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Holzhausen Map V 1.3.0.zip

s1ash / LS 2015 / Mody Washable / Mapy / Zagraniczne / Holzhausen Map V 1.3.0.zip
Download: Holzhausen Map V 1.3.0.zip

257,19 MB

4.0 / 5 (1 głos)



dawid.bartek napisano 21.02.2016 20:43

zgłoś do usunięcia

Zmieńcie nazwę na Holzhausen15 mapa działa ale nie da się wjechać do lasu :(

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Zagraniczne - Holzhausen Map V 1.3.0.jpg
Datasheet The map requires the latest patch 2 sectors: ...
Datasheet The map requires the latest patch 2 sectors: agriculture, forestry Main courtyard with machine shops, grain warehouses, cows, silos and bale shed Depot for forestry equipment Sawmill Large freight station Many Traders for grain, root crops, eggs, etc. Approximately 115 ha arable and meadow area 3 forestry areas with approximately 20 ha Biogas plant Village with a Edeka and vehicle shop (opening times of 6-21Uhr) AI traffic Cows, chickens (sheep do not exist. They can be bought, but they wont be shown. This is because, to increase compatibility with various Mods) Missions Gold coins Credits For full credits see the Credits.txt or pdf! You may not use the new street textures in other maps without permission! You may not use the scripts "conveyorbelt.lua" and "multisiloeffects.lua" without permission by Xentro! You may not reupload the map! Features ALL trees can be chopped down. No Layer trees. Several small Easter eggs, which are to be discovered;) Technical Features: AnimationMapTrigger working trains Finer texture angle on the fields "Green manure mod" compatible Chopped Straw Mod compatible BGAextension compatible Fruits: wheat, barley, canola, corn, potatoes, sugar beet, alfalfa (as green manure plant) Doors to open: Normal rolling doors of sheds must be opened to foot. Green rolling gates, as the merchants have, can also be opened from a vehicle. The gate at the vehicle shop has opening times of 6-21 clock. Outside of these times you can not open the gate.
Zagraniczne - Knuston Farm.jpg
– Multi terrain and hire mod tutorial implemented – Few ...
– Multi terrain and hire mod tutorial implemented – Few natural sounds added – All foliage is altered in shape and size as well as textures changed – Cows, sheep and chickens implemented – Chopped straw mod added, original swathes have also been altered to look more tidy and fuller – Yard cluttered with tools, objects and decals – All gates open and shut manually – 100 gold coins to collect – Buyable fields with custom buy signs
Zagraniczne - BelgiqueProfonde V2.jpg
-Bazowana na BP v2 z ls13 -Nowe skiny -Lasy -Watermod ...
-Bazowana na BP v2 z ls13 -Nowe skiny -Lasy -Watermod -Byki i świnie -Mod obornika/wapna -Mod sieczki -Nowe PDS
Zagraniczne - TwoRivers 1.3.jpg
Description: Fundamental to the card: This will be the ...
Description: Fundamental to the card: This will be the last revision of the Two Rivers Map. Slowly I have to turn to other things and eventually it gets boring, always screw on the same map me. On various personal nonsensical for me things like economic cycles and the like, I have omitted, who wants to have such a thing, it must be installed please themselves or use another card. The map is designed, how we want to play them. Due to the different tastes can not take on every single request consideration you. Overview: Location: Salzachtal to Salzburg (Austria) Landscape fictional, but close to the original Crops: wheat, barley, canola, corn, beets, potatoes, sunflowers, oats, rye Alfalfa and clover as a cover crop for the rapidly growing Gründüngermod by upsidedown Animals: cows, sheep, chickens, pigs Mast equipment: pig and cattle fattening Potato washing system and functioning sawmill Fields: 29 fields of 2.4 ha to 13.27 ha various meadows of various sizes A lovingly designed village, various objects break up the landscape, realistic sidelines planting, a beautiful Alpenhof, sugar factory, BGA trains, a new sawmill and much more. Collisions of various objects for courseplay players and those who are taking it not as accurate with reality turned off. In the trees there is this to cases no longer possible to work through the possibility without Collision in helper mode, you should therefore, where appropriate, pay attention to a headland.
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności