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Satan's School for Girls-1973-Eng-Cheryl Ladd,Kate Jackson.mp4

preencesss12345 / Kate Jackson / Satan's School for Girls-1973-Eng-Cheryl Ladd,Kate Jackson.mp4
Download: Satan's School for Girls-1973-Eng-Cheryl Ladd,Kate Jackson.mp4

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Czas trwania: 73 min

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obrazekobrazekobrazekMartha Sayers jedzie samochodem do siostry znajdując się w stanie niewytłumaczalnego pobudzenia.Wyraźnie widać,że kierują ją niewidzialne moce.Na jej twarzy maluje sie strach,i-jak tropione ,dzike zwierzę-gna na spotkanie nieuniknionej śmierci.Niebawem policja znajduje jej ciało,i wszystko zdaje się wskazywać,na samobójstwo.Elizabeth nie morze jednak uwierzyć w to,że jej siostra odebrała sobie życie.Na własną rękę próbuje znaleźć prawdziwą przyczynę śmierci.Nie wie,że sama znajdzie się wkrótce w podobnie niebezpiecznej sytuacji...
TV Movie - 78 min - Crime | Horror | Mystery
A young woman investigating her sister's suicide at a private girls' school finds herself battling a satanic cult.
Director: David Lowell Rich
Writer: Arthur A. Ross
Stars: Pamela Franklin, Kate Jackson and Lloyd Bochner


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Murder in a College TownWhat Happened to Bobby Earl-1997-Eng-Kate Jackson.mp4
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Bobby Earl jest prawdziwą dumą rodziny: matki, Rose, skr ...
obrazekBobby Earl jest prawdziwą dumą rodziny: matki, Rose, skromnej pielęgniarki, starszego brata Michaela i przybranego ojca. Zawsze znakomicie się uczył i odnosił liczne sukcesy w sporcie. Teraz jako pierwszy w rodzinie wybiera się do renomowanego college'u. Ambitny, pracowity nastolatek chce zdobyć wykształcenie oraz wejść do społecznej elity. W college'u zaprzyjaźnia się z Tomem Stahlem, pewnym siebie, przystojnym, podobnie jak on pełnym zapału i wiary w przyszłość. Obaj zostają członkami studenckiego bractwa. Movie - 81 min - Drama Rose Earl is proud as a peacock when Bobby, her eldest, whom she raised, like his kid brother Michael, to become moral men an model citizens, is the first member of the modest family ever to get accepted at college. It will take a while till she starts getting aware of it, but after he joins a respectable fraternity Bobby becomes ever more influenced by his roomy, the ambitious Tom Stahl, who promises him the world as they form an unbeatable team, the suave killer type and the puppy-eyed ideal son-in-law, and gradually drags him into the dark side of his glamorous life-style, complete with an adult lover, Chelsea Coals, who drags the boys even further from the righteous path, straight into crime; at last, after things have already gone wrong for them, he gets doubts and wants out, but they are too deep already. Rose's life becomes a never-ending nightmare when Bobby is suddenly missing, and she must gradually discover the grim truth before she gets to solve Bobby's fate... Director: Bradley Wigor Writer: Joseph Maurer Stars: Kate Jackson, Drew Ebersole and Matthew Settle
Arly Hanks-1993-Eng-Kate Jackson.avi play
Miasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, ...
obrazekMiasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, która wróciła z Nowego Jorku po rozwodzie. Duża liczba mieszkańców nosi nazwisko Buchanan, co doprowadza do częstych nieporozumień, w szczególności wśród prominentnych członków tego klanu. Jim-Bob Buchanan, właściciel stacji benzynowej był przez większość życia burmistrzem w miasteczku. Ale teraz Maggody jest zagrożone. Firma z branży górniczej próbuje rozpocząć działalność na obrzeżach miasta... TV Movie - Comedy The small town of Maggody, population 775, Stump County, Arkansas, has a new Police Chief - Arly Hanks, who has returned home from New York City after a messy divorce, her former husband having been shamefully found in bed with a foot model. A high number of the inhabitants of Maggody carry the surname of Buchanan, which does tend to lead to a certain amount of confusion amongst visitors, especially as the most prominent member of this prolific and devious clan is Jim-Bob Buchana,, gas-station owner and larger-than-life Mayor of Maggody. But Maggody is under threat. A strip-mining company is trying to set up business just outside town, and while Jim-Bob is a slippery character, his heart is in the right place - after a fashion. He and his two cronies, car salesman Hobert and teacher Larry-Joe begin to scheme and plot to prevent the company claiming the land. And so Jim-Bob approaches the delightfully scatty, good-hearted but beautiful Jay-Lee, a lady with a weakness for male company - any male company. Jim-Bob appeals to her sense of honor by telling her that she has to distract the company representative long enough for him to miss filing the claim, and then the town would be safe. But things go dreadfully wrong when poor Jay-Lee turns up dead. Jim-Bob and his two friends kidnap the poor mining representative Drake, and it takes all of Arly's deductive skills to solve the murder, involving - among other things - Withers, an escaped convict with a sugar buzz, a missing-presumed-dead hound dog, a skunk, and a desperate Drake in a dress Director: Arlene Sanford Writers: Sean Clark, Joan Angela Hess (novel) Stars: Kate Jackson, Ron Perlman, Polly Bergen
Arly Hanks-1993-Eng-Kate Jackson.3gp play
Miasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, ...
obrazekMiasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, która wróciła z Nowego Jorku po rozwodzie. Duża liczba mieszkańców nosi nazwisko Buchanan, co doprowadza do częstych nieporozumień, w szczególności wśród prominentnych członków tego klanu. Jim-Bob Buchanan, właściciel stacji benzynowej był przez większość życia burmistrzem w miasteczku. Ale teraz Maggody jest zagrożone. Firma z branży górniczej próbuje rozpocząć działalność na obrzeżach miasta... TV Movie - Comedy The small town of Maggody, population 775, Stump County, Arkansas, has a new Police Chief - Arly Hanks, who has returned home from New York City after a messy divorce, her former husband having been shamefully found in bed with a foot model. A high number of the inhabitants of Maggody carry the surname of Buchanan, which does tend to lead to a certain amount of confusion amongst visitors, especially as the most prominent member of this prolific and devious clan is Jim-Bob Buchana,, gas-station owner and larger-than-life Mayor of Maggody. But Maggody is under threat. A strip-mining company is trying to set up business just outside town, and while Jim-Bob is a slippery character, his heart is in the right place - after a fashion. He and his two cronies, car salesman Hobert and teacher Larry-Joe begin to scheme and plot to prevent the company claiming the land. And so Jim-Bob approaches the delightfully scatty, good-hearted but beautiful Jay-Lee, a lady with a weakness for male company - any male company. Jim-Bob appeals to her sense of honor by telling her that she has to distract the company representative long enough for him to miss filing the claim, and then the town would be safe. But things go dreadfully wrong when poor Jay-Lee turns up dead. Jim-Bob and his two friends kidnap the poor mining representative Drake, and it takes all of Arly's deductive skills to solve the murder, involving - among other things - Withers, an escaped convict with a sugar buzz, a missing-presumed-dead hound dog, a skunk, and a desperate Drake in a dress Director: Arlene Sanford Writers: Sean Clark, Joan Angela Hess (novel) Stars: Kate Jackson, Ron Perlman, Polly Bergen
Arly Hanks-1993-Eng-Kate Jackson.mp4
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Miasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, ...
obrazekMiasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, która wróciła z Nowego Jorku po rozwodzie. Duża liczba mieszkańców nosi nazwisko Buchanan, co doprowadza do częstych nieporozumień, w szczególności wśród prominentnych członków tego klanu. Jim-Bob Buchanan, właściciel stacji benzynowej był przez większość życia burmistrzem w miasteczku. Ale teraz Maggody jest zagrożone. Firma z branży górniczej próbuje rozpocząć działalność na obrzeżach miasta... TV Movie - Comedy The small town of Maggody, population 775, Stump County, Arkansas, has a new Police Chief - Arly Hanks, who has returned home from New York City after a messy divorce, her former husband having been shamefully found in bed with a foot model. A high number of the inhabitants of Maggody carry the surname of Buchanan, which does tend to lead to a certain amount of confusion amongst visitors, especially as the most prominent member of this prolific and devious clan is Jim-Bob Buchana,, gas-station owner and larger-than-life Mayor of Maggody. But Maggody is under threat. A strip-mining company is trying to set up business just outside town, and while Jim-Bob is a slippery character, his heart is in the right place - after a fashion. He and his two cronies, car salesman Hobert and teacher Larry-Joe begin to scheme and plot to prevent the company claiming the land. And so Jim-Bob approaches the delightfully scatty, good-hearted but beautiful Jay-Lee, a lady with a weakness for male company - any male company. Jim-Bob appeals to her sense of honor by telling her that she has to distract the company representative long enough for him to miss filing the claim, and then the town would be safe. But things go dreadfully wrong when poor Jay-Lee turns up dead. Jim-Bob and his two friends kidnap the poor mining representative Drake, and it takes all of Arly's deductive skills to solve the murder, involving - among other things - Withers, an escaped convict with a sugar buzz, a missing-presumed-dead hound dog, a skunk, and a desperate Drake in a dress Director: Arlene Sanford Writers: Sean Clark, Joan Angela Hess (novel) Stars: Kate Jackson, Ron Perlman, Polly Bergen
Arly Hanks-1993-Eng-Kate Jackson.mkv play
Miasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, ...
obrazekMiasteczko Maggody ma nowego szefa policji - Arly Hanks, która wróciła z Nowego Jorku po rozwodzie. Duża liczba mieszkańców nosi nazwisko Buchanan, co doprowadza do częstych nieporozumień, w szczególności wśród prominentnych członków tego klanu. Jim-Bob Buchanan, właściciel stacji benzynowej był przez większość życia burmistrzem w miasteczku. Ale teraz Maggody jest zagrożone. Firma z branży górniczej próbuje rozpocząć działalność na obrzeżach miasta... TV Movie - Comedy The small town of Maggody, population 775, Stump County, Arkansas, has a new Police Chief - Arly Hanks, who has returned home from New York City after a messy divorce, her former husband having been shamefully found in bed with a foot model. A high number of the inhabitants of Maggody carry the surname of Buchanan, which does tend to lead to a certain amount of confusion amongst visitors, especially as the most prominent member of this prolific and devious clan is Jim-Bob Buchana,, gas-station owner and larger-than-life Mayor of Maggody. But Maggody is under threat. A strip-mining company is trying to set up business just outside town, and while Jim-Bob is a slippery character, his heart is in the right place - after a fashion. He and his two cronies, car salesman Hobert and teacher Larry-Joe begin to scheme and plot to prevent the company claiming the land. And so Jim-Bob approaches the delightfully scatty, good-hearted but beautiful Jay-Lee, a lady with a weakness for male company - any male company. Jim-Bob appeals to her sense of honor by telling her that she has to distract the company representative long enough for him to miss filing the claim, and then the town would be safe. But things go dreadfully wrong when poor Jay-Lee turns up dead. Jim-Bob and his two friends kidnap the poor mining representative Drake, and it takes all of Arly's deductive skills to solve the murder, involving - among other things - Withers, an escaped convict with a sugar buzz, a missing-presumed-dead hound dog, a skunk, and a desperate Drake in a dress Director: Arlene Sanford Writers: Sean Clark, Joan Angela Hess (novel) Stars: Kate Jackson, Ron Perlman, Polly Bergen
Death Scream-1975-Eng-Kate Jackson.3gp play
Młoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo ...
obrazekMłoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo było widziane przez mieszkańców pobliskiego budynku, ale żaden z nich nie zrobił nic aby jej pomóc. W trakcie dochodzenia prowadzonego przez policję nie chcą współpracować... TV Movie - 96 min - Crime | Drama - 26 September 1975 (USA) A young woman is murdered in an alley. The crime is heard or seen by the residents of a nearby apartment building, but none of them did anything to help and they refuse to cooperate with the police during the investigation. Based on a true story, a young woman is stabbed to death in an alley while several people witness it. Because of their inaction, the killer gets away and begins a wave of terror in which one woman is almost raped and another woman is raped and killed. Can the police stop him before he strikes again? Director: Richard T. Heffron Writer: Stirling Silliphant Stars: Raul Julia, John P. Ryan, Phillip Clark
Death Scream-1975-Eng-Kate Jackson.avi play
Młoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo ...
obrazekMłoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo było widziane przez mieszkańców pobliskiego budynku, ale żaden z nich nie zrobił nic aby jej pomóc. W trakcie dochodzenia prowadzonego przez policję nie chcą współpracować... TV Movie - 96 min - Crime | Drama - 26 September 1975 (USA) A young woman is murdered in an alley. The crime is heard or seen by the residents of a nearby apartment building, but none of them did anything to help and they refuse to cooperate with the police during the investigation. Based on a true story, a young woman is stabbed to death in an alley while several people witness it. Because of their inaction, the killer gets away and begins a wave of terror in which one woman is almost raped and another woman is raped and killed. Can the police stop him before he strikes again? Director: Richard T. Heffron Writer: Stirling Silliphant Stars: Raul Julia, John P. Ryan, Phillip Clark
Death Scream-1975-Eng-Kate Jackson.mkv play
Młoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo ...
obrazekMłoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo było widziane przez mieszkańców pobliskiego budynku, ale żaden z nich nie zrobił nic aby jej pomóc. W trakcie dochodzenia prowadzonego przez policję nie chcą współpracować... TV Movie - 96 min - Crime | Drama - 26 September 1975 (USA) A young woman is murdered in an alley. The crime is heard or seen by the residents of a nearby apartment building, but none of them did anything to help and they refuse to cooperate with the police during the investigation. Based on a true story, a young woman is stabbed to death in an alley while several people witness it. Because of their inaction, the killer gets away and begins a wave of terror in which one woman is almost raped and another woman is raped and killed. Can the police stop him before he strikes again? Director: Richard T. Heffron Writer: Stirling Silliphant Stars: Raul Julia, John P. Ryan, Phillip Clark
Death Scream-1975-Eng-Kate Jackson.mp4
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Młoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo ...
obrazekMłoda kobieta zostaje zamordowana w alejce. Przestępstwo było widziane przez mieszkańców pobliskiego budynku, ale żaden z nich nie zrobił nic aby jej pomóc. W trakcie dochodzenia prowadzonego przez policję nie chcą współpracować... TV Movie - 96 min - Crime | Drama - 26 September 1975 (USA) A young woman is murdered in an alley. The crime is heard or seen by the residents of a nearby apartment building, but none of them did anything to help and they refuse to cooperate with the police during the investigation. Based on a true story, a young woman is stabbed to death in an alley while several people witness it. Because of their inaction, the killer gets away and begins a wave of terror in which one woman is almost raped and another woman is raped and killed. Can the police stop him before he strikes again? Director: Richard T. Heffron Writer: Stirling Silliphant Stars: Raul Julia, John P. Ryan, Phillip Clark
Dirty Tricks-1981-Eng-Kate Jackson.3gp play
Student Harvardu znajduje dziwny list, który wydaje się ...
obrazekStudent Harvardu znajduje dziwny list, który wydaje się być podpisany przez George'a Washingtona. Gdy próbuje skontaktować się z ekspertem - profesorem Chandlerem (Elliott Gould), zostaje zamordowany, a list znika... 95 min - Comedy - 6 March 1981 (USA) A Harvard University student finds a strange letter that seems to be signed by George Washington. When trying to contact an expert (Prof. Chandler) to authenticate it, he is murdered but the letter disappears. Then Chandler, who does not know anything about the case, gets chased by the mafia and haunted by a TV reporter (Polly Bishop). Director: Alvin Rakoff Writers: Thomas Gifford (novel), William W. Norton (screenplay), 3 more credits » Stars: Elliott Gould, Kate Jackson, Rich Little
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