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Download: DrumTracker101.rar

14,36 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)

Drumtracker® is a stand alone, host independent, multi-track audio to MIDI converter. Specifically designed to convert drum session audio recordings to MIDI files for drum replacement purposes, Drumtracker® will grant your drums a new lease of life.
The built-in filters in Drumtracker® allow you to quickly detect the most common instruments and specify the velocity threshold for each section of your song. In addition, you may, of course, save your own filter presets to gain valuable time when sound replacing.

Best of all, Drumtracker® lets you select which part or parts of a drum audio track to convert, down to each single hit. You can change the velocity, delete, add or move trigger points to your requirements, giving you manual control of tracking and converting audio to MIDI, to supplement automatic detection.

Audition the triggered parts using Drumtracker® built-in sample library, then, when you are happy with the result, convert the MIDI rendered by Drumtracker® to the mapping system of your favorite drum sampler.

Opis z translatora:
Drumtracker ® jest samodzielnym, niezależnym przyjmującego, multi-track audio do MIDI konwertera. Specjalnie zaprojektowany do przekształcania drum sesji nagrania audio do plików MIDI drum zamiennych dla celów Drumtracker ® przyzna swoje bębny nowego leasingu życia.
Wbudowane filtry Drumtracker ® pozwalają szybko wykryć najbardziej powszechne instrumenty i określić prędkość progowa dla każdego odcinka swojego utworu. Ponadto, można, oczywiście, z wyjątkiem własnych filtrów wstępnych zyskać cenny czas, kiedy dźwięk zastąpienia.

Najlepszy ze wszystkich, Drumtracker ® pozwala wybrać, które części lub części bębna ścieżki dźwiękowej do konwersji, aż do każdego trafienia. Możesz zmienić prędkość, usuwać, dodawać lub przenieść powodować punkty do Twoich potrzeb, dając podręcznika kontroli i śledzenia konwersji audio do MIDI, w celu uzupełnienia automatyczne wykrywanie.

Audition w wyzwalane za pomocą części Drumtracker ® wbudowaną bibliotekę próbki, a następnie, gdy jesteś zadowolony z wyniku konwersji MIDI świadczonych przez Drumtracker ® do odwzorowania systemu Twojego ulubionego drum sampler.


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obrazek Drumtracker® is a stand alone, host independent, multi-track audio to MIDI converter. Specifically designed to convert drum session audio recordings to MIDI files for drum replacement purposes, Drumtracker® will grant your drums a new lease of life. The built-in filters in Drumtracker® allow you to quickly detect the most common instruments and specify the velocity threshold for each section of your song. In addition, you may, of course, save your own filter presets to gain valuable time when sound replacing. Best of all, Drumtracker® lets you select which part or parts of a drum audio track to convert, down to each single hit. You can change the velocity, delete, add or move trigger points to your requirements, giving you manual control of tracking and converting audio to MIDI, to supplement automatic detection. Audition the triggered parts using Drumtracker® built-in sample library, then, when you are happy with the result, convert the MIDI rendered by Drumtracker® to the mapping system of your favorite drum sampler. Opis z translatora: Drumtracker ® jest samodzielnym, niezależnym przyjmującego, multi-track audio do MIDI konwertera. Specjalnie zaprojektowany do przekształcania drum sesji nagrania audio do plików MIDI drum zamiennych dla celów Drumtracker ® przyzna swoje bębny nowego leasingu życia. Wbudowane filtry Drumtracker ® pozwalają szybko wykryć najbardziej powszechne instrumenty i określić prędkość progowa dla każdego odcinka swojego utworu. Ponadto, można, oczywiście, z wyjątkiem własnych filtrów wstępnych zyskać cenny czas, kiedy dźwięk zastąpienia. Najlepszy ze wszystkich, Drumtracker ® pozwala wybrać, które części lub części bębna ścieżki dźwiękowej do konwersji, aż do każdego trafienia. Możesz zmienić prędkość, usuwać, dodawać lub przenieść powodować punkty do Twoich potrzeb, dając podręcznika kontroli i śledzenia konwersji audio do MIDI, w celu uzupełnienia automatyczne wykrywanie. Audition w wyzwalane za pomocą części Drumtracker ® wbudowaną bibliotekę próbki, a następnie, gdy jesteś zadowolony z wyniku konwersji MIDI świadczonych przez Drumtracker ® do odwzorowania systemu Twojego ulubionego drum sampler.

Empty Room Systems DimD v1.1.1 Incl.Keygen

The free update of the Dim D Chorus is available. Our Dim D Chorus is a replication of the SDD-320 Dimension D chorus build by Roland. This chorus is famous for delivering a subtle, stereoizing enhancing, airy effect while adding more presence to a sound. Most chorus products give a lot of modulation and do not keep the original structure of the sound in tact. This chorus is way more subtle and adds something and does not take away the original quality of the sound.On our review page you can see the extensive reports of people using this new plug-in. After replicating the SDD-320 inside the Eventide H8000, we brought it to the computer world. We enhanced it with some additional controls and presets. A lot of additional information is available on Gearslutz. The versions are now inside the package: PC VST 32 and 64 bits, Mac VST 32 bits, Mac AU 32 and 64 bits and AAX 64 bits. Mac OS 10.6 and up. Protools 10.3.6 and up

obrazekOpis z translatora: 3delite MP3 Stream Editor to wszystko w jednym narzędziem głównie dla MP3. Główne korzyści w stosunku do innych edytorów MP3 (lub dowolny inny edytor audio) jest to, że edycją (MPEG - MP3) bez dekodowania plików i tym samym utraty jakości, graphicaly na wyświetlacz 3D próbki easely z myszki. Masz możliwość naprawy uszkodzonych plików MP3 również. Darmowy Zakoduj, ponownie zakodować przekonwertować do WAV, MP3 i dołącz cięte, Tag MP3 z profesjonalnym ID3v2 Tag edytora, a nawet bezpośrednio MP3/WAV/WMA/Flac Zapis strumieni. Burn nich AudioCDs lub MP3 CD / DVD, itp.

GoldWave v6.09 Incl Keygen

GoldWave is a highly rated, professional digital audio editor. It’s fully loaded to do everything from the simplest recording and editing to the most sophisticated audio processing, restoration, enhancements, and conversions. It is easy to learn and use, so get started now by downloading the fully functional evaluation version! GoldWave v6 is a major update to with many changes across the entire program, primarily for multichannel support for up to 8 channels and 64 bit executable for accessing more than 2 GB of memory. The WhatsNew file located in the folder where GoldWave is installed lists all the changes. Larger tool bar buttons, themes, and many other interface changes have been made to improve usability. The old compiled help system and manual have been replaced with a unified help file in standard HTML format. Notes: Only mono, stereo, 3.1, 5.1, and 7.1 channel layouts are supported. 4 channel stereo front/rear is not supported. Memory storage is now used by default for faster processing. To use hard drive storage, use Options | Storage to change the setting. Files stored in memory cannot be recovered if a crash occurs. Settings are now stored in a file in standard XML format in the application data folder instead of the Windows registry. Licenses, which were stored in the registry, are not found automatically. A license must be entered again. Custom settings and presets from older versions of GoldWave will not be carried over to v6. APEFile, GWBPMCounter, GWMPVisual, DirectX plug-ins have not been updated yet. Some plug-ins are cannot supported. These include: QTFile – 64 bit version of QTMLClient.dll is not provided by Apple. GWAMP – 32 bit plug-ins cannot be loaded into a 64 bit program. Kliknij tutaj - strona producenta: opis, zdjęcia, informacje

Voxengo HarmoniEQ v2.3 Incl.Keygen [Windows]

HarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality. HarmoniEQ also features dynamic equalization modes that offer you a vast palette of sound-shaping capabilities, suitable for mastering. Since the easiness of tuning was one of our goals when producing this plug-in, HarmoniEQ features a single control surface to control the equalizer curve. HarmoniEQ's control surface workflow implements our best findings in the area of “user-equalizer” interaction. Just drag the filter control points to the right places. You can enable up to 7 parametric filters, with the filter type freely-selectable from peaking, low-shelf, high-shelf, low-pass, high-pass and notch filter types. Another useful element of HarmoniEQ is its control surface's frequency range which goes up to 38 kHz. Such extended range allows you to make smooth “air” boosts easily. While HarmoniEQ is best suited for EQ boosts, its EQ cuts also sound great. Applications Mastering equalizer Stereo, mid-side, 5.1 equalizer Dynamic equalizer Spectrum analyzer Harmonic enhancer Version 2.3 (07 Dec 2014) - Made the summary EQ curve thicker. - Added VST3 support. Kliknij tutaj - strona producenta: opis, zdjęcia, informacje

K-Devices Drumk 2 v2.3 Max for Live

BEAT-ORIENTED MADNESS Drumk is the smartest editor for your loops. From glitch and cuts intricate sequences to realistic drums variations, you will reach a world of different sounds and styles… with just one tool. With its arsenal of builtin effects, the external controls feature, and a lot of functions for time handling and modulation, drumk will become shortly the perfect companion for all your music creations. The detailed control on all parameters drumk gives you make of it a powerful studio tool, while the excellent CPU performance and handy recall functions will let you bring drumk on stage with you, for more twisting fun, even live!! HOW IT WORKS Based on a grid and multisliders, Drumk 2 is a really powerful and versatile tool: you can use drumk 2 to process drums samples, voices, strings or any kind of source you can imagine. In Drumk 2 you can choose to design sound with your hands, meticulously editing each step parameters and playback modes, but you can also using aleatory functions as random buttons, drunkwalk, walker mode, and time variation probabilities. Drumk 2 stores up to 8 snapshots per preset. This makes Drumk 2 an useful instrument in studio as well as during live performance. Recall snapshots on the fly, trigger random functions from your controller, play steps with your MIDI keyboard: you can create and perform your song with tons of variations using a couple of loops and following your inspiration. Slices are triggered in sync with Ableton Live transport or via MIDI note messages. No external objects are used in Drumk 2. Kliknij tutaj - strona producenta programu: opis, zdjęcia, informacje

SRS Circle Surround Pro VST v1.0.2

A powerful new surround encode/decode plug-in suite for VST-powered software applications. This software plug-in empowers audio professionals with superior delivery of up to 6.1 (L, C, R, Ls, Cs, Rs, LFE) channelsurround sound over any stereo transmission or storage media. Features: - Provides accurately steered, full bandwidth stereo surround channels with superior center channel dialog isolation - Powerful surround tools for broadcasting, music, post-production and game development - Delivers high-quality multichannel audio via any standard stereo storage or transmission medium - Fully compatible with a wide variety of compression codecs, including AC-3, AAC, MP3, Windows« Media and more - Encodes up to 6.1 channel, full bandwidth surround sound with full- featured real-time monitoring through the encode/decode process, using the CS Decoder plug-in (included) - Full support of Steinberg's NuendoÖ surround panning and control - Post processing includes patented, award-winning SRS technologies: TruBass« and SRS Dialog Clarity

Boz Digital Labs - Panther Stereo Manipulation v1.1.4

Panther gives you independent control over Left and Right channels of any stereo track. You get controls for EQ, Gain, Pan and Delay. It also features Mid/Side mode for extra control over your stereo tracks. Boz Digital Labs - Panther Stereo Manipulation v1.1.4 - HY2ROG3N screenshot When you download a HY2ROG3N RELEASE, Please leave a quick reply in the topic as it will take you just a few seconds of your valuable time as it will show that you appreciate the RELEASE. Thank you in advance my friends & haters!, HY2ROG3N. How to extract the RAR5 archive - You will need KEKA OS X FILE ARCHIVER to extract the RAR5 archive on the Mac OS X and if you already have WINRAR v5.0 or above on Windows then you will have no problems in extracting the archive, HY2ROG3N.

obrazek DC7 The complete audio restoration and editing/mastering program. - audio restoration, lightning fast editing, enhancement tools, EZ Clean filter and Live feed thru with disk logging for quick cleanups, CD ripping and burning, 24bit/192kHz support.DC-Art Millennium Our entry level audio restoration software. Audio restoration and enhancement, 24bit/96kHz support, MP3 import, Multifilter for chaining filters, CD prep and more.DC Live7/Forensics Our flagship product, all of the editing features of DC7, plus advanced forensic tools such as spectrographs for voice print analysis, advanced adaptive and spectral filters and live VOX controlled file logging for surveillance work. Opis z translatora: DC7 Pełne przywrócenie i edycji audio / opanowanie programu. - Odtworzenie dźwięku, błyskawice szybkie edycji, wzmocnienie narzędzia EZ Czystość filtr i paszy Live z dysku poprzez zalogowanie się do szybkiego cleanups, zgrywanie płyt CD i wypalanie, 24bit/192kHz support.DC-Art Millennium Nasze wejście audio przywrócenie poziomu oprogramowania. Audio odtworzenie i wzbogacanie, 24bit/96kHz wsparcia MP3 importu, Multifilter dla filtrów łańcuchowego, CD PReP i more.DC Live7/Forensics Naszym sztandarowym produktem, wszystkie funkcje edycji DC7 plus kryminalistycznych zaawansowanych narzędzi, takich jak spektrografy głosowych wydruku analizy , zaawansowane filtry adaptacyjne i spektralnych i żywych VOX kontrolowane pliku zalogowaniu do nadzoru prac.
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