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PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure, it’s
up to you to protect the PokéPark from danger by collecting
pieces of the precious Sky Prism and ensuring the safety of the
PokéPark. But with the Sky Prism pieces spread across all
kinds of environments and only attainable after completing tricky
challenges, saving the day isn’t going to be easy!

The adventure begins when Pikachu and some Pokémon pals are
led into a mysterious tunnel – a tunnel that proves to be a
hole leading to a place known as the PokéPark. Within this
place lie vast beaches, snowy landscapes, underground mines and
– above all – a seemingly never-ending stream of
fun games to enjoy!

Taking control of Pikachu, players will traverse a range of unique
environments, meeting other Pokémon as they go and accept
challenges from them. These challenges, known as Skill Games, could
range from playing hide-and-seek to partaking in intense battling
action. Whatever the nature of the Skill Game, success might result in
Pikachu befriending the Pokémon who issued the challenge.

The Pokémon you befriend will come into play when the time
comes to visit the wide variety of very special Attractions found
throughout the PokéPark. Attractions are the toughest tests
found in the PokéPark, and only by navigating the various
challenges they pose will you be able to collect all the pieces of the
Sky Prism.

You’ll be able to use any of the Pokémon
you’ve befriended to tackle the tests each Attraction
presents. Completing the Attraction’s set objective might
earn you a piece of the Sky Prism and another new friend. So whether
you’re sprinting through Bulbasaur’s Daring Dash or
skillfully navigating your way down Empoleon’s Snow Slide,
there’s always plenty to play for!

Using the Wii Remote, you’ll explore and play by both holding
the controller sideways and also by pointing it at the screen to take
advantage of its motion sensing power. Along the way, you’ll
build Pikachu’s skills, increasing the speed, strength and
the special moves at the Pokémon’s disposal.

As you progress through the park, winning at Skill Games and conquering
Attractions, you’ll uncover a riveting story as more of the
PokéPark opens up for exploration. And with so many
spectacular sights to see, it’s good to know that the
game’s Photo Studio feature lets you save snaps you take on
your adventure straight to an SD Card – making it easy to
relive or share your favourite moments from your adventure. Up to 30
images can also be saved directly to the Wii System Memory.

Get ready for a new kind of Pokémon adventure on Wii where
exploration, adventure and a multitude of games collide to create a
place beyond your wildest imagination. Get ready to enter the

Take control of Pikachu and attempt to reconstruct the shattered Sky
Prism and save the day.

Compete in Skill Games that see you Battling Pokémon, taking
quizzes, playing hide and seek and much more!

Visit a wide variety of amazing Attractions and select from
Pokémon you’ve befriended as you face their unique

Snap your surroundings and save photos of your adventure to an SD Card.

Zamiana plików WBFS na ISO

  • Developer : Creatures Inc.

  • Publisher : Nintendo

  • Release date : 2010-7-9 

  • Genre : action, adventure

  • Players : 1

  • Req. accessories : wiimote

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności