ReVoluTioN ROM Sense Edition
2013 -
2014 SP0 x32 -
2014 SP0 x64 -
3DVIA Composer -
3DVIA Composer V6R2013 SP1 - 32bit -
3DVIA Composer V6R2013 SP1 - 64bit -
Abaqus -
ABViewer 9 -
AdvanceConcrete 7.1 SP2 -
Alibre Design V2012 x32 -
Alibre Design V2012 x64 -
AlphaCAM 2013 PL -
Altair SimLab 12.2 x64 -
ArtCAM 2009 SP2 -
AutoCAD -
AutoCAD Mechanical -
CarSim 8.1 -
CD Adapco Star CCM 8.06.007 -
Delcam -
Delcam Exchange 2014 R2 SP1 -
Delcam PowerShape 2014 SP7 Update -
Delcam_FeatureCAM_2014_R1_SP3 -
Delcam_Postprocessor_2013_R2_SP1 -
Delcam_PostProcessor_2014 -
Delcam_PowerShape_2014_SP1 -
Delmia DSS -
Delmia V5-6R2013 x32 -
Delmia V5-6R2013 x64 -
DS ICEM Surf 4.11 -
EdgeCAM -
Edgecam 2011 R1 PL Crack -
EdgeCAM 2012 R1 -
EMS 2013 SP0 x64 for SW 2013 -
Geomagic Studio 12 -
GTA IV PL crack patch 1.0.4 -
QForm 4.3 -
Romax Designer 14.5 -
SinuTrain 2.6 SP1 HF1 PL (2011) -
SinuTrain 4.4 Ed.3 Operate PL (2013) -
SinuTrain 4.5 Operate PL (2013) -
SinuTrain 6.03 Ed.1 (2003) -
SinuTrain 6.03 Ed.2 (2004) crack -
SinuTrain 6.03 Ed.4 (2008) crack -
SinuTrain 7.5 Ed.2 (2009) -
SinuTrain SIEMENS -
Solid Edge -
SolidWorks -
Vero Machining Strategist v14 -
VoluMill NEXION 5.6
- Fully deodexed
- Optimised system files
- Graphics tweaks
- Fallout tweaks (Credits to nameless rom and Einstein.frat)
- Zip aligned
- Fully overclockable to 806mhz
- All previous overclock kernels supported (Credits to Einstein.frat, great kernels!)
- 3D home screen transitions
- fully themed as of V1.1
- modded HTC apps (In early releases taken from nameless rom,Credits to Einstein.frat, future versions of rom will have my own custom HTC apps)
- Customised power menu, recovery, bootloader
- Extra speed tweaks
- Superuser enabled / rooted
- Busybox installed
- Bash binaries installed, more command line support
- init.d script support
- Great new theme! (Credits to for this, thanks mate.)
Zmiany w wersji 3.1:
- New Kingbeatz Engine
- New Cool Font!
- New Wallpapers, from HTC wallpaper selector
- Removed more bloatware
- Removed experimental tweaks
- All new styled Dialer, Thanks!
- OTA Updater fix