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  • 20 gru 20 16:06
Stay calm. Move quickly. Know what to do. Those three rules are the foundation of natural first aid. They can mean the difference between life and death, injury and disability, a night in the hospital and a life in a nursing home.
Unfortunately, even though most of us can generally manage to stay calm and move fast during a crisis, few of us really know what to do in an emergency or when an accident occurs. Even fewer know when and how to use the herbs and other home remedies that can heal.
That's why this book was written. It contains all the techniques you need to render emergency first aid, specific
instructions for over 75 injuries and conditions, and clear indications for when medical help is needed. There is also a complete list of the ingredients you'll need to stock three different first-aid kits: an herbal kit to stay at home, a survival kit to keep in your car, and a traveling kit to tuck in your handbag or briefcase as you go about your life.
With this book, you'll always be prepared. Memorize its lifesaving techniques. Learn its commonsense healing. Then supplement this knowledge by taking a first-aid and CPR course at your local Red Cross. And remember: This book is intended not as a replacement for competent medical care when it is needed, but as a guide for appropriate action until help can be obtained.

z chomika kuszaba

  • 20,3 MB
  • 20 gru 20 16:06
This third edition of Herbal Medicines: A guide for healthcare
professionals comes a little over ten years after publication of the
first edition, and reflects continuing public, professional, research,
commercial and other interests in medicinal plants. At the same
time, there have been ongoing concerns surrounding the quality,
safety and efficacy of herbal medicinal products, and heightened
awareness of the need to protect the public against poor-quality
and unsafe products. Pharmacists, doctors, nurses, herbalmedicine
practitioners and other healthcare providers should be
knowledgeable about these issues and should be able to advise
patients and the public on the safe, effective and appropriate use
of herbal preparations; this book aims to provide pharmacists and
other healthcare professionals with summarised, yet sufficiently
detailed, scientific information to enable them to do so.

z chomika kuszaba

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  • 20 gru 20 16:06
By the time this second edition is published, the first edition of the
Handbook of Medicinal Herbs will have been out more than 15 years. The second edition is designed to present most of the old information plus new information on the more important of those original 365 herbs.

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jegah58199 napisano 3.12.2022 17:22

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