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Secrets from Her Past-2011-Eng.mkv

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765,84 MB

Czas trwania: 70 min

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
obrazekDziesięć lat temu, Kate (Ashley Jones) była zupełnie inną osobą. Mieszkała w Chicago, pracowała jako barmanka i posługiwała się swoim prawdziwym nazwiskiem - Stephanie Wickers. Wszystko się zmieniło, gdy stała się naocznym świadkiem morderstwa swojego szefa, popełnionego przez członka syndykatu Alexa (Al Sapienza). Wiedząc, że ten ją widział, upozorowała swoją śmierć, zmieniła imię, nazwisko i ukryła się w Filadelfii. Teraz jako żona i matka, prowadzi swój własny interes i wiedzie szczęśliwe życie. Niestety, sprawa z przeszłości powraca, kiedy młody detektyw Miesen (Alain Chanoine), staje na czele grupy mającej zadanie rozpracować niewyjaśnione dotąd morderstwo sprzed lat.
TV Movie - Thriller
Secrets from her Past," is essentially about an insane middle aged woman Stephanie (Ashley Jones) who is told by a hit man to pay him $200,000 or else he will kill her, her boring husband (Michael Woods), her irritating son (Bobby Osbourne) and her mom. The reason why the hit man targeted Stephanie in particular is because she witnessed a mob shooting back in Chicago and the mob boss wants the hit man to kill her. Of course, the flaw in this plot is obvious. What is preventing the hit man from asking for another $200,000 once Stephanie paid him $200,000? Or what is preventing the hit-man from collecting $200,000 from Stephanie, shooting her, and then returning to Chicago to receive $50,000 for carrying out the hit? The hit man gets $250,000 and his superiors remain happy. I suppose it would asking too much to expect a TV movie to have good actors and large budget. But is it really too much to ask the screenwriters to write a good script? The only plus side for me was taking perverse delight in watching crazy Stephanie scrape as much money together as she possibly could and be reduced to the point of acquiescing to an extramarital affair with a hot, young Dr. Shawn Tessle (Italian-born actor Antonio Sabato)to get $100,000 -- although she adds that she will not enjoy the sex one bit. How noble! Well that makes hot sex with a hot doctor OK, doesn't it? Sabato's character is the most interesting thing in this picture, though before anyone rushes to see this movie, I should add that he is not up against any stiff competition. In fact, Sabato's character is not given much to say or do in this movie and, unfortunately, he's not even one of the villains.
Director: Gordon Yang
Writers: Christine Conradt, Danise Lee
Stars: Ashley Jones, Al Sapienza and Michael Woods


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