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Connie Mason - Bold Land, Bold Love.lit

renee2010 / Dokumenty(1) / Connie Mason - Bold Land, Bold Love.lit
Download: Connie Mason - Bold Land, Bold Love.lit

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It was a vast land of wild beauty and wilder passions; a frontier as yet untamed by man; a place where women had few rights and fewer pleasures.

For a female convict like flame-haired Casey O'Cain, it was a living nightmare. Exquisitely beautiful, utterly helpless, she was expected to cater to her master's every whim. And from the first, arront, handsome Dare Penrod made it clear what he wanted of her. Casey knew she should fight him with every breath of her body, but her heart told her he could make a paradise of this wilderness for her. His callused hands took rights she should never have granted, his warm lips whispered of pleasures she had never known, and his hard body promised a love she would never relinquish.


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obrazek Accountant turned professional monster hunter, Owen Zastava Pitt, managed to stop the nefarious Old One's invasion plans last year, but as a result made an enemy out of one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Now an evil death cult known as the Church of the Temporary Mortal Condition wants to capture Owen in order to gain the favor of the great Old Ones. The Condition is led by a fanatical necromancer known as the Shadow Man. The government wants to capture the Shadow Man and has assigned the enigmatic Agent Franks to be Owen's full time bodyguard, which is a polite way of saying that Owen is monster bait. With supernatural assassins targeting his family, a spy in their midst, and horrific beasties lurking around every corner, Owen and the staff of Monster Hunter International don't need to go hunting, because this time the monsters are hunting them. Fortunately, this bait is armed and very dangerous . . .
obrazekI gasped . . . or tried to. My mouth opened, but I couldn't draw breath. . . . His lips, pearly wet, parted and he blew into my mouth. My lungs expanded beneath his weight. When I exhaled he sucked in my breath and his weight turned from cold marble into warm living flesh. Since accepting a teaching position at remote Fairwick College in upstate New York, Callie McFay has experienced the same disturbingly erotic dream every night: A mist enters her bedroom, then takes the shape of a virile, seductive stranger who proceeds to ravish her in the most toe-curling, wholly satisfying ways possible. Perhaps these dreams are the result of writing her bestselling book, The Sex Lives of Demon Lovers. After all, Callie's lifelong passion is the intersection of lurid fairy tales and Gothic literature - which is why she finds herself at Fairwick's renowned folklore department, living in a once-stately Victorian house that, at first sight, seemed to call her name. But Callie soon realizes that her dreams are alarmingly real. She has a demon lover - an incubus - and he will seduce her, pleasure her, and eventually suck the very life from her. Then Callie makes another startling discovery: He's not the only mythical creature in Fairwick. As the tenured witches of the college and the resident fairies in the surrounding woods prepare to cast out the incubus, Callie must accomplish something infinitely more difficult - banishing this demon lover from her heart.
n263917.jpg In one instant, everything Renee Hardin knew was destroyed. Vampires were real, and now she had the bloodlust and fangs to prove it. Thrown into a new world, the only friend she has is Eli, a man who could've been drawn from her worst fears... or her darkest dreams. Mysterious and ancient, Eli is the most powerful of vampires and the most determined to rid the world of the predators that feast upon the innocent. He has spent thousands of years alone, wanting nothing, needing no one. But when a beautiful woman's mortal life is stolen before his eyes by the very Outcasts he hunts, Eli has no choice but to pose as her Sire and take her in and try to prevent their evil from poisoning her soul. Sexual attraction between Sire and fledgling is utterly forbidden, yet every moment with Renee makes him all the more aware that he is not her Sire. Fearless, sassy, and vibrantly alive, she awakens feelings he thought long dead and buried. But how can he risk loving her when it would mean revealing the sins that caused the gods to turn their backs on him for eternity? Warning, this title contains explicit sex and violence.
n263916.jpg Explosions, car wrecks, assassins, escaped murderers, and a kidnapping.arranged marriages can really take their toll on a vampire. First installment in The Guardians' League series (stand-alone novels with shared characters that may be read in any order but work best in the correct order). Witness to a brutal murder, Sian Lazuro didn't count on the killer escaping moments after his conviction. Three years later, she's learned the hard way there's only one person she can trust-herself. When she wakes up in bed with a gorgeous stranger who claims to have saved her life, she's understandably wary. Diego Leonides is like no one she's ever met before. Sensual, mysterious, and clearly delusional, he insists not only is he a vampire, but she's now his eternal mate. Diego never dreamed he'd find his mate by getting hit by her car, and he's no happier about their sudden bonding than she is. The only survivor of a massacre that wiped out his entire Clan, he's spent the last century avoiding taking a mate. Now he finds himself stuck with a woman running from a murderer just as the descendants of the vampire slayers who killed his family arrive in San Francisco to finish the job with him. Arranged marriages are hard enough on a vampire without having to convince his mate that the real bloodthirsty fiends are the mortals. Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, violence.
obrazek Salacious sensuality doesn't quite trump an unlikely setting in this intensely erotic but otherwise incoherent debut. Lady Elena Ravenscliffe is sold by her gambler husband to a vastly improbable harem located in 1840s Greece and populated by Persian-speaking Turks who engage in orgies and hold high-priced slave auctions. Elena willingly serves prince Amir in exchange for the life and support of her infant son and is quickly introduced to a life of pleasure by Amir and his international group of clients. Always veiled to mask her identity, Elena is unable to hide from her long-ago first love, Griffin Summerfield, who kidnaps her from the harem, rapes her twice, and imprisons her until she agrees to love him again. While the searing sex scenes are exceptionally well-written, many readers will find the abusive hero and Orientalist setting off-putting. (Oct.)
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