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BAM (Beat Maker & Music Maker) zapewnia wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby o?ywi? swoje muzyczne pomys?y.
Niezale?nie od tego, czy chcesz tworzy? bity, czy muzyk?, BAM - Beat Maker & Music Maker jest idealny zar?wno dla pocz?tkuj?cych, jak i mistrz?w. Je?li dopiero zaczynasz przygod? z tworzeniem beat?w, BAM jest idealnym sposobem na nauk? tworzenia beat?w i muzyki; ?atwy w u?yciu interfejs oznacza, ?e mo?esz sta? si? tw?rc? beat?w w ci?gu kilku minut!
BAM jest wyposa?ony w szereg fantastycznych wbudowanych silnik?w syntezy i efekt?w: syntezator oscylatora, sampler, syntezator perkusyjny, analogowy syntezator basowy, analogowa emulacja element?w perkusyjnych, FX: filtr, EQ, op??nienie, chorus, kompresor, saturator itp.
Dodatkowo do??czona biblioteka sampli to ogromny d?wi?kowy zestaw d?wi?k?w, ?atwo dost?pny za po?rednictwem wbudowanego mened?era sampli i rejestratora.
Cechy i funkcje:
- Zwi?ksz swoj? gr? rytmiczn? i tw?rz beaty w ci?gu kilku minut dzi?ki sekwencerowi krokowemu
- Zamie? swoje pomys?y w p?tle perkusyjne w ci?gu kilku sekund, dzi?ki ?atwemu w obs?udze interfejsowi sekwencera z 256 krokami.
- Ciesz si? muzyk? dzi?ki gamie wbudowanych syntezator?w BAM, w tym niesamowitemu syntezatorowi basowemu oldskool, kt?ry z pewno?ci? wprawi Ci? w nastr?j wy?szej ?wiadomo?ci.
- Filtry, korektor, korektor parametryczny, op??nienie, chorus, kompresor, pog?os, saturator, redukcja bit?w, panorama 3D i szeroko?? stereo.
- Tw?rz rytmy ruchowe, korzystaj?c z ?atwego, krokowo modulowanego blokowania parametrycznego.
- Pot??ny program uruchamiaj?cy klipy do wyst?p?w na ?ywo i aran?acji.
- Wbudowany mikser BAM zapewnia r?wnie? kontrol? nad miksem, z maksymalnie 16 ?cie?kami, 2 wysy?kami i kana?em g??wnym.
- Wyposa?ony w bogat? i r??norodn? bibliotek? d?wi?k?w i sampli, w tym mieszank? instrument?w melodycznych i ponad 1000 oryginalnych, elektronicznych i wysokiej jako?ci sampli perkusyjnych.
- Zawiera znajomy interfejs Piano Roll, zaprojektowany do interakcji zar?wno na komputerze stacjonarnym, jak i dotykowym.
BAM - Beat Maker & Music Maker gives you everything you need to bring your musical ideas to life.
Whether you want to make beats or make music, BAM - Beat Maker & Music Maker is perfect for beginners and masters alike. If you are new to beat making, BAM is the ideal way to learn how to make beats and create music; the easy-to-use interface means you can become a beat maker in minutes!
BAM comes loaded with a variety of fantastic built in synthesis engines and effects: oscillator synthesizer, sampler, drum synthesizer, analog bass synthesizer, analog emulation of drum elements, FX: filter, EQ, delay, chorus, compressor, saturator, etc.
Plus the included sample library is a huge sonic smorgasbord of sounds, easily accessible via the built in sample manager and recorder.
Step-by-step beat making
Step up your rhythm game and make beats in minutes with the BAM - Beat Maker & Music Maker step sequencer. Turn your ideas into drum loops in seconds, with the easy-to-use up to 256 step sequencer interface. Easily visualize multiple tracks with different clip lengths simultaneously, as each track's playbar indicator moves independently in relation to others.
Make beats, make music, make tracks
BAM is not just a beat maker of course, it's a beat maker and a music maker. Get musical with BAM's range of built-in synthesis engines, including an amazing oldskool acid bass synth that is sure to take you to a higher state of consciousness. (wink-wink)
Fantastic FX, just a finger tap away
BAM's rack based processing features a range of high-quality built-in effects: Filter, EQ, parametric EQ, delay, chorus, compressor, reverb, saturator, bit reduction, 3D panner and stereo width. Up to two of these effects can be added to each track, or used on BAM's two available send channels.
Use your favorite iOS AUv3 plugins too
You can of course load your favorite AUv3 instruments, effects and plugins alongside BAM's built-in selection, and mix it up however you want (iOS version only).
Modulation made easy
Make beats with movement using easy parameter lock style, step-based modulation. Choose any parameter and mix it up on the fly, for real-time hands on control of the beat maker process for endless creative possibilities. Each track also includes trigger options and two modulator slots for Envelope Generator and LFO based modulators.
Powerful clip launcher for live performance and arrangement
Go from beat maker to live performer in an instant, with the versatile matrix view. A scrollable grid of clips for all 16 tracks. Build loops by adding, duplicating and editing scenes, and arrange full tracks with extensive follow action functionality. Perform and remix your music live with individual clip and scene launching.
Mixing up the beat maker scene
Much more than just a beat maker, BAM’s built-in mixer provides control of your mix, with up to 16 tracks, 2 sends and a Master channel. Adjust levels, mute, solo and arm tracks for recording and more, BAM is an easy to use, feature-packed music maker that is hard to put down.
Sounds and samples sorted
BAM - Beat Maker & Music Maker comes loaded with an extensive and eclectic library of samples and sounds, featuring a mixture of melodic instruments and over 1000 high-quality original acoustic and electronic drum and percussive samples. The combined sample browser, recorder, and selection pool make sample management a breeze.
strona producenta: https://www.imaginando.pt/
strona programu: https://www.imaginando.pt/products/bam-beat-maker-and-music-maker
system operacyjny: Windows 10 (64bit)
64-bitowy host DAW, kt?ry obs?uguje format wtyczki VST
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Podczas uruchamiania program pr?buje pobra? strumie? audio, w AV nale?y zezwoli? na t? operacj?.
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1 plików
272,94 MB