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  • 344,1 MB
  • 15 gru 20 9:45
Tym razem wybierzemy się do Queensland i odwiedzimy Wielką Rafę Koralową - największy żyjący organizm świata. Zajmuje ona powierzchnię 200 tysięcy kilometrów kwadratowych i ciągnie na długości dwóch tysiecy kilometrów. Jest doskonałym miejscem do nurkowania.

z chomika tatraa

  • 344,1 MB
  • 5 gru 20 15:56
Tym razem wybierzemy się do Queensland i odwiedzimy Wielką Rafę Koralową - największy żyjący organizm świata. Zajmuje ona powierzchnię 200 tysięcy kilometrów kwadratowych i ciągnie na długości dwóch tysiecy kilometrów. Jest doskonałym miejscem do nurkowania.

z chomika tatraa

  • 351,1 MB
  • 5 gru 20 15:56
Ian Wright, Estelle Bingham oraz Megan McCormick wyruszają w kolejne podróże po naszej planecie. W dzisiejszym programie Estelle udaje się na antypody, do wspaniałej Australii. Podróż rozpoczyna w Sydney, gdzie zwiedza najlepsze plaże oraz lata na paralotni nad wybrzeżem. Będzie też podróż w głąb kraju, noc spędzona z psem dingo w buszu, specjały kulinarne: świeże kraby na plaży oraz smakołyki z buszu, w tym lemoniada z gąsienic i mrówek. Po przekąsce, odwiedzimy Aborygenów, poznamy ich sztukę, wierzenia, lokalne zwyczaje oraz zadziwiające Uluru. W programie ponadto: misie koala, krokodyle, Wielka Rafa Koralowa oraz trochę informacji o historii kraju.

z chomika tatraa

  • 335,3 MB
  • 31 paź 20 9:49
Estelle Bingham rozpocznie swą podróż w Goolwa, miejscu do którego na australijski kontynent przybyli pierwsi osadnicy. Podczas trwającego w miasteczku festiwalu łodzi będzie miała okazję budować łodzie oraz weźmie udział w ich wyścigach. Następnie uda się do Adelajdy, stolicy Australii Południowej, gdzie trafi na targi kulinarne. Dalej na Harleyu Davidsonie wyruszy w stronę winiarskiego regionu Barossa Valley, na winobranie i przygotowywanie winogron do produkcji wina. Następnie odwiedzi słynne ze swoich plaż Perth oraz pojedzie do Exmouth, najbardziej na zachód wysuniętego miejsca kontynentu. Tam Estelle zobaczy jedno z najstraszliwszych stworzeń morskich - rekina wielorybiego.

z chomika tatraa

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  • 31 paź 20 9:49
Ta część Australii słynie z produkcji wina oraz wspaniałych winnic znajdujących się w dolinach Barrosa i Hunter. Tutaj położony jest również malowniczy łańcuch słonych australijskich jezior. Warto zobaczyć parki narodowe Jeziora Eyre, Góry Kościuszki oraz Portu Campbell, a także słynną wyspę – Tasmanię. W tej części Australii panują idealne warunki do aktywnego wypoczynku, można surfować w Byron Bay, wędrować po buszu Błękitnych Gór i zjeżdżać po stokach Gór Śnieżnych. Największe ośrodki miejskie tej części Australii to Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide i stolica Canberra.

z chomika tatraa

  • 733,0 MB
  • 9 sie 20 9:52
Dwuczęściowa seria dokumentalna poświęcona najstarszemu kontynentowi na Ziemi. Twórcy przedstawiają niezwykłe krajobrazy Australii i ukazują bioróżnorodność tego kraju, zestawiając malownicze ujęcia dzikiej przyrody z obrazami zamieszkujących go ludzi, którzy starają się tworzyć idealną harmonię ze swoim najbliższym otoczeniem. Dzięki filmowi możemy poznać niesamowite stworzenia, które przystosowały się do życia w często skrajnie ekstremalnych warunkach. Oglądana z powietrza Australia urzeka pięknem, zaskakuje unikalną i niezwykle różnorodną przyrodą łączącą jałowe pustynie, wyspy i Wielkie Góry Wododziałowe, oddzielające środkową część kontynentu od wschodniego wybrzeża.

z chomika demsatrix

  • 229,0 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:53
Zielony raj S02E10 Wyspa na końcu świata.Tasmania-Green Paradise S02E10 The Island on the Edge of the World.Australia

Tasmania jest wyspą oddzieloną od Australii Cieśniną Bassa. Połowa jej powierzchni jest zalesiona, a jedna czwarta wchodzi w skład Parku Narodowego zaliczanego od 1982 roku w poczet Światowego Dziedzictwa Naturalnego UNESCO. W ostatnim odcinku serialu, wraz z jego twórcami udamy się do tej krainy dzikiego piękna, gdzie rosną drzewiaste paprocie i gigantyczne drzewa - żywe pomniki minionych epok.

z chomika demsatrix

  • 549,8 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:53
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 550,2 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:53
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 544,7 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:53
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

Episode 6: Connolly starts by heading to Brisbane, Queensland. He drives around the city on his trike, giving a commentary on the city's political history and notable landmarks. He points out the local town hall where he was attacked by a Scottish-Australian prison officer during a gig on his first tour of Australia. He then takes a walk through a man-made rainforest in the city to his gig, pointing out the Nepal Peace Pagoda along the way. Next, he heads to the Caboolture Gliding Club on the outskirts of Brisbane to go flying in a glider. His pilot does several loops and twirls in the sky before bringing him back down, only to find out the battery ran out on the camera he took up. So he heads back up again to get the footage. Connolly then heads out to take a look at second-hand houses standing on pallets, available for sale alongside the highway. Once bought, they're placed on a truck or boat and sent to wherever the buyer wishes. He heads to a neighbourhood where several of these houses have been set up.

Connolly flies to Fraser Island, the largest sand island in the world which lies off the coast of Queensland. He tells about the trees of the rainforest that were cut down and used around the world as piles, due to their incredible height and lack of branches. The rainforest eventually became a United Nations World Heritage Site and no further logging was permitted. Connolly's next destination is Lake McKenzie, where he goes for a quick swim and spots a turtle. He then takes a drive out to the eastern beach of the island. While driving, he talks about some dingos he saw while staying on the island, and how they're the purest-bred dingoes in Australia. He arrives at the beach and the episode ends with him playing his banjo while the sun sets over the ocean.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 550,2 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:52
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

Episode 5: Connolly makes his way to Adelaide in South Australia. He visits a Jimmy Pike gallery where he views an Aboriginal dance as well as Aboriginal artwork. He tells the story of Pike, a famous Aboriginal artist who learned to paint in prison as a means of therapy. His next visit is to Adelaide Zoo, where he visits his favourite animal, the Hairy-nosed wombat. He then sets off to his gig from his hotel, taking the viewers on a tour along the way. He points out the local casino, SKYCITY Adelaide, as well as the artistic layout for the ventilation of the South Australian Government House, before arriving at his gig next door. Later, he travels into the city to buy a pie floater.

Perth is his next stop. He describes the Western Australian capital it as "the most isolated capital in the world". He describes the aboriginal belief that the Swan River was carved out by the rainbow serpent. He then visits Kings Park where there are gum trees planted along the side of the road in dedication of every Australian man and woman who lost his or her life in war. He then travels out to Rottnest Island, originally named Wadjemup. He takes a bike ride along the coast of the island until he stops by some tea trees. While describing them, some quokkas come out and pay him a visit. He then heads out into the ocean to go swimming with the dolphins. While in Perth, Connolly celebrates his 53rd birthday. His sister, Flo, and his eldest daughter, Cara, have been flown out to visit him as a surprise. The episode ends with Connolly visiting The Pinnacles, a petrified forest in Nambung National Park, north of Perth, where he does one of his world-famous nudey-dances.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 550,7 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:52
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

Episode 4: The Big Yin rides south to Melbourne, Victoria. His first stop is the West Gate Bridge, where he tells the story about the bridge collapse in October 1970, causing the loss of life of 35 men. He then travels into the city and stops at Melbourne Gaol, where outlaw Ned Kelly was hung. Inside the jail, Connolly notes the practice of Phrenology which was rife in the era of Kelly. He also points out the various torture devices that were used, including a flogging machine, kidney belt, Cat o' nine tails and anti-masturbation gloves. The final thing he points out is the Ned Kelly shrine in the prison, which documents the fall of the man and holds his personal journal.

After returning to downtown Melbourne, Connolly makes his way on foot to his gig from his hotel. On his way he notes the electronic birdsong that is piped through speakers in the city as ambiance . He next heads to Mornington Peninsula, where he tells the story of ex-Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt, who mysteriously disappeared while swimming off the peninsula. Connolly then returns to the city and boards a tram to travel through the city. He eventually hops off the tram and walks through the city, pointing out some beautification sculptures and appreciates some street-performers along the way. Another interesting artpiece he demonstrates is a metaphorical time-machine that represents the past, present and future. The episode finishes with Connolly heading to William Ricketts' Sanctuary, where he commentates on some of Ricketts' artwork, most of which featured lifelike Aboriginal sculptures which represent the soul and culture of the people.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 550,4 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:52
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

Episode 3: Connolly travels to Newcastle first, stopping en route at Nobby's Point in order to view the city on the horizon and talk about the coal mining industry in the area. From there he goes trout or salmon fishing on Stockton Beach, home of the famous MV Sygna shipwreck. He then rides his trike back to Sydney, making a detour to visit a graveyard in Maitland. There he visits the resting place of Les Darcy, a young Australian boxer who chose to visit America to fight new opponents rather than be conscripted for World War I. He died from influenza, at which point his body was brought back to Australia. This is the first of a few cemetery visits during the tour, due to Connolly's enjoyment of the stories they tell about people's lives. When he arrives back in Sydney, he takes the viewing audience on a walk from his hotel to his gig at the Opera House. Along the way he reads from various brass plaques along the eastern side of Circular Quay, with famous Australian quotes and poems engraved on them. Some of the writings he recites include "My Country" by Dorothea Mackellar, "Unreliable Memoirs" by Clive James, a poem about pie by Barry Humphries, and a quote by Germaine Greer about being homeless until Aborigines are seen as the rightful owners of Australia. Due to the nature of his walking to his show, Connolly meets and interacts with many of the members of his soon-to-be audience. He then heads to the Brett Whiteley Studio, which features many of the late artist's sculptures and paintings, many of which feature small birds and lifelike 3D sculptures. Connolly chats with Whiteley's ex-wife, Wendy Whiteley, about how her then husband bet him $100 to do two consecutive gigs without repeating a joke, which he successfully accomplished. The episode finishes with Connolly viewing more art from the studio.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 550,4 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:52
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

Episode 2 starts with Connolly visiting La Perouse, Botany Bay, where Captain Cook first landed on Australian soil in 1770. He tells the story of how close Australia came to being a French colony, if not for Arthur Phillip's landing ahead of French explorer, Jean-François de Galaup, and performs a French version of "Waltzing Matilda" ("Dancing Matilde") for effect. Connolly then travels south-west to visit Australia's capital, Canberra. There he tells the history of the architecture and layout of the city, for which they had a competition that was won by a man named Walter Burley Griffin. Connolly tours the various embassies for each country in the city. He visits the original Australian Government House, built in 1927, and tells the story of the Aboriginal protests outside the house in the same year for recognition as a race. A tent-city was set up by the Aboriginal people, which was eventually driven away. A permanent tent-city was then set up by the Aboriginal people as their own embassy, and it still exists today. Other embassies he visits are the Chinese embassy, French embassy, the Indonesian embassy (where he gets "interrogated" by an officer, who was clearly a fan of the Scot, for filming on an embassy street), and a jocular "Pygmy embassy", which was actually an electrical box.

Connolly then heads back to Sydney to be interviewed on the Today program. While in Sydney, he takes a walk along the harbour, watching and listening to various street performers, including a man named Johannes O'rinda who whistles classical music. The episode ends with Connolly climbing to the top of the Opera House, from where he tells the story of Jørn Utzon, who designed the building's exterior.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 550,0 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:52
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of ‘world tours’ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe.

Filmed over four months in 1995, Connolly takes the viewer on a scenic and informative tour of Australia, a country he first visited in the 1970s, intercut with scenes from his stand-up comedy act at various venues around the country. The tour takes in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Alice Springs and Fraser Island. On the way, Connolly also experiences and demonstrates several Australian customs, traditions, and attractions, including swimming with the dolphins in Perth, eating a pie floater in Adelaide, and visiting several museums and galleries, most of which feature some form of Aboriginal art.

Episode 1: Connolly introduces himself and his tour with a preview of where he and his team will be heading and what they will be seeing. He kicks off his tour in October in Sydney by visiting the Harbour Bridge and giving a history of its construction and opening. While on the bridge he points out the Opera House where he performed during his stay in the city. He then takes a tour of the harbour on The Bounty, the ship used in the 1984 film of the same name featuring Mel Gibson. The boat sails past Goat Island, at which point Connolly tells the story of Charlie Anderson, a prisoner who was banished to the island. The boat eventually drops Connolly off at Doyles Restaurant in Watsons Bay, where he chats with its owner, Peter Doyle. Next, he visits the Financial District of Sydney, where he goes underground (via a "personhole cover") to visit the water-tunnels where the convicts were sent to work. The episode concludes with Connolly taking a seaplane trip to visit famous Australian artist, Ken Done.

z chomika PositiveVibrationsStore

  • 450,0 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:52
Niezwykłe podróże kolejami 01 Australia - Great Scenic Railway Journeys 01 Australia. Kuranda Scenic, Barossa Valley

Wyprodukowany przez zwycięzcę Nagrody Emmy, Roberta C. Van Campa, spektakularny godzinny program prezentuje chyba najbardziej malownicze trasy kolejowe Australii. Podróżując pociągami będziemy mieli okazję podziwiać cudowną linię brzegową, przepiękne winnice oraz bujne lasy tropikalne. Program poświęca także dużo uwagi historii kolejnictwa oraz odnawianiu i rekonstrukcji dawnych linii kolejowych i pociągów. Prezenter David Holt zaprasza wszystkich, którzy chcieliby poznać wspaniałe dziedzictwo australijskich kolei.

z chomika demsatrix

  • 571,8 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:51
Program dokumentalny (Rendez-vous Chez Moi)
Francja, 2008
czas trwania: 4x52 min

Program poświęcony domom i toczącym się w nich życiu mieszkańców różnych zakątków świata.

Dokumentaliści odwiedzają nowoczesne dom wybudowane w dżungli północnego Queensland. Następnie przyglądają się podziemnym siedzibom górników, którym przyszło żyć na australijskiej pustyni. Dalej, na południu kontynentu zachwycają się nadmorskimi willami. Wizyta w Melbourne pozwala im zapoznać się z minimalistycznymi domami architekta Seana Godsella.)


  • 399,3 MB
  • 23 cze 20 21:51
Oryginalny tytuł: Planet's Best: Australia Wildlife Encounters
Polski tytuł: Niezwykła Australia
Gatunek: Film dokumentalny
Produkcja: USA
Rok produkcji: 2005
Język: Polski
Lektor: Maciej Gudowski
Ekipa Discovery zaprasza w podróż po najmniejszym kontynencie świata. 100 milionów lat temu Australia oderwała się od Antarktydy i z prędkością 55 milimetrów na rok dryfowała na północ. Dzięki temu odizolowaniu rozwinęły się tutaj specyficzne gatunki zwierząt, które zachwycają i zaskakują mieszkańców innych kontynentów. W australijskich rezerwatach i parkach narodowych żyją zwierzęta, których nie znajdziemy nigdzie indziej na świecie: kangury, koale, diabły tasmańskie.
Pierwszy etap podróży to wyprawa do Tasmanii, najmniejszego, wysuniętego najdalej na południe stanu Australii. Tasmania została odcięta od stałego lądu ponad 10 tysięcy lat temu, gdy znacząco podniósł się poziom mórz i oceanów. Zachował się tu więc specyficzny ekosystem. Wyspa jest jedynym miejscem na świecie, gdzie można jeszcze dziś zobaczyć żyjącego na wolności diabła tasmańskiego. Mimo czarnej legendy, jaka otacza te zwierzęta, diabły tasmańskie żywią się przede wszystkim padliną. Nie atakują kangurów. Mają znakomity węch, dzięki czemu znajdują martwe osobniki, nawet w miejscach odległych o wiele kilometrów.
Na północny wschód od Tasmanii, godzinę drogi od Melbourne znajduje się nieduża, ale niezwykle interesująca Phillip Island. Turystów przyciąga na tę wyspę piękny krajobraz, zalane słońcem plaże i idealne warunki do uprawiania surfingu. Filmowców z Discovery najbardziej jednak interesuje miejsce znane jako focze skały. Wygrzewa się tu ponad 16 tysięcy uchatek karłowatych. Na Phillip Island żyje największa w Australii populacja najmniejszych pingwinów świata, prawie 20 tysięcy osobników. Pingwinki małe mają 40 cm wysokości, a ważą niewiele ponad kilogram. Co dzień o zmierzchu turyści gromadzą się na plaży, by oglądać słynną paradę pingwinów.
Na zachodzie Australii, pół godziny lotu od Adelajdy, znajduje się trzecia pod względem powierzchni australijska wyspa, zwana Wyspą Kangura. Słynie z pięknego krajobrazu oraz bogatego, niezwykle zróżnicowanego ekosystemu. 30% wyspy to rezerwaty i parki narodowe, zwierzęta mogą więc tam żyć swobodnie w swoich naturalnych środowiskach. W Zatoce Uchatki wydzielono ponad 700 ha plaży i wydm, gdzie można oglądać australijskie uchatki karłowate na wolności. Jest to rzadka okazja, bo w Australii uchatki karłowate są pod ścisłą ochroną.
W głębi wyspy mieszka wyjątkowo kapryśne, często najeżone stworzenie kolczatka australijska. Na Wyspie Kangura kolczatki znalazły wymarzony dom. Nie ma tu bowiem ich największego wroga, jakim jest lis. Kolczatki to jeden z najstarszych gatunków ssaków na ziemi. Z łatwością przystosowują się do różnorodnych warunków. Można je spotkać właściwie wszędzie. Stekowce z rodziny kolczakowatych przetrwały 120 milionów lat, pamiętają czasy, gdy po ziemi chodziły dinozaury. Na Wyspie Kangura trzeba oczywiście zobaczyć kangury. Zwierzęta te prowadzą nocny tryb życia, ale tutejsze wychodzą na żer także za dnia.

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karopana napisano 18.02.2022 22:43

zgłoś do usunięcia

marcinpmd napisano 2.05.2022 23:15

zgłoś do usunięcia
Pozdrawiam i zapraszam również do mnie, mój jest tak różnorodny, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie interesującego


ANTYMATRIX napisano 5.06.2022 21:32

zgłoś do usunięcia


Klaryssas napisano 5.07.2022 22:52

zgłoś do usunięcia
Pozdrawiam gorąco.

Tiili napisano 15.10.2022 12:03

zgłoś do usunięcia
Witam, pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie Filmy, ciekawe Filmy Dokumentalne, Seriale, TV Show, Książki, Artykuły, Teledyski, Tapety, Emotki i wiele innych. obrazek

mewegac817 napisano 8.02.2023 09:27

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

jecana1464 napisano 17.02.2023 21:01

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

yoser66478 napisano 10.05.2023 05:58

zgłoś do usunięcia

Cubot_L0wca_CD napisano 2.08.2023 20:41

zgłoś do usunięcia
Fajny opis.

tgvb napisano 1.09.2023 16:45

zgłoś do usunięcia

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