28. Memory–Characteristics.mp3
Akademia Umysłu -
Akademiai Długowieczności -
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Angielski kurs Mp3 polecam -
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Czas Honoru - Sezon 1 -
Czas Honoru - Sezon 2 -
Czas Honoru - Sezon 3 -
Czas Honoru - Sezon 4 -
Czas Honoru - Sezon 5 -
Doskonałość ciała -
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eBooki(1) -
E-books -
English in medicine -
Film Tajemnice Umysłu -
Granice ludzkich możliwości -
Granice ludzkich możliwości(1) -
Grind.2003.DVDRip.RMVB (komareczek58) -
Ingmar Bergman - Tam, gdzie rosną poziomki -
Kardiologia(3) -
Książki -
KURS UWODZENIA (madamebleck) -
Medytacje -
Minuta Mądrości -
Moduł I - Kto pociąga za Twoje sznureczki -
Nexus -
NLP - perswazja - wywieranie wpływu -
NLP - rozne -
nlp 1 -
NLP Magazine(1) -
Pavlina. Rozwój osobisty człowieka rozumnego -
Płynoterapia -
Prezentacje -
psychologia_1_doc_45 -
psychologia_2_rtf_19 -
Regresing -
tarczyca -
The Doors. Historia niedopowiedziana (2010) -
Wingmakers -
Znieczulenie -
David W. Martin, Ph.D. - Professor of Psychology, North Carolina State University
David Martin received a B.A. in psychology from Hanover College in Indiana, where he also finished the necessary coursework for a major in physics. He received an M.A. in experimental psychology and a Ph.D. in engineering psychology from The Ohio State University.
Professor Martin began his professional career in 1969 as an assistant professor at New Mexico State University. He progressed through the ranks, becoming a professor in 1983. During this time, Professor Martin contributed to developing a prominent Ph.D. program in engineering psychology. During his final 11 years at NMSU, he was also head of the department. At NMSU, Professor Martin taught courses in introductory psychology, perception, research methods, and human performance; was selected as an outstanding professor by graduating seniors; was named a master teacher; and received a Roush Award for Teaching Excellence. In 1992, Professor Martin assumed his current position as professor and head of the Psychology Department at North Carolina State University. In addition to his administrative duties, he regularly teaches a psychology survey course, an honors seminar, and an evolutionary psychology seminar. He was named to the Academy of Outstanding Teachers at NC State in 1997.
Professor Martin’s areas of research in engineering psychology and ergonomics include attention in visual search, particularly in human-computer interaction; operator workload; and cognitive modeling, particularly of human decision making. He has written more than 75 publications and papers. He is the author of Doing Psychology Experiments, an experimental methods text currently adopted by more than 100 colleges and in its sixth edition. Dr. Martin has also engaged in considerable professional consulting.
Professor Martin is a member and fellow of the American Psychological Association and a member of the American Psychological Society, the Psychonomic Society, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). He is a past president of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association and past president of both the Rio Grande Chapter and the Carolina Chapter of HFES. He has also served for many years on the national committee that designates doctoral psychology programs.
Professor Martin lives in Cary, North Carolina, with his two teenage sons.