Sands Lynsay - Wampiry Argeneau 01 - Szybki gryz.rar
Alpha & Omega -
Armintrout Jennifer -
Armsrrtong Kelley -
Arthur Keri -
Ashley Amanda -
Ashwood Sharon -
Banks Dakota -
Banks Maya -
Barant D.D -
Bast Anya -
Benedict Lyn -
Bennett Jenn -
Bishop Anne -
Black Swan Rising -
Blair Annette -
Blake Kendare -
Books -
Bound -
Brennan Marie -
Brewer Heather -
Briggs Patricia -
Burton Jaci -
Caine Rachel -
Card Melanie -
Caroll Lee -
Chicagoland Vampires -
Dark Guardian -
Dark Magic -
Davis Heather -
Doppelganger -
Elemental Witches -
Ephemera -
essays -
Goddess Summoning -
Highlander -
Hilary Duff -
Immortals -
Mercedes Thompson -
Mobi eng book -
Mortal Path -
Myth and Magic -
Play by Play -
Revivalist -
Shadow Inquiries -
Sianim -
The Darkest Powers -
The Morganville Vampires -
Triplet Witch -
Women of Otherworld

Set during the Civil War, against a backdrop of grand estates, unimaginable riches, and deadly secrets, three teenagers in Mystic Falls, Virginia enter a torrid love triangle that will span eternity.
Brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore are inseparable until they meet Katherine, a stunning, mysterious woman who turns their world upside down. Siblings turned rivals, the Salvatores compete for Katherine's affection, only to discover that her sumptuous silk dresses and glittering gems hide a terrible secret: Katherine is a vampire. And she is intent on turning them into vampires so they can live together-forever.
Based on the popular CW TV show inspired by the bestselling novels, Stefan's Diaries reveals the truth about what really happened between Stefan, Damon, and Katherine—and how the Vampire Diaries love triangle began.
Poszperałam trochę więcej o tych książkach i okazało się, że to jest jednak trylogia i to jest prequel do serialu, czyli opisane z punku widzenia Stefana (w formie pamiętnika) wydarzenia które mają miejsce podczas wojny secesyjnej i po niej (w serialu pokazane w tych retrospekcjach)
7 pierwszych rozdziałów!!!