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Children's Picture Dictionary_Disk2.rar

panter77 / Longman Children's Picture Dictionary / Children's Picture Dictionary_Disk2.rar
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Words are brought to life with a colorful mix of photographs and illustrations in this theme-based dictionary for young learners. The Children's Picture Dictionary uses fun, child-centered scenes to illustrate 800 words, organized into 50 topics complete with songs and chants by Carolyn Graham.

Engaging, age-appropriate themes – from Animal Orchestra to Pirate Ship – provide a clear context for learning new words.



1. Alphabet
2. Numbers
3. Colors under the Sea
4. Colorful Sea Creatures
5. Vegetable Party
6. Fruit in the Gym
7. Our Busy Town
8. Getting Around
9. My Family Album
10. Morning in the Bathroom
11. Breakfast Time
12. Clean Up the Kitchen
13. Evening in the Living Room
14. Storytime in the Bedroom
15. Out in Space
16. The Weather
17. Spring on the Farm
18. Summer at the Beach
19. Fall in the Forest
20. Winter in the Park
21. Months and Seasons
22. Every Day
23. Time and Shapes
24. Toy Box
25. Fairytale Castle
26. Pirate Ship
27. Fairytale Ball
28. Birthday Party
29. Picnic Lunch
30. Dinner at Restaurant
31. Bears Go Camping
32. Playtime in the Park
33. African Plains
34. Tropical Rainforests
35. Polar Regions
36. Australian Outback
37. Deserts
38. The Schoolyard
39. School Day
40. School Bag Search
41. Sports Day
42. Animal Orchestra
43. Pets
44. Bugs and Little Creatures
45. Dress Up
46. My Favorite Clothes
47. At the Doctor's
48. At the Vet's
49. The Fairground
50. Growing Up

Alphabetical Word List
Thematic Word List
Songs and Chants
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
This practical course bridges the gap between general English and the professional world of working adults. The syllabus is based on the needs of people in work who use English as an international means of communication. International Express Intermediate, New Edition - is a new edition that retains the successful combination of general and work-related English with over 70% new material. Grammar presented through authentic international contexts, for students to analyze and formulate the rules. Focus on English for socializing, telephoning, and participating in discussions, enabling learners to communicate confidently in work-related situations. It recognizes adults as active, resourceful learners, with regular review units, Workbook and Audio CD. There is an integrated Pocket Book with grammar summaries, social phrases, and other key information for quick reference.
BEC Vantage Masterclass is ideal for pre-service and in-service learners. This course is ideal for learners at the beginning of their business career, or those about to enter the business world. The course has a practical approach and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. With a ‘real world’ practical approach, the course forms a complete package with the BEC Vantage practice tests. Online materials include extra activities, Unit and Progress tests.
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności