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Fatal Vows The Alexandra O'Hara Story-1994-Eng.3gp

preencesss12345 / Fatal Vows The Alexandra O'Hara Story-1994-Eng.3gp
Download: Fatal Vows The Alexandra O'Hara Story-1994-Eng.3gp

270,36 MB

Czas trwania: 85 min

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
TV Movie - 120 min - Drama
A banker with a young son weds an undercover policeman who turns out to be a serial killer.
Unwitting woman marries a psychopathic serial killer.
Director: John Power
Writer: Danielle Hill
Stars: John Stamos, Cynthia Gibb and David Faustino


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Prosecuting Casey Anthony-2013-Eng.avi play
TV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee ...
obrazekobrazekobrazekTV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee Rob Lowe stars in the new Lifetime Original Movie "Prosecuting Casey Anthony." Lowe portrays Jeff Ashton, the Florida prosecutor in last year's controversial Caylee Anthony murder trial and author of the best-selling book Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony, upon which the movie is based. "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" reveals Ashton's inside story of the true crime drama that captivated and then shocked the nation when Caylee Anthony's mother, Casey, was acquitted of killing her daughter, despite what many thought to be overwhelming evidence of guilt. The movie is seen from Ashton's (Lowe) perspective and it takes viewers behind-the-scenes of both the investigation into Caylee's tragic death and the ensuing trial, shedding new light on the many questions of what happened to the two year-old girl, how Ashton and his fellow prosecutors built their case and why a woman so shrouded in suspicion was proclaimed innocent. With in-depth information about the case and the accused, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" examines what the prosecution got right, what they got wrong and why Ashton remains convinced of Casey Anthony's guilt. Director: Peter Werner Writers: Alison Cross (teleplay), Jeff Ashton (novel) Stars: Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Mitchell and Marisa Ramirez
Prosecuting Casey Anthony-2013-Eng.mkv play
TV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee ...
obrazekobrazekobrazekTV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee Rob Lowe stars in the new Lifetime Original Movie "Prosecuting Casey Anthony." Lowe portrays Jeff Ashton, the Florida prosecutor in last year's controversial Caylee Anthony murder trial and author of the best-selling book Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony, upon which the movie is based. "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" reveals Ashton's inside story of the true crime drama that captivated and then shocked the nation when Caylee Anthony's mother, Casey, was acquitted of killing her daughter, despite what many thought to be overwhelming evidence of guilt. The movie is seen from Ashton's (Lowe) perspective and it takes viewers behind-the-scenes of both the investigation into Caylee's tragic death and the ensuing trial, shedding new light on the many questions of what happened to the two year-old girl, how Ashton and his fellow prosecutors built their case and why a woman so shrouded in suspicion was proclaimed innocent. With in-depth information about the case and the accused, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" examines what the prosecution got right, what they got wrong and why Ashton remains convinced of Casey Anthony's guilt. Director: Peter Werner Writers: Alison Cross (teleplay), Jeff Ashton (novel) Stars: Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Mitchell and Marisa Ramirez
Prosecuting Casey Anthony-2013-Eng.3gp play
TV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee ...
obrazekobrazekobrazekTV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee Rob Lowe stars in the new Lifetime Original Movie "Prosecuting Casey Anthony." Lowe portrays Jeff Ashton, the Florida prosecutor in last year's controversial Caylee Anthony murder trial and author of the best-selling book Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony, upon which the movie is based. "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" reveals Ashton's inside story of the true crime drama that captivated and then shocked the nation when Caylee Anthony's mother, Casey, was acquitted of killing her daughter, despite what many thought to be overwhelming evidence of guilt. The movie is seen from Ashton's (Lowe) perspective and it takes viewers behind-the-scenes of both the investigation into Caylee's tragic death and the ensuing trial, shedding new light on the many questions of what happened to the two year-old girl, how Ashton and his fellow prosecutors built their case and why a woman so shrouded in suspicion was proclaimed innocent. With in-depth information about the case and the accused, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" examines what the prosecution got right, what they got wrong and why Ashton remains convinced of Casey Anthony's guilt. Director: Peter Werner Writers: Alison Cross (teleplay), Jeff Ashton (novel) Stars: Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Mitchell and Marisa Ramirez
Prosecuting Casey Anthony-2013-Eng.avi play
TV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee ...
obrazekobrazekobrazekTV Movie - Drama Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominee Rob Lowe stars in the new Lifetime Original Movie "Prosecuting Casey Anthony." Lowe portrays Jeff Ashton, the Florida prosecutor in last year's controversial Caylee Anthony murder trial and author of the best-selling book Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony, upon which the movie is based. "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" reveals Ashton's inside story of the true crime drama that captivated and then shocked the nation when Caylee Anthony's mother, Casey, was acquitted of killing her daughter, despite what many thought to be overwhelming evidence of guilt. The movie is seen from Ashton's (Lowe) perspective and it takes viewers behind-the-scenes of both the investigation into Caylee's tragic death and the ensuing trial, shedding new light on the many questions of what happened to the two year-old girl, how Ashton and his fellow prosecutors built their case and why a woman so shrouded in suspicion was proclaimed innocent. With in-depth information about the case and the accused, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony" examines what the prosecution got right, what they got wrong and why Ashton remains convinced of Casey Anthony's guilt. Director: Peter Werner Writers: Alison Cross (teleplay), Jeff Ashton (novel) Stars: Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Mitchell and Marisa Ramirez
Devils Pond-2003-Eng.mp4
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Romantyczny miesiąc miodowy na opuszczonej wyspie zamien ...
obrazekRomantyczny miesiąc miodowy na opuszczonej wyspie zamienia się w koszmar, kiedy Julianne odkrywa, że jej świeżo poślubiony mąż jest psychopatą. Uwięziony na wyspie, nie planuje powrotu do cywilizacji i również nie pozwala na to swojej żonie. Julianne zaczyna zdawać sobie sprawę, że tylko jedno z nich może kiedykolwiek opuścić wyspę. Julianne Olsen (Tara Reid), pochodząca z dobrego domu studentka właśnie poślubiła swojego niedawno poznanego chłopaka i chociaż są parą od kilku miesięcy jest przekonana, że jest to związek oparty na wzajemnej miłości i zrozumieniu. Dziewczyna ma zamiar przeżyć niezapomniany, niezwykły miesiąc miodowy i wraz z mężem udaje się na obszar umiejscowiony z dala od cywilizacji - Położoną pośród lasu, na jeziorze wyspę. Jest przekonana, że będzie to dwutygodniowa, wspaniała przygoda, która tylko podda próbie i umocni ich związek. Początkowo Julianne podoba się w miejscu nieskażonym ludzką obecnością, jednak w końcu zaczyna odczuwać brak wygód, które towarzyszyły jej w mieście. Dodatkowo martwi ją fakt, że na tym odległym obszarze nie działają telefony komórkowe, ani inne środki komunikacji ze światem zewnętrznym. Najgorsze nadchodzi, gdy jej mąż Mitch (Kip Pardue) zaczyna wykazywać cechy, których nie widziała u niego nigdy wcześniej. Dziewczyna zauważa, że wcale nie znała swojego partnera, ani jego przeszłości. Rozpoczyna się rozpaczliwa, samotna walka o przetrwanie, z dala od ludzi, którzy mogliby udzielić pomocy... 92 min - Drama | Thriller - 2 March 2005 (United Arab Emirates) What starts out as a romantic honeymoon on a deserted island turns into a horrible nightmare as Julianne discovers that her new husband is psychotic. Trapped on the island, he has no plans of ever returning to civilization, or even of letting her go. She slowly realizes that only one of them may ever leave the island. Director: Joel Viertel Writers: Joel Viertel, Alek Lev, and 1 more credit » Stars: Kip Pardue, Tara Reid and Meredith Baxter
Liz  Dick-2012-Eng.3gp play
Fabuła filmu koncentruje się na związku Elizabeth Taylor ...
obrazekFabuła filmu koncentruje się na związku Elizabeth Taylor z Richardem Burtonem. TV Movie - 88 min - Biography | Drama On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood's most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world's greatest actors, Richard Burton - and she didn't leave. Their subsequent white-hot, scandalous love affair gave rise to the paparazzi and they became the most hunted and photographed couple on earth. Their rocky, passionate, relationship, born in front of the cameras, was subsequently captured in a series of films, including The V.I.P.s and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The last of the great, extravagant stars, flaunting diamonds, yachts and private planes, they continually seized the headlines. They even divorced and married again - only to divorce again - but remain in each other's hearts. This Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton story is a no-holds barred account of their undying, but impossible love. Director: Lloyd Kramer Writer: Christopher Monger Stars: Lindsay Lohan, Grant Bowler and Theresa Russell
A Killer in the Family-1983-Eng.3gp play
TV Movie - 90 min - Crime | Drama | Thriller A fath ...
obrazekTV Movie - 90 min - Crime | Drama | Thriller A father serving time for murder convinces his three teenage sons that his life is being threatened by fellow inmates and that they should break him out of jail. However, when his sons succeed in the jailbreak attempt, the father brings along his cell-mate, a former two time killer, and soon the sons find themselves involved in the pair's murderous crime spree. Director: Richard T. Heffron Writers: Sue Grafton (teleplay), Steve Humphrey (teleplay), and 2 more credits » Stars: Robert Mitchum, James Spader and Lance Kerwin
Her Perfect Spouse-2004-Eng.mp4
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TV Movie - 94 min - Thriller A woman discovers her ...
obrazekTV Movie - 94 min - Thriller A woman discovers her new husband wants to keep her all to himself. Director: Douglas Jackson Writers: George Saunders, Ken Sanders Stars: Tracy Nelson, Michael Riley and Thomas Calabro
Her Perfect Spouse-2004-Eng.3gp play
TV Movie - 94 min - Thriller A woman discovers her ...
obrazekTV Movie - 94 min - Thriller A woman discovers her new husband wants to keep her all to himself. Director: Douglas Jackson Writers: George Saunders, Ken Sanders Stars: Tracy Nelson, Michael Riley and Thomas Calabro
Prison of Secrets-1997-Eng.avi play
Młoda mężatka, za wykonywanie poleceń szefa - które wkró ...
obrazekMłoda mężatka, za wykonywanie poleceń szefa - które wkrótce okazały się być przekrętami - zostaje skazana na karę pozbawiania wolności na... 10 lat. Wkrótce za swoją nieumyślność musi stanąć oko w oko z prawdziwymi przestępczyniami, wewnętrzną szarością i zimnem więzienia, tęsknotą za ukochanymi mężem i córką, niesprawiedliwością i... napastującymi inne więzione kobiety, więziennych strażników, którzy to w bestialski sposób traktują kobiety... wykorzystując je seksualnie. Czy głównej bohaterce uda się ujawnić co naprawdę dzieje się w budynku, w którym jest zamknięta? TV Movie - 92 min - Crime | Drama Lynn Schaffer is willfully irresponsible once too often, gets fired and refuses a plea-bargain with her employer. She's now convicted and because of this uncooperative attitude gets the maximum sentence, 10 years in a women's jail wing. Model husband Larry, who wasn't informed of her dumb schemes is left running her appeal, the household and spoiled daughter who now feels abandoned. Since most inmates are junkies or prostitutes, sergeant Ed Crang and fellow corrupt jailers can run a 'favors in kind exchange'. For rebels, it gets worse. Larry however has his own radio show, so it all hangs on gathering proof. Director: Fred Gerber Writer: Layce Gardner Stars: Stephanie Zimbalist, Finola Hughes and Gary Frank
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