only the side ones sprayed us.

He took my right leg and set it on the tile-covered bench.

"Right here," he ran a hand between my legs, "you are very, very dirty."



He noticed my shock. "Remember?" he whispered as his fingers grazed my wet entrance.

Oh. . .

He meant last night. I smiled as I thought back . . . Me straddling Edward. Him above me - pounding into me as I held on to the headboard.

I reached down and grabbed his hard cock. "Oh, yes," I murmured. "It's definitely starting to come back."

"Thank goodness," he said. "If you had already forgotten, I might have sunk into a deep, dark depression."

I tightened my grasp. "There's only one thing I want sinking deeply."

"Fuck, Bella," he said, working himself against my hand.

"Now, Edward."

He stopped his hips. "Always so impatient, love. You need to learn to savor."

Damn incorrigible man. "I'll savor later. You're the one who said we needed to get ready for work."

He gave me a lazy smile. "That was before you joined me in the shower."

"We'll be late," I said, knowing full well my argument fell on deaf ears. No one cared if he was late, he owned and ran his business.

He bent down and whispered in my ear, "I'll write you a note."

I turned my head to meet his lips. "Oh, yeah?"

"Mmmmm," he said against my mouth. "Dear Martha, Please excuse Bella's tardiness this morning -"

"Oh, no you don't."

He put his finger against my lips. "She was inadvertently detained, quite on purpose, mind, by a plumbing problem that arose inexplicably in my shower."

Said problem started slow thrusts in and out of my hand again. "Your blatant attempt at sexual humor is quite juvenile," I said.

"Really?" he asked, stopping his hips. "I thought it was pretty good for something I made up on the spot. Besides, Martha and I are like this." He held up two entwined fingers.

"Just because Martha turns a blind eye to your Wednesday visits, doesn't mean she's your best friend."

"On the contrary," he said. "I owe Martha a lot. I never would have left that rose if she hadn't found me with it."

I laughed, never knowing how close I'd come to not getting the rose. "And it was Martha who explained the meaning to me."

"Remind me to send her a thank you note," he said, restarting his thrusts in my hand. "Later, though. Much, much later."

I slipped my other hand down to his groin, cupped his balls, and within minutes, I'd forgotten all about Martha, work, and anything remotely pertaining to getting ready for anything except Edward.

Our lips came together once more. Still soft, though, for both of us wanted to savor and prolong the moment.

He broke the kiss and cupped his hands under my breasts. "I've never been so jealous of water before." His fingers slid over my skin. "How it can touch you everywhere - all at once."

His head dipped to my nipple and he lapped at the water there. I leaned my head against the shower wall, releasing him from my hand.

Pressing closer to where I stood, he slipped two fingers into me. I groaned and wrapped my leg around his waist. He quickened the movement of his fingers, adding his thumb into the mix, rubbing it softly against my clit.

And then, if that wasn't enough, he whispered,

"Shy one, shy one,
Shy one of my heart,
She moves in the firelight
Pensively apart.

She carries in the dishes,
And lays them in a row.
To an isle in the water
With her would I go.

She carries in the candles,
And lights the curtained room,
Shy in the doorway
And shy in the gloom;

As shy as a rabbit,
Helpful and shy.
To an isle in the water
With her would I fly."

His hands never stopped moving, gently working me into a frenzy so that when he reached the last line, I thought I would fly. My orgasm over took and shuddered throughout my body.

"I love watching you come." He stepped closer between my legs and moved his cock to my entrance. "It turns me on and makes me so fucking hard."

His cock slipped easily into me and I gasped as he thrust deeply inside. I didn't have a chance to come down from my release before he was driving me toward another one.

"Come with me, Bella," he said, thrusting over and over. "Let me fly with you this time."

Fuck. I'd never grow tired of the way he felt inside me, or the way our bodies moved together. I slipped my arms around him and dragged my nails across his back.

"Yes," he said in a low growl. "Fuck. Yes."

I tightened my grasp on him as my second climax began to build. He placed a hand on either side of my head and doubled his pounding efforts into me.

"Never want to leave this shower," he said, thrusting. "Never want to leave you. ‘Cause I'm never going to fucking get enough." My back slid against the wet tile as he kept thrusting. "Never. Never. Never enough."

"Arrghh," I muttered, incapable of speech.

His teeth grazed my neck and one hand came down between us to where we were joined. "Feel us," he said. "Feel me. So fucking good."

One of his fingers flicked my clit and I felt my body tense up. I let out another groan. He bent his legs, thrust again, and my release overtook me. With one last thrust, he held still deep inside me and came hard.

He sagged against me as our breathing returned to normal and our hearts slowed. The pounding water slowly brought back the realities of the morning.

"Damn," he said, smiling against my shoulder.


"I need another shower."

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