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Jonathan Strahan - Engineering Infinity.lit

peterjackpeter / ebook / NEW EBOOKS / Jonathan Strahan - Engineering Infinity.lit
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The universe shifts and changes: suddenly you understand, you get it, and are filled with a sense of wonder. That moment of understanding drives the greatest science-fiction stories and lies at the heart of Engineering Infinity. Whether it's coming up hard against the speed of light and, with it, the enormity of the universe, realising that terraforming a distant world is harder and more dangerous than you'd ever thought, or simply realizing that a hitchhiker on a starship consumes fuel and oxygen with tragic results, it's hard science-fiction where sense of wonder is most often found and where science-fiction's true heart lies. The exciting and innovation science-fiction anthology collects together stories by some of the biggest names in the field including Stephen Baxter, Charles Stross and Greg Bear.


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obrazek Między życiem i śmiercią, snem i jawą, przy dworcu kolejowym poza krańcami świata znajduje się miasto Palimpsest. Trafienie do niego jest cudem, tajemnicą, darem i przekleństwem; podróż jest zastrzeżona dla tych, którzy zawsze wierzyli, że istnieje jeszcze inny świat poza tym, który na co dzień postrzegamy. Ci, który dane jest do niego trafić, zostają naznaczeni - po upojnej nocy na ich skórze pojawia się wytatuowana mapa cudownego miasta. Do tego królestwa pociągów-widm, lwich kapłanów, żywych kanji i kanałów pełnych śmietanki przybywa czworo podróżnych: Oleg - ślusarz z Nowego Jorku; November - pszczelarka; Ludovico - introligator, specjalista od oprawiania białych kruków; i młoda Japonka imieniem Sei. Każde z nich straciło coś ważnego - żonę, kochanka, siostrę, cel w życiu. to, co znajdą w Palimpseście, przejdzie ich najśmielsze wyobrażenia. Cudownie napisany i zachwycająco pomysłowy "Palimpsest" to książka dla wszystkich tych, którzy kochają stare mapy i odczuwają tęsknotę na dźwięk turkoczącego nocą pociągu. Współczesne arcydzieło, opowiedziane niepowtarzalnym głosem i z wyjątkową wrażliwością. W "Palimpseście" Catherynne M. Valente po prostu zwaliła mnie z nóg mistrzostwem w posługiwaniu się językiem - gęstym, opanowanym, narkotycznym, odpowiednim dla opowieści o dziwnej miłości i oglądanych w halucynacjach miastach" - pisze Warren Ellis, autor "Transmetropolitana". "Opowieści sieroty" wprowadziły czytelników w niepowtarzalny i odurzający świat wyobraźni Catherynne M. Valente. Tym razem autorka tworzy lirycznie erotyczne miejsce magiczne, w którym groteska miesza się z pięknem , a podróż do niego zaczyna się od pocałunku nieznajomego... obrazek
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obrazek A gripping new series combines Steampunk, spying, and a fantastic Victorian London. The mysterious Mr. Socrates rescues Modo, a child in a traveling freak show. Modo is a hunchback with an amazing ability to transform his appearance, and Mr. Socrates raises him in isolation as an agent for the Permanent Association, a spy agency behind Brittania's efforts to rule the empire. At 14, Modo is left on the streets of London to fend for himself. When he encounters Octavia Milkweed, another Association agent, the two uncover a plot by the Clockword Guild behind the murders of important men. Furthermore, a mad scientist is turning orphan children into automatons to further the goals of the Guild. Modo and Octavia journey deep into the tunnels under London and discover a terrifying plot against the British government. It's up to them to save their country.
obrazek An army of soldiers and magicians has poured out of the north on its quest to unite the city-states of Isthmus under Felk rule. But with conquest comes rebellion, and there are those who won't be taken easily--by magic or by sword.
obrazek Maria Isabella Boyd's success as a Confederate spy has made her too famous for further espionage work, and now her employment options are slim. Exiled, widowed, and on the brink of poverty...she reluctantly goes to work for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in Chicago. Adding insult to injury, her first big assignment is commissioned by the Union Army. In short, a federally sponsored transport dirigible is being violently pursued across the Rockies and Uncle Sam isn't pleased. The Clementine is carrying a top secret load of military essentials--essentials which must be delivered to Louisville, Kentucky, without delay. Intelligence suggests that the unrelenting pursuer is a runaway slave who's been wanted by authorities on both sides of the Mason-Dixon for fifteen years. In that time, Captain Croggon Beauregard Hainey has felonied his way back and forth across the continent, leaving a trail of broken banks, stolen war machines, and illegally distributed weaponry from sea to shining sea. And now it's Maria's job to go get him. He's dangerous quarry and she's a dangerous woman, but when forces conspire against them both, they take a chance and form an alliance. She joins his crew, and he uses her connections. She follows his orders. He takes her advice. And somebody, somewhere, is going to rue the day he crossed either one of them. obrazek
obrazek If Night falls, all fall . . . In the far north of the world of Haarth lies the bitter mountain range known as the Wall of Night. Garrisoned by the Nine Houses of the Derai, the Wall is the final bastion between the peoples of Haarth and the Swarm of Dark - which the Derai have been fighting across worlds and time. Malian, Heir to the House of Night, knows the history of her people: the unending war with the Darkswarm; the legendary heroes, blazing with long-lost power; the internal strife that has fractured the Derai's former strength. But now the Darkswarm is rising again, and Malian's destiny as Heir of Night is bound inextricably to both ancient legend and any future the Derai - or Haarth - may have.
obrazek From one of the genre's finest writers comes a bold new epic fantasy in which science and magic are locked in a deadly struggle. It is the dawn of a new age... The Industrial Revolution has begun, factories are springing up across the country, and new technologies are transforming in the cities. But the old ways do not die easy. Cat and Bee are part of this revolution. Young women at college, learning of the science that will shape their future and ignorant of the magics that rule their families. But all of that will change when the Cold Mages come for Cat. New dangers lurk around every corner and hidden threats menace her every move. If blood can't be trusted, who can you trust? obrazek
obrazek The Outsiders is a collection of 13 dark fantasy stories from some of the best names and bright new names in dark fiction. An eclectic mix of styles and genres lurk within these pages...so uncork a glass of wine, dim the lights, sit back in a comfy chair...and enjoy this offering from Ghostwriter Publications.
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